Identifying Data 2018/19
Subject (*) Penetration Testing Code 614530008
Study programme
Máster Universitario en Ciberseguridade
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Official Master's Degree 2nd four-month period
First Obligatory 5
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Computación
Carballal Mato, Adrián
Carballal Mato, Adrián
General description Non hai mellor forma de probar a forza dun sistema que atacalo. As probas de intrusión serven para reproducir os intentos de acceso dun atacante usando as vulnerabilidades que poden existir nunha infraestrutura dada. Neste curso abordaranse os temas fundamentais orientados ás probas de intrusión (pentesting), que abarcan as diferentes fases dun ataque e explotación (desde o recoñecemento e control do acceso á eliminación de pistas).

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A2 CE2 - Deep knowledge of cyberattack and cyberdefense techniques
A3 CE3 - Knowledge of the legal and technical standards used in cybersecurity, their implications in systems design, in the use of security tools and in the protection of information
A4 CE4 - To understand and to apply the methods and tools of cybersecurity to protect data and computers, communication networks, databases, computer programs and information services
A7 CE7 - To demonstrate ability for doing the security audit of systems, equipment, the risk analysis related to security weaknesses, and for developing de procedures for certification of secure systems
B1 CB1 - To possess and understand the knowledge that provides the foundations and the opportunity to be original in the development and application of ideas, frequently in a research context
B2 CB2 - Students will be able to apply their knowledge and their problem-solving ability in new or less familiar situations, within a broader context (or in multi-discipline contexts) related to their field of specialization
B3 CB3 - Students will be able to integrate diverse knowledge areas, and address the complexity of making statements on the basis of information which, notwithstanding incomplete or limited, may include thoughts about the ethical and social responsibilities entailed to the application of their professional capabilities and judgements
B4 CB4 - Students will learn to communicate their conclusions ---and the hypotheses and ultimate reasoning in their support--- to expert and nonexpert audiences in a clear and unambiguous way
B5 CB5 - Students will apprehend the learning skills enabling them to study in a style that will be selfdriven and autonomous to a large extent
B6 CG1 - To have skills for analysis and synthesis. To have ability to project, model, calculate and design solutions in the area of information, network or system security in every application area
B7 CG2 - Ability for problem-solving. Ability to solve, using the acquired knowledge, specific problems in the technical field of information, network or system security
B9 CG4 - Ethical commitment. Ability to design and deploy engineering systems and management systems with ethical and responsible criteria, based on deontological behaviour, in the field of information, network or communications security
C4 CT4 - Ability to ponder the importance of information security in the economic progress of society

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
Identify the risks and vulnerabilities of an information system AJ2
Identify security mechanisms and their integration in organizations AJ2
Use security tools AJ2
Facing "real" cases and "knowing what to do" in the shortest possible time AJ4
Capacity for analysis and synthesis BJ1

Topic Sub-topic
Ethical hacking
Attack vectors
Types of Intrusion Test
Reach and objectives
Recognition strategies
Passive vs. Active
Offensive strategies
Vulnerability analysis
Exploitation of vulnerabilities
Elevation of privileges
Access maintenance
Evasion methods
Erased footprints

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Guest lecture / keynote speech A2 B9 C4 9 13.5 22.5
Document analysis A2 A3 A7 B6 B4 6 6 12
Laboratory practice A4 B1 B6 B7 26 52 78
Multiple-choice questions B5 B6 B7 1.5 0 1.5
Case study B2 B3 B5 B7 5 6 11
Personalized attention 0 0
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech Transmission of information and key knowledge of each one of the topics. The participation of students is encouraged at certain times. As part of the methodology, a critical approach to the discipline will lead students to reflect and discover the relationships between different concepts, form a critical mentality to face the problems and the existence of a method, facilitating the learning process in the student .

To fight against the possible passivity of the student, in small moments small questions, that reflect on the student, are presented, complementing those aspects with bibliographical references that allow him to enrich the knowledge acquired. This exchange with the student, as part of the master class, allows us to control the degree of assimilation of knowledge on the part of him.

The magisterial lessons include, as much knowledge extracted from the references of the asginatura, as those resulting from our own professional experiences, fomenting the capacity of the critical analysis. At all times it is sought that a certain part of the content does not require the student to memorize them. This methodology will attempt to achieve a high degree of motivation in the student.
Document analysis Reading and critical examination of the main ethical documents of computer science. They serve as a general introduction to the topics. They provide a historical and systematic explanation of its meaning. They are of great importance in the context of the other methodologies used in the subject.
Laboratory practice The laboratory practices allow to maximize the feedback, reinforcement and assimilation of the objectives. Practical developments begin with a basic practice and their difficulty increases gradually. At all times, the student presents the set of ideas and techniques that allow the practical development of the knowledge transmitted in master classes. In the practices several sections are proposed that expose a battery of difficulties treated during the study of the subject. The interrelation between the different sections will be sought, providing a context of full exercise, in order to achieve the student's vision as a whole, revealing the links between the questions that may seem very distant. In all practical classes, virtual machines are used on computers as a basic tool for solving exercises. The student can select and install the tools that he deems most appropriate in each case. In this way, you will be required, from the beginning, to face the decision making, analyzing the advantages and disadvantages in each and every one of the cases. At this initial point, personalized advice will be essential, allowing a realistic analysis of the decisions made, facilitating the feedback of new parameters not considered a priori.
Multiple-choice questions This test will be oriented to determine if the student has assimilated the different objectives of the subject.
Case study The ethical and legal analysis of information technology has specific characteristics. With the case study, it is intended to examine the structure and content of the problems present in the cases, both individually and in groups. It is a form of content learning and also methodological, in which the student learns to analyze, deliberate and reach reasonable and reasonable conclusions with ethical and legal arguments. It is very useful for exercising the abilities and argumentative abilities.

Personalized attention
Laboratory practice
Laboratory practices: If you guide the student individually in the development of each of the laboratory practices. Although in the development of the first practice there are large differences in the needs of each student, they are progressively homogenizing in terms of their personalized attention needs. Without a doubt, the identification of this parameter is fundamental to determine that the totality of the students progresses during the development of the subject. We will also make small groups work together in practical developments.

Personalized attention: Any technological question exposed by the student, in person, tutorials, email, etc.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Laboratory practice A4 B1 B6 B7 Cada alumno de prácticas de laboratorio deberá pasar unha proba. Nela o profesor expón pequenas tarefas que os alumnos deberán resolver sobre as máquinas virtuais do laboratorio de prácticas. 30
Multiple-choice questions B5 B6 B7 Esta proba inclúe os contidos e, en xeral, todo aspecto relacionado cos obxectivos da materia. Nela exponse diversas cuestións relacionadas tanto cos contidos das sesións maxistrais como das prácticas de laboratorio, dándolle un maior peso ás primeiras. 70
Assessment comments

Sources of information
Basic Mike Schiffman (2001). Hacker's Challenge. Osborne
Julio Gomez López, Miguel Angel de Castro Simón, Pedro Guillén Núñez (2014). Hackers, Aprende a atacar y a defenderte. RA-MA
David Puente Castro (2013). Linux Exploiting. 0xWORD
Pablo Gonzalez Perez (2016). Metasploit para Pentesters. 0xWORD
Pablo Gonzalez Perez, Germán Sánchez Garcés, Jose Miguel Soriano de la Cámara (2013). Pentesting con Kali. 0xWORD


Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
Information Security/614530003
Secure Networks/614530006

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously
Cibersecurity Concepts and Laws/614530001
Cybersecurity in Industrial Environments /614530014

Subjects that continue the syllabus
Final Year Dissertation/614530017
Information Security Mangement/614530002

Other comments

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.