Identifying Data 2018/19
Subject (*) Evaluation and Optimization of the Energy System Sustainability Code 770523020
Study programme
Mestrado Universitario en Eficiencia e Aproveitamento Enerxético
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Official Master's Degree 2nd four-month period
First Optional 3
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Ciencias da Navegación e Enxeñaría Mariña
Enxeñaría Civil
Lara Coira, Manuel
Caño Gochi, Alfredo del
Lara Coira, Manuel
General description Coñecemento do ciclo de vida dos principais sistemas de xeneración de electricidade. Estudo de aspectos técnicos e económicos.
Análise dos diferentes métodos de avaliación da sustentabilidade.
Traballo práctico con modelos sinxelos de avaliación da sustentabilidade.
Introdución aos métodos de optimización en enxeñaría.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A11 Capacidad para aplicar métodos de análisis de datos para la creación de sistemas energéticos eficientes.
B1 Que los estudiantes sepan aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos y su capacidad de resolución de problemas en entornos nuevos o poco conocidos dentro de contextos más amplios (o multidisciplinares) relacionados con su área de estudio.
B2 Que los estudiantes sean capaces de integrar conocimientos y enfrentarse a la complejidad de formular juicios a partir de una información que, siendo incompleta o limitada, incluya reflexiones sobre las responsabilidades sociales y éticas vinculadas a la aplicación de sus conocimientos y juicios.
B3 Poseer y comprender conocimientos que aporten una base u oportunidad de ser originales en el desarrollo y/o aplicación de ideas, a menudo en un contexto de investigación.
B6 Buscar y seleccionar alternativas considerando las mejores soluciones posibles.
B7 Desarrollar las capacidades de análisis y síntesis; fomentar la discusión crítica, la defensa de argumentos y la toma de conclusiones.
B10 Potenciar la creatividad.
B16 Valorar la aplicación de tecnologías emergentes en el ámbito de la energía y el medio ambiente.
C2 Fomentar la sensibilidad hacia temas medioambientales.
C3 Aplicar una metodología que fomente el aprendizaje y el trabajo autónomo.
C4 Desarrollar el pensamiento crítico

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
To know the main existing methods for sustainability assessment. To be able to apply them by using existing commercial software applications. AJ11
To know the main methods for optimization in engineering. To be able to design simple models of sustainable energy systems aimed to their optimization. BC3

Topic Sub-topic
Os bloques ou temas seguintes desenvolven os contidos establecidos na ficha da Memoria de Verificación. Contido da ficha da Memoria de Verificación.
Assessing and optimizing the sustainability of energy systems. Basic concepts. Sustainable development, sustainability. Assessment and optimization of sustainability in engineering: state of the art.

Main methods for assessing sustainability. Useful computer applications.

Case study: assessing the sustainability of renewable and non-renewable power plants.

Optimization methods in engineering. Useful computer applications.

Sustainability models of simple energy systems and its optimization. Conceptual framework, models and methods.

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Guest lecture / keynote speech B3 B7 B10 C2 C4 10 15 25
Case study A11 B1 B2 B6 B16 C3 11 34 45
Personalized attention 5 0 5
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech Oral presentation (using audiovisual material and student interaction) designed to transmit knowledge and encourage learning. Presentations of this type are variously referred to as ‘expository method’, ‘guest lectures’ or ‘keynote speeches’. (The term ‘keynote’ refers only to a type of speech delivered on special occasions, for which the lecture sets the tone or establishes the underlying theme; it is characterised by its distinctive content, structure and purpose, and relies almost exclusively on the spoken word to communicate its ideas.)
Case study Teaching-learning method in which students are presented with a specific set of real-life circumstances and a problem (‘case’) which they must attempt to understand, assess and solve either as an individual or as a group through a process of discussion. Students should be able to analyse a series of facts relating to a particular area of knowledge or activity, and arrive at a rational conclusion, individually, or via a process of discussion within small work groups.

Personalized attention
Case study
Professors will help the student for solving theoretical or practical doubts.

The supervision sessions will take place be in the professsor's office, located in his center.

The personalized attention may be performed in the official schedules for that purpose, or in other moments but, in order to avoid unnecessary waiting time for the student, in either case, the date and time shall be agreed in advance through Email or telephone.

The figures related to personalized attention in the Planning section are merely indicative.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Case study A11 B1 B2 B6 B16 C3 Teaching-learning method in which students are presented with a specific set of real-life circumstances and a problem (‘case’) which they must attempt to understand, assess and solve either as an individual or as a group through a process of discussion. Students should be able to analyse a series of facts relating to a particular area of knowledge or activity, and arrive at a rational conclusion, individually, or via a process of discussion within small work groups. 100
Assessment comments
There will be two course works, a mandatory one and another optional one. The mandatory will mean a 60% of the overall mark, and the optional work the rest.

The compulsory work will take place in class time, with the exception of potential delays of the some students, needing to finish their work outside these hours. 

All students must defend their compulsory work.

To pass such defense, the professors will ask different questions to the student, and she / he must demonstrate the theoretical knowledge necessary for really knowing what she / he has done with the computer while performing the aforementioned work, and to interpret the results obtained.

All of the above mentioned evaluation process refers to students attending a minimum of 80% of the classes. 

In the case of students attending less than 80% of the classes (which includes potential cases of exemption for attending the classes), during the defense of the compulsory work these students must also adequately answer other questions related to the rest of the syllabus, to analyze its real assimilation of the theoretical and practical concepts of the subject.

The difference between distance Universities (e.g., the UNED; the Open University) and the rest of Universities is that, in the first ones, the University is responsible for contacting the students and providing them with all the materials necessary for passing the subject, by studying those materials. That is not the case of the rest of Universities, such as the UDC, in which the student is responsible for contacting the professors; downloading the materials contained in Moodle and working with them; attending the classes and taking notes on what it said by the professors; following the written and verbal instructions of the professor; and studying all the materials referred to, in order to pass the subject. The students who do not attend some classes (including the ones with exemption for attending the classes), have the same responsibilities as the rest of students, although in this case, since they are not attending the classes, they are responsible for getting in touch with peers and professors, aiming to collect all the teaching material that has been alluded.

Sources of information

Lecturer's notes on the subject.


Sustainability and sustainable development.

• United Nations. Our common future. World commission on environment and development. 1st ed. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press; 1987, ISBN 978-0-19-282080-8. p. 416.

• United Nations. The Rio declaration on environment and development [Internet]. In: The United Nations conference on environment and development (UNCED); 1992 June 3-14. Rio of Janeiro, Brazil.

• Bouvier LF, Grant L. How many Americans?: population, immigration and the environment. San Francisco, CA, USA: Sierra Club Books; 1994, ISBN 978-0-87156-496-2.

• Meadows D, Meadows D, Randers J. Limits to growth: the 30-year update. 3rd ed. White River Jct., VT, USA: Chelsea Green Publishing; 2004, ISBN 978-1-931498-58-6.

Sustainability assessment for renewable and non-renewable power plants. Sustainability assessment methods.

• Kaya T, Kahraman C. Multicriteria renewable energy planning using an integrated fuzzy VIKOR & AHP methodology: the case of Istanbul. Energy 2010; 35(6): 2517-27.

• Diakoulaki D, Karangelis F. Multi-criteria decision analysis and cost-benefit analysis of alternative scenarios for the power generation sector in Greece. Renew Sustain Energy Rev 2007; 11(4): 716-27.

• Jovanovic M, Afgan A, Radovanovic P, Stevanovic V. Sustainable development of the Belgrade energy system. Energy 2009; 34(5): 532-9.

• Kowalski K, Stagl S, Madlener R, Omann I. Sustainable energy futures:

methodological challenges in combining scenarios and participatory multicriteria

analysis. Eur J Operational Res 2009; 197(3): 1063-74.

• Afgan NH, Carvalho MG. Multi-criteria assessment of new and renewable energy power plants. Energy 2002; 27(8): 739-55.

• Afgan NH, Carvalho MG, Jovanovic M. Biomass-fired power plant: the sustainability option. Int J Sustain Energy 2007; 26(4): 179-93.

• Begic F, Afgan NH. Sustainability assessment tool for the decision making in selection of energy systemdBosnian case. Energy 2007; 32(10): 1979-85.

• Burton J, Hubacek K. Is small beautiful? A multi-criteria assessment of smallscale energy technology applications in local governments. Energy Policy 2007; 35(12): 6402-12.

• Doukas HCh, Andreas BM, Psarras JE. Multi-criteria decision aid for the formulation of sustainable technological energy priorities using linguistic variables. Eur J Operational Res 2007; 182(2): 844-55.

• Varun, Prakash R, Bhat IK. Energy, economics and environmental impacts of renewable energy systems. Renew Sustain Energy Rev 2009; 13(9): 2716-21.

• Kahraman C, Kaya I, Cebi S. A comparative analysis for multiattribute selection among renewable energy alternatives using fuzzy axiomatic design and fuzzy analytic hierarchy process. Energy 2009; 34(10): 1603-16.

• Dombi M, Kuti I, Balogh P. Sustainability assessment of renewable power and heat generation technologies. Energy Policy 2014; 67: 264-71.

• Gómez D, del Caño A, de la Cruz MP, Josa A. Metodología genérica para la evaluación de la sostenibilidad de sistemas constructivos. El método MIVES. In: Aguado A, editor. Sostenibilidad y construcción. Madrid, Spain: Asociación Científico-Técnica del Hormigón Estructural; 2012. p. 385-411.

• de la Cruz MP, Castro A, del Caño A, Gómez D, Lara M, Cartelle JJ. Comprehensive methods for dealing with uncertainty in assessing sustainability. Part I: the MIVES e Monte Carlo method. In: García-Cascales MS, Sánchez-Lozano JM, Masegosa AD, Cruz-Corona C, editors. Soft computing applications for renewable energy and energy efficiency. Hershey, PA, USA: IGIGlobal; 2015, ISBN 978-1-4666-6631-3. p.69-p106.

• Cartelle Barros JJ, et al., Assessing the global sustainability of different electricity generation systems. Energy 2015; 89(2015): 473-489.

Métodos de optimización en enxeñaría. Optimización da sustentabilidade de sistemas enerxéticos.

• B.D. Ripley, Stochastic simulation, Wiley & Sons, New York (1987).

• C.A. Floudas and P.M. Pardalos, Encyclopedia of optimization, Springer, USA (2009).

• F. Rothlauf, Design of modern heuristics: principles and application, Springer, Germany (2011).

• R.L. Haupt and S.E. Haupt, Practical genetic algorithms, Wiley, Hoboken, New Jersey (2004).

• A. Aboshosha and Y. Khalyfa, Genetic algorithms theories and applications, LAP Lambert, Saarbrücken, Germany (2012).

• F. Glover, “Tabu search: Part I”, in ORSA J Comput 1989, Vol. 1(3) pp. 190–260.

• F. Glover, “Tabu search: Part II”, in ORSA J Comput 1989, Vol. 2(1), pp. 4–32.

• S. Kirkpatrick, C.D. Gelatt and M.P. Vecchi, “Optimization by simulated annealing”, in Science 1983, Vol. 220(4598), pp. 671-680.

• A. Dekkers and E.H. Aarts, “Global optimization and simulated annealing”, In Mathematical Programming 1991, Vol. 50(3), pp. 367-393.

• Del Caño A, de la Cruz P, Cartelle JJ, Lara M, Conceptual framework for an integrated method to optimize sustainability of engineering systems. Journal of Energy and Power Engineering 9 (2015) 608-615.

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus
Master Thesis/770523023

Other comments
For helping to achieve a sustained environment and comply with the objective of the action number 5, “Healthy and sustainable teaching and research”, of the “Ferrol Green Campus Action Plan”, all must make a sustainable use of resources and prevent negative impacts on the natural environment.

For this reason, the delivery of the course works performed in this subject will be made exclusively in electronic format. The student should not employ, in any case, physical material of any kind (paper, ink, binding, etc.).

In addition, on demand, the professors and the University will facilitate the full integration of students that, having an adequate background to be able to pass the subject, may experience difficulties (physical, sensorial, psychological, socio-cultural) for a suitable, equal, and useful access to the university life.

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.