Identifying Data 2018/19
Subject (*) Industrial Mantenience Code 770G01030
Study programme
Grao en Enxeñaría Electrónica Industrial e Automática
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 2nd four-month period
Third Optional 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Enxeñaría Industrial
Castilla Pascual, Consuelo de los L.
Castilla Pascual, Consuelo de los L.
Rodríguez Charlón, Santiago Ángel
General description Trátase dunha materia que ten un crácter fundamentalmente tecnolóxico. O mantemento industrial constitúe unha actividade esencial para alcanzar altos graos de eficacia nos sistemas produtivos da empresa e así garantir a vantaxe competitiva tanto nos produtos como nos servizos ofrecidos. O alumno adquirirá a capacidade de xestión da información, manexo e aplicación das especificacións técnicas e a lexislación, necesarias na área do mantemento.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A4 Capacidade de xestión da información, manexo e aplicación das especificacións técnicas e da lexislación necesarias no exercicio da profesión.
B1 Capacidade de resolver problemas con iniciativa, toma de decisións, creatividade e razoamento crítico.
B2 Capacidade de comunicar e transmitir coñecementos, habilidades e destrezas no campo da enxeñaría industrial.
B3 Capacidade de traballar nun contorno multilingüe e multidisciplinar.
B4 Capacidade de traballar e aprender de forma autónoma e con iniciativa.
B5 Capacidade para empregar as técnicas, habilidades e ferramentas da enxeñaría necesarias para a práctica desta.
C3 Utilizar as ferramentas básicas das tecnoloxías da información e as comunicacións (TIC) necesarias para o exercicio da súa profesión e para a aprendizaxe ao longo da súa vida.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
It applies the technicians of the maintenance of an Industrial installation A4
It knows and it has capacity to apply the distinct types of maintenance: electrical, electronic and mechanic. A4
It applies the concepts of reliability inside the maintenance. A4
It is able to interpret the technical information of the maintenance and of other sources of information in relation. A4

Topic Sub-topic
SUBJECT I. KNOWLEDGE OF THE MATERIAL. (Content: industrial Maintenance) - Nature and classification of the material: Material of production. The peripheral material. Installations.
- Inventory of the park of material: functional Division and coding.
- Historical file of the machinery: The dossier-machine. Utility and exploitation of the historical.
SUBJECT II. INTRODUCTION TO THE ENGINEERING OF THE MAINTENANCE. (Content: Mantenimineto Industrial and Reliability) - The maintenance correctivo: palliative Maintenance and curativo.0
- The preventive maintenance: Concepts and aims. Laws of degradation.
- Systematic maintenance. Conditional or predictive maintenance.
- The Total Productive Maintenance (TPM): Introduction and concept.
- Other activities of the service of maintenance: Improvement, modernisation, renewal and reconstruction.
SUBJECT III. TYPES OF MAINTENANCE. (Content: Industrial Maintenance and special Maintenances) - Nature and classification of the material: -The maintenance correctivo: palliative Maintenance and curative.
- The preventive maintenance: Concepts and aims. Laws of degradation.
- Systematic maintenance. Conditional or predictive maintenance.
- The Total Productive Maintenance (TPM): Introduction and concept.
- Other activities of the service of maintenance: Improvement, modernisation, renewal and reconstruction.
SUBJECT IV. MANAGEMENT OF THE INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE. (Content: Industrial Maintenance, special Maintenances and Reliability) - Study of the failures, tax of failure.
- Mantemento Centred na Fiabilidade (RCM).
- Analysis of costs of maintenance.
- Planning of the maintenance. Charts of GANT and PERT.
- Computer-aided maintenance GMAO.
- Collected, analysis of data and diagnose.
SUBJECT V. SPECIAL MAINTENANCES. (Contained special maintenances) - Maintenance mechanical teams: thermography and thermometry, lubricación and vibration.
- Maintenance electrical and electronic teams.
SUBJECT SAW. SPECIFIC STANDARDS ON THE MAINTENANCE. (Content: Specific standards on maintenance) Standard UNE and disposals:
- Standard UNE - EN 13306:2011 Terminology of the maintenance.
- Standard UNE - EN 13269:2007 Guide for to preparation of agreements of maintenance. -
- Standard UNE - EN 13460:2009. Documents for the maintenance.
- Standard UNE - EN 15341:2008 Indicators of performance of maintenance.
- Standard UNE - CEN/TR 15628: 2011 Qualification of the personnel of mantemiento.
- Standard UNE - EN 151001:2011 Indicators of mantenibilidad of industrial devices.

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Guest lecture / keynote speech A4 B2 B4 B5 21 32 53
Laboratory practice A4 B1 B2 B4 B5 9 10 19
Problem solving A4 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 C3 21 38 59
Objective test A4 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 5 12 17
Personalized attention 2 0 2
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech - Explanation of each one of the subjects of the programming with support of presentations type powerpoint and videos, except the parts that entregen for reading.
- Explanation of the operation of teams of measure used in the maintenance.
- Some turns of opening debate.
Laboratory practice Realisation of diverse practical experiences of the developed in the contents of the matter,serve to reinforce and contrast the technical knowledges purchased.
Problem solving - They will realise problems type and questions developed by the professor, to end of clarificar the exposed concepts in the sessions magistrales.
- To mark this activity will propose some problems related with the theoretical subjects that, or realised by the student in class, or will resolve by the student freely, after which will send them by moodle to the professor for his punctuation, which will reach if the development and solution are correct, as long as the deliveries are inside the term established in each one of them.
Objective test - It will realise a proof obxetiva at the end on of the subjects worked the long of the course. It is compulsory for those students that did not reach the approved with the rasto of the methodologies employed, and is optativa to go up note to which, reaching the tested in them, if this wish it.

Personalized attention
Problem solving
Laboratory practice
They will realise mainly in the corresponding tutorias and in the transcurso of the class, bién to initiative of the student, or proposal of the professor. It will procure individual attention each student in the resolution of problems and in the practices, improving the initiative and the personal work of the student.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Guest lecture / keynote speech A4 B2 B4 B5 Will take into account the assistance regulate of the student to the sessions with 10% of the final note. The assistance has to be upper to 80% of the sessions so that it compute the checkpoint like addend of the final note. 10
Problem solving A4 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 C3 The proofs written of resolution of problems contibuirán to the final punctuation with a maximum of 30% of the note reached in the group of them (correct the total of them on 10 and applies 30%). The 10 of the same will distribute by the same between the number of proofs that they realise in the academic course. 30
Laboratory practice A4 B1 B2 B4 B5 They will compute 20% of the final note if it has 100% of assistance and presents a apt final memory-description. 20
Objective test A4 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 - Proof to realise in the corresponding official announcements and will mark with one maximum of 40% of the final note.
- It is forced to do if not to reach the 5 in the sum of the contribuciónes to final note of the reached in the others meodoloxías of evaluation, and if reached the 5 will be optativa.
- The time of the objective proof will be of 2 hours and will consist of 20 questions of equal value, being able to be type test with one or several solutions or of short answer, where at least three will be exercises on the subjects worked along the course.
- The time only is expandable for the student that have conceded adaptation to the diversity that estimate iempo additional established by the service ADI of the UDC.
Assessment comments

The final punctuation will be:

The sum of the 1 of the assistance to sessions magistrales, more the 2 of the assistance and memory of the practices, and more the punctuation on ten reached in the total of the proofs of solution of probemas realised along the course affected by 30% (this addend adds at most a 3). When the sum of these three addends  does not reach the five or reaching or surpassing, wants to go up  note will have to realise the objective proof and will add  his punctuation on ten affected by the forty porcien, and thus, until a maximum of 4 points, as new adding of the final note.

Sources of information
Basic Gómez de León, Félix Cesáreo (). Tecnología del mantenimiento industrial. Murcia : Universidad de Murcia, 1998
Monchy, Fransois. (). Teoría y práctica del mantenimiento industrial. París : Masson, 1990


Tecnología del mantenimiento industrial

Gómez de León, Félix Cesáreo.

Murcia : Universidad de Murcia, 1998

Teoría y práctica del mantenimiento industrial

Monchy, Fransois.

París : Masson, 1990

Organización y gestión del mantenimiento: manual práctico para la implantación de sistemas de gestión avanzados de mantenimiento industrial

García Garrido, Santiago.

Madrid : Díaz de Santos, [2003]

Teoría y práctica del mantenimiento industrial avanzado

González Fernández, Francisco Javier.

Madrid : Fundación Confemetal, [2011]

La contratación del mantenimiento industrial : procesos de externalización, contratos y empresas de mantenimiento

García Garrido, Santiago

[Madrid] : Diaz de Santos, [2010]

KELLY, A.; HARRIS, M.J: Gestión del mantenimiento industrial. Ed. Fundación REPSOL.S.L. 1998



Técnicas para el mantenimiento y diagnóstico de máquinas eléctricas rotativas.

M. Ferandes Cabanas y otros.

Marcombo, 1998.

Teoría y Práctica del Mantenimiento Industrial.

François Monchy.

Ed. Masson.

Gestión Integral de Mantenimiento” Navarro, Pastor y Mugaburu,

Ed. Marcombo.

Manual de mantenimiento de instalaciones industriales,

Baldin; L. Furlanetto.


Manual del Mantenimiento Industrial (2 tomos), Robert C. Rosaler.


Tecnología del mantenimiento industrial, Felix Cesáreo Gómez de León, , , SP-Universidad de Murcia.


Gestión del mantenimiento.

Madrid : AENOR, 2011.

Criterios de interpretación para la aplicación de la norma UNE-EN ISO 9001:2000 en empresas de montaje y mantenimiento industrial.

Madrid : AENOR, [2004]


UNE-ENV 13269:2003. Mantenimiento.

UNE-EN 13306:2002. Terminología del mantenimiento

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
Business Management/770G01010
Materials Science/770G01009

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously
Industrial Management/Industrial Organisation/770G01038
Electronic Instrumentation I/770G01027
Control Engineering/770G01028

Subjects that continue the syllabus
Graduation Proyect /Bachelor Thesis/770G01045

Other comments

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.