Identifying Data 2019/20
Subject (*) Scientific and Technical English Code 613G03028
Study programme
Grao en Inglés: Estudos Lingüísticos e Literarios
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 1st four-month period
Third Optional 4.5
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Letras
Perez Janeiro, Purificacion
Perez Janeiro, Purificacion
General description Study of scientific and technical texts in English.
Consolidación de competencias C1.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A1 Coñecer e aplicar os métodos e as técnicas de análise lingüística e literaria.
A2 Saber analizar e comentar textos e discursos literarios e non literarios utilizando apropiadamente as técnicas de análise textual.
A6 Ter un dominio instrumental avanzado oral e escrito da lingua inglesa.
A9 Elaborar textos orais e escritos de diferente tipo en lingua galega, española e inglesa.
A11 Ter capacidade para avaliar, analizar e sintetizar criticamente información especializada.
A12 Coñecer os principios teóricos básicos da tradución directa e inversa e ser capaz de poñelos en práctica.
A16 Ter un coñecemento avanzado das literaturas en lingua inglesa.
A18 Dominar a gramática da lingua inglesa.
A20 Coñecer a variación lingüística da lingua inglesa.
B1 Utilizar os recursos bibliográficos, as bases de datos e as ferramentas de busca de información.
B2 Manexar ferramentas, programas e aplicacións informáticas específicas.
B3 Adquirir capacidade de autoformación.
B4 Ser capaz de comunicarse de maneira efectiva en calquera contorno.
B6 Ter capacidade de organizar o traballo, planificar e xestionar o tempo e resolver problemas de forma efectiva.
B7 Ter capacidade de análise e síntese, de valorar criticamente o coñecemento e de exercer o pensamento crítico.
B8 Apreciar a diversidade.
B9 Valorar a importancia que ten a investigación, a innovación e o desenvolvemento tecnolóxico no avance socioeconómico e cultural da sociedade.
C3 Utilizar as ferramentas básicas das tecnoloxías da información e as comunicacións (TIC) necesarias para o exercicio da súa profesión e para a aprendizaxe ao longo da súa vida.
C6 Valorar criticamente o coñecemento, a tecnoloxía e a información dispoñible para resolver os problemas cos que deben enfrontarse.
C8 Valorar a importancia que ten a investigación, a innovación e o desenvolvemento tecnolóxico no avance socioeconómico e cultural da sociedade.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
Advanced knowledge of oral and written English A6
Ability to use knoledge in a practical way: instrumental knowledge of the language. Cooperation A2
Ability to communicate. The importance of learnining and technological innovation A6
Critical thinking and ability to solve problems A1

Topic Sub-topic
1.ESP: Characteristics of technical discourse
2. Organization of paragraphs
3.Compositions: conjunctionns and descriptions.
4. Nominalization in technical English
5. Definitions of states, processes, materials and qualities
6. Compounds: prefixes, sufixes.
7. Grammar in technical English
8. Oral presentations. Letters.
9. Technical texts in medicine, law, commerce, computing and Internet, architecture and civil engineering
Definitions. Variations.
Cause and effect. Contrast.
Technical processes
Simple and complex noun phrases
Relative clauses /constructions with --ing
Common / technical / lay vocabulary
Passive voice. Conditional sentences. Simple Present.
Idioms. Phrasal verbs.
Practical excersises

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Guest lecture / keynote speech A11 A12 A18 10 8 18
Directed discussion A1 A9 A20 B4 5 10 15
Oral presentation A2 A6 B6 B7 0.5 5 5.5
Mixed objective/subjective test A16 B3 C6 2 10 12
Workshop B1 B2 C3 15 15 30
Supervised projects B8 B9 C8 0 30 30
Personalized attention 2 0 2
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech Theory and practice of technical English.
Directed discussion Discussion, translations and corrections of texts and activities related to scientific translations.
Oral presentation Oral presentation of translations.
Mixed objective/subjective test Final exam(official date) to show the skills acquired during the term.
Workshop Activities in groups and individually to analyze the organization and translation of the technical discourse.
Supervised projects An essay or a translation

Personalized attention
Oral presentation
Supervised projects
Oral presentation about problems in a technical text. How to improve the translation. Comprehension of texts. Supervised work

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Oral presentation A2 A6 B6 B7 Oral presentation of a topic included in this guide 10
Mixed objective/subjective test A16 B3 C6 With exercises practiced during the term to assess students' understanding and skills 50
Supervised projects B8 B9 C8 Supervised projects during the term. It will depend on the profile and interest of the students 40
Assessment comments

The result of the exam must be 4 out of 10 in order to be included in the assessment.
In the exam opportunity of July, the students will do a Project(4-6 pages and 50% of the grade) and the exam (50% of the final grade).Those students who have satisfactorily presented projects and other available activities during the term, will not present further projects in July and will only take the exam.Students not present in the exams in the first or second opportunity, will appear as ´absent from assessment´if they have not done 50% of the assessable activities.
Following the academic regulations, students who fail the first opportunity and do not show up at the second opportunity in July, will appear as ´fail´

Those who are officially registered as part time students and have been granted permission not to attend clases, as stipulated in the regulations of this University, will be assessed in either opportunity according to the criteria specified as the second opportunity (July).

Students sitting the December exam (final exam brought forward) will be assessedaccording to the criteria specified for the July opportunity.

Essays may be tested through Turnitin in order to detect wrong citations, plagiarism or any other type of fraud. Should this occur, the rules for plagiarism will be applied. (Normas de avaliación, revisión e reclamación das cualificacións dos estudos de grao e mestrado universitario). Turnitin recognises papers previously turned in by other people (or the student him/herself) at this university or other universities, as well as other material found on Internet.

Sources of information
Basic Thomson,A.J.; Martinet, A.V. (1993). A Practical English Grammar. Oxford.OUP
Comfort, J. (2000). Basic Technical English. Oxford. OUP
Mascull,B. (2002). Business Vocabulary in Use. Cambridge. CUP
Pohl,A (2003). Business Vocabulary in Use. Cambridge.CUP
Cummings,J. (1982). English for Science and Technology. Harlow.Longman
Hutchinson,T.; Waters, A. (1987). English for Specific Purposes. A Learning Centered Approach. Cambridge. CUP
Glendenning, E.H. (1994). English in Mechanical Engineering. Oxford. OUP
alred, G.J. (2008). Handbook of Technical English. London. St. Martins Press
Remacha Esteras, S; Marco Fabré, E. (2007). Professional English in Use. For Computers and the Internet. Cambridge. CUP
Brown, G.D. Rice,S. (2007). Professional English in Use. Law. Cambridge. CUP
Gkendenning, E.H.; Howard, R. (2007). Professional English in Use. Medicine. Cambridge.CUP
(). Using

The Internet TESLJournal


Collazo, J.L. 1980. Diccionario Enciclopédico de Términos Técnicos Inglés Español Español Inglés (3Vol.). New York: McGraw and Hill

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus

Other comments

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.