Identifying Data 2019/20
Subject (*) Comparative Political Systems Code 615G01202
Study programme
Grao en Socioloxia
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 2nd four-month period
Second Basic training 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Socioloxía e Ciencias da Comunicación
Miguez Gonzalez, Santiago
Miguez Gonzalez, Santiago
Web http://
General description O principal obxetivo desta materia é proporcionar coñecemento relevante sobre os sistemas políticos contemporáneos, con especial énfase na súa recente historía e situación actual, desenvolvendo capacidades para o estudio comparado. Seguindo varios modelos de análise das diferentes dimensións dos rexímenes políticos (institucións, procesos políticos, cultura política, etc.) prestase especial atención aos rexímenes democráticos occidentais pero tamen. faise unha aproximación a realidade actual dos rexímenes políticos doutras rexións (America Latina, Africa etc.).

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A8 Análisis de las transformaciones y evolución de las sociedades contemporáneas.
A10 Introducción a las teorías sobre el poder, la legitimidad y el Estado. Formas de organización política y su evolución histórica, con especial atención a los sistemas contemporáneos.
A15 Conocimientos y habilidades para plantear y desarrollar una investigación aplicada en las diferentes áreas de la sociedad.
A17 Conocimientos y habilidades en la búsqueda de información secundaria en las diferentes fuentes (instituciones oficiales, bibliotecas, internet, etc.).
B3 Capacidad de análisis y síntesis.
B5 Capacidad de gestión de la información.
B12 Trabajo en equipo.
B27 Capacidades en reconocer la complejidad de los fenómenos sociales.
C3 Utilizar las herramientas básicas de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones (TIC) necesarias para el ejercicio de su profesión y para el aprendizaje a lo largo de su vida.
C4 Desarrollarse para el ejercicio de una ciudadanía abierta, culta, crítica, comprometida, democrática y solidaria, capaz de analizar la realidad, diagnosticar problemas, formular e implantar soluciones basadas en el conocimiento y orientadas al bien común.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
Describe and analyze the different elements that compose the major contemporary political systems. A10
Recognize the complexity of the political processes in the current democratic regimes applying appropriate analytical instruments commonly used in studies of political science B27
Learn and know how to use the main resources for finding information on various secondary sources for the analysis of the different dimensions of current political systems. A17
Know how to use properly and critically the information gathered in the main sources of information (library, internet, etc) to carry out a comparative analysis of current political regimes B5
Learn to cope with major resources and applications to achieve reliable secondary data A17
Demostrar un dominio básico dos instrumentos de comparación específicos da ciencia política A15
Saber levar a cabo unha analise comparativa das principais institucions políticas dos rexímenes democráticos actuais A8
Presentar axeitadamente un traballo de análise comparado realizado individualmente ou en grupo B12
Saber interpretar a situación actual dos sistemas políticos seguindo unha análise sistemática. B3
Recoñecer e saber empregar os principais indicadores que conforman a cultura política C4

Topic Sub-topic
1. Comparative analysis and political theory 1. The study of politics.
2. The nature and main characters of comparative analysis.
3. Foundations. Aristotle: Politics. Maquiavelo: The Prince. Montesquieu: The Spirit of the Laws. Tocqueville. The Democracy in America.
4. The behaviorist revolution.
5. New approaches. Formulation of theories and empirical analysis.
6. Types of study. Cases and variables. Causality: necessary conditions and sufficient conditions.
7. Classifications and typologies.
8. Resources and on/line sources.
2. Political systems of the world 1. Politics as an independent variable.
2. Systems theory applied to the political analysis.
3. Elements of the political systems: actors, institutions and political cultures.
4. The dynamics of the political system.
5. Extractive and inclusive institutions.
6. Typologies of political systems: democracies, authoritarian regimes and hybrid types. Distribution by geographic areas.
7. Globalization and politics.
3. Authoritarian regimes and hybrid systems 1. Definitions and typologies: dictatorships, traditional and modern authoritarianisms. The totalitarian systems.
2. Methodology and theoretical elements for the study of authoritarian regimes.
3. From authoritarianism to democracy: opening, liberalization and democratization.
4. The Francoist regime and the transition to the democracy in Spain.
4. Democracies. Definition, evolution and requirements 1. Participation and democracy.
2. Direct democracy and representative democracy. Imperative mandate and representative mandate.
3. Historical antecedents. The Athenian democracy. Rome: from civitas to empire.
4. The current democratic systems. The democracy such as method.
6. Requirements: participation, opposition, rights and freedoms.
7. Measurements and degrees of freedom and quality.
5. Majoritarian and consensus democracies 1. Majoritarian versus consensus democracies.
2. The majoritarian model in United Kingdom and New Zealand.
3. The consensual model in Switzerland and Belgium.
6. Party Systems. Two/party and multiparty systems 1. The effective number of parties.
2. Dimensions of the parties conflict.
3. Comparative approach.
7. Electoral Systems 1. The elements of the electoral systems.
2. Majority and proportional models.
3. The electoral system of the United Kingdom.
4. The electoral system of the USA.
5. The electoral system of the French Republic.
6. The electoral system of Spain.
7. The electoral system of the Federal Republic of Germany.
8. The electoral system of the Italian Republic.
8. Executive Power Models 1. Theories of coalitions.
2. Incentives for minority and overwhelming cabinets.
3. Comparative approach.
9. The Executive/Legislative Balance 1. Parliamentary and presidential systems.
2. Separation of powers and checks and balances. The dominance of the executive over the legislature.
3. Comparative approach.
10. The Federal/Unitary Dimension 1. The federal-unitary dimension. Distribution an decentralization od powers.
2. Federal states and his main institutions.
3. Comparative approach.
4. The Spanish decentralized model
11. Parliaments 1. Bicameralism/unicameralism.
2. Varieties of bicameralism.
3. Comparative approach.
12. Constitutions: procedures of amendment and judicial review. 1. Written and no written down constitutions
2. Flexible and rigid constitutions.
3. Judicial review.
4. Constitutional rigidity and judicial review.
5. Comparative approach.

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Guest lecture / keynote speech A8 A10 A17 C4 40 0 40
Objective test A8 A10 B3 B27 5 30 35
Supervised projects A17 A15 B3 B5 B12 C3 12 28 40
Case study A17 B3 B5 C3 6 10 16
Workbook B5 B3 6 10 16
Personalized attention 3 0 3
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech Exposición impartida polo profesor/a baseada no uso da palabra e apoiada en materiais gráficos e resumos informativos.
Objective test Proba escrita utilizada para a evaluación do aprendizaxe.
Supervised projects Metodoloxía deseñada para promover a aprendizaxe autónoma dos estudantes, baixo a tutela do profesor. Constitúe unha opción baseada na asunción polos estudantes da responsabilidade sobre a súa aprendizaxe.
Consistirá na presentación dun traballo escrito de extensión non superior a quince páxinas de texto pero que poderá incluir anexos con datos, taboas, figuras, etc sen límites de extensión.
Case study Análise da información obtida en portais de Internet sobre dereitos políticos, libertades e actitudes e valores en varios paises
Workbook Lectura de varios textos de autores clásicos e actuais sobre método comparado, formas de estado e institucións políticas

Personalized attention
Objective test
Supervised projects
Case study
Personalized attention to the student will be done in relation to the set of activities that the subject includes. This attention will be given to the resolution of doubts that may arise during the conduct of readings, supervised projects and oral presentations.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Objective test A8 A10 B3 B27 Proba de avaliación global sobre os contidos da materia que se realizará ao final do curso 65
Supervised projects A17 A15 B3 B5 B12 C3 Traballos escritos realizados de forma individual ou en grupo adicados a analizar aspectos relevantes dos sistemas políticos obxecto de estudo e presentados cunha metodoloxía comparativa 25
Workbook B5 B3 Lectura de varios textos de autores clásicos e actuais sobre método comparado, formas de estado e institucións políticas 5
Case study A17 B3 B5 C3 Análise da información obtida en portais de Internet sobre dereitos políticos, libertades e actitudes e valores en varios paises 5
Assessment comments

1)     Assistance
and participation.  Assistance to class is compulsory. The
participation will take into account in the final note.

Final Essay. It represents the implementation of the knowledges adcquired in this course. Requirements and the main resources of Internet to carry out
the essay are included in Moodle.   The essay will be publicly discussed
in class. These presentations will start on the second week of April.  The
delivery of the essay must be send by Moodle in PDF format, before the 14.00
hours of May 20.  It can represent until 25% of the final note.  

3)  Another
tasks and readings. To the effects of continuous evaluation they will be
controlled by means of face-to-face proofs and multiple choices format proofs. Personal
material of support is allowed. Tasks and readings can contribute up to the 15%
of the final note. 

 4)  Midterm
exam.  It will include subjects treated until the last week of March
and it will be done on the first week of April. It contains two parts. The
first will be integrated by two batteries of multiple choices and a practical
exercise about indexes for the political analysis (effective number of parties,
electoral disproportionality, command of the executive, etc.)  The second
part will include several questions of development. To surpass the examination
will be necessary to obtain at least a 5,5 in the first part. 

 5) Final
exam. It takes a systematic similar to the one of the midterm exam. To pass
this exam will be necessary to obtain at least a 5,5 in the first part. 
The note of the exam can suppose until 70% of the final qualification. 

approve this course is necessary pass the final exam.

opportunity:  The essays are valid in this announcement. Those that
have not be approved will be able to go back them following the indications
that will be given by the teacher.

Sources of information
Basic CARAMANI, D. (2017). Comparative Politics. Oxford, Oxford University Press
LIJPHART, A. (2000). Modelos de democracia. Formas de gobierno y resultados en treinta y seis países. Barcelona, Ariel.
DURAN CENIT, M., y Inmaculada SZMOLKA VIDA(eds.)A (2015). Política comparada y sistemas políticos: operando con datos e indicadores. Granada, Universidad de Granada
Complementary Meredith,M (2011). Africa. Una historia de 50 años de independencia. Intermon-Oxfam
Hague, R. y Martin Harrop (2013). Comparative Government and Politics. Hampshire, Macmillan Publishers
O'Neill P.H. (2013). Essentials of Comparative Politics. New York, W.W. Norton
Goodin, R. y Hans-Dieter Klingemann (eds.) (2001). Nuevo manual de Ciencia Política. Madrid, Istmo.
Landman, T. (2011). Política Comparada. Madrid, Alianza
Sánchez de Dios, M. (2012). Política Comparada. Madrid, Síntesis
Acemoglu, D. y James A. Robinson (2012). Por qué fracasan los países. Los orígenes del poder, la prosperidad y la pobreza. Barcelona, Deusto
Gandhi, J. y Rubén Ruíz Rufino (eds.) (2015). Routledge Handbook of Comparative Political Institutions. Oxon, Routledge
DELGADO, I., P.CHAVARRI Y P. OÑATE (2002). Sistemas de organización política contemporánea. Madrid, UNED.
PASQUINO, G. (2004). Sistemas políticos comparados. Francia, Alemania, Gran Bretaña, Italia y Estados Unidos. Buenos Aires, Prometeo
ALCÁNTARA M. (ed.) (2000). Sistemas políticos de América Latina. Madrid, Tecnos.
Sánchez Melero, G. (2014). Sistemas políticos en Europa. Valencia, Tirant Lo Blanch

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
Statistics Applied to the social sciences 1/615G01101
Introduction to Political Science and Management Science/615G01106
Contemporary political and social history/615G01109

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus

Other comments

Unha aprendizaxe sustentabel, non sexista  e integradora

Nas actividades que se leven a cabo nesta materia respetaranse as normas da sustentanbilidade, igualdade de sexos e  integración das persoas por razóns físicas, sensoriais, psíquicas ou socioculturais.


- A entrega dos traballos documentais realizarase en formato dixital e a través de Moodle.

- Cando se empregue papel, aconsellase que sexa reciclado e con formatos de impresión sinxelos e a doble cara.

- Evitarase a impresión innecesaria de borradores.

- Non se admitirán traballos con elementos plásticos (portadas, carpetas, etc).

Igualdade por razóns de xénero/sexo

- Evitaranse actitudes e expresións sexistas  

 Integración das persoas con problemas por razóns físicas, psiquicas ou socioculturales.

- Daraselles o apoio necesario tanto nas actividades programadas como na aprendizaxe en xeral da materia. 

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.