Identifying Data 2019/20
Subject (*) Water supply and drainage systems Code 632844202
Study programme
Mestrado Universitario en Enxeñaría da Auga (plan 2012)
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Official Master's Degree 1st four-month period
First Obligatory 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Dereito Público
Enxeñaría Civil
Naves García-Rendueles, Acacia
Martinez Lopez, Alberto
Naves García-Rendueles, Acacia
Rodríguez-Vellando Fernández-Carvajal, Pablo
Sanz Larruga, Francisco Javier
General description Introdución histórica aos sistemas de abastecemento e saneamento. Sistemas de captación e tratamentos de potabilización.
Redes de distribución: conceptos xerais, descrición e deseño. Redes de saneamento: conceptos xerais, descrición e deseño. Sistemas de drenaxe sostible. Tratamentos de auga residual previos á vertedura ao medio receptor. Marco legal.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
Overview of water supply and sanitation systems through their components
Overview of water supply and sanitation systems through their components
Ability to design solutions and basic dimensioning water catchment, drinking water treatment , water supply networks, sewer systems, wastewater treatment and systems of urban water.
Ability to design solutions and basic dimensioning water catchment, drinking water treatment , water supply networks, sewer systems, wastewater treatment and systems of urban water.
Ability to design solutions and basic dimensioning water catchment, water treatment, water supply, sewer systems, waste water treatment and SUDS
Ability to design solutions and basic dimensioning water catchment, water treatment, water supply, sewer systems, waste water treatment and SUDS

Topic Sub-topic
1. Introduction to water supply and sanitation systems. 1.1. Historical introduction to supply and sewer systems
1.2. Characteristics of nowadays water services
1.3. Overview of water catchment systems and water supply
1.4. Overview of sewer systems and wastewater treatments
1.5. Overview of the surface runoff management
2. Water catchment systems and drinking water treatments.
2.1. Catchment of surface water: rivers, lakes, reservoirs ...
2.2. Spring catchments
2.3. Groundwater catchment
2.4. Drinking water purification treatment
3. Water supply networks 3.1. General concepts
3.2. Description
3.3. Design

4. Sewer systems 4.1. General concepts
4.2. Description
4.3. Design
5. Non conventional sustainable urban drainage systems
5.1. Runoff management
5.2. Structures of runoff detention and treatment
6. Legal Framework 6.1. European legal framework

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Guest lecture / keynote speech 30 5 35
Collaborative learning 15 5 20
Document analysis 2 10 12
Oral presentation 2 5 7
Problem solving 6 2 8
ICT practicals 8 8 16
Field trip 8 4 12
Objective test 6 4 10
Student portfolio 0 15 15
Personalized attention 15 0 15
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech Lectures where the main theoretical contents of the subject are regarded.
Practical examples and real cases are shown also.
Collaborative learning Go in depth in supply and sewer systems elements and design methodologies.
Working will be divided between groups and shared at the end.
Document analysis Individual review of documentation as introduction to concepts or as review and deepening methodology.
The understanding and asimilation of the mean ideas should be shown in a collaborative learning activity or in an objective test.
Oral presentation Preparation of a poster or a set of slides and oral presentation at class. Not only the contents are evaluated but the prepared material and the performance.
Problem solving Solution of problems proposed by the theachers to strengthen theoretical concepts.
ICT practicals Design and dimension of components of supply and sewer systems by usign technical software.
Field trip Visit to drinking water and/or wastewater treatment in A Coruña
Visit to works on a water supply or sewerage system
Objective test Multiple choices or true/false tests answered individually or in groups.
Student portfolio Document which consist on the compilation of activities performed during all the subject which should be presented at the end of the semester.

Personalized attention
Oral presentation
Problem solving
Collaborative learning
ICT practicals
Guest lecture / keynote speech
Answering of questions arising from the theoretical contents exposed in class, problem resolution and other activity.
Monitoring of collaborative tasks.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Oral presentation Short oral presentation of a subject at class using support material (poster or slides). 15
Student portfolio Document which consists on the compilation of activities performed during all the semester 25
Collaborative learning Development of the proposed tasks and conclusions exposition. 25
Objective test Multiple choice or true/false tests 20
ICT practicals Resolution of proposed simulations usign technical software. 15
Assessment comments

Sources of information

Advanced water distribution modeling and management. Haestad Methods, Thomas M. Walski...[et al.]*gag?/dAgua+--+Depuraci{226}on./dagua+depuracion/-3%2C-1%2C0%2CB/frameset&FF=dagua+distribucion&6%2C%2C30

Analysis of water distribution networks. P.R. Bhave, R. Gupta.*gag?/dAgua+--+Depuraci{226}on./dagua+depuracion/-3%2C-1%2C0%2CB/frameset&FF=dagua+distribucion&8%2C%2C30

Design of water supply pipe networks. Prabhata K. Swamee, Ashok K. Sharma.*gag?/dAgua+--+Depuraci{226}on./dagua+depuracion/-3%2C-1%2C0%2CB/frameset&FF=dagua+distribucion&10%2C%2C30

Urban Drainage. 3rd Ed. Butler y Davies (2011). Taylor Francis.*gag?/turban+drainage/turban+drainage/1%2C3%2C4%2CB/frameset&FF=turban+drainage&2%2C%2C2/indexsort=-

Wastewater hydraulics theory and practice. Hager (2010). Springer.*gag?/twastewater+/twastewater/1%2C25%2C27%2CB/frameset&FF=twastewater+hydraulics+theory+and+practice&1%2C%2C2/indexsort=-


ITOGH Instruccións Ténicas para Obras Hidráulicas en Galicia.

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously
Physico-chemistry and quality of water/632844203

Subjects that continue the syllabus

Other comments

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.