Identifying Data 2019/20
Subject (*) Advanced Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Code 651516007
Study programme
Mestrado Universitario en Discapacidade e Dependencia (plan 2015)
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Official Master's Degree 2nd four-month period
First Optional 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Ciencias Biomédicas, Medicina e Fisioterapia
Fisioterapia, Medicina e Ciencias Biomédicas
Gonzalez Doniz, Maria Luz
Gonzalez Doniz, Maria Luz
Lista Paz, Ana
Souto Camba, Sonia
General description Co estudo desta materia preténdese que o alumno adquira coñecementos avanzados e demostre unha comprensión dos aspectos teóricos e prácticos e da metodoloxía de traballo nas disfuncións do sistema cardiopulmonar cunha profundidade que chegue ata a vangarda do coñecemento.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A10 CERF5. Ser capaz de integrar coñecementos avanzados no ámbito da disfunción cardiorrespiratoria
A11 CERF6. Capacidade para deseñar e executar proxectos de investigación nas disfuncións cardiorrespiratorias.
B2 CB7. Que os estudantes saiban aplicar os coñecementos adquiridos e a súa capacidade de resolución de problemas en ámbitos novos ou pouco coñecidos dentro de contextos máis amplos (ou multidisciplinares) relacionados coa súa área de estudo
B5 CB10. Que os estudantes posúan as habilidades de aprendizaxe que lles permitan continuar estudando dun modo que haberá de ser en boa medida autodirixido ou autónomo.
B7 CG2 Identificar, avaliar e resolver os problemas derivados da presenza de discapacidade e dependencia
B9 CG4 Ser capaz de intervir na problemática derivada da discapacidade e da dependencia
B10 CG5 Capacidade para integrar coñecementos científicos de carácter avanzado ligados ao ámbito da discapacidade e a dependencia
C6 CT6. Valorar críticamente o coñecemento, a tecnoloxía e a información dispoñible para resolver os problemas aos que deben enfrontarse
C7 CT7. Ser capaz de valorar a importancia que ten a investigación, a innovación e o desenvolvemento tecnolóxico no avance socioeconómico e cultural da sociedade?

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
Reach the acquisition of knowledges advanced and show an understanding of the theoretical and practical appearances and of the methodology of work in the dysfunctions of the system cardiopulmonar with a depth that arrive until the avant-garde of the knowledge AR10
Be able of predict and control the evolution of complex situations, realising a systematic approximation to the assessment and treatment of the problems of the complex cardiopulmonar by means of the development of methodologies of work adapted to said field of knowledge, in his scientific slopes/researcher and professional. AR11
Capacity of clinical reasoning applied to the diagnosis capacity that guarantee the taking of safe clinical decisions and based in the evidence, as well as the critical analysis of the existent therapeutic procedures for the handle of the patient with dysfunction cardiorrespiratoria AR10
Be able to evaluate and select the suitable scientific theory and the precise methodology to develop, implement and evaluate the plans of attention and/or the guides of clinical practice in patients cardiorrespiratorios AR10
Have developed skills for the multidisciplinary work asistencial and/or of investigation in the dysfunction cardiorrespiratoria AR11

Topic Sub-topic
Module 1: I Handle advanced of the respiratory dysfunction 1. Bases of the respiratory pathophysiology and of the assessment of the respiratory patient.
2. Integral and multidisciplinary attention of the respiratory patient (control of factors of risk, nutritional support, pharmacology, physiotherapy, other therapeutic boardings).
3. Bases of treatment of the chronic pulmonary patient: programs of pulmonary rehabilitation, guides of clinical practice and scientific evidence.
4. Bases of treatment of the neuromuscular patient: guides of clinical practice and scientific evidence of the intervention fisioterápica.
5. Bases of treatment of the critical patient: guides of clinical practice and scientific evidence of the intervention fisioterápica.
6. The disability in the respiratory patient. Evaluation of the quality of life.
Module 2: I Handle advanced of the cardiovascular dysfunction 1. Bases of the pathophysiology cardiovascualr and of the assessment of the cardiovascular patient.
2. Integral and multidisciplinary attention of the cardiovascular patient: guides of clinical practice and available scientific evidence.
3. Programs of cardiovascular rehabilitation: available scientific evidence.
4. The disability in the cardiovascular patient. Evaluation of the quality of life.

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Critical bibliographical B5 C6 2 30 32
Laboratory practice B7 B9 2 2 4
Supervised projects A10 A11 B10 B5 C6 6 60 66
Mixed objective/subjective test A10 B2 B7 1 6 7
Field trip A10 B2 4 9 13
Guest lecture / keynote speech A10 A11 B2 B7 B9 B10 C7 24 0 24
Personalized attention 4 0 4
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Critical bibliographical The bibliographic reviewing supposes a process of critical reading of a book, of an article, of a thesis or of a communication to a congress. As such process comprises the reading of the work, the analysis of his content and a criticism and assessment of the same in relation to the existent literature on the subject. A reviewing does not suppose a summary of the work, neither a mere analysis of the content, as what awards him sense and scientific academic dimension is the criticism that deserves to trial of the author of the reviewing, in relation to other works known of the same field or in relation to his own experience.
Laboratory practice Methodology that allows that the students learn sure enough through the realisation of activities of practical character, such like demonstrations, exercises, experiments and investigations.
Supervised projects Methodology designed to promote the autonomous learning of the students, under the tutela of the professor and in stages varied (academic and professionals). It is referred prioritariamente to the learning of the "how do the things". It constitutes an option based in the assumption by the students of the responsibility by his own learning.
This system of education bases in two basic elements: the independent learning of the students and the follow-up of this learning by the professor-tutor.
Mixed objective/subjective test Proof that integrates ask type of proofs of essay and ask type of objective proofs.
Regarding questions of essay, collects open questions of development. Besides, in what objective questions, can combine questions of multiple answer, of ordenación, of brief answer, of discrimination, to complete and/or of association.
Field trip Activities developed in an external context to the university academic surroundings (companies, institutions, organisms, monuments, etc.) related with the field of study of the matter. These activities centre in the development of capacities related with the direct and systematic observation, the collected of information, the development of products (outlines, designs, etc.), etc.
Guest lecture / keynote speech Oral exhibition complemented with the use of audiovisual means and the introduction of some questions headed to the students, with the purpose to transmit knowledges and facilitate the learning.
The masterclass is also known as %or201Cconferencia%or201D, %or201Cmétodo expositivo%or201D or %or201Clección magistral%or201D. This last modality is used to reserve to a special type of lesson given by a professor in special occasions, with a content that supposes an original preparation and based in the almost exclusive use of the word like road of transmission of the information to the audience.

During the session magistral will integrate of punctual way the methodologies of discussion directed and aprendizajo based in problems.

Personalized attention
Mixed objective/subjective test
Supervised projects
supervised work: it recommends the personalised attention to help to the student to elaborate his work, from the seleccion of the bibliographic sources, until his structuring and development.
Mixed proof: it recommends the personalised attention to help to the student to resolve the doubts arisen of the preparation of the matter in his group.

In the case of the student with reconocimineto of dedication part time and dispenses academician of exemption of asistenica, will realise a tutorización each fifteen days, in base to the reading of texts recommended and the preparation of infomres by part of the student that guarantee the suitable follow-up of the program.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Mixed objective/subjective test A10 B2 B7 Mixed proof type test with question develop 40
Critical bibliographical B5 C6 Assessment of the reviewings contributed by the student along the cuatrimestre. 20
Supervised projects A10 A11 B10 B5 C6 Assessment of the supervised work presented by the student. 30
Field trip A10 B2 It will be evaluated the reports derived of the exit of field, in which the student will show his capacity of integration of the theoretical knowledges in the clinical context. It will put special attention, amongst other, to:
1. The descripcion of the methodologies of evaluation, intervention employed in the real clinical context.
2. The establishment of the diagnostics and the typification of the dysfunction of origin cardiorrespiratorio.
3. The connection of the concepts tackled in the classroom and the appearances observed in the real surroundings.
Assessment comments

The percentages assigned to each proof can suffer small modifications of a course to another in function of the needs of the subject. Nevertheless, the value  of the mixed objerctive/subjective test will be situated  between the 30 and 40%, the criticla bibliographical between a 20 and 30%, the supervised projects between a 20 and 30% and the field trip between a 10 and 20%

The criteria of evaluation of first and second opportunity will be the same.

The students enrolled part time will have of personalised attention along the course, with a tutoría twice-weekly. They must demonstrate assistance up to 50% of the presencial activities.

Sources of information
Basic Pryor J, Prasad AS (2016). Physiotherapy for respiratory and cardiac problems : adults and paediatrics . Edinburgh : Elsevier
Harden B (2009). Respiratory physiotherapy : an on-call survival guide. Edinburgh : Churchill Livingstone/Elsevier
Frownfelter, D (2012). Cardivascular and pulmonary physical Therapy. St. Louis : Elsevier
OMS (2001). Clasificación internacional del funcionamiento, de la discapacidad y la salud. Versión abreviada. Inserso
Reid, W D (2004). Clinical Management notes and case histories in cardiopulmonary physical therapy. Thorofare, NJ : Slack
Booth S, Dudgeon D (2006 ). Dyspnoea in advanced disease. Oxfort
Giraldo Estrada, Horacio (2008). EPOC : Diagnóstico y tratamiento integral con énfasis en la rehabilitación pulmonar. Buenos Aires: Médica Panamericana
López Chicharro, J (2013). Fisiología del entrenamiento aeróbico : una visión integrada . Madrid: Panamericana
West J (2008). Fisiología y fisiopatología pulmonar. Estudio de casos. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
Patiño, JF (2015). Gases sanguíneos, fisiología de la respiración e insuficiencia respiratoria aguda . Bogotá: Panamericana
Hyatt, Robert E. (2014). Interpretation of pulmonary function test. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
Badia X, Alonso J (2007). La medida de la salud: gúia de escalas de medida en español. Barcelona : Edittec
Esteban A, Anzueto DJ (2006). Manejo de pacientes con falla respiratoria basada en la evidencia. Bogotá: Editorial tribuna
Houg, A (2014). Physiotherapy in respiratory and cardiac care : an evidence-based approach. Stanford : Cengage Learning
Seco J (2018). Sistema Respiratorio: Afecciones Médico-Quirúrgicas. Métodos de intervención. Fisioterapia Clínica. Madrid: Editorial Médica Panamericana
Chiappero G, Villarejo F (2010). Ventilación mecánica : libro del Comité de Neumonología Crítica de la SATI. Buenos Aires: Panamericana

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
Research Methodology/651516001
Multimedia Tools in Research/651516002

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously
Resource Management in Health and Social Care in Disability and Dependency Situations/651516009

Subjects that continue the syllabus

Other comments

To help to achieve some sustainable immediate surroundings and fulfil with the strategic aims of the Plan Green Campus of the Faculty of Physiotherapy, the documentary works that realise  in this matter will be able to request  so much in format paper like virtual or computer support. To realise  in paper, will be still in  the measure of the possible the following general recommendations:

- They will not use  plastic.

- They will realise  impressions to double expensive.

- It will employ  paper recycled.

- It will avoid  the realisation of drafts

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.