Identifying Data 2020/21
Subject (*) Inorganic Chemistry 2 Code 610G01022
Study programme
Grao en Química
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 2nd four-month period
Second Obligatory 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Química
Vazquez Garcia, Digna
Fernandez Lopez, Alberto A.
Lopez Torres, Margarita
Martínez Calvo, Miguel
Platas Iglesias, Carlos
Vazquez Garcia, Digna
Web http://(En construcción)
General description Históricamente, o estudo da Química dividiuse en grandes Áreas de Coñecemento, sendo unha delas a Química Inorgánica. Esta materia trata a investigación experimental e a interpretación teórica das propiedades e reactividade de tódolos elementos da táboa periódica, así como a de todos os compostos derivados deles. Polo que podemos dicir que dous dos aspectos máis característicos da Química Inorgánica son, por unha banda, a súa grande diversidade e, por outra, o seu carácter interdisciplinar.
O significado desta materia supera as fronteiras puramente académicas. Así, na nosa vida cotián, atopamos unha grande variedade de produtos inorgánicos que son comunmente empregados, destacando moitos deles pola súa importante implicación en procesos industriais e tecnolóxicos que contribúen decisivamente ao desenvolvemento da sociedade.
No plan de estudos do Grao en Química da UDC, e de acordo con criterios de organización académica, o ensino da Química Inorgánica Xeral prográmase no segundo curso a través de dúas materias de carácter teórico-práctico, Química Inorgánica 1 e Química Inorgánica 2. A Química Inorgánica 2 trata o estudo sistemático e a síntese dos elementos dos grupos 13 e 14 e dos elementos metálicos, así como o estudo da síntese e propiedades dos principais compostos derivados destes elementos.
Dende o punto de vista académico, asenta as bases para o estudo de materias avanzadas dentro da Área de Química Inorgánica, así como para a maioría das materias doutras áreas de coñecemento.
Contingency plan 1. Modificacións nos contidos
No caso desta materia non hai modificacións nos contidos.
2. Metodoloxías
*Metodoloxías docentes que se manteñen
Mantéñense todas as metodoloxías docentes. Aquelas actividades que se levaban a cabo de modo presencial, pasarán a realizarse virtualmente nas plataformas de traballo empregadas pola UDC. No caso de que parte do alumnado non puidese continuar coa docencia presencial, utilizaranse medios asincrónicos (correo electrónico, gravacións das sesión expositivas, material multimedia específico...)
*Metodoloxías docentes que se modifican
Non hai modificacións
3. Mecanismos de atención personalizada ao alumnado
Mediante o emprego de ferramentas como a Plataforma Microsoft Teams, correo electrónico institucional da UDC ou Moodle, a petición do alumno proporcionaráselle axuda titorial cando así o solicite en horario a convir.
4. Modificacións na avaliación
- A avaliación será realizada empregando plataformas como Moodle, ferramentas do paquete Office 365 e/ou aplicacións dispoñibles en Internet.
- Toda as actividades avaliables e o peso na cualificación das mesmas non varían.
*Observacións de avaliación:

5. Modificacións da bibliografía ou webgrafía
Non hai modificacións

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A1 Ability to use chemistry terminology, nomenclature, conventions and units
A2 Ability to describe and account for trends in properties of chemical elements throughout the periodic table
A3 Knowledge of characteristics of the different states of matter and theories used to describe them
A4 Knowledge of main types of chemical reaction and characteristics of each
A5 Understanding of principles of thermodynamics and its applications in chemistry
A6 Knowledge of chemical elements and their compounds, synthesis, structure, properties and reactivity
A12 Ability to relate macroscopic properties of matter to its microscopic structure
A14 Ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of concepts, principles and theories in chemistry
A16 Ability to source, assess and apply technical bibliographical information and data relating to chemistry
A17 Ability to work safely in a chemistry laboratory (handling of materials, disposal of waste)
A18 Risk management in relation to use of chemical substances and laboratory procedures
A20 Ability to interpret data resulting from laboratory observation and measurement
A21 Understanding of qualitative and quantitative aspects of chemical problems
A22 Ability to plan, design and develop projects and experiments
A23 Critical standards of excellence in experimental technique and analysis
A26 Ability to follow standard laboratory procedures in relation to analysis and synthesis of organic and inorganic systems
B1 Learning to learn
B2 Effective problem solving
B3 Application of logical, critical, creative thinking
B4 Working independently on own initiative
C1 Ability to express oneself accurately in the official languages of Galicia (oral and in written)

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
The student must know and rationalize the chemical behavior of the elements and their main compounds, as well as their individual properties and possibilities to be combined, using suitable models and theories and establishing relationships with their position in the periodic table. A1
The student must know the equipment and techniques of common use in a laboratory of Inorganic Chemistry, and develop the skills required to use them. A17
The student must be able to relate critically the theoretical knowledge with the experimental facts observed in the laboratory. A14
The student must know the bibliographic resources used in Inorganic Chemistry. A16

Topic Sub-topic
Lesson 1. Metals: an overview. 1.1. General Characteristics of metals.
1.2. Structure and bonding.
1.3. Physical and chemical properties. Chemistry in aqueous solution. Aquated cations: formation and acidic properties. Pourbaix diagrams.
1.4. Preparation. Ellingham diagrams.
Lesson 2. Coordination Chemistry. 2.1. General considerations: Definition and terminology.
2.2. Types of ligands.
2.3. Bonding in complexes.
2.4. Coordination numbers and geometries.
2.5. Isomerism in coordination chemistry.
2.6. Ligand Topology.
Lesson 3. The Group 14 elements (C, Si, Ge, Sn, Pb). 3.1. Electronic structures of atoms and chemical behaviour.
3.2. The elements: structure and bonding, physical and chemical properties. Chemistry in aqueous solution.
3.3. Occurrence, extraction and uses.
3.4. Main compounds.
Lesson 4. The Group 13 elements (B, Al, Ga, In, Tl). 4.1. Electronic structures of atoms and chemical behaviour.
4.2. The elements: structure and bonding, physical and chemical properties. Chemistry in aqueous solution.
4.3. Occurrence, extraction and uses.
4.4. Main compounds.
Lesson 5. The Groups 1, 2 and 3. 5.1. Electronic structures of atoms and chemical behaviour. Diagonal relationships between Li and Mg, and between Be and Al.
5.2. The elements: structure and bonding, physical and chemical properties. Chemistry in aqueous solution.
5.3. Occurrence, extraction and uses.
5.4. Main compounds.
Lesson 6. d-Block metal chemistry: the first row metals. 6.1. The d-Block metals: General characteristics and classification.
6.2. Electronic structures of atoms and chemical behaviour. The most common oxidation states.
6.3. The elements: structure and bonding, physical and chemical properties. Chemistry in aqueous solution.
6.4. Occurrence, extraction and uses.
6.5. Main compounds.
Lesson 7. d-Block metal chemistry: the second and the third row metals. 7.1. Electronic structures of atoms and chemical behaviour. The most common oxidation states.
7.2. The elements: structure and bonding, physical and chemical properties. Chemistry in aqueous solution.
7.3. Occurrence, extraction and uses.
7.4. Main compounds.
Lesson 8. The f-block metals. 8.1. Lanthanides
8.2. Actinides
8.3 Postactinides
Lesson 9. Experimental Inorganic Chemistry. Synthesis of inorganic elements and compounds.

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Introductory activities B1 2 0 2
Guest lecture / keynote speech A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A12 A14 A21 B2 C1 22 44 66
Problem solving A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A12 A14 A21 B2 B4 C1 8 20 28
Supervised projects A14 A16 A21 B1 B2 B3 B4 C1 1 15 16
Laboratory practice A14 A17 A18 A20 A21 A22 A23 A26 B1 B2 B3 B4 C1 18 0 18
Objective test A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A12 A14 A21 B2 B3 C1 1 0 1
Multiple-choice questions A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A12 A14 A21 B2 B3 C1 0 1 1
Document analysis A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A12 A14 A21 B2 B3 C1 0 5 5
Mixed objective/subjective test A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A12 A14 A21 B2 B3 C1 4 8 12
Personalized attention 1 0 1
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Introductory activities Presentation of the subject and its contents, the methodology that is used throughout the course and the criteria that will be used for the assessment.
Guest lecture / keynote speech Classroom activity designed for relatively large groups of students (a maximum of sixty) in which the main contents of the course are presented. The lectures will require the participation of the students asking questions about the lecture and answering those questions raised by the instructor. It is advised that the students read in advance the literature associated to the topic that will be covered by the lecture.
Problem solving On site activities for small to very small groups in which the students must participate actively. A list of problems and exercises will be delivered to the students before the problem-solving sessions. Before attending class, and in order to participate and be evaluated in it, the student must submit the exercises through the online platform available for the course. The problems are discussed and solved by the students following the guidance of the instructor.
Supervised projects Before starting the laboratory practice the student will perform an initial survey of theoretical and preparative aspects related to the experiment that will be carried out in the laboratory. For this purpose, students will make use of the knowledge of the contents of the course and the sources of information recommended by the instructor. This preliminary work and the conclusions drawn from the study will be presented to the instructor in an interview before the laboratory practice starts. The instructor will assess whether the student has gained enough knowledge to start the experiments in the laboratory with safety and with ability to link the experiments with the concepts delivered during the course.
Laboratory practice It will focus on the synthesis and isolation of inorganic substances. The experiments must be carried out with a careful observation of the safety rules, as well as with the efficiency and rigor characteristic of the scientific method. The students will complete a laboratory notebook that will contain three different parts: An overview of the preliminary work developed to prepare the experiment (supervised projects), a detailed description of the execution of the experiment (laboratory diary), and a comment on the results obtained and the conclusions that can be drawn from the experiments.
Objective test The students will answer intermediate tests with short questions combining multiple-choice answer questions, organization, short-answer, discrimination and/or association questions, in some of the sessions scheduled for lectures or problem solving activities. This will help both students and instructors to detect deficiencies related to the contents of the course presented up to that point.
Multiple-choice questions A test will be carried out in the lectures at the end of each lesson, to evaluate the learning of the contents. This test will be made using platforms such as Moodle, Office 365 package tools and / or applications available on the Internet. For this purpose, questions will be asked as a direct question or an incomplete statement, and several options or response alternatives providing possible solutions, of which only one of them is valid, thus seeing the degree of assimilation of the contents of the course by the student.
Document analysis This methodology will help the student to work on relevant content for the subject matter, with activities specifically designed on the platforms for their analysis through the use of audiovisual and / or bibliographic documents (fragments of documentary reports or films, current news, photographs, articles, etc.) available to the student through the online platforms.
Mixed objective/subjective test Written test that will contain different types of exercises: Essay-type questions that require medium or long answers that address a rather general topic, short-answer questions to address more specific issues, Problem-solving questions, which require calculations for their solution or the logical application of the competences that the student has acquired during the course, and Multiple-choice questions.

Personalized attention
Guest lecture / keynote speech
Problem solving
Laboratory practice
Mixed objective/subjective test
Supervised projects
Objective test
Multiple-choice questions
Document analysis
The teaching-learning process is supported by individual attention to the student, and will take place at the most convenient time for the student and the teacher.

Those students having a part-time dedication to the course, and thus waiver of assistance to the on-site academic activities according to the regulations of UDC, will be supported with specific individual attention in different forms:
- Tutoring support upon request of the student.
- The instructor will propose (upon student request) specific tasks to the student such as problem sheets related to the contents of the course. The student will solve the problems individually and then request a tutoring session to have convenient feedback from the instructor.
- Tutoring support for the preparation of the experiments that the student will carry out in the laboratory and the preparation of the personal interview (see methodologies above). Again, these tutoring sessions will take place upon student request and scheduled at the convenience of the student.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Problem solving A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A12 A14 A21 B2 B4 C1 During the problem-solving classes, the professor assesses the solution of the proposed problems as well as their active participation in the discussions with the other students. 10
Laboratory practice A14 A17 A18 A20 A21 A22 A23 A26 B1 B2 B3 B4 C1 Work in the laboratory will be assess according to:
- Organization and security
- Knowledge of the material and technical procedures
- Manual skill and, especially, the ability to understand the processes observed from the previous preparation.
The three parts of the laboratory notebook will also be graded:
1-Summary of the theoretical preparation (carried out during the supervised work).
2-Detailed description of laboratory work (laboratory diary).
3- Results and conclusions drawn from the experiment.
Mixed objective/subjective test A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A12 A14 A21 B2 B3 C1 Students will take the mixed test in the hours designed by the Faculty. It will consist of a number of questions and problems related to the subject's contents, according to the Methodology section. 40
Supervised projects A14 A16 A21 B1 B2 B3 B4 C1 During the interview associated to the supervised work, the teacher will assess whether the student has gained enough knowledge of the theoretical and preparative aspects related to the experiment that will be carried out in the laboratory
The student will not be able to begin the work in the laboratory until he/she performs adequately this previous preparation.
Objective test A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A12 A14 A21 B2 B3 C1 Periodically, the students will take a series of short-term or short-answer tests, in accordance with the methodologies section. 10
Multiple-choice questions A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A12 A14 A21 B2 B3 C1 Periodically, short multiple-choice tests will be carried out through online platforms, according to what is indicated in the Methodology section. 5
Document analysis A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A12 A14 A21 B2 B3 C1 Periodically, according to what is indicated in the methodology section, there will be activities in which, based on audiovisual and / or bibliographic documents, the student must answer questions related to the content through the online platforms available for the course. 5
Assessment comments

Passing the course requires obtaining a minimun of 50 points. It is also mandatory to achieve at the same time a minimum of the 50 % of the grade of the mixed test and also a minimum of 40 % of the sum of the marks from Tutorized works + Laboratory practice. In the case of a student who do not get the minimum mark in any of them, even if the sum of the global is equal or higher than 50, the course will be considered failed (4.5 over 10 points). The evaluation cannot be positive if not all laboratory classes have been attended. The student will not be graded when participating in activities that add up to less than 25% of the final grade of the continuous assessment. Regarding the second chance in July: The grade of the mixed test of the second oportunity will replace that obtained in the mixed test of the first opportunity, being again necessary to obtain a minimum of 5 (out of 10) of the total score of the mixed test in order to pass the subject, which will mean, as in "the first opportunity", 40% of the grade. Those students who failed to pass the laboratory practice will be able to carry out a supervised project regarding a new laboratory practice and the corrresponding summary of the theoretical preparation. The qualification of the rest of evaluable activities during the course will be kept in the second opportunity in July.

Students who are assessed in the "second chance" will only be eligible for honors if the maximum number of these for the course, in accordance with academic regulations, was not fully covered in the "first chance".

Those students who take advantage of the "recognition of part-time dedication and academic exemption from attendance" in accordance with UDC regulations, will only be required to attend supervised work and practical laboratory classes. The final grade for these students will consist of two parts: the grade obtained in the supervised work and laboratory practices, which will contribute 30% to the final grade and the mixed test, which will count for the remaining 70%. These qualification percentages will apply to both opportunities.

In the case of exceptional, objectifiable and duly justified circumstances, the Responsible Professor may totally or partially exempt any member of the student body from participating in the continuous assessment process. Students who find themselves in this circumstance must pass a specific exam that leaves no doubt about the achievement of the competencies of the subject.

Sources of information
Basic E.C. Housecroft y A.G. Sharpe (2006). Química Inorgánica. Madrid, Pearson 2ª Ed. (en inglés 4ª Ed 2012)
D.F. Shriver, P.W. Atkins, T.L. Overton, J.P. Rourke, H.T. Weller y F.A. Armstrong (2008). Química Inorgánica. México, McGraw-Hill 4ª Ed. (en inglés 6ª Ed. 2014)

Sources of Information recommended for the laboratory work:

G. Brauer. "Preparative Inorganic Chemistry", vols. I y II. Academic Press, Nueva York (1963 y 1965). Versión en castellano de la 2ª ed. alemana: "Química Inorgánica Preparativa", Reverté, Barcelona (1958)

G.C. Schlessinger. "Inorganic Laboratory Preparations". Chemical Pub. Co., Nueva York (1962). Versión en castellano: "Preparaciones de Compuestos Inorgánicos en el Laboratorio", Continental, México (1962)

Z. Szafran, R.M. Pike y M. Singh. "Microscale Inorganic Chemistry: A Comprensive Laboratory Experience". Wiley & Sons, Nueva York (1991)

Complementary S.M. Owen y A.T. Brooken (1991). A Guide to Modern Inorganic Chemistry. Harlow. Longman
F.A. Cotton, G. Wilkinson, C.A. Murillo y M. Bochman (1999). Advanced Inorganic Chemistry. New York, Wiley&Sons 6th Ed. [en castellano: 4ª Ed., 1986]
J.D. Lee (1996). Concise Inorganic Chemistry. London, Chapman&Hall 6th Ed.
G.E. Rodgers (2002). Descriptive Inorganic Coordination and Solid State Chemistry . Melbourne, Thomson Learning 2ª Ed. [en castellano: 1ª Ed., 1995]
E. Gutiérrez Ríos (1984). Química Inorgánica . Barcelona, Reverté 2ª Ed.
G. Rayner-Canham y T. Overton (2000). Química Inorgánica Descriptiva. Mexico, Pearson, 2ª Ed. [en inglés: 6ª Ed., 20014]
N.N. Greenwood y A. Earnshaw (1997). The Chemistry of the Elements. Oxford, Butterworth Heinemann 2nd Ed.

The sources of information recommended above are Inorganic Chemistry textbooks available at the library of teh Faculty of Sciences.

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
General Chemistry 1/610G01007
General Chemistry 2/610G01008
General Chemistry 3/610G01009
Chemistry Laboratory 1/610G01010

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously
Inorganic Chemistry 1/610G01021

Subjects that continue the syllabus
Inorganic Chemistry 3/610G01023
Inorganic Chemistry 4/610G01024
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry/610G01025
Industrial Chemistry/610G01039

Other comments
As a complement to the face-to-face classes and the bibliographic material, instructors will make available for the students (through the means established in each case) the documentation related to the master sessions, exercise and problem sheets, guidance documents for laboratory practices and / or questionnaires of various kinds. Note: Attendance to all classes is advised, as well as active participation in all activities.

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.