Identifying Data 2020/21
Subject (*) Economic Analysis of Organisations Code 611G02023
Study programme
Grao en Administración e Dirección de Empresas
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 1st four-month period
Third Obligatory 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Empresa
Lopez Rodriguez, Jose
Gago Cortés, María Carmen
Lopez Rodriguez, Jose
Teijeiro Álvarez, Mercedes
General description Análise e comprensión económica da organización da actividade económica a nivel microeconómico. En particular, a análise articulase en torno a dous aspectos: as formas de goberno das transaccións e os incentivos. A asignatura dotará os alumnos dunha serie de competencias para a xestión das organizaciones, cuya aplicación exténdese fundamentalmente o ámbito da organización interna (deseño de incentivos, goberno corporativo, arquitectura organizativa) pero tamén a aspectos relacionados coa estratexia empresarial (integración vertical, subcontratación de actividades, acordos de colaboración)
Contingency plan 1. Modificacións nos contidos
Non se realizan cambios nos contidos
2. Metodoloxías
Non se realizan cambios nas metodoloxías docentes. En caso de que a situación sanitaria o requira a materia pasará a impartirse en modalidade semipresencial ou non presencial.
3. Mecanismos de atención personalizada ao alumnado
Correo electrónico:diariamente.De uso para consultas ,solicitar encontros virtuais ou para resolver dúbidas.
Moodle:diariamente. Segundo a necesidade do alumnado. Dispoñen de “foros temáticos asociados aos módulos” da materia, para formular as consultas necesarias.
Teams:sesións a demanda segundo a necesidade do alumnado para reforzar a comprensión da asignatura.
4. Modificacións na avaliación
Non se realizan cambios na avaliación.
*Observacións de avaliación:
1. Calificación de non presentado: Corresponde ó alumno, cando so participe en actividades de avaliación que teñan unha ponderación inferior ó 20% sobre a calificación final, con independencia da calificación alcanzada.

2. Segunda oportunidade e convocatoria adiantada: os criterios de avaliación da segunda oportunidade e convocatoria adiantada son os descritos na guía.

3. Estudantes con recoñecemento de dedicación a tempo parcial e dispensa académica de exención de asistencia: Excepto para as datas aprobadas na Xunta de Facultade para a proba obxetiva final, para as restantes probas acordarase ó inicio do curso un calendario específico de datas compatible coa súa dedicación.
Serán avaliados cos mesmos criterios que os alumnos a tempo completo.
4. Sobre as condicións de avaliación: Se os exames se realizan en formato papel, está prohibido acceder ao examen con calqueira dispositivo que permita a comunicación co exterior e/o almacenamento de información.

5. Identificación do estudante: o estudante ha de acreditar a súa identidades dacordo coa normativa vixente.

5. Modificacións da bibliografía ou webgrafía
Non se realizan cambios na bibliografía ou webgrafía

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A1 Manage an enterprise or small organization, understanding their competitive and institutional position and identifying their strengths and weaknesses
A2 Integrate in any functional area of micro-firms or SMEs and perform fluently any management task commissioned
A3 Evaluate and foreseeing, from relevant data, the development of a company.
A4 Elaborate advisory reports on specific situations of companies and markets
A5 Write projects about specific functional areas (e.g. management, marketing, financial) of the company
A6 Identify the relevant sources of economic information and to interpret the content.
A7 Understand economic institutions as a result and application of theoretical or formal representations which explain the evolution of the economy.
A8 Derive, based on from basic information, relevant data unrecognizable by non-professionals.
A9 Use frequently the information and communication technology (ICT) throughout their professional activity.
A10 Read and communicate in a professional environment at a basic level in more than one language, particularly in English
A11 To analyze the problems of the firm based on management technical tools and professional criteria
A12 Communicate fluently in their environment and work by teams
B1 CB1-The students must demonstrate knowledge and understanding in a field of study that part of the basis of general secondary education, although it is supported by advanced textbooks, and also includes some aspects that imply knowledge of the forefront of their field of study
B2 CB2 - The students can apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional way and have competences typically demostrated by means of the elaboration and defense of arguments and solving problems within their area of work
B3 CB3- The students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their field of study) to issue evaluations that include reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical
B4 CB4-Communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to an audience both skilled and unskilled
B5 CB5-Develop skills needed to undertake further studies learning with a high degree of autonomy
B6 CG1-Perform duties of management, advice and evaluation in business organizations
B7 CG2-Know how to use the concepts and techniques used in the various functional areas of the company and understand the relationships between them and with the overall objectives of the organization
B8 CG3- Know how to make decisions, and, in general, assume leadership roles.
B9 CG4-Learn to identify and anticipate opportunities, allocate resources, organize information, select and motivate people, make decisions under conditions of - uncertainty, achieve the proposed objectives and evaluate results
B10 CG5-Respect the fundamental and equal rights for men and women, promoting respect of human rights and the principles of equal opportunities, non-discrimination and universal accessibility for people with disabilities.
C1 Express correctly, both orally and in writing, in the official languages of the autonomous region
C3 Use basic tools of information and communications technology (ICT) necessary for the exercise of their profession and for learning throughout their lives.
C4 To be trained for the exercise of citizenship open, educated, critical, committed, democratic, capable of analyzing reality and diagnose problems, formulate and implement knowledge-based solutions oriented to the common good
C5 Understand the importance of entrepreneurial culture and know the means and resources available to entrepreneurs
C6 Assess critically the knowledge, technology and information available to solve the problems and take valuable decisions
C7 Assume as professionals and citizens the importance of learning throughout life.
C8 Assess the importance of research, innovation and technological development in the economic and cultural progress of society.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
To understand the importance of organization at the microeconomic level. To understand the most relevant dimensions or problems in the study of the organization. To understand the firm as an alternative governance structure to the market. To understand the selection of different government alternatives to solve organizational problems. To design optimal incentive schemes to face motivation problems (moral hazard) in organizations. To know the most relevant economic theories for the study and analysis of the organizations. To know how to detect, analyze, solve and communicate organizational problems, managing the concepts and theories of organizational economics. To realize that continuous education and knowledge are key to the best development of our lives and society. To instill ethical values ??as a guiding principle in behaviors as professionals and, above all, as citizens. To know how to work as a team. To encourage the use of ICT in personal communication tasks. A1

Topic Sub-topic
MODULE I. INTRODUCTION The specific contents of each module will be adapted to the singularities of each degree.
MODULE II. GOVERNANCE The specific contents of each module will be adapted to the singularities of each degree.
MODULE III. INCENTIVES The specific contents of each module will be adapted to the singularities of each degree.

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Document analysis A11 A8 B5 2 10 12
Workbook A6 A7 A10 B1 B5 C8 0 8 8
Multiple-choice questions A7 A11 B1 B7 3 75 78
Problem solving A11 B2 B3 B5 B7 B8 B9 6 0 6
Supervised projects A1 A2 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A12 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B8 B9 B10 C1 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 1 17 18
Guest lecture / keynote speech A3 A7 A11 B1 B4 B10 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 17 0 17
Personalized attention 11 0 11
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Document analysis Research skills development involving use of audiovisual and/or bibliographical documents (documentary or film extracts, news items, advertising images, photographs, articles, legal texts, etc.) relating to specific topic of study, with targeted analysis activities. Used as introduction to topic, as focus for case study, to explain abstract processes and present complex situations, or as strategy for synthesising content (theoretical and practical).
Workbook Compilation of printed texts and written documents, collected and edited as tool to consolidate knowledge of course content.
Multiple-choice questions Objective test in which student is required to select one option from list of possible answers to direct question or incomplete statement provided.
Problem solving Applied learning method in which student is required to use knowledge gained from study to propose a solution to a specific problem, where more than one solution may be possible.
Supervised projects Supervised learning process aimed at helping students to work independently in a range of contexts (academic and professional). Focused primarily on learning ‘how to do things’ and on encouraging students to become responsible for their own learning.
Guest lecture / keynote speech Oral presentation (using audiovisual material and student interaction) designed to transmit knowledge and encourage learning. Presentations of this type are variously referred to as ‘expository method’, ‘guest lectures’ or ‘keynote speeches’. (The term ‘keynote’ refers only to a type of speech delivered on special occasions, for which the lecture sets the tone or establishes the underlying theme; it is characterised by its distinctive content, structure and purpose, and relies almost exclusively on the spoken word to communicate its ideas.)

Personalized attention
Guest lecture / keynote speech
Supervised projects
In the tutoring hours the student will be attended to clarify those doubts that arise for the preparation of the subject, as well as regarding the preparation of the supervised work. Without mentioning the person who made the consultation during tutoring hours, it can be published in Moodle, along with their response, so that other students can take advantage of it. All this if the teacher considers it appropriate and of general interest to the exposed consultation.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Multiple-choice questions A7 A11 B1 B7 Multple-choice questions with penalties for incorrect answers. 75
Supervised projects A1 A2 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A12 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B8 B9 B10 C1 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 To develop and present a work on a topic related to either the governance of economic activity or incentives and from a microeconomic perspective. This work will be developed in teams of 4 or 5 studentes. 25
Assessment comments

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION DEGREE. The evaluation will be totally continuous based on multiple-choice tests (75%) and the completion of a supervised work (25%). In the first opportunity there will be up to a maximum of 3 multiple-choice tests in which the weight will be 15% (first), 25% (second) and 60% (third) if there are three and 35% and 65% if there are two. The tests do not imply the elimination of contents, that is, the contents of the first test also enter in the second and the contents of the first and second will enter the third. To pass the course, it will be necessary to achieve a minimum of 5 points in the final computation of the evaluation (multiple-choice test + supervised work), but it is also necessary to achieve a minimum of 5 points out of 10 in the multiple-choice test -If not, the subject will be suspense-. The dates of the tests will be defined according to the state of progress of the classes and will be communicated at least one week in advance. The delivery of the supervised work must take place in the second week of December.

STUDENTS WITH PART TIME DEDICATION AND ACADEMIC DISPENSE OF EXEMPTION FROM ATTENDANCE. The evaluation will be carried out on the same contentS and criteria as for full-time students. At the beginning of the course, these students will communicate the specific schedule according to their availability, thus enabling their assessment to be carried out.

ADVANCE CALL AND SECOND OPPORTUNITY. The students who present themselves to the advanced call in November, the evaluation will be made from a single multiple-choice test and to pass the course it is necessary to reach a minimum of 5 points out of 10. As for the second opportunity, there will be a single multiple-choice test (on the date established as official for the second opportunity) with a weighting of 75%; In addition, the grade obtained in the supervised work will also be part of the final grade (even those students who have not completed this work will have the possibility of recovering this work and must present it before the date of the official test). To pass the course it will be necessary to achieve a minimum of 5 points in the final evaluation calculation (multiple choice test + supervised work), but it is also necessary to achieve a minimum of 5 points out of 10 in the multiple choice test.

DOUBLE DEGREE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION + LAW. The evaluation will be completely continuous based on the resolution of case studies, multiple choice tests, presentation of works, etc. The teachers will explain the details of the continuous assessment at the beginning of the course.

STUDENTS WITH PART TIME DEDICATION AND ACADEMIC DISPENSE OF EXEMPTION FROM ATTENDANCE. The evaluation will be carried out on the same contents and criteria as for full-time students. At the beginning of the course, these students will communicate the specific schedule according to their availability, thus enabling their assessment to be carried out.

ADVANCE CALL AND SECOND OPPORTUNITY. The students who present to the advanced call in November, the evaluation will be made from a single multiple-choice test and to pass the course it is necessary to achieve a minimum of 5 points out of 10. As for the second opportunity, teachers will offer the opportunity to recover those activities that had not been approved or had not been delivered / done. To pass, you must achieve a minimum of 5 points out of 10.


Sources of information
Basic Duma, S. y Schreuder, H. (1991). Economic approaches to organizations. Prentice Hall
Milgrom, P. y Roberts, J. (1992). Economics, Organizations and Management. Prentice Hall
Williamson, O.E. (1985). The Economic Institutions of Capitalism, New York:Free Press.. Macmillan


Dranove, M. Shanley y S. Schaefer (2003), Economics of Strategy. Third Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Brickley, J.A., Smith, C.W., Zimmerman, J.L. (2005), Economía Empresarial y Arquitectura de la organización. Ed. McGraw Hill

Salas (1996), Economía de la empresa. Decisiones y organización. Ariel Economía. 2ª Edición.

Williamson, O.E. (1975), Markets and Hierarchies: Analysis and Antitrust implications. Free Press, New York, NY. Traducido como Williamson, O.E. (1991): Mercados y Jerarquías: Su Análisis y sus Implicaciones Antitrust, México: Fondo de Cultura Económica

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
Principles of Microeconomics/611G02001
Business Economics: Management and Organisation/611G02008

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus

Other comments

Some recommendations for taking advantage of the subject:

1. Bring the subject up to date as much as possible. It is a subject that involves many new concepts and theoretical elements whose understanding requires orderly and daily work.

2. Do the reading of articles and texts that are recommended since they are necessary for a good understanding and preparation of the topics.

3. Ask and question everything whose understanding or explanation is not clear enough.

4. Participate actively in the discussions and questions that the teacher poses in the classroom.

Other recommendations:

5. Academic honesty. Students are expected to behave responsibly and honestly both during the development of classes and on assessment tests. Any form of academic dishonesty (copied, communications not allowed during exams or evaluable exercises, etc.) will be punished with the maximum possible severity.

6. During classes, the phones will remain in "airplane mode". If someone uses the cell phone during class, they may be expelled.

7. On the day of the multiple-choice test, access to the test with any technological device that facilitates communication with the outside world and data storage is prohibited. Failure to observe this rule will mean expulsion from the exam and its score will be zero.

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.