Identifying Data 2020/21
Subject (*) Immersive, Interactive and Entertainment Systems Code 614G01062
Study programme
Grao en Enxeñaría Informática
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 2nd four-month period
Fourth Optional 6
Teaching method Hybrid
Department Ciencias da Computación e Tecnoloxías da Información
Fernández Blanco, Enrique
Dorado de la Calle, Julian
Fernández Blanco, Enrique
General description A asignatura ten como obxetivo principal proveer do coñecemento sobre as ferramentas e as técnicas para o desenvolvemento de aplicacións interactivas que poidan incluir características de inmersividade, sobre todo, pero non só, aplicadas no ámbito do entretemento.
Contingency plan 1. Modificacións nos contidos
Sen cambios

2. Metodoloxías

*Metodoloxías docentes que se manteñen
Sesión maxistral
Prácticas de laboratorio

*Metodoloxías docentes que se modifican

Proba mixta: De ser preciso, pasaría de ser presencial a modalidade non presencial (p.ex. vía tests de Moodle).

3. Mecanismos de atención personalizada ao alumnado

Toda a atención personalizada realizarase a través das plataformas corporativas da UDC (Teams, correo electrónico, foros de Moodle, etc.)
Para as titorías, xa inicialmente configuradas en modalidade “non presencial” polo centro, pedirase aos/ás estudantes que soliciten cita aos profesores responsables para realizar videochamadas por Teams dentro dos horarios de titorías do profesorado establecidos en

4. Modificacións na avaliación *Observacións de avaliación:
Non hai cambios, salvo que as probas “presenciais” poderían pasar a ser realizadas en modalidade “non presencial” utilizando as plataformas “Moodle” e/ou “Teams”

5. Modificacións da bibliografía ou webgrafía
Sen modificación

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A43 Capacidade para adquirir, obter, formalizar e representar o coñecemento humano nunha forma computable para a resolución de problemas mediante un sistema informático en calquera ámbito de aplicación, particularmente os relacionados con aspectos de computación, percepción e actuación en ambientes ou contornos intelixentes.
A44 Capacidade para desenvolver e avaliar sistemas interactivos e de presentación de información complexa e a súa aplicación á resolución de problemas de deseño de interacción persoa-computadora.
B1 Capacidade de resolución de problemas
B9 Capacidade para xerar novas ideas (creatividade)
C6 Valorar criticamente o coñecemento, a tecnoloxía e a información dispoñible para resolver os problemas cos que deben enfrontarse.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
Develop interactive and immersive systems, both in 2D and 3D, that can be interacted through different devices. A43

Topic Sub-topic
1. Introduction 1. Introduction
2. Videogames and animations development 2.1 Introduction
2.2. Historical perspective
2.3. 2D development
2.4. 3D engines
2.5. Artificial intelligence in games
2.6. Multi-platform development
3. Immersive and Advanced Display Contours 3.1 Virtual Reality
3.2 Augmented Reality
3.3 Multiverse
4. Peripheral Devices 4. Peripheral Devices

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Guest lecture / keynote speech A43 A44 C6 21 42 63
Objective test A43 A44 B1 C6 2 20 22
ICT practicals A43 A44 B1 B9 21 42 63
Personalized attention 2 0 2
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech Once a week, at the time designated by the centre, a synchronous session will be held using the telematic tools provided by the centre. Based on a Flip Teaching model, during these sessions, teachers will review or make special emphasis on the more complex concepts that they have previously selected from written material and/or explanatory videos. The expectation is that the students will plant the problems or doubts that arise from the review of the material previously provided.
The objective of these sessions is that the students acquire the basic knowledge that later will allow them to undertake with guarantees and to understand better the work carried out in the practices.
Objective test The course will be developed by the modality of continuous evaluation. For this purpose, a series of partial tests and/or essays will be established in order to evaluate the acquisition of the competences. These partial tests will have a mixed format with a test part, but also with essay questions or problems. In these the students must demonstrate the knowledge acquired both of theoretical concepts, as well as demonstrate or their knowledge of how to apply them.
If the students do not pass the subject with the partial tests, they will have a mixed test at the end of the four-month period that will cover all the contents.
ICT practicals The practicum takes the shape of two small projects consisting of developing two completely original videogames in which the students apply all the concepts and techniques explained during the theory classes.
For these projects, students will be organized in different teams in which each student is expected to take the role of the team leader during a part of the development.
Beginning with the development of a short story that serves as the basis for the games, students will develop a first version of the game in 2D. This will allow them to explore concepts such as user interaction, methodologies adapted to this type of product, AI implementation, etc.
Once the 2D part is done, the students will develop a second 3D version. In this part, they will attend to the difficulties inherent in 3D, such as the difficulty in determining collisions.

Personalized attention
ICT practicals
The mentoring is an important part of the development of the course. They are oriented in such a way that the students have and/or can consult different questions such as:

1. Possibilities of professional development
2. Problems in the development of the practices
3. Ways to focus on/organize practices
4. Resolution of doubts about theoretical issues

Due to the configuration based on the non-presence of the schools, students are asked to make an appointment with the responsible teachers to make video calls by Teams within the tutorial schedules established in

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Objective test A43 A44 B1 C6 A set of partial tests of the subject, which will take the form of classroom quizzes. These are mixed tests with multiple choice questions and some short essay questions in order that the students can demonstrate the assimilation of the concepts.
If the students do not pass the subject with the partial tests, they will have a final theoretical exam with the same characteristics as the partial tests on the total content of the subject.
ICT practicals A43 A44 B1 B9 Development of a work consisting of two projects corresponding to the two video games to be developed. For the 2D, the PyGame platform will be used as a support engine in the development. In 3D, we will use one of the most common platforms, Unity3D.
In addition to the video games, the quality of the documentation and the methodology applied in the development will also be evaluated.
Assessment comments

To pass the subject, the student must obtain a minimum score of 5 out of 10 in the result of combining the qualifications of the objective test and the ICT practices.

It should be noted that the objective test can take the form of partial exams or a final test. Regardless of the form, in order to pass the course, a minimum score of 1.4 points out of 4 in the objective test is required. In another case, it is considered that the student will not pass the subject independently of the grade given in the ICT practices.

The grade based on partial tests will correspond to the arithmetic mean of those. In case of not reaching the minimum grade the students will always be able to do the final test.Those students who, even though they have reached the minimum grade, choose to take the final test will lose the corresponding grade of their partial exams, regardless of whether they get a new lower grade.

Particular criteria for evaluation and attendance for part-time students:

- Practice and work must be submitted at the same time as the full time students.

- The schedule for the defence will be flexible in order to facilitate the defence and delivery of two jobs

On the  second oportunity ,

- Those students who achieve the minimum grade at the first opportunity of the objective test can keep the grade at the second opportunity. If they do not achieve the minimum grade, they will have to do a theoretical exam on two subjects. Those students who would like to improve their grade can take the exam but they must give up the previous grade regardless of the new lower grade.

- The grade obtained in the ICT Practice is kept, the students will have the opportunity to submit new projects both 2D and 3D but this time individually. These projects should be of similar quality and complexity as those presented in the first opportunity to recover the practice grade.  Those students who choose to submit new projects, will renounce to the precious grade , regardless of whether the new grade is lower than the previous one.

- The criteria for obtaining the total grade are same as the ones described for the first opportunity.

Sources of information
Basic Stephen Cawood, Mark Fiala (2007). Augmented reality: a practical guide. Programatic Bookshelf
M.I. McShaffry (2009). Behavioral mathematics for game AI. Cengage Learning
J. Gregory (2019). Game Engine Architecture (3rd Ed.). AK Peters/CRCPress
Ian Millington (2007). Game Phisics engine development. CRC Press
B. Furht (2011). Handbook of Augmented Reality. Springer Science & Businness Media
J. J. Domínguez, R. Luque (2011). Tecnología Digital y Realidad Virtual. Síntesis

Complementary I. Millington (2019). AI for Games. CRC Press
M. McShaffry and D. Graham (2012). Game Coding Complete (4th Ed.). Course Technology
R. Nystrom (2014). Game programming patterns. Genever Benning
M. Buckland (2005). Programming game AI by example. Jones & Barlett Learning
N. Sathaye (2010). Python Multimedia. Packt Publishing Ltd
W. Goldstone (2011). Unity 3. x game development essentials. Packt Publishing Ltd
A. Asadi (2016). Videogames Hardware Handbook: Vol. 1.1977-1999. Imagine Publishing
G. C. Burdea and P. Coiffet (2003). Virtual reality technology. John Wiley & Sons

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
Programming I/614G01001
Programming II/614G01006
Programming Paradigms/614G01014
Computer Graphics and Visualization/614G01066

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus

Other comments

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.