Identifying Data 2020/21
Subject (*) Architectural Research and Documentation Skills Code 630567104
Study programme
Mestrado Universitario en Rehabilitación Arquitectónica (Plan 2016)
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Official Master's Degree 1st four-month period
First Optional 3
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Proxectos Arquitectónicos, Urbanismo e Composición
Río Vázquez, Antonio Santiago
López Salas, Estefanía
Río Vázquez, Antonio Santiago
General description Esta materia ten como obxectivo proporcionar ao alumnado as ferramentas necesarias para elaborar un traballo de investigación en arquitectura. Estudaranse os fundamentos da investigación científica, as fontes de información e os enfoques e metodoloxías específicas no campo da arquitectura, o que permitirá abordar con rigor e eficacia traballos de investigación académicos e coñecer as distintas posibilidades para divulgar os resultados.
Contingency plan No caso de que se produzan circunstancias excepcionais motivadas pola pandemia Covid-19, que impidan a docencia presencial prevista, plantéxase o paso desta á modalidade docente non presencial baseada no soporte TIC proporcionado pola Universidade.
Utilizarase o conxunto de ferramentas TIC, posto a disposición pola Universidade, especialmente a plataforma Moodle, Teams e o correo electrónico para a comunicación có estudantado.
1. Modificacións nos contidos.
No caso de continxencia adoptaranse as medidas necesarias para garantir a calidade do ensino e a integridade dos contidos. Non se realizan cambios nos contidos.

2. Metodoloxías
*Metodoloxías docentes que se manteñen:
Mantense o conxunto das metodoloxías docentes empregadas, pasando a docencia a desenvolverse de xeito non presencial, total ou parcialmente.
*Metodoloxías docentes que se modifican:
Non está previsto modificar metodoloxías docentes.

3. Mecanismos de atención personalizada ó alumnado.
Os mecanismos de atención personalizada utilizarán as plataformas sinaladas con anterioridade, postas a disposición pola Universidade: Moodle, Microsoft Teams e o Correo electrónico institucional.
Temporalización: a establecida segundo o calendario e horario académicos fixados polo centro ó comezo do curso.

4. Modificacións na avaliación
Suprimiranse aqueles criterios que impliquen asistencia e presencialidade. Este principio terá validez temporalmente deade o momento no que exista instrución de aplicación do presente Plan de Continxencia.
Manteranse o resto dos criterios de avaliación.
Para o alumnado con dificultades xustificadas para realizar probas ou entregas, poderanse prever solucións alternativas personalizadas.

5. Modificacións da bibliografía ou webgrafía
Mantense a bibliografía proposta para a asignatura. Subiranse aos soportes de intercambio de arquivos institucionais aqueles textos, fragmentos de textos ou outro material, cuxo coñecemento é imprescindible para superar a materia.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A1 E01 - Aptitude ou capacidade para acometer actividades de crítica arquitectónica, mediante a análise do patrimonio edificado baixo diferentes ópticas e a identificación dos precedentes formais, tipolóxicos e estilísticos.
A2 E02 - Aptitude ou capacidade para realizar tarefas vinculadas á protección do patrimonio edificado, incluídas a catalogación monumental, a definición de medidas de protección de edificios e conxuntos arquitectónicos, e a redacción de plans de delimitación e conservación.
A4 E04 - Aptitude ou capacidade para intervir no patrimonio edificado con valor histórico, aspecto que engloba a coordinación do seu estudo e a súa investigación documental, a elaboración de plans directores de conservación e a redacción e dirección da execución de proxectos de restauración e rehabilitación.
A8 E08 - Aptitude ou capacidade para redactar informes técnicos e proxectos de rehabilitación do patrimonio edificado, incluídas actividades de asesoramento e consultoría.
B1 CB6 - Posuír e comprender coñecementos que proporcionen unha base ou oportunidade para ser orixinais no desenvolvemento e/ou a aplicación de ideas, a miúdo nun contexto de investigación.
B3 CB8 - Que os estudantes sexan capaces de integrar coñecementos e enfrontarse á complexidade de formular xuízos a partir dunha información que, sendo incompleta ou limitada, inclúa reflexións sobre as responsabilidades sociais e éticas vinculadas á aplicación dos seus coñecementos e xuízos.
B4 CB9 - Que os estudantes saiban comunicar as súas conclusións e os coñecementos e as razóns últimas que as sustentan a públicos especializados e non especializados dun modo claro e sen ambigüidades.
B5 CB10 - Que os estudantes manexen as habilidades de aprendizaxe que lles permitan continuar estudando dun modo que haberá de ser en gran medida autodirixido ou autónomo.
C1 T01 - Capacidade de análise e síntese
C2 T02 - Capacidade de organización e planificación
C3 T03 - Comunicación oral e escrita
C4 T04 - Coñecementos de informática relativos ao ámbito de estudo
C5 T05 - Capacidade para a xestión da información
C8 T08 - Aprendizaxe autónoma
C15 T15 - Cultura histórica

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
GENERAL HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE: Understanding or knowledge of the general History of Architecture, both in itself and in its relationship with the Arts, Techniques, Human Sciences, the History of Thought and Urban Phenomena. AJ1
ARTISTIC BASES: Understanding or knowledge of the aesthetics and Theory of the Arts and of the past and present production of Fine Arts and Applied Arts that are likely to influence architectural, urban and landscape conceptions. AJ1
BASES OF WESTERN ARCHITECTURE: Understanding or knowledge of the architectural, urban and landscape traditions of Western Culture and of its technical, climatic, economic, social and ideological foundations. AJ2
BASES OF NATIVE ARCHITECTURE: Understanding or knowledge of national, local and vernacular architectural, urban and landscape traditions and their technical, climatic, economic, social and ideological foundations. AJ2
SOCIOLOGY AND URBAN HISTORY: Understanding or knowledge of the relationships between the physical environment and the social environment and of the foundations of the Theory and History of human settlements, of Sociology, of the Urban Economy and of statistics as foundations of the territorial and urban studies. AJ2
Apply a critical, logical and creative thinking. AJ1
Behave with ethics and social responsibility as a citizen and as a professional. BJ3
Aesthetic sensitivity. AJ1
Capacity for analysis and synthesis. CJ1
Historical Culture. CJ15
Critical thinking. AJ1
Oral and written communication in the native language. CJ3
Express correctly, both orally and in writing, in the official languages of the autonomous community. AJ8
Use the basic tools of information and communication technologies (ICT) necessary for the exercise of the profession and for learning throughout the life. CJ4
Develop for the exercise of an open, educated, critical, committed, democratic and supportive citizenship, capable of analyzing reality, diagnosing problems, formulating and implementing solutions based on knowledge and aimed at the common good. AJ1
Assume as a professional and citizen the importance of learning throughout life. BJ5
Valuing the importance of research, innovation and technological development in the socio-economic and cultural advancement of society. BJ1

Topic Sub-topic
1. Fundamentals of Research in Architecture 1.1 Introduction
1.2 Architectural Research
2. The sources of information in Architecture 2.1 Primary sources
2.2 Secondary sources
3. Specific sources in Architecture 3.1 The architectural archives
3.2 Internet resources
4. Dissemination of the investigation 4.1 Types of research papers
4.2 Academic dissemination

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Guest lecture / keynote speech A1 A2 A4 A8 C1 C15 18 0 18
Case study A1 A2 A4 A8 B1 B3 B4 B5 C1 C2 3 0 3
Supervised projects A1 A2 A4 A8 B1 B3 B4 B5 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C8 0 50 50
Personalized attention 4 0 4
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech The guest lectures/keynote speechs consist of theoretical oral presentation classes complemented by audiovisual media that facilitate the transmission of knowledge and learning. Likewise, during these sessions it is intended to achieve a certain degree of participation by the students in order to, through their involvement, promote a bidirectional, interactive and dynamic learning process.
Case study As a complement to the guest lectures/keynote speechs and in order to promote the autonomous learning of the students, practical classes will be held in parallel. In them the students will face the resolution of specific cases in which to put into practice the contents explained in the master classes and that, at the same time, serve as a reference to the topics under study in the assigned supervised works. Likewise, throughout the course they can consider visits outside the classroom or invite a specialist on some subjects.
Supervised projects Methodology designed to promote the autonomous learning of students, under the tutelage of the teacher and in varied settings (academic and professional). It is primarily concerned with learning "how to do things". It is an option based on the assumption by students of responsibility for their own learning. This teaching system is based on two basic elements: the independent learning of the students and the monitoring of that learning by the teacher-tutor.
To carry out the supervised projects, the students must carry out field investigations regarding the architectures that are the object of their own work. Students will have a certain ability to select these works. Likewise, given the supervised nature of this work, regular follow-up sessions must be held with the teaching staff, in order to optimize or, where appropriate, redirect the activities in progress.

Personalized attention
Supervised projects
Case study
The personalized attention of this subject will be carried out through the monitoring in class of the students through their compulsory attendance and the development of face-to-face tutoring.
Regarding tutored works, each student will be assigned a topic, among those proposed, as well as a teacher. Likewise, given the supervised nature of this work, regular follow-up sessions must be held with the teaching staff, in order to optimize or, where appropriate, redirect the activities in progress.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Supervised projects A1 A2 A4 A8 B1 B3 B4 B5 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C8 Its development is fully understood individually and of a non-presential nature. In order to guarantee the authorship of the work, and the adequate acquisition of competences, in its evaluation the successive control sessions are considered relevant through face-to-face tutorials with the assigned teacher and, therefore, the degree of compliance in relation to the indications formulated in each case by the teaching staff.
Other aspects to assess are: the quality of the final grammatical, graphic and documentary expression, the capacity for analysis and synthesis, the depth and rigor of the arguments and their development, critical reasoning, the search for written information sources and graphics, the ability to relate the different sections, the correction of the methodological study, the analysis carried out and the conclusions presented at the end of the work.
Assessment comments

As in the other subjects of this postgraduate course, an attendance of
not less than 80% is required for all scheduled face-to-face sessions
except for students with recognition of part-time dedication and
academic exemption for attendance exemption.

Sources of information
Basic Groat, Linda y Wang, David (2013). Architectural research methods. Hoboken: Wiley
Walker, Melissa (2012). Cómo escribir trabajos de investigación. Barcelona: Gedisa
Eco, Umberto (2011). Cómo se hace una tesis. Barcelona: Gedisa
Blaxter, Loraine; Hughes Christina y Tight, Malcolm (2008). Cómo se investiga. Barcelona: Graó
Lucas, Ray (2016). Research Methods for Architecture. London: Laurence King

Complementary Melendo, Tomás (2012). Cómo elegir, madurar y confeccionar un trabajo de investigación. Madrid: Internacionales Universitarias
Icart Isern, M. Teresa y Pulpón Segura Anna M. (coords.) (2012). Cómo elaborar y presentar un proyecto de investigación, una tesina y una tesis. Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona
Ramírez, Juan Antonio (1999). Cómo escribir sobre arte y arquitectura. Barcelona: Ediciones del Serbal
Sierra Bravo, Restituto (2007). Tesis doctorales y trabajos de investigación científica. Madrid: Thomson
Tolchinsky Landsman, Liliana; Escofet Roig, Anna y Rubio Hurtado, María José (2003). Tesis, tesinas y otras tesituras. De la pregunta de investigación a la defensa de la tesis. Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona

Nos trabalos tutelados, o alumnado recibirá unha bibliografía específica sobre o tema a desenvolver.

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus

Other comments

This subject raises the necessary knowledge bases for carrying out research work in architecture.

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.