Identifying Data 2020/21
Subject (*) Systems 1 Code 630G02030
Study programme
Grao en Estudos de Arquitectura
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 1st four-month period
Third Obligatory 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Construcións e Estruturas Arquitectónicas, Civís e Aeronáuticas
Santos VÁzquez, Angeles
Antelo Tudela, Enrique
Carreira Montes, José Ángel
Dios Vieitez, Maria Jesus
Redondo Porto, Alberto
Santos VÁzquez, Angeles
General description Los objetivos de la materia es conocer y describir, formal y funcionalmente las instlaciones como componentes del sistema global que es el edificio y su relación con las redes urbanas. Además se trata de que los alumnos comprendan los principios técnicos y esuqemas funcionales en los que se basan las instalaciones, de manera que se alcance por parte del alumno la capacidad de analizar críticamente las necesidades y requisitos de las instalaciones; descripcion de los componentes de las instalaciones asi como de la normativa técnica asociada.
Contingency plan Plan de contingencia
Se han diseñado dos planes de contingencia.
Se plantea un primer escenario en el que debido a la capacidad de las aulas u otro tipo de razones no sea factible la docencia presencial de las clases expositivas (sesiones magistrales), en tanto la docencia interactiva y de taller, al ser grupos de menor número de alumnos pueda seguir impartiéndose de forma presencial.
En esta situación el único cambio previsto afecta a la metodología docente empleada en las sesiones magistrales que se realizarán en formato on line con la ayuda de la plataforma Teams incluida en Office365.
No hay cambios en los contenidos de la materia, ni en los mecanismos de atención personalizada al alumno, ni en los criterios de evaluación.
Se plantea un segundo escenario en el que ante un posible confinamiento no sea factible ningún tipo de docencia presencial. En tal caso, los cambios previstos son los siguientes:
1. Modificacións nos contidos
No se realizan cambios
2. Metodoloxías
*Metodoloxías docentes que se manteñen
*Metodoloxías docentes que se modifican
Sesión magistral, traballos tutelados, prueba objetiva
La imposibilidad de continuar utilizando ambas metodologías en formato presencial obliga a adoptar estrategias alternativas que faciliten los aprendizajes con independencia de las posibles contingencias relativas al equipamiento y conexión del alumnado. Por ello, se opta por facilitar a través de la plataforma Moodle la documentación necesaria para continuar avanzando en el programa formativo, y el resto de las tareas se efectúan con la ayuda de la plataforma Teams incluida en Office365.
3. Mecanismos de atención personalizada ao alumnado
Correo electrónico de la UDC, Moodle,Teams
Estas herramientas permanecen abiertas durante todo el período lectivo, respondiendo el profesorado a las posibles consultas tanto durante las sesiones virtuales como durante el horario oficial de tutorías.
4. Modificacións na avaliación
Se realizará una prueba objetiva mediante MOODLE.Peso en la calificación 30%
Trabajos tutelados. Peso en la calificación 70%.
Se precisa aprobar con un cinco(5) tanto la prueba objetiva como los trabajos tutelados, para aprobar la materia.

*Observacións de avaliación:
Los alumnos que por causas justificadas relativas al equipamiento informático o de conexión, debidamente acreditadas, no pudiesen realizar los exámenes correspondientes a prueba objetiva, tendrán derecho a la realización de dichas prueba objetiva de forma oral (Teams, teléfono), siendo requisito imprescindible solicitarlo mediante correo electrónico el mismo día del examen, tras lo que serán oportunamente convocados para su realización.
5. Modificacións da bibliografía ou webgrafía
No se realiza

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A16 "Ability to conceive, calculate, design, integrate in buildings and urban units and execute supply systems, water treatment and sewage, heating and air conditioning (T) "
A17 Ability to apply technical and construction standards and regulations
A20 Ability to assess the construction works
A22 Ability to project building and urban transformers and power supply systems, audiovisual communication, acoustic conditioning and artificial lighting
A23 Ability to maintain systems
A26 Adequate knowledge of the physical and chemical characteristics, production procedures, pathology and use of building materials
A29 Knowledge of administrative, management and professional procedures
A31 Knowledge of methods of measurement, assessment and expert´s report
A63 Development, presentation and public review before a university jury of an original academic work individually elaborated and linked to any of the subjects previously studied
B1 Students have demonstrated knowledge and understanding in a field of study that is based on the general secondary education, and is usually at a level which, although it is supported by advanced textbooks, includes some aspects that imply knowledge of the forefront of their field of study
B2 Students can apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional way and have competences that can be displayed by means of elaborating and sustaining arguments and solving problems in their field of study
B3 Students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their field of study) to inform judgements that include reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues
B4 Students can communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialist and non-specialist public
B5 Students have developed those learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high level of autonomy
B10 Knowing the physical problems, various technologies and function of buildings so as to provide them with internal conditions of comfort and protection against the climate factors in the context of sustainable development
B12 Understanding the relationship between people and buildings and between these and their environment, and the need to relate buildings and the spaces between them according to the needs and human scale
C1 Adequate oral and written expression in the official languages.
C3 Using ICT in working contexts and lifelong learning.
C4 Exercising an open, educated, critical, committed, democratic and caring citizenship, being able to analyse facts, diagnose problems, formulate and implement solutions based on knowledge and solutions for the common good
C5 Understanding the importance of entrepreneurial culture and the useful means for enterprising people.
C6 Critically evaluate the knowledge, technology and information available to solve the problems they must face
C7 Assuming as professionals and citizens the importance of learning throughout life
C8 Valuing the importance of research, innovation and technological development for the socioeconomic and cultural progress of society.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
Ability to apply technical and construction standards and regulations A17
"Ability to conceive, calculate, design, integrate in buildings and urban units and execute supply systems, water treatment and sewage, heating and air conditioning (T) " A16
Ability to assess the construction works A20
Ability to project building and urban transformers and power supply systems, audiovisual communication, acoustic conditioning and artificial lighting A22
Ability to maintain systems A23
Adequate knowledge of the physical and chemical characteristics, production procedures, pathology and use of building materials A26
Knowledge of administrative, management and professional procedures A29
Knowledge of methods of measurement, assessment and expert´s report A31
Development, presentation and public review before a university jury of an original academic work individually elaborated and linked to any of the subjects previously studied A63
Students have demonstrated knowledge and understanding in a field of study that is based on the general secondary education, and is usually at a level which, although it is supported by advanced textbooks, includes some aspects that imply knowledge of the forefront of their field of study B1
Students can apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional way and have competences that can be displayed by means of elaborating and sustaining arguments and solving problems in their field of study B2
Students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their field of study) to inform judgements that include reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues B3
Students can communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialist and non-specialist public B4
Students have developed those learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high level of autonomy B5
Knowing the physical problems, various technologies and function of buildings so as to provide them with internal conditions of comfort and protection against the climate factors in the context of sustainable development B10
Understanding the relationship between people and buildings and between these and their environment, and the need to relate buildings and the spaces between them according to the needs and human scale B12
Expressing themselves correctly, both orally and in writing, in the official languages of the autonomous region C1
Using basic tools of information technology and communications (ICT) necessary for the exercise of the profession and for lifelong learning C3
Exercising an open, educated, critical, committed, democratic and caring citizenship, being able to analyse facts, diagnose problems, formulate and implement solutions based on knowledge and solutions for the common good C4
Understanding the importance of entrepreneurship and knowing the means available to the enterpreneur C5
Critically evaluate the knowledge, technology and information available to solve the problems they must face C6
Assuming as professionals and citizens the importance of learning throughout life C7
Assessing the importance of research, innovation and technological development in the socio-economic advance of society and culture C8

Topic Sub-topic
Building services in Architecture
Water supply installations, water treatment and water sewage
Gas supply installations and other fuels
Transformation and electricity
Urban installations networks
Renewable energy sources
Ventilation and heating systems
Building services in Architecture
Water supply installations, water treatment and water sewage
Gas supply installations and other fuels
Transformation and electricity
Urban installations networks
Renewable energy sources
Ventilation and heating systems
Suministro de agua fria y ACS
Instalaciones de ACS
Instalaciones de evacuacion de aguas de edificios
Instalaciones electricas
Elementos en las instalaciones de AF y ACS
Cálculo de AF y ACS

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Supervised projects A16 A17 A20 A22 A23 A26 A29 A31 A63 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B10 B12 C1 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 30 45 75
Objective test A16 A17 A20 A22 A23 A26 A29 A31 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B10 B12 C1 2 42 44
Guest lecture / keynote speech A16 A17 A20 A22 A23 A26 A29 A31 A63 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B10 B12 C1 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 30 0 30
Personalized attention 1 0 1
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Supervised projects A work related of the subject program will be realized. The objective is that the student defines the facilities that are studied in an architectural Project. These works or practicums are conceived like a natural extension of the theoretical classes. Works are contemplated from a double perspective: as an opportunity to broaden and deepen the theoretical concepts acquired and as an exercise of applying these same concepts to specific cases, in which the student can experience the value of the learned criteria. Final practicum will be delivering at the end of the semester. Practicum will be carried out individually or in small groups.
Attendance to practical classes is compulsory.

Objective test Continuous assessment method will be used taking into account:

-attendance to classes, taking into account active attitude of the student in them.
-preparation and presentation of practicum
-exam of the subject

At the end of the semester on the date indicated by Head of Studies will take the examination (objective test) of the subject.

Guest lecture / keynote speech Oral sessions/lectures consist of the exposition by the lecturer of different contents of the subject. In them, students will be able to interact with the lecturer by raising doubts or questions. Lecturer, if appropriate, can prepare teaching material that will constitute a guide to help the study of the subject, not exempt from the bibliography and, that does not suppose the minimum content of the subject.
Attendance to theoretical classes is compulsory

Personalized attention
Supervised projects
Doubts raised by the student about theory and practical work will be answered.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Guest lecture / keynote speech A16 A17 A20 A22 A23 A26 A29 A31 A63 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B10 B12 C1 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 Attendance to theoretical and practical classes is essential and prior condition to qualify the exam and practicum (minimum 80%). 0
Supervised projects A16 A17 A20 A22 A23 A26 A29 A31 A63 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B10 B12 C1 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 Final grade requires continuous attendance (minimum 80%) and have passed both the theoretical part (minimum 5 points) and the supervised project/practicum (minimum 5 points) of the subject. The final grade of the subject will be made up with the final exam (60%) and final grade of practicum (40%). In relation to the practicums, assessment will take into account the clarity, precision, conceptual rigor, appropriateness, environmental sensitivity, degree of problem solving and the integration of the facilities in the building. 40
Objective test A16 A17 A20 A22 A23 A26 A29 A31 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B10 B12 C1 It will consist of an examination at the end of the semester concerning theoretical and practical contents of the subject. 60
Assessment comments

By the same procedure, assessment in successive enrollments will be carried out. Assessment conditions are the same for the opportunity of June and July. Teaching to mobility students could be adapted, if the teacher considers it appropriate, to pedagogical conditions, special tests, as well as tests and evaluation exams. No passing partial qualifications (theory or practice, except for the July opportunity of the same academic year in which the partial qualification (theory or practice) will be saved. In order to pass the subject it is essential to pass the objective test, supervised project (practicum) and a minimum compulsory attendance to theoretical and practical classes.

Sources of information

Teaching material developed, if applicable, by the lecturer, will be available on the Moodle platform; this material constitutes a guide to help the study of the subject, not exclusive of the bibliography and does not suppose minimum content of the subject.

ARIZMENDI BARNES L.J.(2004)Cálculo y normativa básica en los edificios. EUNSA

ATECYR(2006) , DTIE 2.02 Calidad del aire interior, Madrid ATECYR


DOCAMPO REY P. y GARCIA CASAL W.(2006) Guia Práctica de energía solar. EdicionesCAT-COAG

Documentacion Técnica de ventilación de ALDER VENTICONTROL

Documentación Técnica de ventilación de SOLER&PALAU

FEIJO MUÑOZ J.( 1991) Instalaciones eléctricas en Arquitectura, valladolid, COAV

FEIJO MUÑOZ j., Instalaciones de climatizacion en Arquitectura,valladolid,Universidad de Valladolid

GARCIA PEREZ J. (2007) Esquemas hidráulicos de calefacción y ACS y energíasolar térmica. Editorial el Instalador

FUMADO J.L. y PARICIO I., El tendido de las instalaciones, (1999) Barcelona, Bisagra

FUMADO J.L. (2004) Lsa instalaciones de servicios en los edificios. Ediciones CAT-COAG

GARCIA VALCARCE A. y DIOS VIEITEZ M.J. 1997)Evacuacion de aguas de los edificios,Pamplona, T6

GAS NATURAL , manual de instalaciones receptoras de gas natural, barcelona s.d.

IDAE,(2009)Guia de instalaciones de biomasa térmica en edificios. Madrid, IDAE (

Instruccion MI IP 003 Instalaciones de depósitos de gasóleo

Reglamento de instalaciones térmicas en edificios RITE 2007-2013

Reglamento Electrotécnico de baja Tension e Instrucciones Complementarias

Real decreto sobre eficiencia energética en edificios (2013)

SORIA NORULL, A.(2008) Instalaciones de fontanería domésticas y comerciales,Marcombo,Barcelona 2008

UNE60601, UNE 60650, UNE 149201

British Standards Institution-Garret R.H. (2000) ; Hot and Cold Water Supply. Blackwell Publishing 

Chudley R. and Greeno R. (1998); Building Construction Handbook Tenth edition. Routledge 

Chadderton D.V. (2004) ; Building Services Engineering. Spon Press 

Lenz B, Schreiber J., Stark T. (2011); Sustainable building services. Principles. Systems. Concepts. Detail Green Books 

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
Construction 2/630G02020
Construction 1/630G02010
Architectural Design 2/630G02006
Construction 3/630G02022
Physics for Architecture 2/630G02013
Architectural Design 1/630G02001
Physics for Architecture 1/630G02008

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus
Facilities Project/630G01054
Systems 2/630G02039
Systems 3/630G02050

Other comments

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.