Identifying Data 2020/21
Subject (*) GENERAL PHYSIOTHERAPY Code 651G01008
Study programme
Grao en Fisioterapia
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate Yearly
First Obligatory 9
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Fisioterapia, Medicina e Ciencias Biomédicas
Riveiro Temprano, Socorro
Martinez Rodriguez, Alicia
Riveiro Temprano, Socorro
General description Esta materia pretende capacitar ao alumnado para fundamentar a elección da técnica de electroterapia, ultrasonoterapia, fototerapia, magnetoterapia, masoterapia, hidroterapia e balneoterapia, entre outras, en base aos coñecementos científicos existentes e á experiencia clínica e necesidades específicas (contextuales, clínicas e psicosociais). Para iso é básico o coñecemento do fundamento físico de cada axente, os efectos que produce (distintos parámetros regulables) e cómo se traducen en efectos fisiolóxicos e terapéuticos.
En canto á destreza no manexo dos equipos e as técnicas precísase do traballo non presencial a partir da demostración no laboratorio.
Contingency plan 1. Modificacións nos contidos
Non se fará unha modificación sustancial dos contidos, pero se centrará a atención nos aspectos máis relevantes para a adquisición das competencias da materia.

2. Metodoloxías
*Metodoloxías docentes que se manteñen
Sesión maxistral e aprendizaxe colaborativa

*Metodoloxías docentes que se modifican
Proba mixta- pasa a ser proba de resposta múltiple
Prácticas de laboratorio- a través dos videos ou fotografías se presentarán casos sobre os que despois se establecerán debates nos grupos prácticos correspondentes.

Proba práctica- se poderá realizar a través dun documento gráfico (imaxe, son e/ou movemento) ou traballo realizado sobre un caso práctico.

3. Mecanismos de atención personalizada ao alumnado
A demanda do alumnado en formato escrito vía correo electrónico para a aclaración de dúbidas; ou vía moodle a través dos foros ou de consulta directa, fundamentalmente para aclaración de dúbidas ou resolución de tarefas escritas.
Para reunións virtuais, se usará TEAMS previa solicitude.
Os/as docentes establecerán reunións telemáticas co alumnado de forma grupal para o desenvolvemento das distintas actividades, fundamentalmente, das clases expositivas e obradoiros, ou ben aportar as clases explicadas.

4. Modificacións na avaliación
Se manterán os criterios de avaliación e as metodoloxías, facendo unha adaptación da proba mixta que pasará a ser de resposta múltiple e da práctica que se poderá realizar a través dun documento gráfico (e sonoro) ou traballo realizado sobre un caso práctico.

*Observacións da avaliación:
Hai que superar ambos cuatrimestres para poder facer media. Ademais, hai que superar con un 50% cada unha das probas de resposta múltiple.

5. Modificacións da bibliografía ou webgrafía
Ningunha, os contidos necesarios para a superación da materia se poderán extraer das diapositivas, exposicións ou documentos suministrados polo profesorado.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A3 Coñecer e comprender os métodos, procedementos e actuacións fisioterapéuticas, encamiñados tanto á terapéutica propiamente dita a aplicar na clínica para a reeducación ou recuperación funcional, como á realización de actividades dirixidas á promoción e mantemento da saúde.
A7 Deseñar o plan de intervención de fisioterapia atendendo a criterios de adecuación, validez e eficiencia.
B1 CB1 - Que los estudiantes hayan demostrado poseer y comprender conocimientos en un área de estudio que parte de la base de la educación secundaria general, y se suele encontrar a un nivel que, si bien se apoya en libros de texto avanzados, incluye también algunos aspectos que implican conocimientos procedentes de la vanguardia de su campo de estudio
B2 CB2 - Que los estudiantes sepan aplicar sus conocimientos a su trabajo o vocación de una forma profesional y posean las competencias que suelen demostrarse por medio de la elaboración y defensa de argumentos y la resolución de problemas dentro de su área de estudio
B3 CB3 - Que los estudiantes tengan la capacidad de reunir e interpretar datos relevantes (normalmente dentro de su área de estudio) para emitir juicios que incluyan una reflexión sobre temas relevantes de índole social, científica o ética
B4 CB4 - Que los estudiantes puedan transmitir información, ideas, problemas y soluciones a un público tanto especializado como no especializado
B5 CB5 - Que los estudiantes hayan desarrollado aquellas habilidades de aprendizaje necesarias para emprender estudios posteriores con un alto grado de autonomía
C1 Adequate oral and written expression in the official languages.
C6 Acquiring skills for healthy lifestyles, and healthy habits and routines.
C9 Ability to manage times and resources: developing plans, prioritizing activities, identifying critical points, establishing goals and accomplishing them.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
Identify the physical bases of the electromagnetic agents (currents, laser and phototherapy, magnetics therapy), mechanical (ultrasounds, masotherapy, hidrotherapy), thermal (criotherapy and termotherapy) and chemical (balneotherapy) A3
- To know the indications and contraindicacións of each modality and its causes due to translation of the physical effects into physiological and therapeutic effects. A3
- To act looking for the hygiene and the prevention of infections, as well as for the correct preservation of the machines and elements used. A3
To select the body position, placement of the machine, pillows and other elements to preserve the patient´s and physiotherapist´s ergonomy and the efficiency of the intervention. A3
To select and use correctly the parameters of application and elements associated to the machine or technicl selected. A3
To adapt the application to the concrete needs of health- clinical or psicosocial ones- recognizing the complementary character of the majority of the passive therapeutic modalities. A7
To identify the alarm signs to stop the therapy or to change the parameters selected. A7

Topic Sub-topic
THEME 2. Electrotherapy and ultrasonotherapy principles. Electromagnetic spectrum.
Main paramenters of the electromagnetic currents.
Mechanical waves: ultrasound physical principles.

-Unidad 1. Masotherapy and other therapies

TEMA 1. Masotherapy
History of masotherapy.
Modalities of application.
Indications and contraindications.
TEMA 2. Magnetotherapy Definition
Indications and contraindications.
TEMA 3. Hidrotherapy and balneotherapy Concept and general topics.
Types of water, physical-chemistry principles
Modalities of application
Indications of contraindications
TEMA 4. Climatotherapy and talasotherapy Concept and general topics.
Types of climates.
Indications of contraindication
TEMA 5. Termotherapy and criotherapy Concept and general principles.
Modalities of application
Indications and contraindications
TEMA 6. Fototerapia Concept and general principles.
Modalities of application
Indications and contraindications
TEMA 7. Other therapies. Vibrotherapy. Concept and general topics.
Modalities of application
Indications and contraindications
1.- Masotherapy
2.- Magnherapy
Description of the machines
Description of the applicacion protocols.
To apply the technics.
TEMA 3. Clasification of electrical and electromagnetical currents for clinical use.:low frequency, medium frequency and high frequency currents.
Definition of electrotherapy.
Clasification: polarity; continuity/pulsed (direct, altern or pulsed current).Other parameters to clasify the currents:
specific denomination
frequency of the current; ow frequency, medium frequency and high frequency currents.
TEMA 9. Tipos de estimulación electrica e electromagnetica. Electroterapia.
Tipos de estimulación eléctrica e electromagnética.
Clasificación das correntes.
TEMA 10. Corrente galvánica. Corrente galvanica. Concepto e principios xerais
Efectos. Modoos de aplicación. Indicacións e contraindicacións.
UNIT 3. Mechanical waves. Ultrasonotherapy

TEMA 9: Ultrasounds.
Physical characteristics
Main parameters.
Indications and contraindications.
Combined therapy (ultrasound-electrical currents)

TEMA 5. Low frequency pulsed currents II: analgesic and healing (microcurrents, high voltage and TENS). Iontophoresis.
TEMA 6. Low frequency pulsed currents III: strengthening.
TEMA 7: Medium frequency currents: Interferencial currents, Russian currents and Aussie currents.
TEMA 8: High frequency currents: shortwave, microwave, capacitive-resistive therapy.
Physical characteristics
Main parameters.
Indications and contraindications.

TEMA 13. Correntes de alta frecuencia ou electromagnéticas Onda corta e microonda e radiofrecuencia.
Concepto e principios xerais.
Modo de aplicación.
Indicacións e contraindicacións.
TEMA 14. Outras aplicacións con estimulación eléctrica Terapia combinada.
Estimulación eléctrica funcional (FES)

1. Physical bases, electrodes, conections body positioin and performance.
2. Galvanic current, diadiinamics and Trabert. Iontophoresis.
3. Low frequency currents analgesic effect I- TENS
4. Low frequency currents analgesic effect II - high voltage.
5. Low frequency currents strenghtening effect (NMES I)
6. Medium frequency currents analgesic effect (Interferencial currents)
7. Medium frequency currents for strenghtening (NMES II)
8. High frequency currents I- short-wave
9. High frequency currents II- microwave
10. Ultrasound I
11. Ultrasound II
Machine description and taking care of the matherials.
Protocol description.
Doing the practices.
Clean and tidy the used matherials.

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Guest lecture / keynote speech A3 A7 B1 B3 B4 C6 48 52 100
Laboratory practice A3 A7 B2 C9 39 50 89
Collaborative learning A3 A7 B2 B3 B5 C1 C6 C9 0 30 30
Practical test: A3 A7 B2 B4 C1 C6 C9 1 0 1
Mixed objective/subjective test A3 A7 B1 B3 B4 C1 C6 2 0 2
Personalized attention 3 0 3
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech It will be initiated with lessons for the whole group (also interactive classes) in order to deal with more contents and be able to begin as soon as possible with practical lessons. The next interactive classes will be done by groups to reach the theoretical- practical integration and to make possible the active participation for students and encourage the meaningful learning.
Laboratory practice As a classroom activity, will be performed in the laboratory in groups of aproximatelly 10 students in 1.5 hours classes, prior to the demonstration and explanation of the teacher.

The practice after the class is very important to acquire the necessary skills so is strongly recommended to participate in the program of "collaboration students" to be able to open the laboratory and practice.
Collaborative learning The work will be done in small groups and will consist of make a summary of the readings suggested, or in the resolution of questions raised by the teacher.

Its implementation will be monitored throughout the course.

It will be 20% of the final mark, but only will be added if the student reaches at least a 5/10 in the theoretical and practical parts, for each of the two terms.
Practical test: Computará o 30% da nota final.

Platexarase un ou máis casos e o/a alumno/a que se examina deberá realizar unha aplicación fundamentando a súa elección e explicando cada parámetro. Dispoñerá dun tempo máximo de 10-15 minutos por caso. segundo asúa complexidade. Valoraranse os seguintes parámetros: validez do argumento para a selección da técnica;adecuación do mobiliario e da posición correcta do paciente; aplicación correcta e parámetros pertinentes (tempo, amplitude...); rapidez na execución e ausencia de efectos negativos (pellizco, caída dun utensilio ao chan, risco de quemadura...). O mal uso dun material baixará a nota e poderá quedar automáticamente suspenso.
Poderase realizar exame parcial si a dinámica da clase o posibilita.

Só se sumará a nota da aprendizaxe colaborativa si se sacase polo menos un 5/10 no exame teórico e práctico en cada módulo.
Mixed objective/subjective test A theoretical and a practical exam will count till 50% and 30%- respectively- of the final mark.

The theoretical exam will have several open-questions of variable length depending on the group learning dynamics. Some controls can be done during the course, and they will be only corrected if there is a doubt in the mark.

Practical exam will be carried out for a clinic problem and all the parameters used will be explained. The maximum time will be 10-15 minutes per case, depending on its complexity. The following parameters will be assessed: a valid argument for selection the parameters; adequacy of blocks, pillows and so on and correct patient position; correct and relevant application parameters (time, intensity ...); quickly performance and absence of negative effects ("pinch" drop, risk of burn…). Misuse of equipements and materials will low the mark and if something is broken the student will fail automatically.

The collaborative learning mark will be added only if there has been successful in the theoretical and practical exam (5/10).

A final average mark will be given only if both parts have been successful and being aware that a minimun of 5 of 10 points will be necessary in each theoretical and practical exams.

Personalized attention
Laboratory practice
Collaborative learning
Guest lecture / keynote speech

The keynote session is conducted in the classroom 1 with relevant visual and teaching aids (transparencies, slides, wax ...) starting with a question and develop its implications for the classroom. That's direct involvement of the student is needed.

The labs will have a demonstrative character. To acquire the relevant skills the student will have to practice on his/her own.

There will be a schedule of face tutorials and one of non-contact, in order to resolve doubts or reinforce specific content. It is recommended not to leave any doubts as to the end, in addition to hinder learning, it is likely that given the demand can not be resolved in time. Preferably, the form of personalized attention to the students will be non-face-to-face, at the request of the students in written format via email for the clarification of doubts; or via moodle through forums or direct consultation, mainly to clarify doubts or resolve written tasks.
For virtual meetings, TEAMS will be used upon request.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Collaborative learning A3 A7 B2 B3 B5 C1 C6 C9 The teacher will present the questions / topic that must be solving for the students and can be used as controls. It does not count for general note, except as to benefit the student in the case of showing a steady and dedicated work during the course and previously exceeding 50% of the score.

Exclusively for the module of ELECTROTHERAPY AND ULTRASONOTHERAPY, there will be a peer tutoring program that will add a point to the final mark. It is optional and the methodology will be explained in the class.
Mixed objective/subjective test A3 A7 B1 B3 B4 C1 C6 The theoretical examination will up to 50% of the grade, and the practical test 30% of the final grade.

Theoretical exam: may have a first part of test questions, and a second part of open questions, reasoning ability or capacity of synthesis of networking and writing are checked. Just in case of doubtful note, it may be referred to the results of ongoing evaluation controls for the corresponding module.

The practical test, in general, shall consist of 2 cases to be addressed by students for theoretical and practical resolution. Students will be assessed by a teacher who does not have to match the one who taught the student in practical lessons.

To be able to average, at least 50% of the maximum score in each of the examinations (theoretical and practical ones) must be achieved. The collaboratory learning mark will be added only if the theoretical and practical exams were passed for each of the modules.

The mean mark will only be done if both parts are passed.

Practical test: A3 A7 B2 B4 C1 C6 C9 O exame práctico contará o 30% da nota final. Constará de 1 o máis casos que se plantexarán ao alumnado para a súa resolución teórico-práctica. O estudiante será avaliado por un/unha profesor/a que non ten por qué coincidir co que lle impartiu a práctica.

Para poder facer media deberá alcanzarse un mínimo de 50% da nota máxima en cada un dos exames das partes (teórica e práctica). Só se engadirá a nota da aprendizaxe colaborativa se se aprobaran ambos examen (teórico e práctico) de cada un dos módulos.

Só se fará a media da materia coa nota de ambos os módulos, se en ambos se sacou polo menos un 50% da nota máxima.
Assessment comments

Attendance at the laboratory is highly recommended and non-attendance should be well justified and may prevent the continuous assessment. 

If someone is presented to test one of the two parts and not the other, will be considered as not presented in the final grade. If it is presented at both parts can no longer be considered as not presented. 

Approved each quarter note to the second opportunity, included. If it had not approved the two modules in the second opportunity, the part will be saved for the following year if the score is at least 50% of the grade. 

The percentage assigned to each test may undergo minor modifications depending on external variations that affect the subject, however it will never be less than 50% in the case of the theoretical exam and 30% in the case of the practical exam. 

Sources of information
Basic (). .
Andrade, Carla-Krystin, (2004). Masaje basado en resultados. Barcelona : Editorial Paidotribo
Koury JM (1998). Acuaterapia. Barcelona:Ediciones Bellaterra
Schmid F (1987). Aplicación de corrientes estimulantes. Barcelona:Ed. Jims
Robinson AJ, Snyder-Mackler LS. ( 2008). Clinical Electrophysiology. Electrotherapy and electrophysiologic testing. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Hernández Álvaro J y Tovar Pescador J (1997). Electricidad y magnetismo. Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
Watson T. (2009). Electroterapia basada en la evidencia. Barcelona. Elsevier
Sheila Kitchen, Sarah Bazin (1998). Electroterapia de Clayton . Sâo Paolo : Editora Manole
Rodriguez M (2004). Electroterapia en fisioterapia. . Madrid: Ed. Médica Panamericana
Low, J (1999). Electrotherapy explained : principles and practice . Boston, MA : Butterworth-Heinemann
San José Arango, C (2012). Hidrología médica y terapias complementarias. Sevilla: Publicaciones universitarias
Termatalia (2008). Jornadas técnicas sobre hidrología médica.
Martínez et al (1998). Manual de medicina física. Barcelona: Harcourt Brace
Prentice WE (1990). Medicina deportiva. Técnicas terapéuticas. Barcelona: Mosby
Pérez Fernández et al. (2005). Principios de hidroterapia y balneoterapia. Madrid: McGraw Hill Interamericana
Albornoz Cabello M, Meroño Gallut J. (2012). Procedimientos generales de fisiotrapia. Práctica basada en la evidencia. Barcelona: Elsevier


Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously
ANATOMY II/651G01002

Subjects that continue the syllabus

Other comments

It is recommended as basic carrying a day theoretical and practical classes to get the maximum and to pass the course, given the density of content, abstraction of their fundamentals and the first course. It is important to have knowledge of English or do some of the same course, especially for Electrotherapy And Ultrasound therapy part. 

Although the language most commonly used by teachers of this subject is Spanish, interchangeably use Spanish and Galician and, of course, students can express themselves in the language of their choice. The exam in Galician will be provided at the request of interested students. Such request shall be made not later than one week before the exam. 

For part of electrotherapy and ultrasonic therapy in practice lessons, there is the possibility of participating in a group in which the language used is English


(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.