Identifying Data 2020/21
Subject (*) Psychological Intervention in Family Situations Code 652G01017
Study programme
Grao en Educación Infantil
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 2nd four-month period
Second Basic training 6
Teaching method Hybrid
Department Psicoloxía
López Larrosa, Silvia
López Larrosa, Silvia
Vazquez Grobas, Maria Amparo
General description Os alumnos de educación infantil necesitan saber cómo relacionarse coas familias e qué dimensións é preciso ter en conta á hora de fixar as bases da colaboración con elas. Se trata de crear un clima de apoio mutuo e de colaboración que permita a mellora dos alumnos e da propia prática docente.

Contingency plan 1. Modificacións nos contidos
2. Metodoloxías
*Metodoloxías docentes que se manteñen
Presentación oral: videograbada
Exame: on line
Actividades iniciáis: videograbadas
Sesión maxistral: videograbada
*Metodoloxías docentes que se modifican
Estudo de caso e simulación se xuntan nunha soa actividade que computa o 40% da nota.
3. Mecanismos de atención personalizada ao alumnado
Correo electrónico, Moodle ou Teams
4. Modificacións na avaliación
Estudo de caso e simulació: xuntas valen o 40% da nota e se agruparán nunha única actividade.
*Observacións de avaliación:
No caso do alumnado con dispensa farán o seu exame específico como non asistentes a distancia a través de Moodle ou outra plataforma. Exame 75% da nota. 25% simulación ou estudo de caso que será similar ós alumnos asistentes.
5. Modificacións da bibliografía ou webgrafía

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A1 Comprender os procesos educativos e de aprendizaxe no período de 0-6, no contexto familiar, social e escolar.
A10 Crear e manter lazos de comunicación coas familias para incidir eficazmente no proceso educativo.
A11 Coñecer e saber exercer as funcións de titor e orientador en relación coa educación familiar.
A12 Promover e colaborar en accións dentro e fóra da escola, organizadas por familias, concellos e outras institucións con incidencia na formación cidadá.
A13 Analizar e incorporar de forma crítica as cuestións máis relevantes da sociedade actual que afectan á educación familiar e escolar: impacto social e educativo das linguaxes audiovisuais e das pantallas; cambios nas relacións de xénero e interxeracionais; multiculturalidade e interculturalista; discriminación e inclusión social e desenvolvemento sustentable.
A14 Coñecer a evolución histórica da familia, os diferentes tipos de familias, de estilos de vida e educación no contexto familiar.
A32 Valorar a relación persoal con cada estudante e a súa familia como factor de calidade da educación.
B1 Aprender a aprender.
B2 Resolver problemas e tomar decisións de forma efectiva.
B3 Aplicar un pensamento crítico, autocrítico, lóxico e creativo.
B6 Comportarse con ética e responsabilidade social como cidadán e como profesional.
B7 Comunicarse de maneira efectiva nun contorno de traballo.
B8 Capacidade de adaptación a situacións novidosas.
B10 Capacidade de análise e síntese.
B11 Capacidade de busca e manexo de información.
B15 Capacidade para asumir a necesidade dun desenvolvemento profesional continuo, a través da reflexión sobre a propia práctica.
B16 Capacidade para integrarse e comunicarse con expertos noutras áreas e en contextos diferentes.
B17 Capacidade para presentar, defender e debater ideas utilizando argumentos sólidos.
B18 Capacidade para relacionarse positivamente con outras persoas.
B19 Comunicación oral e escrita na lingua materna.
B20 Coñecemento de outras culturas e de outras costumes.
B21 Coñecemento e comunicación en linguas estranxeiras.
B22 Creatividade ou capacidade para pensar as cousas desde diferentes perspectivas, ofrecendo novas solucións aos problemas.
C1 Expresarse correctamente, tanto de forma oral coma escrita, nas linguas oficiais da comunidade autónoma.
C2 Dominar a expresión e a comprensión de forma oral e escrita dun idioma estranxeiro.
C4 Desenvolverse para o exercicio dunha cidadanía aberta, culta, crítica, comprometida, democrática e solidaria, capaz de analizar a realidade, diagnosticar problemas, formular e implantar solucións baseadas no coñecemento e orientadas ao ben común.
C6 Valorar criticamente o coñecemento, a tecnoloxía e a información dispoñible para resolver os problemas cos que deben enfrontarse.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
Create and maintain communication with families in order to effectively affect educational processes A10
Know how to counsell families A11
Favour and collaborate in actions being organized by families, councils and other institutions that take place inside and outside the school and that have an impact in the future citizens education A12
Critically analise the most relevant issues about family education in nowadays society: social and educational impact of new audiovisual languages, changes in gender roles and relationsships, muilti cultural and intercultural issues, social inclusion and sustainalble development. A13
Know how family has changed through time, different family forms and different life styles and different education in the family. A14
Solve problems and make effective decisions B2
Behave ethically and become a social responsible citizen and professional B6
Effectively communicate at work B7
Capacity to adapt to novelty B8
Capacity to relate with other people in a positve way B18
Know other cultures and traditions B20
Talk and write in a foreign language C2
Be an open, cultivated, critic and compromised citizen, able to analyze reality, diagnose problems and create and take action in solving those problems for the general well-beign. C4
Understand educational processes and learning in years 0-6 in the family, social and school contexts. A1
Value personal relationships with each student and his family as an indicator of education quality A32
Learn to learn B1
Use critic, self-critic, logic and creative thinking B3
Capacity to analyze and synthesize B10
Capacity to search and manage information B11
Capacity to integrate in and communicate with experts in other fileds and in different contexts B16
Knowledge about and communication using a foreing language B21
Creativity and capacity to think differently offering new solutions to problems B22
Capacity to present, defend and debate ideas using a solid argumentation B17
Value knowledge, technology and information in order to solve problems. C6
Capacity to accept the need for continuing professional development through the reflection in one's own practice B15
Oral and written communication in own's mother tongue B19
Correct oral and written communication in the community's official languages C1

Topic Sub-topic
1. Concepts and theories 1.1.Family and family diversity
1.2.Family cycle
1.3.Family as a system: theory and concepts
1.4.Family ecology
2. Family processes 2.1. Family processes
2.2. The family as a learning environment for parents and children and family involvement
3. Effective techniques for psychological family intervention 3.1. Connecting with families
3.2. Group meetings
3.3. Individual interviews
3.3.1. First interview: setting the relational climate, identiying strengths and setting shared objectives
3.3.2. Following interviews
4. Families in special situations 4.1. Families and special needs
4.2. Families and socio-cultural diversity
4.3. Families and divorce

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Introductory activities A1 A12 C4 2 0 2
Guest lecture / keynote speech A11 A13 A14 B3 B10 B11 B20 C6 18 0 18
Workbook B1 B21 C1 C2 0 35 35
Multiple-choice questions A11 A14 B20 C1 C2 2 36 38
Simulation A10 A12 B2 B6 B7 B8 B16 B18 14 9 23
Case study A11 A32 B2 B6 B15 B22 4 10 14
Oral presentation B17 B19 C1 C2 2 16 18
Personalized attention 2 0 2
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Introductory activities Syllabus and previous knowledge.
Guest lecture / keynote speech The teacher will lecture paying attention to complex concepts and ideas that need a detailed explanation.
Workbook Students will have to read several documents. Those readings will be discussed in class or presented to others.
Multiple-choice questions This multiple choice exam is intended to check students' learning
Simulation Students will role play different situations either problematic or not. These situations will involve bi-directional relationships between the family and the teachers through letters or other written medias and through interviews.
Case study Students will have to analyze at least one intervention according to the guidelines given by the teacher. This information will be in Moodle.
Oral presentation Students may present either a whole lesson or a part of it to their classmates

Personalized attention
Oral presentation
Students can talk to the teacher personaly either in the classroom or at the teacher's office (P2A8). They can also use Moodle, phone or e-mail in order to ask questions or schedule an appointment. Teams may also be used to talk.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Multiple-choice questions A11 A14 B20 C1 C2 Multiple-choice exam comprises 30 questions with a,b, c options for those students who have attended 80% or more interactive classes.
Those students who attend less than 80% of the interactive classes, will have to pass a different exam comprised of 40 questions with a,b, c options
Oral presentation B17 B19 C1 C2 Students may present either a whole lesson or a part of it to their classmates 20
Case study A11 A32 B2 B6 B15 B22 Students will have to analyze at least one intervention according to the guidelines given by the teacher. This information will be in Moodle. 15
Simulation A10 A12 B2 B6 B7 B8 B16 B18 Students will role play different situations either problematic or not. These situations will involve bi-directional relationships between the family and the teachers through letters or other written media and through interviews. 25
Assessment comments

STUDENTS REGULARLY ATTENDING CLASSES: These students attend 80% or more interactive classes.

For students who attend 80% or more interactive classes, the final mark will be calculated from simulations, case study, multiple-choice test and oral presentation. Oral presentations will be prepared in group and will be prerecorded and uploaded in Moodle. In order to pass this subject, students must get 5, and they need to have a mark in all the dimensions (exam-mulitiple choice test, simulation, case study and oral presentation).

("Matrícula de honor") Honours will be considered for those students
achiving a final mark of 9.5 or higher. Those students who think that
they are entitled to ask for honours will have to write down the reasons
why they think they should get honours. They may send this document by email

Non-attending students: these are students who either have a written permission from the University to be included in this modality or have attended less than 80% of the interactive classes. Their final mark will depend on the exam (multiple choice), 75% of the final mark. This exam is an special exam for them as the questions will cover the whole subject (theory and documents for interactive classes). In order to pass the subject, students need a mimum of 5.  25% of their mark will depend on the simulation (role-playing) or case study.

In case of confinement or in case it is impossible to attend interactive classes because of exceptional circumstances, students will respond to their exam on line using Moodle. Oral presentation will be recorded and uploaded in Moodle as in the attending option. Role-playing (simulation) and case study will be united and they will value 40% of the final mark. Students will be informed of the activities they will have to do virtually.
Non-attending students (with a special permission from the University) will take their specific exam on line using Moodle or other platform. They will be informed about the work they will have to do for the 25% of simulation or case study.

Sources of information
Basic Deslandes, R. (2019). A framework for school-family collaboration integrating some relevant factors and processes. Aula Abierta, 48(1), 11-18
Amatea, E. S. (2009). Building Culturally Responsive Family School Relationships. Boston, MA: Pearson
García-Bacete, F.J. (2006). Cómo son y cómo podrían ser las relaciones entre escuelas y familias en opinión del profesorado. Cultura y Educación, 18(3-4),
Sheridan, S-M. y Kratochwill, T.R. (2008). Conjoint behavioural consultation, Promoting family-school connections and interventions. Nueva York: Springer
Vázquez Huertas, C. & López-Larrosa, S. (2014). Creencias sobre la relación familia-escuela. Cambios en el futuro profesorado tras recibir formación específica. Revista de estudios e investigación en psicología y educación, 1, 111-121
Robledo, P. y García, J.N. (2007). El entorno parental en la intervención de personas con dificultades del desarrollo. . Dificultades del desarrollo. Evaluación e intervención
López Larrosa, S. (2009). El sistema familiar ante el divorcio: procesos y cambios estructurales, y su relación con la escuela y otros contextos. Cultura y Educación, , 21(4), 391-402
De Sáinz Ferrer, N., Martínez Ferrer, J. y Ruiz Salguero, J.M. (2011). Entrevista familiar en la escuela. Pautas concretas.. Madrid: Pirámide.
Ceballos, E. Triana, B. & Rodríguez Hernández, J.A. (2019). Expectativas del futuro profesorado de Educación Infantil y Primaria sobre el desarrollo infantil en distintas estructuras familiares1. Aula Abierta, 48(1), 67-76
Dowling, E. y Osborne, E (1996). Familia y escuela. Una aproximación conjunta y sistémica a los problemas infantiles. Barcelona. Paidós.
López Larrosa y Escudero (2003). Familia, evaluación e intervención. Madrid. CCS
Martínez González, R.A. Pérez Herrero, M.H. ; Peña del Agua, B.M., Garcia González, M.P y Martínez (2004). Fomento de las relaciones de colaboración entre las familias y el profesorado a través de un programa de desarrollo de habilidaes para el uso del lenguaje en niños de edad infantil. Infancia y Aprendizaje,27 (4), 425-435
García-Bacete, F.J. (2006). Guía de recursos para promover las relaciones entre escuelas y familias.. Cultura y Educación, 18(3), 311-328.
Rothe, A., Urban, M. & Werning; R. (2014). Inclusive transition processes – considering socio-economically disadvantaged parents’ views and actions for their child’s successful school start. Early Years: An International Research Journal, 34(4), 364-376
García-Bacete, F.J. y Martínez-González, R.A. (2006). La relación entre los centros escolares, las familias y los entornos comunitarios como factor de calidad de la educación de menores y adultos. . Cultura y Educación, 18(3-4), 213-218.
López Larrosa (2009). La relación familia-escuela. Madrid. CCS
Ríos, J.A. (2005). Los ciclos vitales de la familia y la pareja. Madrid. CCS
Walker, J.M.T., Wilkins, A.S., Dallaire, J.R., Sandler, H.M., Hoover-Dempsey, K.V. (2006). Parental involvement: model revision through scale development. The Elementary School Journal, 106(2), 85-104.
Martínez-González, R.A y Pérez-Herrero, M.H. (2006). Propuestas metodológicas para una educación de calidad a través de las relaciones entre centros docentes, familias y entidades comunitarias. Cultura y Educación, 18(3-4), 231-246.
López-Larrosa, S., Richards, A., Morao Rodríguez, S.A., & Gómez Soriano, L (2019). Teachers and trainee teachers’ beliefs about family-school relationships. . Aula Abierta, 48(1), 59-66.
Freeman,J. Epston, D. y Lobovits, D. (2001). Terapia narrativa con niños. Barcelona: Paidós
Glasgow, N.A. y Whitney, P.J (2009). What successful schools do to involve families. California: Cowing Press

Students will get specific bibliography in English  at the course onset.


Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus

Other comments

Learning in English is a challenge but our world is becoming more demanding for pre-service teachers or teachers in training. English proficiency will help them become more competitive in their professional world.

Classes in English are more international as foreign students are welcomed to enroll in this course and share with local students their knowledge and cultural experiences.

Students are encouraged to send any draft of their written work by e-mail in order to save natural resources and avoid plastics. Final versions of their writen work will be sent according to the instructions settled in Moodle.

It is crucial that they commit to ethical principles related to their profesionality and their responsibilty as change agents.

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.