Identifying Data 2020/21
Subject (*) Fundamentals of Electricity Code 770G01013
Study programme
Grao en Enxeñaría Electrónica Industrial e Automática
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 1st four-month period
Second Obligatory 6
Teaching method Hybrid
Department Enxeñaría Industrial
Castilla Pascual, Consuelo de los L.
Castilla Pascual, Consuelo de los L.
Web http://
General description O obxectivo fundamental desta materia é a formación do alumno para que adquira o coñecemento e poida utilizar os principios da teoría de circuítos e o conocimento de conceptos básicos das máquinas electricas. Polo seu carácter obrigatorio, esta materia é fundamental na formación do Enxeñeiro. Está relacionada con todas aquelas de o Grao Enxeñaría Eléctrica que traballan con circuítos eléctricos e electrónicos, en particular coa materia Fundamentos de Electrónica que se imparte no seguinte cuadrimestre e dando continuidade para Circuítos eléctricos de potencia, Instalacións Eléctricas, Máquinas eléctricas I e II do terceiro curso, a optativa Técnicas de Adquisición de Medidas Eléctricas e as de cuarto curso: Instalacións de Enerxías Renovable, Accionamiento de Máquinas Eléctricas e Transporte de Enerxía Eléctrica. E no grado de Enxeñería Electrónica Industrial e Automática relacionase coa materia Fundamentos de electrónica que impartese no siguente cuatrimestre, dando tamén continuidade a Sistemas Eleéctricos do terceiro curso.
Contingency plan A materia configúrase nesta guía docente como HÍBRIDA onde só impartiranse as clases expositivas, de sesión maxistral, en modelo non presencial síncrono en Teams de forma regular o próximo curso 2020/2021(as interactivas e de prácticas serán presenciais); pois en principio prevese un número de estudantes matriculados nela semellante ao curso pasado. No entanto, unha vez coñecido o número de estudantes realmente matriculados na materia a principio de curso, se este número permíteo impartiranse as clases expositivas en modelo PRESENCIAL, modelo xa previsto, se non se precisan aplicar continxencias, para as interactivas de problemas e de prácticas.


1. Modificacións nos contidos
– Non se realizarán cambios

2. Metodoloxías
*Metodoloxías docentes que se manteñen

- Sesión maxistral
- Lecturas (computa na avaliación do portafolios)
- Proba obxectiva (computa na avaliación 60%, estruturada en dúas probas: un 20% en exame parcial e un 40% en convocatoria oficial)
- Portafolios do alumno (computa na avaliación 20%)
- Solución de problemas (con Atención personalizada)
- Prácticas de laboratorio (computa na avaliación 20%) (con Atención personalizada) a súa memoria valorarase ata a sesión da práctica que se fixo presencialmente, como son 6 sesións de prácticas o 20% repártese por igual entre seis, puntuando cada unha un 3,33%. As restantes sesións de prácticas que requiran docencia non presencial (podendo requirilo todo o 20%) avaliaranse mediante Traballos Tutelados de Prácticas.

*Metodoloxías docentes que se modifican

- Prácticas de laboratorio (computa na avaliación 20%) (con Atención personalizada). Do seis sesións, cada unha de valor do 3,33%, as realizadas presencialmente valoraranse mediante a súa memoria entregada semanalmente. As restantes sesións de prácticas que requiran docencia non presencial (podendo requirilo todo o 20%) avaliaranse mediante a incorporación de Traballos Tutelados de Prácticas.
- Traballos Tutelados de Prácticas (computan na avaliación ata o 20%, cada actividade correspondente a unha sesión de Traballo tutelado de prácticas puntúa 3,33%) (con Atención personalizada). O profesor proporá en Moodle, unha semana se, outra non, unha actividade asíncrona e individualizada a cada membro de grupo pequeno, con circuítos a simular en Capture-CIS de Orcad-PsPice (programa en versión de estudantes de libre acceso na rede, o alumno disporá de titoriais en Moodle desde comezo de curso). A actividade asíncrona de Moodle abrirá con certa anterioridade á sesión semanal correspondente en Teams (esta última para o seguimento e apoio na realización da actividade de "Trabajo Tutelado de Prácticas", realizarase no horario que a EUP estableza para as sesións de prácticas da materia para os grupos pequenos), e a actividade Moodle pechará na semana en que abre. Na seguinte semana avaliarase a actividade entregada en Moodle. Nas sesións síncronas de Teams: exporanse exemplos de simulación, posibles problemas que poidan presentarse e atenderanse, a petición do estudante, problemas concretos que se teñan na simulación da súa actividade práctica asignada en Moodle. Esta dinámica permitirá facer un seguimento axustado ás necesidades de aprendizaxe do alumnado para desenvolver as prácticas de simulación de circuítos.

3. Mecanismos de atención personalizada ao alumnado
- Correo electrónico: dúas veces á semana no horario de tutorías establecido ao principio do cuadrimestre polo profesor, para que o estudante que o precise realice consultas de tutorías ou, se a súa dúbida precísao, acordar encontro virtual en Teams. O profesor tamén pode requirir a un estudante concreto que acuda a sesión de tutoría.
- Foros de Moodle Temáticos: atención diaria desde a apertura do foro ata o peche da participación nel, para expor e/ou discutir de forma dirixida as dificultades e asuntos propios do tema, abrirase a discusión unha vez o tema foi tratado en sesión maxistral ou se propuxo a súa lectura, dispoñible a participación para todos os estudantes do grupo grande segundo as necesidades do alumnado ata o final do seguinte tema.
- Sesións en Teams, de Sesión Maxistral, de Problemas; cada unha delas unha vez á semana na franxa horaria establecida no calendario da EUP para a materia. A de Sesión Maxistral en gran grupo é para o avance dos contidos teóricos da materia, a de Problemas en grupo mediano para o avance en problemas a incluír no portafolios. Ademais, sesións en Teams unha semana se e outra non, para o avance no saber facer de actividades de Traballos Tutelados de Prácticas de Simulación, acompañados na súa semana, de actividade asíncrona en Moodle para a entrega de traballo de simulación.

4. Modificacións na avaliación

- Traballos Tutelados de Prácticas (computan na avaliación ata o 20%, cada actividade correspondente a unha sesión de Traballo tutelado de prácticas puntúa 3,33%). En cada traballo valorarase:

- Adecuación á proposta de traballo.
- Presentación e claridade dos resultados.
- Señalamiento de "métodos de axuda na simulación" para a correcta resolución.
- Tempo de entrega vs tempo límite de entrega.

*Observacións de avaliación:

- O control de asistencia só realizarase respecto das sesións nas que haxa presencialidad e ata o momento en que se suspenda a actividade presencial.
- As probas obxectivas, xa sexa parcial ou a oficial, realizaranse en sesión síncrona de Teams segundo o calendario de exames que estableza o centro, á vez que se abrirá a proba en Moodle á que se lle incrementará o tempo ao dobre do indicado na guía, para ter en conta o moverse nela en formato dixital e ter que subir a Moodle o escaneo ou foto das xustificacións a puño e letra.

A) Alumnado con dedicación completa:
- Asistencia mínima do 80% en clases de grupos grandes e medianos e participación mínima do 80% das súas actividades.
- Asistencia do 100% en clases de grupos pequenos e realización do 100% das súas actividades.
B) Alumnado con dedicación a tempo parcial e dispensa académica de exención de asistencia:
- Asistencia mínima do 80% en clases de grupos grandes e medianos e participación mínima do 80% das súas actividades.
- Asistencia do 100% en clases de grupos pequenos e realización do 100% das súas actividades.


- Asistir e participar regularmente (% indicados en punto 1).
- Entregar os traballos tutelados antes do límite de tempo establecido.
- Obter unha puntuación do 30% do peso da proba obxectiva en convocatoria oficial.
- Obter unha puntuación do 50% do peso en cada unha das sesións prácticas.
- Os criterios de avaliación en primeira e segunda oportunidade son os mesmos.

5. Modificacións da bibliografía ou webgrafía

Non se realizan cambios, pero facilítase a listaxe seguinte para acceso á versión en libro electrónico:

Boylestad, Robert L. Electrónica : Teoría de circuitos y dispositivos electrónicos. Prentice Hall, 2009. Acceso:*gag

Hayt, William H. Análisis de circuitos en ingeniería. 8ª ed. México : McGraw-Hill, [2012] Acceso 7ºed.(2007):*gag

Queijo García, Gumersindo. Fundamentos de tecnología eléctrica. Madrid : UNED, 2018. Acceso:*gag

Oriol Boix. Tecnología eléctrica. Barcelona: Cano Pina, 2014 Acceso:*gag

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A15 Coñecer e utilizar os principios da teoría de circuítos e máquinas eléctricas.
B1 Capacidade de resolver problemas con iniciativa, toma de decisións, creatividade e razoamento crítico.
B4 Capacidade de traballar e aprender de forma autónoma e con iniciativa.
B5 Capacidade para empregar as técnicas, habilidades e ferramentas da enxeñaría necesarias para a práctica desta.
C5 Valorar criticamente o coñecemento, a tecnoloxía e a información dispoñible para resolver os problemas cos que deben enfrontarse.
C6 Asumir como profesional e cidadán a importancia da aprendizaxe ao longo da vida.
C7 Valorar a importancia que ten a investigación, a innovación e o desenvolvemento tecnolóxico no avance socioeconómico e cultural da sociedade.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
It knows the foundations of the theory of circuits and of the electrical machines A15
It comprises the principles of the theory of circuits and of the electrical machines and has skill to apply them to the analysis of simple problems of electrical circuits and of electrical machines. A15

Topic Sub-topic
Circuits, laws and elements.(Contents: Analysis of circuits. Elements of circuits. Laws of Kirchhoff).
Theory of circuits. Introduction.
Elements of circuits.
Introduction to the topological analysis.
Analysis of circuits. Examples in DC.(Contents: Analysis of Circuits, basic Methods of analysis. Fundamental theorems).
Generalisation of the association of passive elements.
Methods of analysis.
Fundamental theorems.
Analysis of circuits in AC.(Contents: Diet estacionario sinusoidal. Basic methods of analysis. Fundamental theorems). Simple circuit in sinusoidal permanent diet.
Validity of the methods of analysis and of the fundamental theorems. Examples.
Power and energy in AC
Systems trifásicos.(Contents: Introduction to systems trifásicos).
Analysis of the circuit trifásico.
Power in the systems trifásicos.
Introduction to the electrical machines.(Contents: Introduction to the electrical machines).

Máquinas estáticas y rotativas.

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Guest lecture / keynote speech A15 B4 C5 C6 C7 21 31 52
Workbook A15 B1 B4 B5 C5 C6 C7 0 3 3
Objective test A15 B1 B4 B5 C5 2 13 15
Laboratory practice A15 B1 B5 C5 C6 9 6 15
Student portfolio A15 B1 B4 B5 C5 C6 C7 0 10 10
Problem solving A15 B1 B4 B5 C5 21 31 52
Personalized attention 3 0 3
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech Theoretical oral exhibition-practises of the chapters of the program that realises to transmit knowledges, complemented with the use of multimedia audiovisual/means. In the case of subjects compendio of theoretical definitions requested the reading like personal work of the student and will give a day and time to resolve the doubts. To end to facilitate the learning will pose questions and recommended readings of which will deduce the answers so that they appear in the student portafolio.
Workbook Personal work of the student on distinct contents of the signatura. During the course requested the reading of subjects compendio of theoretical definitions and formulated questions recommending readings to find his answer.
Objective test The proof of final evaluation written of practical character, on the contents of the matter. It will consist in the solution of ten exercises.
Laboratory practice Realisation of diverse settings of electrical circuits in softwares of simulation that illustrate the results obtained in the theoretical classes and of problems. The student will have in the platform Moodle of the leaves of takings of data yes like videos complement to the practices. The student will realise the understanding reading of the practice, took data and will resolve the calculations associated and the questions that pose , in some cases will check the resolution of the circuit by means of the use of simulation tool Orcad Pspice Lite. In the final memory the student will value the result obtained.
Student portfolio It consists in a notebook of the work of character fundamentally practical, that collect so much the exercises realised in class like the personal work realised by the student in the exercises that poses the professor so that they are in the portafolio. The justification of the solution of an exercise will accompany with theoretical annotations that the professor resalte in the class. Also they will include the theoretical questions that indicate , with the answers that the student deduce of the readings recommended by the professor to such effect.
Problem solving Seminars in groups of intermediate size allocated to resolve exercises and problems. Posed with antelación or in the same day. It will deliver with antelación the billed of problems that have to form part of the notebook of work whose solution correspond to develop by part of the student. During the session will resolve the doubts or difficulties that have arisen.

Personalized attention
Objective test
Laboratory practice
Problem solving
Student portfolio
Guest lecture / keynote speech
During the session magistral will attend the doubts in the transcurso of the class or if it was necessary emplazará to the student to tutorial.

The doubts that arise in the readings recommended will be able to resolve in the tutorial.

During the objective proof, the professor will attend to the student that call it in the place of examination of the student.

In the practices, the personalised attention will realise in the transcurso of the sessions, well to initiative of the student to clear and answer his doubts, or to initiative of the professor with the end to improve the interest and attitude of the student.

The notebook, portafolios of the student, will ask it the professor during the classes, to go seeing the advance in the same and will indicate to the student the sections that has to improve to guide it and encourage it. In each delivery will have to be like minimum the exercises of the previous day. At least they will do two deliveries. The student will be able to consult in tutorías the doubts that pose him in front of the indications of the professor.

They will attend the doubts in the transcurso of the class in average group for the solucíón of problems, if it was necessary emplazará to the student to tutorial.

In the schedule established by the professor for the tutorías, the student that attend to individual title will be able to pose the doubts that arise him in the study of the matter, or in the development of the solution of an exercise. The student that attend to the tutoría, will have to present the text consulted object of doubt or the development realised in the research of the solution of the exercise that %or201Cno goes out%or201D. Also the professor will be able to summon personally to the alumnado if like this it estimated it.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Objective test A15 B1 B4 B5 C5 60% delivers in:

20% that corresponds to an objective proof of three items to realise in class of length 30 minutes, after the first delivery of the student portfolio.

The remaining 40% corresponds:
To the final examination (already was the one of the official announcement of first opportunity in January or the official announcement of second opportunity of Julio) will be of ten or five Items: questions in shape of short problems of several concepts. For some Items will propose several answers, where only one is possible. The student will have to justify the answer chosen and because descarta the remaining. A ítem only can cost a point or zero. The ítem very justified explains a point. The evil justified or without justifying do not explain.
The length of the examination will be of 2h (10 Items) or 1h (5 Items), expandable for the student that have adaptation to the diversity that estimate additional time established by the service ADI of the UDC.
The punctuation obtained will contribute to the final qualification in 40%, as long as they surpass the three points on 10 in her, that is to say, reach the addend with percentage already applied of 1,2 points (30% of his weight of 4 points as adding).
In case of not surpassing in the final examination the three points on ten, the final qualification will be “Suspenso” with the punctuation reached in this proof independently of the reached in the others two methodologies.
In case of not to present to objective proof of official announcement, final examination, the final qualification will be of “No presented”.
Laboratory practice A15 B1 B5 C5 C6 The practical sessions in laboratory are of forced assistance, indispensable to be able to approve the asignatura. It took note of the assistance. The teaching of laboratory is a complement to the theoretical classes, in them will propose exercises of application of the theory. It will value the understanding of the work of laboratory and the active participation by means of questions to the student in the transcurso of the practices. It will deliver a final memory of the practices realised.His weight of 20% delivers by the same between the six practices and it is necessary to reach in each one minimum 50% of his weight.
The punctuation of each practice, already applied his % of weight (addends in final note), will be of Bad (M) or No realised (NR) (assigning 0 points), Surpassed (S) ( 0,167 points) or Well (B) (0,25) or Very Very (MB) (0,333). Punctuation only applicable in the academic course in that they realise said practical (ordinary announcements-January and extraordinary-Julio).
The practices surpassed in the previous course only are valid “convalidables”= CV) during the present course keeping his punctuation transforming it of 15% weight that had to 20% current weight.
Student portfolio A15 B1 B4 B5 C5 C6 C7 Each exercise will have to be clearly separated of the following, have his billed with his data, diagrams and questions. In the development of the solution, the magnitudes employed, have to indicate of clear form in the electrical circuit and will take into account all the theoretical annotations of interest that the student collect of the indicated in class. It will value the reading by means of the answers to the theoretical questions. The fault of some exercise, his development or the no delivery will do that the notebook do not mark in the final delivery. The professor anytime will be able to ask the delivery of the notebook. The punctuation will be, an addend in the final note, with % of the already applied weight, of Bad (M) or No realised (NR) (0), Regulate (R) (1 point) or Well (B) (1,5 points) or Very Very (MB) (2 points), contributing thus as already it has said to the qualification in 20%. 20
Assessment comments

The final qualification will give with a decimal and will be:

· If in the objective proof final three or more points on 10, as long as they are surpassed the practices:

Punctuation of the student portfolio*0,20 punctuation of the practices surpassed (R, B or MB)*0,20 punctuation tests objective*0,40(if more than three points on 10) punctuation of the partial objective proof*0,20 if the assistance was to regulate (upper to 80%) along the course.

To surpass the asignatura in the official announcements is necessary to have a final qualification of 5 on ten or upper,in the sum of all these addends.

· If in the objective proof final less than three points:

Punctuation of the objective proof final.

· If it does not present to the objective proof final:

No presented

· If they do not surpass the practices:

Punctuation in the practices if they realised, surpass or no the objective prooffinal, and if they did not realise punctuation of the objective proof final with already applied his percentage of weight.

Sources of information
Basic 7. Usaola García, J. (2002). Circuitos eléctricos: problemas y ejercicios resueltos.. Madrid: Prentice Hall
5. Fraile Mora, L.I. (2004). Electromagnetismo y circuitos eléctricos.. Madrid: MacGraw-Hill
1. Boylestad, R. L. ( 2009). Electrónica: teoría de circuitos y dispositivos electrónicos . Naucalpán de Juárez : Prentice Hall
8. Gerrero Fernandez, Alberto (1995). Electrotecnia. Madrid: MacGraw-Hill
7. Queijo García, Gumersindo (2018). Fundamentos de Tecnología Eléctrica. Madrid: UNED
4. Fraile Ardanuy, J. (2004). Problemas resueltos de electromagnetismo y circuitos eléctricos.. Madrid : Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos, Servicio de Publicaciones
3. Eguiluz Morán, Luis I.. (2001). Pruebas objetivas de circuitos eléctricos. Madrid: EUNSA
2. Eguiluz Moran, Luis I. (1997). Pruebas objetivas de ingeniería eléctrica.. Santander, T.G.D.S.L.
6. Ras i Oliva, Enric. (1987). Teoría de circuitos fundamentos. Barcelona [etc.] : Marcombo, D.L.


1. Boylestad, R. L.
Electónica: teoría de circuitos y dispositivos electrónicos / Robert L. Boylestad, Louis Nashelsky.
10ª ed. Naucalpán de Juárez : Prentice Hall, 2009.

2. Eguiluz Moran, Luis I.
Pruebas objetivas de ingeniería eléctrica. [Santander] : T.G.D.S.L., [1997]

3. Eguiluz Morán, Luis I..
Pruebas objetivas de circuitos eléctricos. Madrid: EUNSA, 2001

4. Fraile Ardanuy, J.
Problemas resueltos de electromagnetismo y circuitos eléctricos.
Madrid : Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2004

5. Fraile Mora, L.I.
Electromagnetismo y circuitos eléctricos.4ª ed. Madrid: MacGraw-Hill, 2005

6. Ras i Oliva, Enric.
Teoría de circuitos fundamentos. 4ª ed. renovada. Barcelona [etc.] : Marcombo, D.L. 1987

6. Usaola García, J.
Circuitos eléctricos: problemas y ejercicios resueltos.Madrid: Prentice Hall, 2002


Otros libros de interés:

* Hayt, Kemmerly, Dubrin (2002). Análisis de Circuitos en Ingeniería. Madrid. McGraw-Hill

* W. Nilson, Ana Riedel (2001). Circuitos Eléctricos. Prentice Hall

* Bruce Carlson (2002). Teoría de Circuitos. Madrid. Thomson

* Parra V., Ortega J., Pastor A., Pérez A. (1992). Teoría de Circuitos.Tomos I y II. Madrid. U.N.E.D

* Boix, Oriol(2009). Tecnología Eléctrica. Cano Pina S.L. Ediciones Ceysa


Otros libros de interés:

* Hayt, Kemmerly, Dubrin (2002). Análisis de Circuitos en Ingeniería. Madrid. McGraw-Hill

* W. Nilson, Ana Riedel (2001). Circuitos Eléctricos. Prentice Hall

* Bruce Carlson (2002). Teoría de Circuitos. Madrid. Thomson

* Parra V., Ortega J., Pastor A., Pérez A. (1992). Teoría de Circuitos.Tomos I y II. Madrid. U.N.E.D

* Boix, Oriol(2009). Tecnología Eléctrica. Cano Pina S.L. Ediciones Ceysa

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
Linear Algebra/770G01006
Physics II/770G01007

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus
Electric Machines I/770G02021
Electric Installations low voltage/770G02022
Electrical power circuits/770G02023
Power Stations/770G02024
Electric Machines II/770G02026
High-voltage electrical installations/770G02027
Installations of Renewable Energies/770G02033
Electric Machines and Drives/770G02035
Electric Energy Transport/770G02036
Acquisition techniques of electrical measurements/770G02030
Electromagnetic Compatibility in industrial installations/770G02039
Efficient management of electric power/770G02040

Other comments

They are necessary previous knowledges of: electromagnetism, linear systems, differential equations, complex calculation and vectorial representation. As it indicated  in the general description, the asignatura is related with all those of the Degree Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automatic that work with electrical and electronic circuits, in particular with the asignatura Foundations of Electronics that gives  in the following cuatrimestre and giving continuity for Electrical Circuits of Power, Installations, electrical Machines I and II of the third course and other optativas and of fourth course.

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.