Identifying Data 2020/21
Subject (*) Acquisition techniques of electrical measurements Code 770G02030
Study programme
Grao en Enxeñaría Eléctrica
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 2nd four-month period
Third Optional 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Enxeñaría Industrial
Castilla Pascual, Consuelo de los L.
Castilla Pascual, Consuelo de los L.
Web http://
General description Trátase dunha materia que ten un caráter fundamentalmente tecnolóxico. O seu obxectivo principal é proporcionar ao alumno a base científica e técnica que lle permita coñecer e entender a natureza dos problemas relacionados coas medidas das distintas magnitudes eléctricas. Abárcase o estudo dos instrumentos e métodos de medida eléctricos, esquemas de conexión e condicións para unha medida segura, xa sexa directa ou indirecta.
Contingency plan 1. Modificacións nos contidos

2. Metodoloxías
*Metodoloxías docentes que se manteñen

*Metodoloxías docentes que se modifican

3. Mecanismos de atención personalizada ao alumnado

4. Modificacións na avaliación

*Observacións de avaliación:

5. Modificacións da bibliografía ou webgrafía

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A4 Capacidade de xestión da información, manexo e aplicación das especificacións técnicas e da lexislación necesarias no exercicio da profesión.
B1 Capacidade de resolver problemas con iniciativa, toma de decisións, creatividade e razoamento crítico.
B4 Capacidade de traballar e aprender de forma autónoma e con iniciativa.
B5 Capacidade para empregar as técnicas, habilidades e ferramentas da enxeñaría necesarias para a práctica desta.
C1 Expresarse correctamente, tanto de forma oral coma escrita, nas linguas oficiais da comunidade autónoma.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
That the student know and comprise the principles of operation of the devices of measure of the electrical magnitudes. Know and it comprise the distinct systems of measure, the forms of connection, direct and indirect of the device of measure and schematise them. It know to design and calculate the installations for the acquisition of electrical measures. It know the rule, legislation and reglamentación with regard to the electrical measure and his installations. It know the technical solutions of the market in the field of the electrical measure. A4
That the student apply in the practice the forms of connection of the teams of measure, know selecionar the method and the system of measure more adapted according to the magnitude to measure and the available teams. That it know to realise the setting of the devices of measure and components for his verification and contrastación. It interpret the technical information of the device for the process of measure, was in Spanish or English, as well as of other sources of information in this regard. A4

Topic Sub-topic
Principles of operation of the devices of measure. (Contents: direct Measures of: Intensity, tension. Diagrams and practical of connection of devices of electrical measure). Técnicas de medida. Aparatos analógicos.

Errores de medición. Contrastación y calibración.

Características funcionales y distintivas de los aparatos digitales.

El osciloscopio analógico-digital.
Electrical measures. (Contents: direct Measures of Intensity, tension, resistance, frequency, power, energy, factor of pot., isolation, quality of wave, etc. indirect Measures: Transductores of measure and trafos of measure. Diagrams and practical of connection of devices of electrical measure.) Measure of power, factor of power and frequency.

Turnover and counters of energy.

Registradores Of measure and DAQ´s (introduction to the use of Arduino)

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Objective test A4 B1 B4 B5 3 22 25
Guest lecture / keynote speech A4 B1 B5 C2 21 31 52
Problem solving A4 B5 B4 B1 21 31 52
Laboratory practice A4 B1 B4 B5 C1 9 9 18
Personalized attention 3 0 3
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Objective test Proof of evaluation of caracter prático, written and final on all the contents of the matter. It will consist in the solution of ten questions, being able to be all or some type test or ejercios and problems.
Guest lecture / keynote speech Theoretical oral exhibition-practical of the chapters of the program to transmit knowledges, being able to be complemented with the use of multimedia audiovisual/means. It will offer an overview and structured of the subjects, standing out the important appearances. The professor will be able to request works in group that expand or redunden in practical theoretical/appearances, for his back exhibition in the classes of solution of problems.
Problem solving Seminars in groups of intermediate size allocated to resolve exercises and problems on the theoretical contents of the matter. During the session will resolve the doubts or difficulties that arise, also will expose the works derived of the session magistral.
Laboratory practice Realisation of diverse practical experiences of laboratory of the developed in the contents of the matter, that serve to reinforce and contrast the theoretical knowledges purchased.

Personalized attention
Problem solving
Laboratory practice
During the session magistral will attend the doubts in the transcurso of the class or if it was necessary emplazará to the student to tutorías. The doubts that arise in the works proposed will be able to resolve in the tutorías.

During the objective proof, the professor will attend to the student that call it in the place of examination of the student.

In the practices, the personalised attention will realise in the transcurso of the sessions, well to initiative of the student to clear and answer his doubts, or to initiative of the professor with the end to improve the interest and attitude of the student.

They will attend the doubts in the transcurso of the class in average group for the solucíón of problems, if it was necessary emplazará to the student to tutorías.

In the schedule established by the professors for the tutorías, the student that attend to individual title will be able to pose the doubts that arise him in the study of the matter, or in develop him of the solution of an exercise or work on a subject. The student that attend to the tutoría, will have to present the text consulted object of doubt or the development realised in the research of the solution of the exercise that does not go out. Tambien The professors will be able to summon personally to the student if like this they estimated it.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Problem solving A4 B5 B4 B1 It will have encuenta the assistance to classes of problems, where will go providing and resolving exercises that apply and reinforce the theoretical knowledges. In case that they assign works by groups, will have encuenta the delivery and the exhibition of the same in the class. Of said work will evaluate the structure, documentary quality, originality and presentation on a total of ten points.

30% of this activity delivers in 20% for the proofs written of this activity that delivers by the same between them and has a previous character to the final evaluation and the assistance has to be upper to 80% and in the case to have realised exhibition of works of group 20% will deliver by the same between assistance and work. 10% remaining of this activity gives it the regular assistance.
Laboratory practice A4 B1 B4 B5 C1 TThe sessions practise of laboratory are of forced assistance, indispensable to be able to approve the asignatura. It will take note of the assistance. It will value the understanding of the matter and the active participation by means of questions to the student in the transcurso of the practical sessions. It will deliver an individual final memory or in group, in which they will relate the practical sessions and his measures as well as the one of the practical exercises that assign referents to the same. The memory of the practices and practical exercises will evaluate in base to the quality, structure, originality, results and documentary quality of his images, on a total of ten points. Being necessary to reach the 5 on 10 to approve the practices, that is to say, 50% of his weight of 20%.

20% of total weight of this section in the asignatura has a compulsory and previous character to the final evaluation.
Objective test A4 B1 B4 B5 The examination written final (already was in the ordinary announcement of June or the extraordinary announcement of Julio, to announcement of Xunio that will be able to be advanced to finals of May by unanimous agreement of the enrolled) will be of 10 problems and/or test. In the problems, the very justified in which it arrive to the correct result will mark the point.
The length of the examination will be of 2h, expandable for the student that have adaptation to the diversity that estimate additional time established by the service ADI of the UDC.
The punctuation obtained on ten will contribute to the final qualification in 40%, to have reached the 5 in the remaining methodologies will serve to go up note.
Of it did not reach the 5 in the remaining proofs will serve to attain the approved, but of not to present to this objective proof the final qualification will be of "No presented", with independence of the punctuation reached in the rest of the proofs of the others methodologies.
Guest lecture / keynote speech A4 B1 B5 C2 Theoretical oral exhibition-practical of the chapters of the program to transmit knowledges, being able to be complemented with the use of multimedia audiovisual/means. It will offer an overview and structured of the subjects, standing out the important appearances. It will value the active regular assistance, whenever it was minimum of 80% will have a weight of 10%. 10
Assessment comments

Without practices approved can not  approve the asignatura. The final qualification will give  with a decimal and will be, as long as they are approved the practices:  points  of the proofs written of problems until the maximum of a 3 (if assistance to solution of upper problems to 80%)  1 active checkpoint to expositivas (if upper assistance to 80%)   punctuation of the objective proof on 10*0,4   punctuation of the practices of laboratory on 10 *0,2 (as long as the memory of practices surpasses the 5 on 10).  Of not to surpass the practices, independently of the notes reached in the other methodologies, will be the note reached in the practices on 10 and of not to present to the practices, independently of the notes reached in the other methodologies  To surpass the signatura in the official announcements is necessary to have a final qualification of 5 or upper (maximum 10 points).

Sources of information
Basic Torrente Artero, Oscar (2009). ARDUINO: CURSO PRACTICO DE FORMACION . RC(RS) libros
Cavia Soto, Mª de los Ángeles (2000). Laboratorio de Medidas Eléctricas . Santander: Universidad de Cantabria. Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica
Bolton, William. (1995). Mediciones y pruebas eléctricas y electrónicas. Barcelona:Marcombo
Ramírez Vázquez, José. (1992). Medidas eléctricas. Barcelona : Ceac
Chacón de Antonio, Francisco Julián (2000). Medidas eléctricas para Ingenieros. Madrid: Universidad Pontificia Comillas
Grupo de Formación de Empresas Eléctricas (1995). Medidda electricas I, II y III . Madrid: Paraninfo
Pallas Arenuy, R (1989). Transductores y acondicionadores de señal. Barcelona: Marcombo


Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
Expresión Gráfica/770G02005
Fundamentos de Electricidade/770G02013

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously
Electric Machines I/770G02021
Electric Installations low voltage/770G02022

Subjects that continue the syllabus
Electric Machines II/770G02026
High-voltage electrical installations/770G02027
Electric Machines and Drives/770G02035

Other comments

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.