Identifying Data 2021/22
Subject (*) Applications of Nanomaterials and New Materials Code 610509316
Study programme
Mestrado Universitario en Investigación Química e Química Industrial (Plan 2020)
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Official Master's Degree 2nd four-month period
First Optional 3
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Química
Castro Garcia, Socorro
Castro Garcia, Socorro
General description Este curso pretende proporcionar unha visión xeral das aplicacións dos nanomateriais e novos materiais, relacionando o resto das materias deste módulo entre si e contextualizando os aspectos máis importantes. Tamén poñerá en contexto e relacionará nanomateriais e novos materiais coas outras disciplinas coas que interactúa, dado que o seu estudo só ten sentido nun campo interdisciplinar, entendendo que a súa razón de ser é a comprensión e desenvolvemento de nanomateriais e novos materiais, para optimizar e acadar novas propiedades, de xeito que sexan aplicables en campos tan variados como biomedicina, electrónica, optoelectrónica, óptica, enerxía, catálise, alimentos, cosméticos, téxtiles, medio ambiente, enxeñería, etc.
Contingency plan 1. Modificacións nos contidos
En principio os contidos mantéñense na súa totalidade. No caso de ser necesario por causas de forza maior, poderá optarse por unha presentación máis xeral dos mesmos, que en calquera caso cubrirá todos os aspectos máis relevantes da materia.

2. Metodoloxías
*Metodoloxías docentes que se manteñen
As metodoloxías manteranse pero pasarán a realizarse en “modalidade en liña”, e dicir, empregando as ferramentas das TIC que ten a disposición a institución. No caso de que parte do alumnado non puidese conectarse e seguir as aulas en tempo real, utilizaranse medios asicrónicos (correo electrónico, gravacións das sesión expositivas, titoriáis máis personalizadas...).

*Metodoloxías docentes que se modifican
As probas obxectivas serán probas en liña que se realizarán mediante Moodle ou ferramentas equivalentes, facendo un seguimento das mesmas a través da plataforma Teams.

3. Mecanismos de atención personalizada ao alumnado
O alumnado será titorizado mediante a plataforma Teams ou mediante o correo electrónico corporativo.

4. Modificacións na avaliación
Se todo o alumnado puidese continuar coa docencia en liña sincrónica sen dificultade, avaliarase do mesmo xeito que na docencia presencial en aula.
O alumnado que non poda seguir as actividades en liña sincrónicas será avaliado polas actividades equivalentes realizadas de maneira asincrónica.

*Observacións de avaliación:
Non hai.

5. Modificacións da bibliografía ou webgrafía
Non hai modificacións na bibliografía/webgrafía

Adaptación prevista no centro para os casos nos que se supere o aforo da aula asignada para a materia: A adaptación consistirá na asignación de duas aulas á materia e a impartición da clase a través de TEAMS para o alumnado que non esté na aula co profesor.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A1 Define concepts, principles, theories and specialized facts of different areas of chemistry.
A4 Apply materials and biomolecules in innovative fields of industry and chemical engineering.
A9 Promote innovation and entrepreneurship in the chemical industry and in research.
B1 Possess knowledge and understanding to provide a basis or opportunity for originality in developing and / or applying ideas, often within a research context
B2 Students should apply their knowledge and ability to solve problems in new or unfamiliar environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their field of study.
B4 Students should be able to communicate their conclusions, and the knowledge and the reasons that support them to specialists and non-specialists in a clear and unambiguous manner
B6 Innovate in the different areas of chemistry, demonstrating initiative and entrepreneurship
B7 Identify information from scientific literature by using appropriate channels and integrate such information to raise and contextualize a research topic
B10 Use of scientific terminology in English to explain the experimental results in the context of the chemical profession
C1 CT1 - Elaborar, escribir e defender publicamente informes de carácter científico e técnico
C3 CT3 - Traballar con autonomía e eficiencia na práctica diaria da investigación ou da actividade profesional.
C4 CT4 - Apreciar o valor da calidade e mellora continua, actuando con rigor, responsabilidade e ética profesional.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
The student will acquire an overview of the most relevant and current applications of Nanomaterials and New Materials, their main areas of activity, achievements, limitations, goals and future prospects. The student will know the main strategies for the search, design and developing of Nanomaterials and New Materials. The student will understand the relationships between composition-structure-microstructure-bonds-properties and applications of Nanomaterials and New Materials. The student will obtain an overview of the new trends in synthetic methodologies, characterization and reactivity of Nanomaterials and New Materials. AC1

Topic Sub-topic
Unit I - Introduction. Trends in Nanomaterials and New Materials.
- Classification of Nanomaterials and New Materials.
- Challenges in Nanomaterials and New Materials
- Applications of Nanomaterials and New Materials in the context of current perspectives in Research and Industry.
Unit II - Applications of Nanomaterials and New Materials:
- Applications in Biomedicine.
- Applications in electronics, optoelectronics and photonics.
- Applications in energy.
- Heterogeneous catalysis applications.
- Applications in food, cosmetics and textiles.
- Environmental applications.
- Structural applications.
- Applications in art and other trends.

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Guest lecture / keynote speech A1 A4 A9 B1 C4 12 0 12
Seminar B2 B4 B6 B7 B10 C1 7 0 7
Supervised projects A1 C1 C3 C4 2 0 2
Problem solving B2 C1 C3 0 18 18
Document analysis B7 B10 C3 0 20 20
Objective test A1 A4 B1 B2 B4 B10 C4 1 15 16
Personalized attention 0 0 0
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech Interactive lectures by the teacher, with active participation of the students.
Seminar Seminars with master's or guest professors, from other institutions, as well as with experts in the field. They will be interactive sessions.
Supervised projects Individual or small group tutoring.
Problem solving Solution to problems or development of short projects, proposed by the teacher, or by the student himself (if deemed appropriate).
Document analysis Personal study based on the different sources of information.
Objective test One or several tests for the verification of the acquisition of knowledge and acquisition of the skills and attitudes proposed for this subject.

Personalized attention
Objective test
Problem solving
Individual or group tutoring.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Objective test A1 A4 B1 B2 B4 B10 C4 55% of the overall rating 60
Problem solving B2 C1 C3 LECTURES, SEMINARS, PROBLEM SOLVING: compute together (45% of the overall rating) 40
Guest lecture / keynote speech A1 A4 A9 B1 C4 LECTURES, SEMINARS, PROBLEM SOLVING: compute together (45% of the overall rating) 0
Seminar B2 B4 B6 B7 B10 C1 LECTURES, SEMINARS, PROBLEM SOLVING: compute together (45% of the overall rating) 0
Assessment comments

The evaluation of this subject will be
done through continuous assessment and a final exam. Access to the exam is
conditioned to the participation in at least 80% of the compulsory attendance
teaching activities (theoretical classes, seminars and tutorials).

The teacher will verify class attendance
according to the official attendance control system established in each Centre
or University. Absences must be justified by documentation. Justified absences
will count as attendance at teaching activities, for the purposes of being able
to take the exam.


Depending on the evolution of the COVID 19
health crisis, there are three different scenarios:

- SCENARIO 1: adapted normality:

The assessment will consist of two parts:

a) Continuous evaluation with a weight of
40%, corresponding to seminars, tutorials, exercises given to the teacher.

b) Final examination of the subject: 60%.

The final exam will be face-to-face.

- SCENARIO 2: Distance (partial
restriction to physical presence):

The assessment will be carried out as in
scenario 1.

The final exam will preferably be a
non-attendance exam.

- SCENARIO 3: closure of the facilities

The assessment will be carried out as in
Scenario 1 and 2, except that the final examination will necessarily be


In any of the three scenarios, if the
continuous assessment is not successful, a final examination with 100%
weighting will be conducted.

The second opportunity, in any of the 3
scenarios, will be a final examination with 100% weighting (face-to-face in the
case of scenario 1, non-face-to-face in scenario 3, and preferably
non-face-to-face in scenario 2).


Indication referring to
plagiarism and the improper use of technology in the performance of tasks or
tests: "In cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, the
provisions of the Regulations on the Evaluation of Students' Academic
Performance and the Review of Grades shall apply".

Sources of information

- D. Vollath: "Nanomaterials: an introduction to synthesis, properties and applications". Wiley-VCH, 2013.

- G. Cao: "Nanostructures and Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Properties and Applications". Imperial College Press, 2004.

- A.R. West: "Solid State Chemistry and its Applications". Wiley, 2014.

- R. Tilley: "Understanding solids: the science of materials". Wiley, 2004.

- L.E. Smart, E.A. Moore: "Solid State Chemistry: An Introduction". CRCPress, 2012.

- J.A. Schwarz, C.I. Contescu, K. Putyera (Editores): "Dekker Encyclopedia of nanoscience and nanotechnology" (5 vols.). Marcel Dekker, 2004.


High-impact journals in the fields of"nanomaterials" and "new materials" accessible throughuniversity libraries (Nature Review Materials, Nature Materials, NatureNanotechnology, Advanced Materials, Materials Today, Nano Today, etc.)

In addition, complementary texts(articles, web pages, specific texts) will be recommended for each subject whenthe course is taught.

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus

Other comments

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.