Identifying Data 2021/22
Subject (*) Instrumental Analytical Chemistry 1 Code 610G01013
Study programme
Grao en Química
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 1st four-month period
Third Obligatory 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Química
Moreda Piñeiro, Jorge
Moreda Piñeiro, Jorge
Soto Ferreiro, Rosa Maria
General description Nesta materia preténdese que o alumno comprenda o fundamento e as posibilidades das técnicas espectrométricas mais habituais. Pondrase especial atención nos fundamentos físicos e químicos das principais técnicas, configuración dos equipos, condicións experimentais e principais aplicacións.

Contingency plan 1. Modificacións nos contidos
Non se contemplan modificacións dos contidos no Plan de continxencia
2. Metodoloxías
Todas as metodoloxías serán presenciais e se mantén a programación establecida no calendario de coordinación do Centro. Nos casos nos que se supere o aforo da aula asignada, habilitarase unha segunda aula para a impartición da clase a través de TEAMS para o alumnado que non estea na aula co profesor.
No caso de non presencialidade sobrevida, dependendo da evolución da crisis sanitaria de COVID 19), as metodoloxías se adaptan á modalidade non presencial a través de Moodle e Teams e se mantén a programación establecida no calendario de coordinación do Centro. As sesións maxistrais e seminarios serán impartidos a través da Plataforma Moodle de forma sincrónica no horario contemplado na programación do curso. As practicas de laboratorio serán substituídas por prácticas virtuais e Traballos Tutelados que serán entregados polo alumno ao final do cuatrimestre. A proba de resposta múltiple e a proba de resolucións de problemas realizaranse a través da Plataforma Moodle (proba on-line).
3. Mecanismos de atención personalizada ao alumnado
A atención personalizada será presencial.
No caso de non presencialidade sobrevida, dependendo da evolución da crisis sanitaria de COVID 19), as metodoloxías serán supervisadas virtualmente (a través da Plataforma Moodle e Teams) polo profesor en horario de clases. O seguimento personalizado realizarase a través do correo electrónico, a plataforma Moodle ou a ferramenta TEAMS, a demanda do alumnado e, na medida do posible, no horario establecido para as tutorías. Para os estudantes con dedicación a tempo parcial ou modalidades específicas de aprendizaxe ou apoio á diversidade, facilitarase a atención personalizada dentro da flexibilidade permitida polos horarios de coordinación e os recursos materiais e humanos
4. Modificacións na avaliación
Non se contemplan modificacións na avaliación no Plan de continxencia
*Observacións de avaliación:
Mantéñense todas as observacións incluídas na guía docente.
5. Modificacións da bibliografía ou webgrafía
Non se contemplan modificacións na bibliografía no Plan de continxencia. Todos os materiais necesarios encontraranse dispoñibles en Moodle ou mediante acceso aos recursos electrónicos dispoñibles na Biblioteca do Centro.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A7 Knowledge and application of analytical methods
A15 Ability to recognise and analyse new problems and develop solution strategies
A19 Ability to follow standard procedures and handle scientific equipment
A20 Ability to interpret data resulting from laboratory observation and measurement
A21 Understanding of qualitative and quantitative aspects of chemical problems
A23 Critical standards of excellence in experimental technique and analysis
B2 Effective problem solving
B3 Application of logical, critical, creative thinking
B4 Working independently on own initiative
B5 Teamwork and collaboration
C6 Ability to assess critically the knowledge, technology and information available for problem solving

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
Know the fundamentals and characteristics of the most common spectroscopic techniques A7
Ability to select the most appropriate instrumental technique in solving a particular analytical problem A7
Skill in the use of different instruments and adjusting the instrumental variables A19
Ability to get the most reliable information from experimental data. Making calculations. A20

Topic Sub-topic
1. Principles of instrumental analysis

Resolution of analytical problems. Figures of merit of the instrumental techniques. Calibration.
Characteristics and classification of the instrumental techniques. Basic components of the instruments. Signals and noise.

2. UV-VIS spectroscopy
Fundamentals. Instrumentation. Aplications. Derivative spectroscopy.

3. IR spectroscopy

IR absorption spectroscopy: fundamentals, instrumentation, practical aspects and applications. IR reflectance spectroscopy.

4. Molecular luminescence spectroscopy Fundamentals. Variables affecting fluorescence. Relation between concentration and fluorescence. Emission and excitation spectra. Aplications. Phosphorescence.

5. Mass spectrometry Fundamentals. Instrumentation. Aplications.
6. Atomic absorption spectrometry Fundamentals. Flame atomization, electrothermal atomization, vapour generation: Instrumentation. Aplications.

7. Atomic emisión spectrometry Fundamentals. Plasma sources. Instrumentation. Aplications. ICP-MS.

8. Atomic X Ray spectrometry Fundamentals. Fluorescence, absorption and difraction spectrometry. Analytical and operational considerations. Instrumentation. Sample preparation. Aplications.
Experimental work Experiment 1.- Evaluation of the presence of interferents and determination of binary mixtures by UV-VIS spectroscopy.
Experiment 2.- Identification of plastics by FT-IR spectroscopy.
Experiment 3.- Determination of PAH by molecular fluorescence spectroscopy.
Experiment 4.- Determination of Zn in water by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS). Study of interferences in the determination of Zn and Ca.
Experiment 5.- Determination of K in marine water by flame atomic emission spectrometyy (FAES).
Experiment 6.- Study of the experimental conditions in electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry: optimization of the atomization program and use of modifiers.

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Guest lecture / keynote speech A7 A15 A21 20 60 80
Seminar A15 A20 A21 B2 B3 B4 8 24 32
Laboratory practice A7 A15 A19 A20 A21 A23 B5 20 0 20
Multiple-choice questions A7 A15 A20 A21 C6 4 0 4
Workshop A7 B3 B4 0 12 12
Personalized attention 2 0 2
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech Learning involve incorporating key concepts on each spectrochemical technique. This 20 Guest lectures will be held on the most important content of the program. For full use of these, it is recommended that students have previously read on their own fundamental aspects of these topics in the recommended texts
Seminar These seminars will constitute 7 sessions in which the teacher and students solve numerical problems. The work of students in these seminars is assessed by solving problems on the day of the objective test.
Laboratory practice Learning the contents of the course involves 6 sessions of labs in which students will practice the theoretical concepts acquired, manipulate analytical tools and solve problems. The teacher will advise these activities.
Multiple-choice questions Farase un examen final para evaluar o grado de aprendizaxe o longo do cuatrimestre. A data do mesmo está indicada no calendario de exámenes do grao
Workshop The contents explained will be consolidated performing several self-assessment questionnaires.

Personalized attention
Laboratory practice
The labs and seminars for the numerical solution of problems are conducted under the supervision of the teacher at school hours. Tutorial sessions (if necessary) will be made in which doubts will be resolved and the work performed by the student will be supervised, etc.
For students with part-time dedication seminars for the numerical solution of problems will be performed by students outside the academic timetable established; Professor resolve any questions and review the work done tutorials established with the student. It shall be mandatory laboratory practices in the academic schedule.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Multiple-choice questions A7 A15 A20 A21 C6 The students' work will be evaluated through a Multiple choice question Test which enclosed all theoretical and practical contents. 50
Laboratory practice A7 A15 A19 A20 A21 A23 B5 The Labs will be mandatory throughout the semester. The students will anwered several cuestions during at the end of lab sesions. 20
Seminar A15 A20 A21 B2 B3 B4 The seminars will be avaluated by the individual resolution of numerical problems on the day of the multiple choice question test. 20
Workshop A7 B3 B4 The questionnaires will completed by the students at the end of each topic. 10
Assessment comments

To pass the course three basic requirements are

-mandatory attendance at labs and regular attendance at other activities (seminars
for the numerical solution of problems),

-implementation of all activities (workshops) and 

-achieve a minimum final score of 5 points in
each of the activities. 

If minimum valuea are not achieved in any of
activities, and the average is greater than or equal to 5, the student
will not pass the course and will appear a qualification of 4.5. The student
will obtain the qualification of “No presentado” when they do not perform labs and the multiple-choice questions. The qualifications for the labs and seminars will remain in the July second chance. While the qualification of the multiple-choice questions made in July will replace that obtained in February. The students evaluated on the second opportunity
will obtain “Matrícula de honor” only if the maximum number of those for the
corresponding course has not been fully covered at the first opportunity. 

An objective test of the first half of the teoric contents of the programme will be conducte before the official data (First Oportunity). Students who surpass the these contents (minimum final score of 5 points)  will not have to re-examine  in the official data of the First Opportunity in January.

For students with part-time dedication, labs
practices will be mandatory and will be provided within the flexibility to
allow coordinating
schedules and material and human resources. Students with part-time
dedication will be evaluated by the qualifications obtained in the mixed
test (65%), labs practices (20%) and workshops (15%). This will apply to both opportunities.

For those students who apply for the advance assessment in December, the
considerations indicated in the teaching guide for the previous year will be

Sources of information
Basic SKOOG, D.A., WEST, D.M., HOLLER F.J. (1996). Fundamentos de Química Analítica. Vol 2 . Editorial Reverté
ANDRADE GARDA JM, CARLOSENA ZUBIETA A., GÓMEZ CARRACEDO MP, , MAESTRO-SAAVEDRA MA, PRIETO BLANCO MC, (2017). Problems of Instrumental Analytical Chemistry. A Hands-On Guide. Editorial World Scientific (London)
RÍOS CASTRO, A.; MORENO BONDI, M.C.; SIMONET SUAU, B.M. (2012). Técnicas Espectroscópicas en Química Analítica. Volumen I y II. Ed. Síntesis
GAVIRA VALLEJO, J.M.,HERNANZ GISMERO, A. (2007). Técnicas Físicoquímicas en Medio Ambiente. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

Several web resources will be used to help the students to understand and fix the skills taught in the different activities . Eg simulations, diagrams, videos, etc..

Complementary SOGORB SÁNCHEZ, M.A., VILANOVA GISBERT, E. (2004). Técnicas Analíticas de Contaminantes Químicos . Ed. Díaz de Santos
RUBINSON, K.A., RUBINSON, J.F. (2001). Análisis Instrumental. Ed. PrenticE Hall
Mc MAHON, G. (2007). Analytical Instrumentation. A guide to laboratory, portable and miniaturized instruments . Ed. Wiley
REEVE, R.N. (2002). Introduction to Environmental Analysis . Ed. John Wiley and Sons
ESTEBAN, L. (1993). La Espectrometría de Masas en Imágenes . ACK Editores
WILLARD, H.H., MERRITT Jr., L.L., DEAN J.A. y SETTLE Jr. J.A. (1991). Métodos instrumentales de análisis . Editorial Iberoamericana
PETROZZI, S. (2013). Practical Instrumental Analysis. Ed Wiley
SKOOG, D.; HOLLER, F.J.; NIEMAN T.A. (2000). Principios de Análisis Instrumental. Ed. McGraw-Hill

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
Analytical Chemistry 1/610G01011
Analytical Chemistry 2/610G01012

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus

Other comments

Recommended:- Be able to redact, synthesize and present a work neatly. - Knoledge of basic computing tools (use of internet, word processing, presentations, etc.). - Be able to handle textbooks. - Basic knowledge of English. - Study and review the contents taught weekly using bibliographic material to understand and deepen the information obtained in class. - Clarify any doubts with the teacher. -  Prepare the seminars thoroughly. -  Participate actively in class.

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.