Identifying Data 2021/22
Subject (*) Statistics I Code 611G02006
Study programme
Grao en Administración e Dirección de Empresas
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 2nd four-month period
First Basic training 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Economía
Sanchez Sellero, Maria del Carmen
Garcia-Carro Peña, Beatriz
Lado González, Eva Mª
Sanchez Sellero, Maria del Carmen
General description Na primeira parte da materia deberase coñecer e comprender os conceptos fundamentais da Estatística Descritiva, Series Temporais e Números Indices.
Na segunda parte, o obxectivo é coñecer e comprender os conceptos fundamentais do Cálculo de Probabilidades.
Contingency plan 1. Modificacións nos contidos
- Non se realizarán cambios
Agardamos poder impartir, tanto no caso de semipresencialidade como de non presencialidade, todos ou a maioría dos contidos que están inicialmente planeados.

2. Metodoloxías
*Metodoloxías docentes que se manteñen
As metodoloxías docentes desenvolvidas na guía mantéñense:
- Actividades iniciais
- Sesión maxistral
- Obradoiro
- Prácticas a través de TIC (inicialmente planificadas virtuais)
- Proba obxectiva
- Atención personalizada (inicialmente planificada virtual)
As titorías de grupo reducido (TGR) xa se planifican inicialmente de forma virtual, seguindo as indicacións do Centro por causa do Covid19 e o mesmo previsiblemente para as titorías individuais ou grupais. A docencia que tería lugar na aula de informática deberá realizarse de forma virtual.

*Metodoloxías docentes que se modifican
No caso de semipresencialidade compartirase a docencia presencial coa non presencial e no caso de non presencialidade substituirase toda a docencia presencial polas clases online; en ambos os casos utilizarase a aplicación Teams para impartir a materia en modo non presencial.
En todo caso (tanto nun escenario de presencialidade como de non presencialidade) subiranse á plataforma Moodle numerosos materiais para facilitar a aprendizaxe tanto da parte teórica da materia como da resolución de exercicios. Utilizarase o foro de Moodle e Teams para pór en coñecemento dos alumnos todos aqueles aspectos que afecten ao normal desenvolvemento da materia, mantendo desta forma un contacto permanente con eles (aviso sobre datas de probas, instrucións de realización das actividades, cualificacións, cambio dalgunha data sinalada, titorías, etc.).

3. Mecanismos de atención personalizada ao alumnado
- Correo electrónico: En calquera momento pódese utilizar esta ferramenta. É de utilidade para facer consultas, solicitar encontros virtuais para resolver dúbidas e facer o seguimento da materia.
- Teams: Tamén se utilizará Teams como medio de comunicación cos alumnos, e para a realización das titorías individuais ou grupais, entendendo que esta ferramenta é máis áxil que o correo electrónico.
- Moodle: Emprego das ferramentas de comunicación que posúe Moodle.

4. Modificacións na avaliación

*Observacións de avaliación:
En canto á avaliación, tanto se se imparte a materia na modalidade de semipresencialidade como de non presencialidade, manteranse os criterios de avaliación expostos na guía docente, coa diferenza de que se eliminarán os mínimos necesarios nas probas obxectivas (correspondentes aos 2 bloques da materia) establecidos en 3 puntos.
As probas se levarían a cabo de forma non presencial a través das pertinentes plataformas virtuais.

5. Modificacións da bibliografía ou webgrafía
- Non se realizarán cambios. Xa dispoñen dos materiais de traballo de maneira dixitalizada en Moodle.
En calquera caso poranse a disposición dos alumnos numerosos materiais que permitan preparar os contidos teóricos e prácticos da materia, sendo Moodle a aplicación e repositorio de todo o material dispoñible para os alumnos.
Desde a biblioteca da Facultade de Economía e Empresa informouse, desde o inicio do confinamento polo Covid19, do acceso a moitos libros da biblioteca, que de forma gratuíta e en formato electrónico están dispoñibles tanto para o alumnado como para o profesorado. De ser posible, facilitarase o acceso libre á bibliografía indicada na guía e a outros materiais adicionais.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A4 Elaborate advisory reports on specific situations of companies and markets
A6 Identify the relevant sources of economic information and to interpret the content.
A7 Understand economic institutions as a result and application of theoretical or formal representations which explain the evolution of the economy.
A8 Derive, based on from basic information, relevant data unrecognizable by non-professionals.
A10 Read and communicate in a professional environment at a basic level in more than one language, particularly in English
A11 To analyze the problems of the firm based on management technical tools and professional criteria
A12 Communicate fluently in their environment and work by teams
B1 CB1-The students must demonstrate knowledge and understanding in a field of study that part of the basis of general secondary education, although it is supported by advanced textbooks, and also includes some aspects that imply knowledge of the forefront of their field of study
B2 CB2 - The students can apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional way and have competences typically demostrated by means of the elaboration and defense of arguments and solving problems within their area of work
B3 CB3- The students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their field of study) to issue evaluations that include reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical
B4 CB4-Communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to an audience both skilled and unskilled
B5 CB5-Develop skills needed to undertake further studies learning with a high degree of autonomy
B6 CG1-Perform duties of management, advice and evaluation in business organizations
B7 CG2-Know how to use the concepts and techniques used in the various functional areas of the company and understand the relationships between them and with the overall objectives of the organization
B10 CG5-Respect the fundamental and equal rights for men and women, promoting respect of human rights and the principles of equal opportunities, non-discrimination and universal accessibility for people with disabilities.
C1 Express correctly, both orally and in writing, in the official languages of the autonomous region
C4 To be trained for the exercise of citizenship open, educated, critical, committed, democratic, capable of analyzing reality and diagnose problems, formulate and implement knowledge-based solutions oriented to the common good
C5 Understand the importance of entrepreneurial culture and know the means and resources available to entrepreneurs
C6 Assess critically the knowledge, technology and information available to solve the problems and take valuable decisions
C7 Assume as professionals and citizens the importance of learning throughout life.
C8 Assess the importance of research, innovation and technological development in the economic and cultural progress of society.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
Knowing and understanding the handling of basic techniques for Data Analysis and Descriptive Statistics. A4
Knowing and understanding the fundamentals on Data Analysis and Descriptive Statistics. A4
Knowing and understanding the fundamentals on Probability Calculus. A4
Handling the basic concepts on Probability Calculus. A4

Topic Sub-topic
LESSON 1: ONE-DIMENSIONAL FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTIONS 1.1. Statistics: concept and contents
1.2. The statistical analysis
1.3. Frequency distribution: concept and graphs
1.4. Moments in one-dimensional distributions
1.5. Measures of central tendency and position
1.6. Measures of dispersion or variability
1.7. Measures of shape
1.8. Outliers: detection and effects
LESSON 2: TWO-DIMENSIONAL FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTIONS 2.1. Two-dimensional frequency distributions
2.2. Moments in two-dimensional distributions
2.3. Regression and correlation
LESSON 3: TIME SERIES 3.1. Time series: concept and graphs
3.2. Decomposition of a time series: components and scheme
3.3. Trend analysis
3.4. Seasonality analysis. Seasonally adjusted time series
3.5. Variation rates analysis in a time series context
LESSON 4: INDEX NUMBERS 4.1. Introduction
4.2. Composite indexes
4.3. Application of index numbers
4.4. Main indexes in the Spanish economy
LESSON 5: INTRODUCTION TO PROBABILITY CALCULUS 5.1. Deterministic phenomena and random phenomena
5.2. Probability: definition and postulates
5.3. Conditional probability. Independence of events
5.4. Probability theorems
LESSON 6: ONE-DIMENSIONAL RANDOM VARIABLE 6.1. One-dimensional random variable
6.2. Discrete random variables: probability distribution function and cumulative probability distribution
6.3. Continuous random variables: density functions and cumulative distribution
6.4. Characteristics of one-dimensional random variables
7.2. Binomial distribution
7.3. Poisson distribution
7.4. Uniform distribution
7.5. Normal distribution
7.6. Distributions derived from the Normal distribution
8.2. Convergence in distribution
8.3. Central Limit Theorem

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Introductory activities B5 C6 C7 C8 1 0 1
Guest lecture / keynote speech A4 A7 A11 B1 B4 B7 C1 C5 17 34 51
Workshop A6 A10 A11 A12 B2 B3 B5 B6 B10 C1 C4 C5 C6 17 42.5 59.5
ICT practicals A8 A10 A11 C4 C8 8 16 24
Objective test A4 A6 A12 B2 B3 B5 B7 C1 C6 2 6 8
Personalized attention 6.5 0 6.5
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Introductory activities It consists of introducing the subject and presenting the activities that the students must develop, as well as the criteria with which they will be evaluated.
Guest lecture / keynote speech Each keynote session consists of the lecturers' oral exposition of concepts and methods, together with the active participation of the students. The presentation is complemented with the use of audiovisual media and includes examples and exercises that make it possible to highlight the limitations and possibilities of the methods exposed.
Workshop Each workshop is an interactive session in which applications, exercises and problems are developed; they allow the students to understand the theoretical foundations of the subject and learn to value, from a critical point of view, the results obtained.

ICT practicals These are interactive sessions dedicated to learning the appropriate computer tools to carry out empirical applications of the methods presented in the theoretical sessions. They will be developed in a virtual manner. They will be either individual or in groups.

Objective test It is a written test to evaluate the degree of learning.

Personalized attention
ICT practicals
Objective test
It is the time the lecturer takes in order to address and solve questions coming from the students, in an individual or group manner. The individual or group tutorial sessions (office/official hours) will be developed in a virtual manner, following the instructions given by the Faculty due to COVID-19.
Small Tutorial Sessions will be developed in a virtual manner, too.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Workshop A6 A10 A11 A12 B2 B3 B5 B6 B10 C1 C4 C5 C6 By means of this activity, the students should solve and hand-in the tests, problems, exercises and questions proposed, in the manner that will be explained in the first days of class.
A given percentage of the 30% involved in this workshop activity will correspond to ICT practicals.

Objective test A4 A6 A12 B2 B3 B5 B7 C1 C6 The objective test for assessing the learning process combines conceptual and reasoning questions with practical or applied ones.
Two tests will be developed; they correspond to the two main parts of the subject: Descriptive Statistics and Probability Calculus.
Assessment comments

The objective tests (assessment tests) are considered essential in the evaluation system; for this reason, it  will be necessary to obtain at least a 30% of
the total mark in each one of them (that is, 3 points) so as to compute
with the remaining evaluation activities.

The first assessment exam will be considered as "passed"
conditioned to obtaining a mark equal or higher than 3 points. If this first exam
is "passed", in the final (official) exam it will only be necessary
to do the second assessment exam, which also requires a minimum mark. The second assessment exam takes place the very same day of the first opportunity exam (May/June) for all the students.

Those students who have not reached the minimum mark in the two objective tests (assessment tests) but get a mark higher than 5 points in the global
count of the evaluation will not have passed the subject and their mark in the
final official record will be 4.5 points. The subject will be passed when at least five points (or more)
were obtained in the global count of the subject, conditioned to have reached
the minimum mark in the two assessment tests. The student will attend the first and/or the second opportunity to repeat the test were the minimum mark was not achieved.

For the students who have "passed" one part of the
subject by means of an objective test (assessment test): this fact will only have
validity for the current academic year. If a student with one part of the
subject "passed" is not able to pass the whole subject in the
opportunities of May/June or July, his/her final mark will be "failing"
and he/she will have to re-take the whole subject in other academic

"ABSENT" MARK. According to the regulation approved by the Faculty Board, the people that only take part in evaluation activities whose total weight is lower than the 20% of the final mark will get "Absent" as their final mark.  

SECOND OPPORTUNITY. Evaluation criteria for the second opportunity will be the same as for the first opportunity.

EARLY CALL OPPORTUNITY. The evaluation corresponding to the early opportunity will be developed through a single exam that will be valued with a maximum of 10 points, and that will have as basis the complete syllabus described in the section "Contents" of the guide of the current academic course. To pass the subject it will be necessary to obtain a minimum of 5 points in this exam. These conditions of evaluation are specific for the early opportunity and will only be applied in this case. 

STUDENTS WITH RECOGNITION OF PART-TIME DEDICATION. The evaluation system previously described will be valid for all the students, regardless of their academic situation. Part-time students, although are exempt from attendance, will have the same evaluation criteria and the same exam dates than full-time students. 

EVALUATION CONDITIONS. Following the rules approved
by the Faculty Board, it is forbidden to enter the classroom where the
evaluation activities are being held with any device that allows for
communicating with the outside and/or information storage.

As is mandatory, the rules of evaluation, review and claim of the qualifications of the studies of degree and university Master of the UDC will apply to the evaluation tests ( Academica/Normas_avaliacion_revision_reclamacion_consolidado_l. pdf). It is recommended to pay special attention to articles 10. Student identification, and 14. Fraud and disciplinary responsibilities Commission.

Sources of information
Basic Levine, D. M., Krehbiel, T. C. and Berenson, M. L. (2010 (5th ed.)). Business Statistics: A first course. Upper Saddle River, Pearson Education
Casas Sánchez, J. M. y otros (2006). Ejercicios de Estadística Descriptiva y probabilidad. Madrid, Pirámide
Montiel, A. M., Rius, F. y Barón, F. J. (1997). Elementos básicos de Estadística Económica y Empresarial. Madrid, Prentice Hall
Esteban García, J. y otros (2004). Estadística Descriptiva y nociones de Probabilidad. Madrid, Thomson
Martín-Pliego, F. J. y Ruiz-Maya, L. (2006). Fundamentos de Probabilidad. Madrid, Thomson
Martín-Pliego, F. J., Montero, J. M. y Ruiz-Maya, L. (2006). Problemas de Probabilidad. Madrid, Thomson
Newbold, P., Carlson, W. and Thorne, B. (2012). Statistics for business and economics, 8/E. Pearson: Boston
Levine, D. M. et al. (2011). Statistics for managers using MS Excel, 6/E. Prentice Hall

The latest three books will serve as a bibliografical reference for the English group (A) of this subject.

Complementary Uña Juárez, I., San Martín Moreno, J. y Tomeo Perucha, V. (2010). Cálculo de Probabilidades. Madrid, Garceta
García-Carro Peña, B., Sánchez Sellero, M. C. y Martínez Filgueira, X. M. (2003). Curso práctico de Probabilidad con aplicaciones económicas. Universidad da Coruña
Tomeo Perucha, V. y Uña Juárez, I. (2009). Estadística Descriptiva. Madrid, Garceta
Benítez Márquez, M.D. y otros (2012). Estadística Descriptiva. Madrid, McGraw-Hill
Cao Abad, R. y otros (2001). Introducción a la Estadística y sus aplicaciones. Madrid, Pirámide
Sánz, J. A., Bedate, A., Rivas, A. y González, J. (1996). Problemas de Estadística Descriptiva Empresarial. Madrid, Ariel

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
Mathematics I/611G02009

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously
Mathematics II/611G02010

Subjects that continue the syllabus
Statistics and Introduction to Econometrics/611G02014

Other comments
Group A of this subject will be taught entirely in English.

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.