Identifying Data 2021/22
Subject (*) English Writing Skills Code 613G02030
Study programme
Grao en Galego e Portugués: Estudos Lingüísticos e Literarios
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 1st four-month period
Third Optional 4.5
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Letras
Dopico Garcia, Alberto
Dopico Garcia, Alberto
General description Estudo das técnicas para redacción de textos en lingua inglesa.
Contingency plan 1.Modificacións nos contidos
Non se modifican.
*Metodoloxías docentes que se manteñen
Textos, Documentos e Traballos tutelados.
*Metodoloxías docentes que se modifican
Sesións presenciais que pasan a ser telemáticas no mesmo horario vía Email, Moodle e Teams.
3.Mecanismos de atención personalizada ao alumnado
Moodle, Teams e Correo Electrónico.
4.Modificacións na avaliación
Avaliación Continua 100%. Traballos tutelados, Tarefas de lectura, Ensaio, Exercicios e Actividades propostas.
Observacións de avaliación:
Participación evaluada vía Teams e a través de contribucións escritas á discusión.
5.Modificacións da bibliografía ou webgrafía
Non se modifica. Facilitaranse textos en formato electrónico sempre que sexa posible.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A2 Saber analizar e comentar textos e discursos literarios e non literarios utilizando apropiadamente as técnicas de análise textual.
A6 Ter un dominio instrumental avanzado oral e escrito da lingua inglesa.
A8 Ter dominio instrumental oral e escrito dunha segunda lingua estranxeira.
A9 Elaborar textos orais e escritos de diferente tipo en lingua galega, española e inglesa.
A10 Ter capacidade para avaliar criticamente o estilo dun texto e para formular propostas alternativas e correccións.
A11 Ter capacidade para avaliar, analizar e sintetizar criticamente información especializada.
A15 Ser capaz de aplicar os coñecementos lingüísticos e literarios á práctica.
B1 Utilizar os recursos bibliográficos, as bases de datos e as ferramentas de busca de información.
B3 Adquirir capacidade de autoformación.
B4 Ser capaz de comunicarse de maneira efectiva en calquera contorno.
B6 Ter capacidade de organizar o traballo, planificar e xestionar o tempo e resolver problemas de forma efectiva.
B7 Ter capacidade de análise e síntese, de valorar criticamente o coñecemento e de exercer o pensamento crítico.
B8 Apreciar a diversidade.
B10 Comportarse con ética e responsabilidade social como cidadán/á e profesional.
C1 Expresarse correctamente, tanto de forma oral coma escrita, nas linguas oficiais da comunidade autónoma.
C2 Dominar a expresión e a comprensión de forma oral e escrita dun idioma estranxeiro.
C3 Utilizar as ferramentas básicas das tecnoloxías da información e as comunicacións (TIC) necesarias para o exercicio da súa profesión e para a aprendizaxe ao longo da súa vida.
C7 Asumir como profesional e cidadán a importancia da aprendizaxe ao longo da vida.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
To describe people in terms of physical appearance, personality, behaviour (with justification /examples) life/lifestyle/beliefs, comments/feelings about the person. A2
To describe places and buildings in terms of names, population, general features and particular details, surroundings, location, reason for visiting, sights, free-time activities, and recommendations, provide explanation, justification, examples and comments and feelings about the place. A6
To understand descriptions and describe objects in terms of size, weight, age, shape, pattern, colour, origin, material, special characteristics and reasons for being special A6
To describe festivals, events and ceremonies in terms of date, reason, preparations rehearsals, customes, food, atmosphere, activities, actual day and feelings. A6
To present a connected series of events, either imaginary of based on your own experience, in a vivid descriptive style, including thoughts, reactions of the main characters, describing the actions as if it would be seen through their eyes. A8
Write a discursive essay of the type for and against presenting both sides of an issue, discussing points in favour of a particular topic as well as those against it, or the advantages and disadvantages of a particular question. Each point should be supported by justifications, examples and reasons. A6
Present the writer's point of view concerning a topic, clearly stated and supported by reasons and exaples. The opposing viewpoint and reason should be included in a separate paragraph before the closing one together with an argument that shows that it is an unconvincing viewpoint. The writer's opinion should be included in the introduction and conclusion. A6

Topic Sub-topic
Symbols and abbreviations
Elementary grammar
Different styles of writing.
How a text is organized
Types and kinds of texts.
Organization and structuring of information
Useful language:
Explanation of impressions
Make comparisons
Verbs of location and prepositions
Characteristics of formal and informal style
Expression of impressions and reactions
COMMERCIAL AND PROFESSIONAL CORRESPONDENCE Structure of the letters / The layout of letters
Headings / Letterhead
Date / Date
References / References
Salutation / Opening Salutation
Content of the letter / The body of the letter
Farewell / The enclosing salutation
Signature / The signature
Attached documentation / Enclosures
Different models and styles of correspondence.
TELEPHONE MESSAGES. ( On the Phone) Making calls.
Specific vocabulary in the use of the telephone.
Take messages or telephone messages.
Written model (Telephone's notes)
Standardized phrases.
THE DRAFTING OF EMAILS Useful techniques and specific vocabulary for writing emails.
Abbreviations, common expressions and common mistakes.
Dexterity in the writing of electronic messages
Planning principles.
Message construction
Use of keys for writing
Application of spelling rules for electronic messages
Use of rules for email format.
Organization of the mail effectively.

Reading, translation and interpretation of a report.
A company report.
Planning a Report: Steps.
LANGUAGE AND USEFUL EXPRESSIONS. Descripción de objetos en términos de tamaño, peso, edad, forma, modelo, color, origen, materiales, características especiales, razones para ser especial.

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Collaborative learning A6 A8 A9 B1 B8 B10 C1 C2 10 30 40
Long answer / essay questions A9 B4 C3 6 10 16
Document analysis A2 A10 5 3 8
Glossary A11 A15 B3 C3 3 2 5
Mind mapping A10 A11 B7 C3 3 3 6
Guest lecture / keynote speech B4 B6 C2 C3 C7 6 29.5 35.5
Personalized attention 2 0 2
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Collaborative learning based on the principle that real education consists of the cumulative and unending acquisition, combination and reordering of learning experiences.
Long answer / essay questions Combination of theory and practice leading to a test which consists of giving solutions to a real problem
Document analysis Documentary work involves reading written material (it helps to scan the documents onto a computer and use a qualitative analysis package).
Glossary a list of terms in a special subject, field, or area of usage, with accompanying definitions.
such a list at the back of a book, explaining or defining difficult or unusual words and expressions used in the text.
Mind mapping Diagrams used to visually organise information often created around a single concept, drawn as an image in the center of a blank
Guest lecture / keynote speech Acquisition of the basic contents of the subject, prior to the practical sessions.

Personalized attention
Guest lecture / keynote speech
Collaborative learning
Long answer / essay questions
Document analysis
Each student will be taken care of individually, both in the classroom and in the tutorial hours, this alternative can be extended to other systems according to the needs of students.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Collaborative learning A6 A8 A9 B1 B8 B10 C1 C2 The practices of this material is developed in the classroom and will be assessed by practical exercises to be submitted for evaluation. 50
Long answer / essay questions A9 B4 C3 For the final assessment, a test consisting of facing and solving classroom exercises that are entrusted in accordance to the program content will have to be submitted by the students. 50
Assessment comments
For assessment purposes, the following criteria will apply: The written test (50%) = Long answer /essay and questions

Collaborative learning, 50%.  (30%,= class participation, 20% = exercises in classroom)Students who do not pass first chance or those who are officially
registered as part-time students, and have been granted permission not to attend classes, as stipulated in the regulations of this University, will be assessed by means of a written test scoring 50% and an oral examination scoring the other 50% of the total score.

Students who are officially registered as part time, and have been granted permission not to
attend classes, as stipulated in the regulations of this University, will be assessed in either of the opportunities according to the same criteria specified for the second opportunity.
Students sitting the December exam (final exam brought forward) will be assessed according to the
criteria specified for the July opportunity. Students not presented in the first call will follow the same criteria established for the second opportunity in July.

Sources of information
Basic Virginia Evans (2002). Successful Writing. Express Publishing
Virginia Evans (2002). Successful Writing. Express Publishing BIBLIOGRAFÍA BÁSICA, DICCIONARIOS, APUNTES Y MATERIAL PEDAGÓGICO • Essential Grammar in use Raymond Murphy Cambridge University Press • First English Grammar Celia Blissett – K. Hallgarten Language Teaching Publications. • 501 Grammar & writing questions Skill Builders practique Learning Express • Elementary Technical English Martin webber Thomas Nelson & Sons Limited. • Nucleus English for Science and technology Martin Bates / Tony Dudley – Evans Longman • Writing remedies Practical exercises for technical writing Edmond H. Weiss Orxy Press • Basic Technical English Jeremy Comfort, Steve Hick, Allan Savage Oxford University Press • A handbook for technical Communication Jacqueline K. Neufeld Prentice – Hall, Inc. • Writing for business Martin Wilson Thomas Nelson and Sons, Ltd. • New international business English Leo Jones and Richard Alexander Cambridge University Press • El Inglés Jurídico. Textos y Documentos. Enrique Alcaráz Varó Editorial Ariel, S.A. • La nueva correspondencia comercial Español Inglés. Editorial de Vecchi, S.A. DICCIONARIOS: Nuevo diccionario Politécnico de las lenguas Española e Inglesa Federico Beigbeder Atienza Ediciones Díaz de Santos, S.A. DiccionarioTécnico Guy Malgorn Paraninfo, S.A. Diccionario comentado de términos financieros Ingleses de uso frecuente en Español Miguel Castelo Montero Fundación una Galicia Moderna. Netbiblo, S.L. English pronouncing dictionary Daniel Jones revised by A.C. Gimson J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd.

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
Scientific and Technical English/613G03028

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously
Tecnoloxías da Información e da Comunicación/613G02007
English Writing Skills/613G02030

Subjects that continue the syllabus
Técnicas de Tradución/613G02018

Other comments

The teaching to be taught is transmitted through highly participatory classes with the delivery of various material that allows the student to obtain a general view of the use of documents related to trade, international relations, administration, administrative, commercial and civil activities in the daily use combining theory with practice.

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.