Identifying Data 2021/22
Subject (*) Cybersecurity in Industrial Environments Code 614530014
Study programme
Máster Universitario en Ciberseguridade
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Official Master's Degree 2nd four-month period
First Optional 3
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Electrónica e Sistemas
Enxeñaría de Computadores
Fernández Caramés, Tiago Manuel
Fernández Caramés, Tiago Manuel
General description O concepto da Industria 4.0 deu lugar a que cada vez sexan máis os dispositivos industriais conectados á rede e a procesos físicos. Esta materia, ademais de repasar os sistemas industriais tradicionais (i.e., sistemas de control industrial, control de accesos, sistemas de comunicacións ou de xestión da información), enfocarase na seguridade das tecnoloxías da Industria 4.0: sistemas IoT/IIoT, sistemas robotizados, cloud/edge computing, realidade aumentada, blockchain ou AGVs.
Contingency plan 1. Modificacións nos contidos

- Non se realizarán cambios.

2. Metodoloxías
- *Metodoloxías docentes que se manteñen

- Traballos tutelados, proba mixta.

- *Metodoloxías docentes que se modifican

- Sesión maxistral: debido á situación excepcional, ante a imposibilidade de poder impartir a docencia dun modo completamente presencial, utilizaranse medios virtuais proporcionados pola universidade, os cales se poderán complementar con outros medios.

Prácticas a través das TIC: substituiranse as prácticas que requiran de equipamento específico por outro simulado ou virtualizado. Eventualmente, proporanse prácticas alternativas que non requiran de devandito equipamento. Estas prácticas poderán ter un formato autónomo en previsión de problemas de conciliación e/ou conexión.

3. Mecanismos de atención personalizada ao alumnado

- As sesións de titorización (atención ao alumnado) realizaranse por medios telemáticos (e.g., correo electrónico, Teams, Moodle, FAITIC, Campus Remoto), que se poderán complementar entre si e con outras ferramentas. En parte delas utilizarase unha modalidade de concertación previa.

4. Modificacións na avaliación

- A avaliación manterá a mesma metodoloxía, sendo o exame unha proba mixta online utilizando os medios virtuais dispoñibles. Non obstante, o peso da nota pasará a ser:  
Prácticas a través das TIC: 40%;
Traballos tutelados: 40%;
Proba mixta: 20%.

5. Modificacións da bibliografía ou webgrafía

- Non haberá modificacións.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A1 CE1 - To know, to understand and to apply the tools of cryptography and cryptanalysis, the tools of integrity, digital identity and the protocols for secure communications
A2 CE2 - Deep knowledge of cyberattack and cyberdefense techniques
A3 CE3 - Knowledge of the legal and technical standards used in cybersecurity, their implications in systems design, in the use of security tools and in the protection of information
A4 CE4 - To understand and to apply the methods and tools of cybersecurity to protect data and computers, communication networks, databases, computer programs and information services
A7 CE7 - To demonstrate ability for doing the security audit of systems, equipment, the risk analysis related to security weaknesses, and for developing de procedures for certification of secure systems
A8 CE8 - Skills for conceive, design, deploy and operate cybersecurity systems
A12 CE12 - Knowledge of the role of cybersecurity in the design of new industrial processes, as well as of the singularities and restrictions to be addressed in order to build a secure industrial infrastructure
A13 CE13 - Ability for analysing, detecting and eliminating software vulnerabilities and malware capable to exploit those in systems or networks
A15 CE15 - Ability to identify the value of information for an institution, economic or of other sort; ability to identify the critical procedures in an institution, and the impact due to their disruption; ability to identify the internal and external requirements that guarantee readiness upon security attacks
B1 CB1 - To possess and understand the knowledge that provides the foundations and the opportunity to be original in the development and application of ideas, frequently in a research context
B2 CB2 - Students will be able to apply their knowledge and their problem-solving ability in new or less familiar situations, within a broader context (or in multi-discipline contexts) related to their field of specialization
B3 CB3 - Students will be able to integrate diverse knowledge areas, and address the complexity of making statements on the basis of information which, notwithstanding incomplete or limited, may include thoughts about the ethical and social responsibilities entailed to the application of their professional capabilities and judgements
B7 CG2 - Ability for problem-solving. Ability to solve, using the acquired knowledge, specific problems in the technical field of information, network or system security
B8 CG3 - Capacity for critical thinking and critical evaluation of any system designed for protecting information, any information security system, any system for network security or system for secure communication
B10 CG5 - Students will have ability to apply theoretical knowledge to practical situations, within the scope of infrastructures, equipment or specific application domains, and designed for precise operating requirements
B11 CG6 - Ability to do research. Ability to innovate and contribute to the advance of the principles, the techniques and the processes within their professional domain, designing new algorithms, devices, techniques or models which are useful for the protection public, private or commercial of digital assets
C4 CT4 - Ability to ponder the importance of information security in the economic progress of society

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
To know the essential concepts behind industrial network security AJ1
To understand the different protection techniques and attacks to industrial systems and to know how to implement them AJ2
To understand the main industrial network security issues and attacks, and to know the mechanisms to minimize them AJ1
Be able to understand the implications at a security level of the diverse Industry 4.0 technologies AJ1

Topic Sub-topic
Introduction Industrial security policies

Implications of industrial and critical infrastructure cybersecurity

Practical cases
Physical access control systems for industrial premises
Proximity systems

Remote access systems

Biometric systems
Industrial control systems Communication architecture

Traditional systems

Cyber-Physical Systems
Industry 4.0 systems Introduction to Industry 4.0

¡IoT/IIoT systems

Security for other Industry 4.0 technologies (e.g., augmented reality, cloud/edge computing, blockchain, AGVs)
Industrial information management systems Traditional databases



Industrial communication systems Communication architectures

Wired communication technologies

Wireless communication technologies

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Guest lecture / keynote speech A1 A2 A3 A12 A15 B1 B7 B8 C4 9 9 18
ICT practicals A1 A2 A4 A7 A8 A13 B2 B7 B8 B10 B11 10 10 20
Supervised projects A13 B2 B3 B7 B8 B10 0 20 20
Mixed objective/subjective test B2 B3 B7 1 15 16
Personalized attention 1 0 1
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech Lectures given by the professors about the main theoretical concepts related to cybersecurity on industrial environments.
ICT practicals Guided and supervised practical assignments based on the use of ICT.
Supervised projects Supervised project carried out by the student including both theoretical and practical parts.
Mixed objective/subjective test Written test to asses the knowledge acquired during the course.

Personalized attention
Supervised projects
Guest lecture / keynote speech
ICT practicals
The subject professors will provide individual and personalized assistance to the students during the course, solving their doubts and questions. In the sam way, the professors will guide the students during the practical assignments and the supervised project.

Doubts will be solved during the lectures and during the scheduled tutoring hours. Such a schedule will be flexible to attend part-time student doubts.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Supervised projects A13 B2 B3 B7 B8 B10 Supervised project mixing practical and theoretical parts. 30
ICT practicals A1 A2 A4 A7 A8 A13 B2 B7 B8 B10 B11 ICT practical resolution and report writing about the obtained results. 30
Mixed objective/subjective test B2 B3 B7 Written test on the theoretical and practical content of the course. 40
Assessment comments


Two evaluation alternatives may be selected: continuous and single.

The continuous evaluation will imply solving ICT practicals, developing a supervised project and carrying out a mixed test that will be evaluated according to the percentages indicated above (30, 30, 40) or, if it is necessary, according to the percentages indicated in the contingency plan. It is necessary to obtain a five over ten to pass the subject. In addition, it is necessary to obtain at least two points over four on the mixed test to pass the subject. In case of opting for the continuous evaluation, every student that delivers some kind of work (ICT practical, supervised project or mixed test), cannot be evaluated as "not presented".

In the case of the single evaluation, all the marks come from a single mixed test that will include a theoretical and a practical part. Such a test will be performed at the end of the bimester and it will necessary to obtain at least a five over ten to pass the subject.

The selection of the evaluation alternative must be indicated to the professors not later than the third week of the course.

Part-time students that choose any of the evaluation systems would be provided with scheduling flexibility.


The student who opted in the previous call for the continuous evaluation will have the opportunity to maintain the marks obtained during the ICT practicals and the supervised project. Such student will carry out a mixed test, establishing the final mark according to the same percentages applied for the first call. The rest of the students (including part-time students) will be evaluated as if they selected the single evaluation alternative, so they will take a single mixed test that will evaluate both theoretical and practical parts.


No marks will be preserved from one course to another.

In case of detecting plagiarism, the student will be evaluated as failed (0) and the situation will be communicated to the master direction and to the corresponding authorities to take the appropriate measures.

Sources of information
Basic Junaid Ahmed Zubairi (2012). Cyber Security Standards, Practices and Industrial Applications: Systems and Methodologies. IGI Global
Tyson Macaulay (2012). Cybersecurity for Industrial Control Systems: SCADA, DCS, PLC, HMI, and SIS. Auerbach Publications
Josiah Dykstra (2015). Essential Cybersecurity Science: Build, Test, and Evaluate Secure Systems. O'Reilly
Pascal Ackerman (2017). Industrial Cybersecurity. Packt
Eric Knapp, Joel Thomas Langill (2014). Industrial Network Security. Elsevier

Complementary Peng Cheng, Heng Zhang, Jiming Chen (2016). Cyber Security for Industrial Control Systems: From the Viewpoint of Close-Loop. CRC Press

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus

Other comments

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.