Identifying Data 2021/22
Subject (*) Social and Cultural Anthropology Code 615G01102
Study programme
Grao en Socioloxia
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 1st four-month period
First Basic training 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Humanidades
Couceiro Dominguez, Enrique
Couceiro Dominguez, Enrique
General description O curso de Antropoloxía social e cultural concíbese como un estudo introdutorio, pero exhaustivo, da sistemática da antropoloxía contemporánea, centrado nas achegas, enfoques teórico-metodolóxicos e campos de investigación de vangarda na disciplina e na súa conexión cos grandes problemas e procesos da globalizada realidade sociocultural actual. Con iso proxéctase ampliar e fundamentar no alumno as súas competencias no coñecemento crítico e as ferramentas conceptuais e técnicas para abordar a complexa tarefa de interpretar a diversidade, especificidade e regularidades dos fenómenos socioculturais contemporáneos e as súas problemáticas inherentes, dende a perspectiva do local, característica da disciplina antropolóxica.
Contingency plan 1. Modificacións nos contidos.
Non hai modificación prevista nos contidos

2. Metodoloxías
*Metodoloxías docentes que se manteñen:
Proba obxectiva
Discusión dirixida
Sesión maxistral

Todas elas con medidas de adaptación a condicións de continxencia que se expresan en cada caso
Salvo a "Sesión maxistral", todas elas computan na avaliación.

*Metodoloxías docentes que se modifican:
Non hai metodoloxía docente que se modifique respecto ao curso pasado.

3. Mecanismos de atención personalizada ao alumnado:
A atención personalizada realizarase de forma individual respecto ao resumo fílmico, a materia impartida en clase e as discusións dirixidas cando a retroalimentación de face ao alumno así o requira (1 vez á semana mínimo).
En caso de situación de presencialidad, terá lugar durante o desenvolvemento das tutorías da materia.
En caso de situación de non presencialidad, terá lugar online, en horario de tutorías previamente concertadas, e a través de correo electrónico (diariamente) ou de Moodle.
Para o alumnado con recoñecemento de dedicación a tempo parcial e dispensa académica de exención de asistencia, acordarase ao comezo do curso as tutorías específicas, ben a través de Moodle, ou ben concertadas telemáticamente a través de correo electrónico, e que sexan compatibles coa súa dedicación

4. Modificacións na avaliación: non se preven modificacións nas porcentaxes de avaliación asignados a cada metodoloxía, este último.
No resumo crítico de films etnográficos e avaliará a capacidade de identificación, síntese e interpretación das dimensións socioculturais presentadas nos mesmos, por parte do alumno.

*Observacións de avaliación: No capítulo de "Metodoloxías" especifícanse as formas de avaliación de cada unha delas en función dos contextos de presencialidad/continxencia.
Para o alumnado con dedicación completa, a asistencia mínima ás sesións de clase, para presentarse á proba obxectiva, será de 2/3 das sesións do cuadrimestre
No caso do alumnado con recoñecemento de dedicación a tempo parcial e dispensa académica de exención de asistencia, salvo no referente á asistencia ás sesións os requisitos de avaliación para a 1ª e 2ª oportunidade serán iguais que para o restante alumnado, aínda que, no caso da "discusión dirixida" substituirase a presentación oral en clase pola entrega do esquema-resumen dalgunha das lecturas indicadas.
1. Asistir regularmente ás sesións en clase (mínimo de 2/3 das sesións os alumnos con dedicación completa). Só así poderán presentarse á proba obxectiva de fin de curso
2. Obter unha puntuación mínima de 5 na proba obxectiva, como condición sine qua non, para que compute a media ponderada coas restantes metodoloxías (resumo e presentacións orais); e que a cualificación global resultante de dita media ponderada iguale ou supere o 5.
3. Entregar e expor os resumos de films etnográficos na data que se indique.
4. Para superar a materia na convocatoria de 2ª oportunidade, a media ponderada do conxunto das metodoloxías deberá igualar ou superar a cualificación de 5 puntos.

5. Modificacións da bibliografía ou webgrafía:
En caso de situación de continxencia con confinamento, o alumnado poderá acceder a textos e artigos antropolóxicos na aplicación eLibro, a través da páxina web da Biblioteca UDC.
Enlácelos web aos films etnográficos obxecto de resumo e valoración iranse proporcionando ao alumnado durante o curso, ben presencialmente, ben a través de Moodle, dependendo do contexto presencial/non presencial.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A1 Conocimiento de los componentes básicos de las desigualdades sociales y las diferencias culturales.
A12 Conocimiento de la especie humana a través de la cultura, parentesco y hábitat con especial atención a los pueblos preindustriales.
A35 Actitud crítica frente a las doctrinas y las prácticas sociales.
A36 Actitud de compromiso frente a los problemas sociales y culturales.
B3 Capacidad de análisis y síntesis.
B9 Reconocimiento a la diversidad y a la multiculturalidad.
B13 Razonamiento crítico.
B20 Conocimiento de otras culturas y costumbres.
B27 Capacidades en reconocer la complejidad de los fenómenos sociales.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
To define, to compare and to discuss critically basic concepts of anthropology, linking them to the diversity of realities and problems of human societies framed in different domains of culture. A1
To describe and to examine, using ethnography, diversity, specificity and regularities of socio-cultural phenomena, its problems and its potential, interpreting them from a committed and developed point of view, from the local perspective. A1

Topic Sub-topic
Topic 1: A scheme of the contemporary social and cultural anthropology THEME 1: Emergence of new research fields and phenomena, and rethinking the classics; Methods and techniques in contemporary anthropology. Reflexivity, interpretation and reconfiguration of the field work.
TOPIC 2: Economic anthropology and cultural economy. Work cultures. THEME 2: The economy and economies as dimensions of culture. Classical theories (formalism substantivism Marxist approaches). The cultural economy.; Exchange. Theory about the gift of Mauss and subsequent discussions. The goods-Arjun Appadurai. Production. Production systems, modes of production and sociocultural correlates.; Work in anthropological perspective:-symbolic rituals of work and activity, and diversity of cultural perspectives on the same dimensions. The cultures of work.
TOPIC 3: The family and the process of change. Models of family life from the intercultural comparison. Facts about kinship studies THEME 3: Classical Theories of kinship, family and marriage; Family and domestic group; The types of family reunification and family processes in contemporary comparative cultural perspective; Facts about kinship studies.
TOPIC 4: Political anthropology. Power, violence and political symbolism. THEME 4: Structures and political systems in different societies: segmental linages, bands, chiefdoms, big men, associations and societies, systems ages, divine monarchies, State structures. Clientelismo formations. The fields of power. Power as built-hegemonic discourse. Collective "dumb" and "empowerment". Nationalism and ethnic policies. Recurrent vectors in political anthropology: leadership, memory hierarchy, violence. Analysis of symbolic ritual dimension of political action.
TOPIC 5: Associations, social categories and hierarchies. THEME 5: Gender and age. The private and the public. Domination and subordination. Age grades and age groups. Caste: varnas and jatis. Caste and social mobility. Classes and social strata. Cultural classes. The "symbolic capital" in Bourdieu. The complexity of the social differentiation. The power and the powerless. Methods of study of social stratification.
TOPIC 6: Ritual, myth and symbolism. Anthropological analysis and interpretation of symbolic action and narrative THEME 6: Symbolic analysis in anthropology. Classical background -symbolism, religion and sacrifice, totemism. Turner methodology. The "Thick Description" Geertz. Schneider, Leach, Mary Douglas and "natural symbols" Cohen, Sperber. Myth, history and narrative in the production of cultural social reality. Sahlins. The structural analysis of myth and cultural hermeneutics -Lisón- . The ritual as performative action: its properties and effects. Van Gennep, Turner again, Rappaport.
TOPIC 7: Performances, beliefs and thinking styles THEME 7: Religion, belief and thought in anthropology: Intelectuallist approaches of Tylor, Marett, Frazer and Lang. Sociologist Approaches of Robertson Smith, Durkheim and Radcliffe-Brown. Morris. The Lévy-Bruhl's pre-logical thinking. The interpretive translation of beliefs and the discussion of the rationality of thought forms: Evans-Pritchard and Lienhardt. Winch replication. Needham: Belief, language and experience. Wild thoughts, civilized thoughts , bricoleurs and engineers: the structural approach of Levi-Strauss. Classifications and symbolic thinking styles: Mary Douglas and the method of "Group & Grid." The problem of practice. Structure and practice, habitus and cultural schemes root paradigms: Bourdieu Sherry Ortner through Turner, Giddens and Sahlins,
TOPIC 8: Other fields of contemporary anthropological analyzes TOPIC 8: The new medical anthropology; Risk and culture; Anthropology and emerging technologies; Anthropology of sport; Anthropology, brain, mind and consciousness.

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Guest lecture / keynote speech A12 B20 52 0 52
Objective test A12 B3 B20 B27 2 20 22
Summary A1 B3 B13 7 25 32
Directed discussion A35 A36 B9 30 10 40
Personalized attention 4 0 4
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech · Master session: Explanation by the teacher of the contents of the subject in the classroom. It will be complemented by visual support materials - schematics and presentations in Power-Point. The objective of these sessions will be to provide, develop and guide students in knowledge about the contents, theories and complexities of culture's phenomena, and to stimulate participatory debates about all this. An added objective will be to promote the recognition of the diversity characteristic of how cultural phenomena manifest.

Under normal conditions of face-to-face, a record of attendance will be kept, in order to to take advantage of what has been given in the face-to-face sessions.

In contingency conditions, the master session will be conducted through sessions through the Teams app (for the two larger groups), and providing summaries of the different themes of the program through the Moodle platform
Objective test The objective test will consist of a written exercise, at the end of the four-month course, on the knowledge achieved by the student, which will consist of answering twenty short-answer questions. Basic knowledge about the contents of the course topics, and mastery of the concepts will be valued.

In normal face-to-face conditions, we insist on regular attendance to the course, in reference to the preparation and subsequent evaluation of this objective test.

If it is necessary to carry out the test online, it can be carried out as a 'task' to be carried out through the Moodle platform, and it will consist of the development of two epigraphs of the subject matter syllabus, followed by two ethnographic examples.
Summary The summary will consist of the student's elaboration of a summary and critical comment work elaborated on the sociocultural argument and the elaboration technique of two ethnographic films, selected by the student, from among more than twenty that will be provided through Moodle by the teacher, for autonomous viewing and analysis. It will be delivered in mid-late December.
Directed discussion Guided discussion: presentation and debate in class, during the group practice sessions, of texts selected for their theoretical-ethnographic value, in accordance with the thematic unit that is being developed at that time, and in which after the presentation of a Schematic summary of the text developed by groups of 3-5 students, all can intervene with comments on aspects of said reading. How critically argued and knowledge of the conceptual content will be valued.

In normal face-to-face conditions, regular attendance at the course is insisted, in reference to participation in, and evaluation of, directed discussions.

In a contingency situation, the groups of students will replace the presentation in class of the text assigned to them, by small collective works with a maximum length of five pages, to which conceptual maps of the subject matter can be added. These works will be sent by Moodle to the professor, the date on which the presentation would have corresponded.

Personalized attention
Guest lecture / keynote speech
Directed discussion
Personalized attention will be carried out individually regarding the film summary, the subject taught in class and the discussions directed when the feedback for the student so requires.
In the event of a normal situation in person, it will take place during the course of the subject tutorials.
In the event of a contingency situation, it will take place online, during previously arranged tutoring hours, and via email.

For students with recognition of part-time dedication and academic exemption from attendance, specific tutorials will be agreed at the beginning of the course, either to attend, or arranged electronically through email or Moodle, and that are compatible with your dedication

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Summary A1 B3 B13 The unit summary of the two ethnographic films will have a maximum length of 10 pages, and will compute a value of 30% in the overall rating as a whole. The effort and skill in the synthesis and critical comments on the films, to be worked on by each student -in the sociocultural aspects that they present-, as well as the selection and treatment of the key concepts of the filmic plot, will be particularly valued. 30
Objective test A12 B3 B20 B27 The objective test is considered as a single exam at the end of the course, in which the student will answer twenty short-answer questions about the content of the course matter. Altogether, the qualification of the objective test supposes a value of 50% of the global note. It is an inexcusable requirement to pass this objective test to consider the other elements of evaluation.

Directed discussion A35 A36 B9 The targeted discussion will be evaluated on the understanding, expositional skill and critical argumental criteria of each student in their presentation of their respective summary-schema of the reading to be assigned to them; readings that will be delivered throughout the course. It provides 20% of the evaluative consideration.

In case of contingency, the evaluation will be made on the written in digital format delivered by each group of 3-5 students who have worked the same article or chapter of book.
Assessment comments
For the evaluation of the 2nd opportunity, a weighted average of the objective test results (50% of the final rating) will be made with those resulting from the other two methodologies (30% and 20%, respectively). The student must take the objective test on the date of the call for 2nd opportunity (either in person, or online, depending on the circumstances on the date), if he would not have passed or attended such a test in the 1st call. If the film summary or the directed discussion were the cause of not exceeding the subject on the 1st opportunity, you must present the film summary and/or the written-summary of the discussion addressed at this 2nd opportunity

In the case of students with recognition of part-time dedication and academic exemption exemption from attendance, the same evaluation criteria for the 1st and 2nd opportunity as for the remaining students, even though, in the case of the "directed discussion", the oral presentation in class will be replaced by the delivery of the scheme-summary of some of the indicated readings.

Sources of information
Basic Ingold, Tim ((2020)). "Antropología: ¿por qué importa?". Madrid, Alianza
Wolf, E. ((1982)). "Aspectos económicos del campesinado", en Id., Los campesinos.. Madrid, Labor
Blim, Michael ((2005)). "Culture and economy", en J.G. Carrier, A Handbook of Economic Anthropology.. Northampton, Mass., Edward Elgar Publishing
Munarriz, Luis ((2005)). "La conciencia humana", en id. (ed.) La Conciencia humana: perspectiva cultural.. Barcelona, Anthropos
Evans-Pritchard, E. ((1979)). "La realeza divina de los Shilluk del Sudán"., en Llobera, J.R.: Antropología política.. Barcelona, Anagrama
Beattie, J. ((1974)). "Matrimonio y afinidad", cap. VIII de Id.: Otras Culturas. Madrid, Fondo de Cultura Económica
Turner, V. ((1990)). "Símbolos en el ritual Ndembu", cap. 1º de Id.: La selva de los símbolos.. Madrid, Siglo XXI.
Morris, Bryan. ((2009)). Cap. 1º de Religión y antropología.. Madrid, Akal.
Lisón Tolosana, Carmelo, ed., ((2007) ). Introducción a la antropología social y cultural. Teoría, método y práctica.. Madrid, Akal.
Peacock, J.L. ((2005)). La lente antropológica. cap. 1º: “Materia". Madrid, Alianza
Sanroman, T. / González Echevarría, A ((2003)). Las relaciones de parentesco. Caps. 3 y 6. Barcelona, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
Good, Byron ((2003)). Medicina, racionalidad y experiencia.. Barcelona, Bellaterra
Fernández de Rota, J.A. ((2005)). Nacionalismo, cultura y tradición.Cap. 2º. Barcelona, Anthropos.
Augé, Marc / Jean-Paul Colleyn ((2005) ). Qué es la antropología. Barcelona, Paidós
Lisón Tolosana, Carmelo ((2012)). Teoría etnológica de Galicia. Madrid, Akal
Buxó, Mª. J. ((2007)). “Antropología aplicada”, en Lisón, C., ed.: cap. XIV. Madrid, Akal
Miquel, A. ((2007)). “Antropología económica”, en Lisón, C. op.cit., cap IV. Madrid, Akal
Godelier, M. ((1981)). “Antropología y economía: análisis de la producción, circulación y consumo de los bienes económicos”, cap. Iº de, id. Instituciones económicas.. Barcelona, Anagrama
Mairal, G. ( (2007)). “Culturas del riesgo. Antropología para una sociedad científica y tecnológica”, en Lisón, C.: op. cit., cap. XIII. Madrid, Akal
Gómez Pellón, E. ((2007)). “El patrimonio cultural: memoria e imagen del grupo social”, en Lisón, C., ed.: op. cit., cap. XVI. Madrid, Akal
Rappaport, R. ((2002)). “El ritual y sus formas”. Cap. 2º de Id., Ritual y religión.. Madrid, Cambridge U.P.
McCombie, S. ((1999)). “Folk. Flu and Viral Síndrome: An Anthropological Perspective”, en Hahn, R., ed. Anthropology in Public Health. New york, Oxford U.P. USA
Appadurai, A. ((1988)). “Introduction: commodities and the politics of value" in The Social Life of Things. cambridge, Cambridge Un. Press
Geertz, C. ((1988)). “Juego profundo. Notas sobre la riña de gallos en Bali”, en Id., La interpretación de las culturas. . Barcelona, Gedisa.
González Alcantud, J.A. ((2007)). “La antropología política”, en Lisón, C.: op. cit., cap. VIII. Madrid, Akal
Douglas, M. ((1998)). “La elección entre lo somático y lo espiritual: algunas preferencias médicas”, en Id., Estilos de pensar.. Barcelona, Gedisa.
Lévi-Strauss, C. ((1995)). “la familia”, en Lévi-Strauss, Spiro y Gough Polémica sobre el origen y universalidad de la familia humana.. Barcelona, Anagrama.
Cohen, A. ((2013)). “La mística del poder”, en Cañedo, Montserrat "Cosmopoliticas. Barcelona,Gedisa.
Gledhill, J. ((2000)). “Para situar lo político: una antropología política actual.”; cap. 1º de Id., El poder y sus disfraces.. Barcelona, Bellaterra
Lévi-Strauss, C. ((2007)). “Pensamiento ‘primitivo’ y mente ‘civilizada’”, en id., Mito y significado. Madrid, Alianza
Couceiro, E. ((2007)). “Religión y creencia. Cultura de los fundamentos y ultimidades existenciales”, en Lisón, C.: op. cit., cap. XVIII. Madrid, Akal
Couceiro, E. ((2007)). “Rito, mito y símbolo: acción, palabra e imagen en la construcción de los mundos culturales”, en Lisón, C.: op. cit., cap. XVII. Madrid, Akal
Rivas, A. ((2007)). “Transformaciones socioculturales y cambios familiares: continuidades y rupturas”, en Lisón, C. op.cit., cap. V. Madrid, Akal
Álvarez Munárriz, Luis ((2007)). “Visión histórico-sistemática de la Antropología social”, en Lisón, Introducción a la antropología social y cultural…, op. cit, cap.II. Madrid, Akal
In a situation of non-in personity, there is possibility of access to books and readings of anthropology in eLibro, through the page of the Library of the UDC.
Complementary (). .

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus
Ethnographic research methodology/615G01403

Other comments

Sin observaciones ni recomendaciones específicas

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.