Identifying Data 2021/22
Subject (*) Ethnographic research methodology Code 615G01403
Study programme
Grao en Socioloxia
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 1st four-month period
Fourth Optional 4.5
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Humanidades
Couceiro Dominguez, Enrique
Couceiro Dominguez, Enrique
General description Curso especificamente dirixido ao estudo e exercitación dos diferentes recursos e instrumentos metodolóxicos e técnicas de investigación etnográfica en Antropoloxía social e en xeral en investigación social cualitativa, poñendo atención atención ás estratexias da observación participante, a investigación-acción participativa, a observación multisituada, o estudo da narratividade, e a entrevista etnográfica.
Contingency plan 1. Modificacións nos contidos:
Non hai modificacións nos contidos

2. Metodoloxías
-Sesión maxistral
-Discusión dirixida
-Traballos tutelados
-Foro virtual

*Metodoloxías docentes que se manteñen
Mantéñense as seguintes metodoloxías docentes: sesión maxistral, discusión dirixida e traballos tutelados

*Metodoloxías docentes que se modifican: engádese o foro virtual

3. Mecanismos de atención personalizada ao alumnado:
A atención personalizada se focalizará nos traballos tutelados e nas tutorías sobre contidos teóricos, cando o proceso de aprendizaxe e os problemas suscitados polas prácticas así o requiran. Tamén parte das sesións maxistrais e foros virtuais canalizarase cara á discusión personalizada de problemas específicos suscitados nos temas expostos cando a ocasión precíseo.
Para o alumnado con recoñecemento de dedicación a tempo parcial e dispensa académica de exención de asistencia, acordarase ao comezo do curso as tutorías específicas ás que asistir, e que sexan compatibles coa súa dedicación
En condicións de continxencia, a atención personalizada verificarase por medio de correo electrónico (diariamente) ou a través do foro de Moodle (dous días á semana), no ámbito de tutorías concertadas telemáticamente.

4. Modificacións na avaliación:

Na metodoloxía 'Sesión maxistral', en contexto de continxencia, valorásese a asistencia participativa ás sesións online por Teams, co mesmo porcentaxe de cualificación (10%) e proporción de 'presenza virtual' (asistencia a 3/4 das sesións)

Na metodoloxía 'Discusión dirixida', en situación de continxencia, valorarase a capacidade sintética, interpretativa e critica dos textos resumidos e valorados por escrito, así como o dominio do marco conceptual por parte do alumnado. Manterase o mesmo porcentaxe (50%) sobre a cualificación global.

Na metodoloxía 'traballos tutelados' mantéñense os mesmos criterios de avaliación e proporción (40%) sobre a cualificación global.

*Observacións de avaliación: Para a avaliación da 2ª oportunidade, en condicións de continxencia, o traballo tutelado esixirase en documento Word ou PDF, recibido a través do Moodle ou correo electrónico.
Os alumnos con dedicación a tempo parcial e dispensa académica de exención de asistencia, en situación de non presencialidad, seguirán similar pauta que os restantes alumnos na avaliación de 1ª ou de 2ª oportunidade.

- Asistir e participar regularmente nas actividades de clase.
- Obter ou superar, nunha ou outra convocatoria, unha puntación igual ou superior a 5 na cualificación resultante da media ponderada das distintas metodoloxías obxecto de avaliación.
- Entregar os traballos tutelados e realizar as discusións dirixidas nas datas que se indique.
- A avaliación da segunda oportunidade estará sometida aos mesmos criterios que a de primeira oportunidade, debendo presentar as metodoloxías non entregadas ou suspendidas nesta última.

6. Modificacións da bibliografía ou webgrafía. Sen modificacións na bibliografía. Os textos precisos para o desenvolvemento da materia serán proporcionados en formato dixital a través de Moodle.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A12 Conocimiento de la especie humana a través de la cultura, parentesco y hábitat con especial atención a los pueblos preindustriales.
A16 Conocimientos y habilidades técnicas para la produción y el análisis de los datos cuantitativos y cualitativos.
A26 Saber elegir las técnicas de investigación social (cuantitativas y cualitativas) pertinentes en cada momento.
A27 Conocimientos y habilidades de las técnicas de muestreo y de trabajo de campo.
B9 Reconocimiento a la diversidad y a la multiculturalidad.
B20 Conocimiento de otras culturas y costumbres.
B27 Capacidades en reconocer la complejidad de los fenómenos sociales.
C6 Valorar críticamente el conocimiento, la tecnología y la información disponible para resolver los problemas con los que deben enfrentarse.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
Designing and developing methodological and technical ethnographic research based on participant observation and / or alternative or complementary instruments to this last one A16
Planing and conducting ethnographic interviews aimed at the identification and interpretation of problems, emerging processes or sociocultural phenomena A12

Topic Sub-topic





Of the 1st SUBJECT. The field work: identification and understanding of the sociocultural complexity through the prolonged social experience.. The ethnography as interactive and reflexive process. The design and the reconsiderations of the research. Phases of the field work.

Of the 2nd SUBJECT. Taking part in order to observe, and to learn to observe. Advantages of the P.O. and handicaps. Access to the field and relations. The availability and the reduction of reactivity. Techniques and strategies in the P.O. The multisituated ethnography in the face of the processes of the globalization. The registration and organization of the information: tools and procedures.

Of the 3rd SUBJECT Participant Observation Wool.
Other strategies of observation.
Participative action-research, or "participant collaboration".
Orientations and logics of these practices of research.
The study of case in ethnography. Time Allocation Methodology

Of the 4th SUBJECT. The narratives and his registration. Interpreting texts and representations. Discourses and narrativity. The ethnographic interview in the era of globalization. Inquiry of the values and knowledge. Types of interviews according to goals of research. Structures and strategies of the process of interviewing.

Of the 5th SUBJECT. The biographical method in anthropology. The genealogical method. Documents and registrations of ethnographic interest, and techniques for its exploitation. Combinatory Method in Anthropology. Personal cards and domestic cards. The photography and the ethnographic film.

Of the 6th SUBJECT. Interpretative analysis of data in anthropology. The ethnography as a product: anthropological writing and writing of reports.

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Guest lecture / keynote speech A12 A16 A27 B20 16 23 39
Directed discussion B27 B9 8 15.5 23.5
Online forum A16 A26 A27 0 8 8
Supervised projects A26 A27 C6 5 33 38
Personalized attention 4 0 4
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech Explanation by the teacher of the contents of the subject. Under classroom conditions it will be taught in the classroom. It will be complemented with visual support materials - Power Point presentations, and with projections of ethnographic films. The objective of these sessions will be the knowledge, by the student, of the ethnographic techniques and methods and of the analysis of the cultural discourse, its utilities and applicability; as well as stimulating participatory debates. The student must attend at least 2/3 of the sessions.

In non-attendance conditions, the master sessions will be taught through online conferences through Teams, as well as questions and discussions, at the scheduled time for the subject. Summaries of each topic will also be provided by sending them in PDF documents by Moodle, once they have been delivered online.
Directed discussion Commentary and debate, during the second part of each session, of textual materials - magazine articles, book chapters, concerning the details, problems and practical application of different research techniques of ethnographic utility. The objective of the discussion will be the development by the student of a critical capacity and an awareness of cultural diversity, as well as the recognition of the complexity of sociocultural problems and the need to adapt ethnographic research instruments to specific case studies.

In conditions of non-attendance, the comment together with concept maps of the article prepared by the student, will be prepared in writing, and sent in PDF document and by Moodle to the teacher for evaluation, on the date on which the exposition of said student would have been assigned. -these are distributed throughout the semester-.
Online forum For half an hour a week, on a date and time to be agreed with the students, a connection will be held through Teams to discuss problems and methodological initiatives around ethnography projects.
Supervised projects Sup. Project is conceived as a practical test that will be carried out throughout the course. It will consist of course work developed through the practice of participant or multi-sited observation, semi-structured interview, analysis of a case of popular narrative, and / or rehearsal of the recording and 'technical' interpretation of a life story. Its objective is that the student develop knowledge and skills in the basic projection of ethnographic research, in the use of fieldwork techniques, and exercise in the field in critically evaluating the knowledge, techniques and information available to solve problems. with which they must face.

In a non-attendance situation, supervised works based on interviews or life stories carried out in practice may be replaced by research project sketches with semi-structured interviews or life stories. In any case, written in digital document, they will be sent for evaluation by the teacher at the end of the semester

Personalized attention
Guest lecture / keynote speech
Supervised projects
Personalized attention will be carried out individually in tutored practices (tutored works) and in tutorials on theoretical content when the learning process and the problems caused by the practices so require. Also part of the master sessions and online forums will be channeled towards the personalized discussion of specific problems raised in the exposed topics when the occasion requires it.

For students with recognition of part-time dedication and academic exemption from attendance exemption, specific tutorials to attend, and that are compatible with their dedication, will be agreed at the beginning of the course.

In conditions of non-attendance, personalized attention will be verified strictly by email (daily) or through the Moodle forum, in the field of online tutorials.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Guest lecture / keynote speech A12 A16 A27 B20 Active and participatory attendance at the course sessions will be valued. The student must attend at least 2/3 of the sessions. 10% of the grade.

In a context of non-attendance, participatory attendance at online sessions by Teams was assessed, with the same percentage (10%) of rating and proportion of 'virtual presence' (at least 2/3 of online sessions)
Supervised projects A26 A27 C6 An individual course work will be evaluated (semi-structured interview, analyzing a case of popular narrative and / or rehearsing the recording and the "technical" interpretation of a life story). This work represents 40% of the grade.

In case of non-attendance, the supervised work will be evaluated in the same way, or as a substitute for the outline of a research project with interviews. A similar percentage (40%) of the grade will be maintained.
Directed discussion B27 B9 Active participation in the preparation and presentation of texts on ethnographic methodology applied to specific case studies, as well as in the subsequent discussion of these materials in class sessions, will be the evaluation criterion. The individual evaluation of this methodology will suppose 50% of the qualification.

In a situation of non-attendance, the synthetic, interpretive and critical capacity of the texts summarized and valued in writing will be assessed. The same percentage (50%) will be maintained over the overall rating
Assessment comments
For the evaluation of the 2nd opportunity, the supervised work will be required, or its extension if it is the case.
In case of no attendance, the work will be required in Word or PDF document, received through Moodle or email

In the case of students with recognition of part-time dedication and academic exemption from attendance exemption, and in face-to-face conditions, the same evaluation criteria will be followed for the 1st opportunity as for the remaining students, except that, for those who do not The first criterion - active and participatory assistance - will be applied, whose evaluation percentage (10%) will be distributed equally between the other two criteria ("dirixid discussion" will represent 55%, and "supervised work" 45%). For their part, the dates on which said exempted students can attend to present and discuss their corresponding texts on specific methodology will be determined.
In a situation of non-attendance, these students will follow a similar pattern as the other students.

For the evaluation of the 2nd opportunity, the students exempt from attendance must submit a valued comment on a text of ethnographic methodology, in addition to the supervised work -or its extension-.
In a situation of non-attendance, the same requirements for the presentation of a valued comment are logically foreseen for said students in addition to supervised work. All this presented in digital documents and through Moodle or email.

Sources of information
Basic Ellen, R.F., ed. ((1984)). Ethnographic Research. A Guide to General Conduct.. London, Academic Press
González, A. ((1990)). Etnografía y comparación. La investigación intercultural en Antropología.. Barcelona, Bellaterra
Hammersley, M. / Atkinson ((1994) ). Etnografía. Métodos de investigación. Barcelona, Paidos
Hammersley, M. / Atkinson ((1994)). Etnografía. Métodos de investigación.. Barcelona, Paidos
Taylor, S.J./ R. Bogdan ((1986)). Introducción a los métodos cualitativos de investigación. Barcelona, Paidos
Taylor, S.J./ R. Bogdan ((1986)). Introducción a los métodos cualitativos de investigación.. Barcelona, Paidos
Angrosino, Michael ((2012)). La investigación etnográfica y de observación en Investigación Cualitativa. Madrid. Morata
Velasco, H. /Díaz de rada, A. ((1997)). La lógica de la investigación etnográfica.. Madrid, Trotta
Kvale, Steinar ((2011)). Las entrevistas en Investigación Cualitativa. Madrid. Morata
Sanmartin, R. ((2003)). Observar, escuchar, comparar, escribir. La práctica de la investigación cualitativa.. Barcelona, Ariel
Sanmartin, R ((2003) ). Observar, escuchar, comparar, escribir. La práctica de la investigación cualitativa. . Barcelona, Ariel
Rabinow, P. ((1992)). Reflexiones sobre un trabajo de campo en Marruecos.. Madrid, Júcar
VV.AA ((2000)). Revista de Antropología social, nº 9. Madrid. Universidad Complutense
Fardon, R.; O. Harris, T.H.J. Marchand & al. ((2012)). Social Anthropology.Vol. 2, Part 3: Methods. London, Sage
Sanmartín, R. ((2007)). “El trabajo de campo”, Cap. III de Lisón, C., ed. Introducción a la antropología social y cultural. Teoría, método y práctica.. Madrid, Akal.

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
Social and Cultural Anthropology/615G01102

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously
Risk, culture and environment/615G01417

Subjects that continue the syllabus

Other comments

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.