Identifying Data 2021/22
Subject (*) Construction 5 Code 630G02033
Study programme
Grao en Estudos de Arquitectura
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 1st four-month period
Fourth Obligatory 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Construcións e Estruturas Arquitectónicas, Civís e Aeronáuticas
Garitaonaindia De Vera, Jose R
Antelo Tudela, Enrique
Bermudez Graiño, Jose Manuel
Garitaonaindia De Vera, Jose R
Muñoz Fontenla, Carlos M.
Pita Abad, Carlos Alberto
General description En esta asignatura del Grado en Estudios en Arquitectura, se alcanza la capacidad para concebir, calcular, diseñar, integrar y ejecutar en edificios y conjuntos urbanos los sistemas de cerramiento, cubierta y demás obra gruesa.
Estas capacidades se adquieren mediante el estudio de los requerimientos y prestaciones normativos que afectan a estos sistemas.
Los conocimiento adquiridos de los sistemas constructivos y resto de contenidos incluye: encuadre histórico, tipologías, materiales, producción, industrialización, normativa, concepción, diseño, seguridad, valoración, prescripción, conservación, lesiones, reparación y rehabilitación.
Contingency plan 1. Modificaciones en los contenidos
No se realizarán cambios.

2. Metodologías

* Metodologías docentes que se mantienen:
- Prueba de respuesta múltiple.
- Trabajos tutelados.

* Metodologías docentes que se modifican:
Cuando no sea posible ningún tipo de docencia presencial, se adoptarán estrategias alternativas que faciliten y garanticen el aprendizaje y el adecuado desarrollo del curso. Para tal fin, se plantean las siguientes modificaciones respecto a la guía docente:
- Sesión magistral: las clases expositivas se impartirán de manera telemática, mediante el uso de la plataforma Microsoft Teams. Dentro de la plataforma Moodle, tal y como sucede en el caso de la docencia presencial, el alumnado tendrá acceso a las lecciones de la materia, así como a diversa documentación complementaria y de apoyo.
- Taller (y resto de docencia interactiva): se adaptará a la forma telemática, mediante el uso de la plataforma Microsoft Teams. Del mismo modo que sucede en la docencia presencial, se habilitarán tareas en la plataforma Moodle para las entregas parciales y finales de las prácticas de curso.
- Prueba objetiva: se efectuará de manera telemática, mediante el uso de las plataformas Moodle o Microsoft Teams. Aquellos alumnos que, por causas justificadas, relativas al equipamiento informático o de conexión, debidamente acreditadas, no pudiesen realizar los exámenes correspondientes a las pruebas objetivas en línea, tendrán derecho a la realización de dichas pruebas de forma oral u otro mecanismo alternativo, siendo requisito imprescindible solicitarlo mediante correo electrónico el mismo día del examen, tras lo que serán oportunamente convocados para su realización.

3. Mecanismos de atención personalizada al alumnado
- Correo electrónico: de uso diario para realizar consultas y solicitar encuentros virtuales para resolver dudas.
- Moodle: según las necesidades del alumnado, se podrán habilitar recursos como foros, etc. para formular las consultas necesarias.
- Microsoft Teams: sesiones semanales en la franja horaria asignada a la materia en el calendario de clases de la Escuela. También podrá servir como canal de comunicación para la atención individual o grupal en el horario de tutorías de cada docente.

4. Modificaciones en la evaluación
Sin modificaciones.

* Observaciones de evaluación:
Se mantienen los criterios que figuran en la guía docente, a excepción de las referencias al cómputo de la asistencia, que sólo se realizará en relación a las sesiones presenciales que hayan tenido lugar hasta el momento en que la actividad presencial se suspende. De cualquier modo, para la superación y calificación de la materia se tendrá en cuenta un óptimo porcentaje de participación regular en las actividades telemáticas.

5. Modificaciones de la bibliografía o webgrafía
No se realizarán cambios.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A14 Ability to conceive, calculate, design, integrate in buildings and urban units and execute exterior walls and cladding, roofing and other structural work (T)
A17 Ability to apply technical and construction standards and regulations
A19 Ability to maintain the finished work
A20 Ability to assess the construction works
A21 Ability to maintain the structural work
A25 Adequate knowledge of conventional construction systems and pathology
A26 Adequate knowledge of the physical and chemical characteristics, production procedures, pathology and use of building materials
A27 Adequate knowledge of industrialized building systems
A31 Knowledge of methods of measurement, assessment and expert´s report
A32 Knowledge of the project of health and safety at the construction site
A63 Development, presentation and public review before a university jury of an original academic work individually elaborated and linked to any of the subjects previously studied
B1 Students have demonstrated knowledge and understanding in a field of study that is based on the general secondary education, and is usually at a level which, although it is supported by advanced textbooks, includes some aspects that imply knowledge of the forefront of their field of study
B2 Students can apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional way and have competences that can be displayed by means of elaborating and sustaining arguments and solving problems in their field of study
B3 Students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their field of study) to inform judgements that include reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues
B4 Students can communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialist and non-specialist public
B5 Students have developed those learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high level of autonomy
B6 Knowing the history and theories of architecture and the arts, technologies and human sciences related to architecture
B7 Knowing the role of the fine arts as a factor that influences the quality of architectural design
B9 Understanding the problems of the structural design, construction and engineering associated with building design and technical solutions
B10 Knowing the physical problems, various technologies and function of buildings so as to provide them with internal conditions of comfort and protection against the climate factors in the context of sustainable development
B11 "Knowing the industries, organizations, regulations and procedures involved in translating design concepts into buildings and integrating plans into planning "
B12 Understanding the relationship between people and buildings and between these and their environment, and the need to relate buildings and the spaces between them according to the needs and human scale
C1 Adequate oral and written expression in the official languages.
C3 Using ICT in working contexts and lifelong learning.
C4 Exercising an open, educated, critical, committed, democratic and caring citizenship, being able to analyse facts, diagnose problems, formulate and implement solutions based on knowledge and solutions for the common good
C5 Understanding the importance of entrepreneurial culture and the useful means for enterprising people.
C6 Critically evaluate the knowledge, technology and information available to solve the problems they must face
C7 Assuming as professionals and citizens the importance of learning throughout life
C8 Valuing the importance of research, innovation and technological development for the socioeconomic and cultural progress of society.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
The student must acquire the ability to design the different building envelopes systems (vertical and horizontal) and know the standards requirements in order to choose the appropriate system (performance). The student must know how to prescribe every solution, its repair and maintenance, as well as estimate its cost, always in accordance with the architectural project. A14

Topic Sub-topic
The first shelters and construction.
From construction to architecture.
The absence of envelope.
Relationship between structure and envelopes.
The edge.
Glass wall.
02 BUILDING-CODE REQUIREMENTES Lesson 02. Requirements:
Roof requirements.
Flat roof requirements.
Facade requirements.
Requirements of underground or basement walls and floors.
Efficiency and rationality.
Green building rating system (concepts).

Lesson 03. Thermal requirements:
Basic concepts.
Heat transmission.
Thermal inertia.
New thermal concepts.
Phase-change materials.
Thermal insulation. Materials.
Hygrometric characteristics.
Water in construction.
Thermal bridges.
Analysis of several building envelope systems.
The Spanish Technical Building Code (CTE) DB-HE.

Lesson 04. Acoustic requirements:
Basic concepts.
Sound Insulation vs. Sound Absorption.
03 BUILDING ENVELOPES SYSTEMS Lesson 05. Roofs and flat roofs:
Basic concepts.
The functions of a roof.
Roof systems.

Lesson 06. Underground or basement walls and floors:
Basic concepts.
Soil moisture.
Types of basement walls and floors.

Lesson 07. Facades:
Basic concepts. History.
Facade systems.

Lesson 08. Energetic certification:
Basic concepts. History.
Energy performance certificates (EPCs).
Calculation of thermal transmittance, condensation and thermal bridges.
04 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS Lesson 09. Construction Documents:
The Spanish Technical Building Code requirements. Documents.

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Guest lecture / keynote speech A14 A17 A19 A20 A21 A25 A26 A27 A31 A32 A63 B1 B4 B5 B6 B9 B10 B11 C1 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 30 8 38
Workshop A14 A17 A19 A20 A21 A25 A26 A27 A31 A32 A63 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B9 B10 B11 B12 C1 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 30 60 90
Multiple-choice questions A25 A26 A27 A31 A32 C1 C3 1 0 1
Objective test A14 A17 A19 A20 A21 A25 A26 A27 A31 A32 A63 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B9 B10 B11 B12 C1 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 2 10 12
Supervised projects A14 A25 A26 A27 A31 A32 B1 B4 B5 B9 B10 C5 C6 C7 C8 0 8 8
Personalized attention 1 0 1
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech Lectures aim to provide to the student the knowledge of several ENVELOPES SYSTEMS IN ARCHITECTURE. The standards requirements in order to choose the appropriate system (performance) will be explained, and each system will be analysed in order to know how to prescribe every solution, its repair and maintenance, as well as estimate its cost, always in accordance with the architectural project.
Reference documentation and several examples of buildings will be provided to learn from the mistakes and the decisions took. An intelligent knowledge is sought instead of rote learning.
The student must pass an objective test and several multiple-choice questions.
Workshop The workshop is a workspace where students develop their architectural projects, applying the skills learnt during lectures. They will learn the relationship between the compositional processes of architecture and its construction. Several subjects merge around the idea of architecture, ensuring optimization of teaching resources and streamlining the student's work. The workshop aims to establish mechanisms for coordination and mainstreaming across studies, avoiding duplication and repetition in the content to facilitate an effective transit between semesters. Different mandatory projects will be developed.
Multiple-choice questions Students must complete four mandatory testing about different topics in order to promote learning and continuous assessment. These tests are carried out within the learning platform UDC Moodle.
Objective test The objective tests seek to verify the application of knowledge and the skills acquired by students. Students may use documentary support (books, own notes based on a practical case, etc.). It will be assessed as a whole, not each question.
Supervised projects Model (voluntary): students, in group (up to 3 students) or individually, will build a model (scale 1:1 or 1:2) based on a construction detail of the building developed in the workshop project.

Personalized attention
Supervised projects
Besides regular supervision during the workshop and case studies (the projects will be developed in open sessions in the presence of all students), professors offer weekly office hours, and they will encourage students to use them for solving doubts and questions.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Guest lecture / keynote speech A14 A17 A19 A20 A21 A25 A26 A27 A31 A32 A63 B1 B4 B5 B6 B9 B10 B11 C1 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 In order to pass the subject (first and second opportunities), attendance required is at least 75%.
Students with recognition of part-time dedication and academic waiver of attendance exemption: 50%.
When attendance is completed, it will be preserved in subsequent opportunities.
Students must pass an objective test, several multiple-choice questions tests (and a supervised project can be required).
Workshop A14 A17 A19 A20 A21 A25 A26 A27 A31 A32 A63 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B9 B10 B11 B12 C1 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 Attendance required: 80%. Students with recognition of part-time dedication and academic waiver of attendance exemption: 50%.
Partial deliveries can be required. In that case, they are mandatory in order to the final work be graded.
The assessment for compulsory projects is not restricted to content; the authorship must be proved (see comments).
There will be no compensation between this evaluation and other qualifications of the subject.
Students must get at least a 5 score (out of 10).
Absence of waterproof barriers or insulating elements; acoustic bridges; wrong description of glazing and carpentry; thermal bridges or condensations will be considered serious errors that can lead to fail the subject.
In order to pass, first year students must deliver every part of the workshop. If not, they will obtain a "NO PRESENTADO" (absent from assessment).
According to the documentation from ETSAC degree in Architectural Studies memory, a Board of Assessment will be convened to analyze the results and resolve, if appropriate, specific cases of student assessment.
Students who fail the workshop in the first opportunity will have a second chance to pass. If they obtain a "NO PRESENTADO" (absent from assessment), they cannot attend the second opportunity.
Students who fail the specific part of the subject (Construction 5) must develop in consecutive opportunities, with the appropriate adjustments, the project failed.
This will happen in all opportunities and calls.
Students with partial validations or exchange programs will have a set treatment for each case.
Multiple-choice questions A25 A26 A27 A31 A32 C1 C3 Students must complete four mandatory testing about different topics. They must get at least a 5 score (out of 10) in each test (including penalizations). Three attempts in each are allowed with cumulative penalty of two points (first attempt: 0 points penalty, second attempt: 2 points, third attempt: 4 points).
When students get at least a 5 score (out of 10), mark will be preserved until July (included) (for each test independently).
These tests are carried out within the learning platform UDC Moodle.
Objective test A14 A17 A19 A20 A21 A25 A26 A27 A31 A32 A63 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B9 B10 B11 B12 C1 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 The objective tests seek to verify the application of knowledge and the skills acquired by students. Students may use documentary support (books and own notes). Students must pass an objective test and several multiple-choice questions tests. The final mark will be the average of them, only if they get at least a 4 score (out of 10) in the objective test.
Students will not pass the objective test if they made serious errors such:
absence of waterproof barriers or insulating elements; acoustic bridges; wrong description of glazing and carpentry; thermal bridges or condensations.
Supervised projects A14 A25 A26 A27 A31 A32 B1 B4 B5 B9 B10 C5 C6 C7 C8 Model: volunteer work (maximum group of three students); model of one of the projects developed in the Workshop (the program file of the subject, delivered at the beginning of the course, will include information about this work). The student can get up to 3 points that will be added to the mark obtained in the objective test. 0
Assessment comments

The program of the subject, delivered at the beginning of the course, will include information about minimum contents, delivery dates, dates of multiple choice tests, lessons, partial deliveries and everything needed to study the subject.

In order to promote continuous assessment, attendance will be controlled and the final mark will depend on the attitude and the work of the student. Students must pass theoretical and practical tests (Objective test, Multiple-choice questions tests), the supervised projects and the workshop. This will confirm if the student assimilated the concepts, the competences, and methods of work of the subject.


- Complete the required assistance.

- Workshop: at least 5 points (out of 10).

- Objective test: at least a score of 5 (out of 10).

- Multiple choice questions: at least a score of 5 (out of 10), each test.


Average between the mark of the objective test plus the model with the average of the multiple choice questions. This mark makes average with the workshop work. If the above conditions are not got, the same formula will be applied but the maximum rating will be restricted to 4,9 out of 10,0.

Students who failed at the first opportunity will have a second chance to pass. If they obtain a "NO PRESENTADO" (absent from assessment), they cannot attend the second opportunity.

If students do not get the minimum attendance or do not deliver every part of the subject (Objective test, Multiple-choice questions tests, Supervised projects and Workshop), then they will obtain a "NO PRESENTADO" (absent from assessment) (in each opportunity).

The fraudulent performance of objective tests or any other evaluation activities, once verified, will directly imply a failure grade "0" in the subject at the corresponding opportunity.

Students with partial validations or exchange programs will have a set treatment for each case.

Sources of information

Sources of information can be found at the beginning of each lesson (PDF archive).


Complementary sources of information can be found at the beginning of each lesson (PDF archive).

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
Construction 4/630G02027
Architectural Design 5/630G02021
Structures 3/630G02028
Urbanism 3/630G02029

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously
Urbanism 4/630G02032
Structures 4/630G02034
Architectural Design 6/630G02026

Subjects that continue the syllabus
Construction 6/630G02037

Other comments

According to the documentation from ETSAC degree in Architectural Studies: "Students must study simultaneously all the subjects within the workshop if it is the first time they sign up"... "Students must study (previously or simultaneously) all subjects related to previous workshops not completely passed".

IMPORTANT: This Teaching Guide is written in Spanish and in English. Both language versions are considered to be equally authentic. In the event of any discrepancy between the two aforementioned versions, the Spanish version shall prevail in determining the spirit, intent, and meaning of this Guide.

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.