Identifying Data 2021/22
Subject (*) Complex Scale Architecture Code 630G02058
Study programme
Grao en Estudos de Arquitectura
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 2nd four-month period
Fifth Optional 4.5
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Proxectos Arquitectónicos, Urbanismo e Composición
Irisarri Castro, Jesús
Irisarri Castro, Jesús
General description O concepto de "escala" en Arquitectura remite, en palabras de Anish Kapoor, a unha cantidade de proporcións abstractas que por unha banda se relacionan, a un determinado nivel, o corpo, o físico, e por outro, máis intenso, coa imaxinación. A complexidade non radica exclusivamente no tamaño, a función ou o artificio, senón na multiplicidade de relacións que un obxecto arquitectónico establece coa súa contorna física, ambiental, social, humano e cultural.
Contingency plan No caso de que se produzan circunstancias excepcionais que impidan a docencia presencial prevista, plantéxase o paso desta á modalidade docente non presencial baseada no soporte TIC proporcionado pola Universidade. Utilizarase o conxunto de ferramentas TIC, posto a disposición pola Universidade, especialmente a plataforma Moodle, Teams e o correo electrónico para a comunicación có estudantado.
1. Modificacións nos contidos. Os contidos non se modifican.

2. Metodoloxías
Manteñense as medodoloxías do curso, atopandose as ferramentas de docencia non presencial nas postas a disposición pola UDC.

3. Mecanismos de atención personalizada ao alumnado
Teams, Moodle y resto de herramientas de la UDC. Según el calendario y horario académico fijado por el centro al inicio de curso.

4. Modificacións na avaliación
Suprimiranse aqueles criterios que impliquen asistencia e presencialidade. Este principio terá validez temporalmente dende o momento no que exista instrución de aplicación do presente Plan de Continxencia. Mantéñense o resto dos criterios de avaliación. Para o alumnado con dificultades xustificadas para realizar probas ou entregas, poderanse prever solucións alternativas personalizadas.
5. Modificacións da bibliografía ou webgrafía
Non se realizan modificacións

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A17 Ability to apply technical and construction standards and regulations
A30 Knowledge of the organization of professional offices
A34 Ability to design, implement and develop sketches and drafts, concept designs, developed designs and technical designs (T)
A35 Ability to design, implement and develop urban projects (T)
A67 Coñecemento avanzado de aspectos específicos da materia de Proxectos no contemplados expresamente na Orde EDU/2075/2010
B1 Students have demonstrated knowledge and understanding in a field of study that is based on the general secondary education, and is usually at a level which, although it is supported by advanced textbooks, includes some aspects that imply knowledge of the forefront of their field of study
B2 Students can apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional way and have competences that can be displayed by means of elaborating and sustaining arguments and solving problems in their field of study
B3 Students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their field of study) to inform judgements that include reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues
B4 Students can communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialist and non-specialist public
B5 Students have developed those learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high level of autonomy
C1 Adequate oral and written expression in the official languages.
C3 Using ICT in working contexts and lifelong learning.
C4 Exercising an open, educated, critical, committed, democratic and caring citizenship, being able to analyse facts, diagnose problems, formulate and implement solutions based on knowledge and solutions for the common good
C5 Understanding the importance of entrepreneurial culture and the useful means for enterprising people.
C6 Critically evaluate the knowledge, technology and information available to solve the problems they must face
C7 Assuming as professionals and citizens the importance of learning throughout life
C8 Valuing the importance of research, innovation and technological development for the socioeconomic and cultural progress of society.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
Take this subject pemitirá or student achegarse or feito aquitectónico den de plantexmentos and multidisciplinary optics, incorporating respostas aha series of conditions and variables increasingly complex and confusing. Complementará or desenrolo programmatic das asignaturas da area de Proxectos Arquitectónicos. A17

Topic Sub-topic
1. ARCHITECTURE FOR LARGE SCALES 1.1 Territory and planning.

1.2 Landscape and infrastructures.

1.3 Underground architectures.

1.4 Language and dimension in architecture.

1.5 Building in height: the skyscraper.
2.THE COMPLEX FUNCTION. SPECIFIC PROGRAMS 2.1 Architectures for transportation.

2.2 Health and care architecture.

2.3 Spaces for work.

2.4 Architectures for the industry.

2.5 Architectures for large events.

3.2 The new sciences of complexity.

3.3 Non-linear dynamics, chaos theory and self-organized systems.

3.4 Parametric design.

3.5 Architectures and virtual worlds.
4. ARCHITECTURES IN COMPLEX ENVIRONMENTS 4.1 Architecture in extreme conditions.

4.2 Nomad architecture

4.3 Architecture and identity.

4.4 Architectures in the peripheries.
5. TOOLS AND MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS OF THE COMPLEX PROJECT 5.1 Management of multidisciplinary teams

5.2 Platforms and project management environments

5.3 Contracting and administrative processing

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Introductory activities 1 4 5
Guest lecture / keynote speech 6 0 6
Directed discussion 5 0 5
Field trip 4 0 4
Workshop 20 40 60
Student portfolio 10 12.5 22.5
Personalized attention 2 0 2
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Introductory activities Activities that are carried out before initiating any teaching-learning process in order to know the competences, interests and / or motivations that the student has for the achievement of the objectives that are to be achieved, linked to a training program. With it, it is intended to obtain relevant information that allows articulating teaching to favor effective and meaningful learning, based on previous knowledge.
Guest lecture / keynote speech Oral presentation, complemented by the use of audiovisual media and the introduction of some questions addressed to students, in order to transmit knowledge and facilitate learning. The magisterial session is also known as a lecture, expository method or lecture. This last modality is usually reserved to a special type of lesson given by a teacher on special occasions, with a content that supposes an original elaboration and based on the almost exclusive use of the word as a way of transmitting the information to the audience.
Directed discussion Group dynamics technique in which the members of a group discuss freely, informally and spontaneously on a topic, although they can be coordinated by a moderator.
Field trip The field exit, understood as a strategy that consciously brings the individual closer to reality, is a valuable teaching and learning opportunity for students, by enhancing the observation process, gathering information, interpreting, posing conjectures. , explanations and projections that allow them to interpret their social environment and cultural context.
Workshop Project Workshop: Training mode oriented to the application of learning in which knowledge of various subjects is introduced, always around an architectural project, where different methodologies / tests can be combined (exhibitions, simulations, debates, problem solving, practicals guided, etc.) through which students develop practical tasks on a specific topic, with the support and supervision of the teaching staff of the subjects involved.
Student portfolio The final result of the work done in the subject will be reflected in the student's personal and physical digital portfolios, physically available on paper and accessible through the computer tool for teaching Moodle.

The results are evaluated, but through a tutored and guided teaching process, where the personal effort and the intellectual evolution of the student should be reflected in the final documentation.

Personalized attention
Directed discussion
Student portfolio
The student receives personalized attention regarding the work they are developing in the subject and in the Workshop, through the teacher or teachers of the group to which they have been assigned. In the Workshop, in addition, you will have the possibility to comment and obtain critical reviews by the other groups, in order to contrast opinions and criteria to confront them with your own.

The student's portfolio (see step 5. -Final student work-) will be subject to personalized reviews, to observe its evolution and verify its authorship.

Teaching to students of mobility programs will be adapted to pedagogical conditions and special supervised work, as well as assessment tests and exams.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Workshop Methodology designed to promote learning - both autonomous and collaborative - of students, under the tutelage of the teacher and in varied scenarios (academic, professional and competitive). It is referred primarily to the learning of "how to do things". It is an option based on the assumption by students of the responsibility of their own learning. 50
Student portfolio The final result of the work carried out in the subject will be reflected in the student's personal portfolio, available and accessible through the Moodle teaching platform.

The results are evaluated, but through a tutored and guided teaching process, where the personal effort and the intellectual evolution of the student should be reflected in the final documentation.

Assessment comments

To pass the subject in the June opportunity it will be necessary:

-Have a minimum attendance 80% and correction of the classes with active participation in both the joint and individual revision classes of the works. (Minimum correction will be necessary for the satisfactory development of the exercise / s.)

- Deliver the work in time and form (in accordance with the subject's calendar) and obtain a minimum grade of 4 in each exercise, and an average of 5.

To pass the subject in the July opportunity it will be necessary:

- Have minimum attendance / correction of the classes with active participation in both the joint and individual revision classes of the works.

- Deliver on time and form the work during the course. Proceed to the modification during the months of June-July if the rating does not exceed 4 in each exercise, and an average of 5.

- Make those partial or global corrections of the exercise / s for its satisfactory development.

Sources of information


Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
Architectural Design 5/630G02021
Architectural Design 4/630G02016
Architectural Design 2/630G02006
Architectural Design 3/630G02011
Architectural Design 7/630G02031
Architectural Design 1/630G02001
Architectural Design 6/630G02026

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously
Architectural Design 9/630G02041
Architectural Design 8/630G02036

Subjects that continue the syllabus
Final Degree Work/630G02059

Other comments

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.