Identifying Data 2021/22
Subject (*) Management Control Ship Cargo Operations Code 631510207
Study programme
Mestrado Universitario en Náutica e Transporte Marítimo
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Official Master's Degree 2nd four-month period
First Obligatory 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Ciencias da Navegación e Enxeñaría Mariña
Louzan Lago, Felipe
Louzan Lago, Felipe
General description Capacitar aos alumnos en todo o relacionado coa xestión, planificación, control e transporte de cargas líquidas, cargas sólidas a granel e transporte de mercadorías perigosas
Contingency plan 1. Modificacións nos contidos
Non se modifican
2. Metodoloxías
*Metodoloxías docentes que se manteñen
- Sesión maxistral
- Estudo de casos (problemas, exercicios e/ou traballos tutelados)

*Metodoloxías docentes que se modifican
-Todas as metodoloxías citadas previamente serán levadas a cabo de forma telemática (Teams) co apoio de Moodle para a entrega dos problemas, exercicios e traballos tutelados.
3. Mecanismos de atención personalizada ao alumnado
-Correo electrónico: Diariamente. De uso para facer consultas, solicitar encontros virtuais, para resolver dubidas e facer o seguimento dos exercicios tutelados.
- Moodle: A través de foros.
- Teams: Sesións en gran grupo e grupos medianos e reducidos para o avance dos contidos teóricos-prácticos na franxa horaria que ten asignada a materia no calendario oficial da Escola.

4. Modificacións na avaliación
A avaliación continua (pre-final) faráse de forma telemática. a avaliación da 1ª e 2ª oportunidade faranse de forma telemática, con dúas partes claramente diferenciadas, teoría e problemas, e cunha valoración que irá de 0-100%.
A parte teórica avaliaráse mediante un exame tipo test por Moodle.

*Observacións de avaliación:
Modifícase a nota mínima imprescindible para facer media aritmética entre as dúas partes (teoría e problemas), que pasa de 5.0 puntos a 4.0 puntos nalguna das partes. En calquer caso, a nota media debe ser, como mínimo, 5.0 puntos.
O alumnado debe gardar e custodiar os exames manuscritos no seu poder.
O profesorado manterá conexión co alumnado vía Teams durante o exame para aclarar calquer dúbida, e ten a posibilidade tamén de preguntar ou solicitar a conexión da cámara do alumno en calquer momento.

5. Modificacións da bibliografía ou webgrafía
Non se modifica

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A12 Capacidade para planificar e garantir o embarco, estiba e suxeción da carga, e o seu coidado durante a viaxe e o desembarco.
A13 Capacidade para a avaliación das avarías e defectos notificados, nos espazos de carga, as tapas de escotilla e os tanques de lastre, e adoptar as medidas oportunas.
A14 Capacidade para o transporte de mercadorías perigosas.
A15 Capacidade para controlar o asento, a estabilidade e os esforzos.
A20 Capacidade para organizar e administrar a atención médica a bordo.
B2 Capacidade para resolver problemas de forma efectiva.
B5 Capacidade para traballar de forma efectiva nunha contorna de traballo.
B11 Capacidade para organizar, planificar e resolver problemas relativos ao departamento de navegación
B12 CB6 -Posuír e comprender coñecementos que aporten unha base ou oportunidade de ser originais no desenvolvemento e/ou aplicación de ideas, a miúdo nun contexto de investigación
B13 CB7-Que os estudantes saiban aplicar os coñecementos adquiridos e a súa capacidade de resolución de problemas en contornas novas ou pouco coñecidas dentro de contextos máis amplas (ou multidisciplinares) relacionados coa súa área de estudo
C2 Capacidade para dominar a expresión e a comprensión de forma oral e escrita nun idioma estranxeiro
C6 Capacidade para valorar criticamente o coñecemento, a tecnoloxía e a información dispoñible para resolver os problemas cos que deben enfrontarse.
C10 C10-Capacidade para aplicar os coñecementos adquiridos e a súa capacidade de resolución de problemas en contornas novas ou pouco coñecidas dentro de contextos máis amplos (ou multidisciplinares) relacionados coa súa área de estudo

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
Planning and control of preparation of cargo spaces, loading and unloading operations, stowage and transport of solid cargos in bulk AJ12
Planning and control of loading and unloading operations, inerting, water washig and crude oil washing of cargo tanks and discharge of oily residues. AJ12
To know the properties and dangers of dangerous goods (IMDG Code) and actions to take in case of an emergency AJ12
Capacity to detect damages in the cargo spaces, ballast tanks, hatches and other structural damages and to do damage reports. AJ12
Capacity to do and design cargo lashing plans in order to avoid damages and/or accidents AJ12
Apply the international Conventions in force, Codes, resolutions and other international guides to carry out all the operations, related with the cargo, in a safe way AJ12
A thorough knowledge* of the use and contents of the Medical First Aid Guide for Use in Accidents Involving Dangerous Goods. AJ20

Topic Sub-topic
Calculations on board: American System, metric System and imperial or British System
Process of the measurement of the cargo on a oil tanker
Methods of taking ullages or soundings
Measurement equipment: manual equipment, electronic equipment (PEGD), automatic equipment.
High-level alarms and overflow systems
Methods of calculation of the quantity on board (OBQ) and remain on board edge (ROB): Liquid Material, Non-liquid material
Wedge formulae
Sounding and sampling in non-inerted tanks
Cargo Calculation in chemical tankers
Chap. 2. LIQUEFIED GASES CARGO CALCULATION Cargo calculations: introduction
Definitions and concepts: Ideal gas laws, Saturated Vapour Pressure, Physical properties of gas mixtures, Vapour pressure of gas mixtures, Temperature, Presssure, Heat
Measurement of cargo tank volumes. Measurement of densities.
Empirical calculation of the density of liquefied gas mixtures at a given temperature
Cargo Tank filling limits
Calculation procedures: Using standard temperature at 15ºC and using density tables
Determination of liquid LPG required for gassing up operations.
Determination of the Saturated Vapour Pressure of a mixture of gases at a given temperature.
Determination of atmosphere changes of a cargo tank and the rquired nitrogen or inert gas volume.
Properties of a LPG in saturated conditions
Structure of the Dangerous Goods List
Clasification of Dangerous Goods: Class 1 to Class 9.
Identification of dangerous goods
Marking and placarding
Chap. 4. OIL TANKER OPERATIONS Types of crude oils
Crude oil properties
Flammability classification of petroleum
Tank washing plan
Tank washing machines
Tank washing with water
Ballasting and deballasting cargo tanks
Slop tank operations
Purging and gas freeing
Pumproom operations
Washing of cargo lines and pumps
Maintenance in cargo tanks and cargo tank deck areas
Voyage orders and cargo instructions
Loading Plan
The loading operation
Loading static accumulators oils
Load On Top
Maximum loading rate
Cargo tank venting during loading
Voc management plan and control technology
The loaded passage
The Discharge plan
What is COW?
COW methods
COW supply methods
Precautions when implementing the COW Plan
Discharge operations
Stripping systems
Contingencies and emergencies
Chap. 5. STOWAGE AND PLANNING OF SOLID BULK CARGOES TRANSPORT Solid bulk cargoes transport regulations
Cargoes which may liquefy
Materials possessing chemical hazards
Trimming procedures
Cleaning and preparation of cargo holds
Procedures beforre arrival to the loading port
Operations at the loading port
Operations at the discharge port
Ship-shore safety checklists
Potential problems during cargo operations
Cargo distribution
Additional measures for bulk carriers
Structural limitations to consider when preparing a loading plan in a bulk carrier
Stowage planification of heavy density cargoes as iron ore or mineral concentrates
Cargo calculation
Segregation of different products in the same hold
Fumigation of ships and their cargo
The Silver Nitrate test
Chap. 6. CARGO CALCULATIONS Resolution of cargo exercises related with the programme: Cargo calculations in oil, chemical and LPG tankers; Cargo calculations in bulk carriers and combination carriers.
Stowage a securing of cargo on board as required by the CSS Code.
Knowledge of and ability to apply relevant international
regulations, codes and standards concerning the safe
handling, stowage, securing and transport of cargoes
Knowledge of the effect on trim and stability of cargoes
and cargo operations Use of stability and trim diagrams and stress-calculating equipment, including automatic data-based (ADB) equipment, and knowledge of loading cargoes and
ballasting in order to keephull stress within acceptable

Stowage and securing of cargoes on board ships, including cargo-handling gear and securing and lashing equipment
Loading and unloading operations, with special
regard to the transport of cargoes identified in the Code
of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing

General knowledge of tankers and tanker operations
Knowledge of the operational and design limitations of bulk
carriers Ability to use all available shipboard data related to
loading, care and unloading of bulk cargoes.
Ability to establish procedures for safe cargo handling in
accordance with the provisions of the relevant instruments
such as IMDG Code, IMSBC Code, MARPOL 73/78 Annexes III and V and other relevant information
Ability to explain the basic principles for establishing
effective communications and improving working relationship between ship and terminal personnel.
Knowledge of the limitations on strength of the vital constructional parts of a standard bulk carrier and ability to interpret given figures for bending moments and shear forces

Ability to explain how to avoid the detrimental effects
on bulk carriers of corrosion, fatigue and inadequate cargo

International regulations, standards, codes and recommendations on the carriage of dangerous cargoes, including the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG)
Code and the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes
(IMSBC) Code
Carriage of dangerous, hazardous and harmful cargoes; precautions during loading and unloading and care during the voyage.
A thorough knowledge of the use and contents of the
Medical First Aid Guide for Use in Accidents Involving Dangerous Goods.
Conocimiento cabal del contenido y de la manera de utilizar la guía de primeros auxilios para uso en caso de accidentes relacionados con mercancías peligrosas

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Introductory activities B11 1 0 1
Guest lecture / keynote speech A12 A13 A14 A15 A20 B2 25 37.5 62.5
Case study A12 A13 A14 A15 B2 B5 B11 B13 C6 25 37.5 62.5
Objective test A12 A13 A14 A15 A20 B2 6 6 12
Summary B12 C2 C10 6 0 6
Personalized attention 6 0 6
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Introductory activities The first class will be dedicated to the presentation of the subject to the students.
Guest lecture / keynote speech General lectures of the different chapters the subject will be given. The student will have at his disposition bibliographic material and notes elaborated by the professor of the differents themes of the subjets for every lecture. The participation of the students will be promoted through comments related to the theoretical content and with experiences of the real life.
Case study
Application of the theory learnt in the lectures and resolution of practical exercises.
Objective test The objective test will consist in a series of conceptual short questionsl, whose number will vary between 10 and 20, and the resolution of two practical exercises. The content of the questions will be similar to those given in the lectures and the practical exercises will be also similar to those resolved in the classroom. The student will have at his disposal sufficient material for the study of the theory and for the practical exercises. It may be possible to do partial tests of the theoretical part and of the practical exercises, and finally a joint final test of the complete subject.
Summary Before each partial test and also before the final examination a general resumed lecture of the main contents exposed will be given. The intention is to help the student to understand the subject in a global way and to resolve those aspects that could give place to confusion or that were not assimilated properly.

Personalized attention
Case study
Further to the tutorship hours established for all the students of the subject, 6 addittional hours of customized tutorship are established to support and motivate those students that will require it.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Guest lecture / keynote speech A12 A13 A14 A15 A20 B2 The students will have the option to approve the subject during the term course providing always that he assisted to a least an 80% of the lectures in the classroom. The assistance to the lectures and the participation of the student, the resolution of the practical exercises and the continuous evaluation of the Professor may increse the final qualification with a 10%. Competencies: A12, A13, A14 and A15 5
Objective test A12 A13 A14 A15 A20 B2 The final qualification will be the average of the qualifications achieved in the partial tests and/or the final test. To surpass the subject is will necessary to obtain a 50% of weight in each part of the evaluation (Theoretical part (50%)and resolution of the practical exercises (50%).
Competencies: A12, A13, A14, A15 & A20.
Case study A12 A13 A14 A15 B2 B5 B11 B13 C6 The resolution of the practical exercises in the classroom may increase the final qualification with an additional 10%. Competencies A12,A13, A14 and A15. 5
Assessment comments

Same criteria will be applied in the first and second opportunity (May and July)

Los criterios de evaluación contemplados en el cuadro A-II/2 del Código STCW, y recogido en el Sistema de Garantía de Calidad, se tendrán en cuenta a la hora de diseñar y realizar la evaluación.

 Assessment criteria as included in the STCW Code Table A-II/2 and included in the Quality Guarantee System, to be applied when evaluating competence.

Sources of information
  1. Notes from the Professor “Management & Control of Ship Cargo Operations, 2014
  2. Estiba de Cargas Sólidas, F. Louzán. Cartamar, A Coruña, 2016.
  3. Manual de buques petroleros. F. Louzán, Cartamar, A Coruña, 2020
  4. Código internacional para la construcción y el equipo de buques que transportes gases licuados a granel. OMI. (IGC Code)
  5. Código IMDG, IMO 2016. (IMDG Code)
  6. Código IMSBC, IMO 2013. (IMSBC Code)
  7. Código de prácticas de seguridad para la estiba y sujeción de la carga. IMO 2011. (CSS Code 2011)
  8. Código BLU: Código de prácticas de seguridad de las operaciones de carga y descarga de graneleros. IMO 2011. (BLU Code 2011)
  9. Código internacional para el transporte sin riesgo de grano a granel. IMO 1991. (Grain Code)
  10. Código de prácticas de seguridad para buques que transporten cubertadas de madera, IMO 1992. (Timber Deck Cargoes Code, 1992)
  11. Código de prácticas de seguridad para buques que transporten cubertadas de madera, IMO 2011. (Timber Deck Cargoes Code, 2011)
  12. Manual de estiba de mercancías sólidas. Ricardo González Blanco, Ediciones UPC 2006
  13. Tratado de estiba. Capt. J.B.Costa, Tercera edición, 2008.
  14. Cargo work. David J. House, Seventh edition, 2007.
  15. Thomas Stowage: The properties and stowage of cargoes, 5th edition. Brown, Son & Ferguson, Ltd. 2008.
  16. Tanker operations: A handbook for the Person-in-Charge, 4th edition. Mark Huber, Cornell Maritime Press, 2001.
  17. Liquefied gas handling principles on ships and in terminals, 3rd edition, McGuire and White, Witherby & Co Ltd. 2000.
  18. Bulk Carrier Practice, 2nd edition. Captain Jack Isbester. The Nautical Institute, London 2010.
  19. Bulk Carrier Notes. Abdul Khalique. Witherby Seamanship International, 2010.
  20. Cargo Notes. Dhananjay Swadi. Witherby Seamanship International, 2005.
  21. EL Bulk-carrier en la práctica. José Antonio Bustabad Rey. Urmo S.A. de Ediciones, Bilbao, 1980.
  22. Crude Oil Tanker Basics: The theory and practice of crude oil cargo operations. Captain Paul Armitage. Witherby Seamanship International, 2009.
  23. Stability, Trim and Strength for Merchant Ships and Fishing Vessels, second edition. Ian Clark. The Nautical Institute, 2006.
  24. Shipboard Petroleum Surveys: A Guide to Good Practice, second edition. Anthony Severn, North of England  P&I Association, London 2009.
  25. Liquified Petroleum Gas Tanker Practice. Captain T.W.V. Woolcott. Brown, Son & Ferguson, Ltd., Glasgow 1977.
  26. Quantity Calculations LPG and Chemical Gases. D Beernaert, SIGTTO (The Society of International Gas Tanker and Terminal Operators) 1997.
  27. A Guide to Crude Oil Washing and Cargo Heating Criteria. INTERTANKO 2004.
  28. ISGOTT, International Safety Guide for Oil Tanker and Terminals, fifth edition. ICS, OCIMF & IAPH, Witherby & Co. Ltd., London 2006.
  29. Tanker Safety Guide: Liquefied Gas, second edition. International Chamber of Shipping, London 1995

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus

Other comments

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.