Identifying Data 2021/22
Subject (*) Foreign Language Teaching Code 652G02032
Study programme
Grao en Educación Primaria
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 2nd four-month period
Third Obligatory 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Didácticas Específicas e Métodos de Investigación e Diagnóstico en Educación
Pedagoxía e Didáctica
Galán Rodríguez, Noelia María
Galán Rodríguez, Noelia María
General description Nesta materia introdúcense conceptos fundamentais na área da Didáctica da Lingua Estranxeira en Educación Primaria orientando o proceso de ensino e aprendizaxe dende unha perspectiva crítica e reflexiva. Realizarase un achegamento á DLE prestando especial atención á competencia comunicativa e as catro destrezas da lingua. Do mesmo modo, formularase unha revisión dos conceptos fundamentais do uso da lingua inglesa que servirán como ferramenta para o estudante, non só para abordar os contidos propios desta materia, senón tamén para o seu futuro como docentes nun espazo europeo plurilingüe.
Contingency plan
1. Modificacións nos contidos
Non hai modificacións

2. Metodoloxías
*Metodoloxías docentes que se manteñen, pero modifícanse adaptadas á docencia remota: As metodoloxías docentes son as mesmas. Ao tratarse dunha materias obrigatoria con matrícula que excede a capacidade recomendada nas aulas incorporarase o modelo híbrido, segundo o MODELO DOCENTE DA FACULTADE DE CC DA EDUCACIÓN PARA O CURSO 21/22 POR MOR DA COVID-19 (Aprobado pola Xunta de Facultade o 15 de xullo de 2021). Polo tanto, ademais do modelo presencial, utilizaranse medios telemáticos (Teams, Stream, Moodle).

3. Mecanismos de atención personalizada ao alumnado
As tutorías realízanse virtualmente por correo UDC, teléfono desviado, moodle e TEAMS.

4. Modificaciones na avaliación
*Observacións de avaliación:
- I.1. Uso da Lingua Inglesa. 1.5 puntos.
- I.2. Didáctica da LE. 3 puntos.
- I.3. Comprensión e expresión escrita. 1 punto.
- I.4. Traballo individual ou grupal. 2.5 puntos.
- I.5. Presentación oral. 1 punto.
- I.6. Portafolio. 1 punto.

5. Modificacións da bibliografía ou webgrafía

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A43 Comprender os principios básicos das ciencias da linguaxe e a comunicación.
A44 Adquirir formación literaria e coñecer a literatura infantil.
A45 Coñecer o currículo escolar das linguas e a literatura.
A46 Falar, ler e escribir correcta e adecuadamente nas linguas oficiais da Comunidade Autónoma.
A47 Coñecer o proceso de aprendizaxe da linguaxe escrita e o seu ensino.
A48 Fomentar a lectura e animar a escribir.
A49 Coñecer as dificultades para a aprendizaxe das linguas oficiais de estudantes de outras linguas.
A50 Afrontar situacións de aprendizaxe de linguas en contextos multilingües.
A51 Expresarse, oralmente e por escrito nunha lingua estranxeira.
A52 Desenvolver e avaliar contidos do currículo mediante recursos didácticos apropiados e promover as competencias correspondentes aos estudantes.
B5 Traballar de forma colaborativa.
B7 Comunicarse de maneira efectiva nun contorno de traballo.
B8 Capacidade para elaborar discursos coherentes e organizados loxicamente.
B9 Capacidade para expoñer as ideas elaboradas, de forma oral e na escrita.
B10 Capacidade de expresión oral e escrita en varias linguas (a lo menos nunha lingua estranxeira).
B11 Capacidade de comprensión dos distintos códigos audiovisuais e multimedia e manexo das ferramentas informáticas.
B13 Lectura e interpretación de imaxes.
B15 Capacidade para utilizar diversas fontes de información, seleccionar, analizar, sintetizar e extraer ideas importantes e xestionar a información.
B22 CB2 - Que os estudantes saiban aplicar os seus coñecementos ao seu traballo ou vocación dunha forma profesional e posúan as competencias que adoitan demostrarse por medio da elaboración e defensa de argumentos e a resolución de problemas dentro da súa área de estudo
B23 CB3 - Que os estudantes teñan a capacidade de reunir e interpretar datos relevantes (normalmente dentro da súa área de estudo) para emitir xuízos que inclúan unha reflexión sobre temas relevantes de índole social, científica ou ética
B24 CB4 - Que os estudantes poidan transmitir información, ideas, problemas e solucións a un público tanto especializado como non especializado
B25 CB5 - Que os estudantes desenvolvesen aquelas habilidades de aprendizaxe necesarias para emprender estudos posteriores cun alto grao de autonomía
C1 Expresarse correctamente, tanto de forma oral coma escrita, nas linguas oficiais da comunidade autónoma.
C2 Dominar a expresión e a comprensión de forma oral e escrita dun idioma estranxeiro.
C3 Utilizar as ferramentas básicas das tecnoloxías da información e as comunicacións (TIC) necesarias para o exercicio da súa profesión e para a aprendizaxe ao longo da súa vida.
C7 Asumir como profesional e cidadán a importancia da aprendizaxe ao longo da vida.
C8 Valorar a importancia que ten a investigación, a innovación e o desenvolvemento tecnolóxico no avance socioeconómico e cultural da sociedade.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
Face language learning situations in multilingual contexts A46
Express themselves in a foreign language both orally and in written format. A50
Develop and assess the curriculum thorough appropriate didactic resources and boost competence learning in students. A43

Topic Sub-topic
1. Teaching and Learning EFL. - Models and guidelines for acquiring Foreign Languages.
- Communicative contents in Foreign Languages.
- Elements of the teaching and learning process of Foreign Languages.
- Methodologies for teaching and learning Foreign Languages.
- Spoken expression and comprehension in Foreign Languages.
- Written expression and comprehension in Foreign Languages.
- Didactic resources and proposals for communication.
- European policies´ analysis concerning acquiring Foreign Languages: Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Language Portfolio.
- Syllabus for Foreign Languages in Primary Education.
- Cross-curricular projects in Primary Education.
2. Use of English. - Use of English contents according to B1/B2 level CEFR

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Guest lecture / keynote speech A43 A44 A45 A49 A51 A52 B10 C2 C8 24 20 44
Oral presentation A51 B8 B9 B10 B11 B22 B24 C2 C3 4.5 10 14.5
Mixed objective/subjective test A47 A51 B10 B23 B25 C2 C7 1.5 25 26.5
Collaborative learning A46 A50 A52 B5 B7 B11 B22 C1 C2 C3 12 18 30
Document analysis A48 A46 B13 B15 0 23 23
Student portfolio A48 A51 B9 B10 C2 0 10 10
Personalized attention 2 0 2
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech Oral presentation complemented with the use of audiovisual media and the introduction of some questions addressed to the students, in order to transmit knowledge and facilitate learning.
The guest lecture is also known as lecture, exposition method or keynote speech. This last modality is usually reserved for a special type of lesson taught by a teacher on special occasions, with some original content and based on the almost exclusive use of the word as a means of transmission of the information to the audience.
Oral presentation Inherent intervention to the teaching-learning processes based on verbal exposure through which the
students and teachers interact in an orderly way, posing questions, making clarifications and exposing
topics, works, concepts, facts or principles in a dynamic way.
Mixed objective/subjective test Test that integrates open-ended questions and objetive questions.
Concerning the open-ended questions, this are questions in which students have to explain. Concerning objective questions, there could be multiple choice, put-in-order, short answer, yes/no, fill-in-the-gaps, or association questions.
Collaborative learning Set of teaching-learning procedures guided in person and/or supported with ICT, which are based on the organization of the class into small groups in which the students work together in solving tasks assigned by teachers to optimize their own learning and that of the other members of the group.
Document analysis Methodological technique that involves the use of audiovisual and/or bibliographic documents (fragments of reports, documentaries or films, current news, graphic panels, photographs, biographies, articles, legislative texts, etc.) which are relevant to the subject matter with activities specifically designed for their analysis. It
can be used as a general introduction to a topic, as a case study application tool, for the explanation of processes that cannot be observed directly, for the presentation of complex situations or as synthesis of theoretical or practical content.
Student portfolio It is a folder divided by identified or labeled sections, which contains the records or materials product of the learning activities carried out by the student in a period of time, with the comments and grades assigned by the teacher, which allows to visualize the student's progress. The portfolio includes everything the student does, such as: class notes, research papers, work guides and their development, comments, summaries, written tests, self-assessment tasks, completed tasks, comments on the student's progress made by the teacher, etc.

Personalized attention
Oral presentation
Student portfolio
Collaborative learning
Both the oral presentations as well as the tasks carried out throughout the course (portfolio included) could lead to personalised attention during office hours.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Oral presentation A51 B8 B9 B10 B11 B22 B24 C2 C3 Inherent intervention to the teaching-learning processes based on verbal exposure through which the students and teachers interact in an orderly way, posing questions, making clarifications and exposing topics, works, concepts, facts or principles in a dynamic way. 10
Student portfolio A48 A51 B9 B10 C2 It is a folder divided by identified or labeled sections, which contains the records or materials product of the learning activities carried out by the student in a period of time, with the comments and grades assigned by the teacher, which allows to visualize the student's progress. The portfolio includes everything the student does, such as: class notes, research papers, work guides and their development, comments, summaries, written tests, self-assessment tasks, completed tasks, comments on the student's progress made by the teacher, etc. 5
Mixed objective/subjective test A47 A51 B10 B23 B25 C2 C7 Test that integrates open-ended questions and objetive questions.
Concerning the open-ended questions, this are questions in which students have to explain. Concerning objective questions, there could be multiple choice, put-in-order, short answer, yes/no, fill-in-the-gaps, or association questions.
Collaborative learning A46 A50 A52 B5 B7 B11 B22 C1 C2 C3 Set of teaching-learning procedures guided in person and/or supported with ICT, which are based on the organization of the class into small groups in which the students work together in solving tasks assigned by teachers to optimize their own learning and that of the other members of the group. 25
Assessment comments

Assessment criteria for students that attend the lessons regularly

In order to pass the course in the June opportunity, students must attend at least 80% of the face-to-face lessons. If they do not, they will have to go straight to the July opportunity.

Their assessment will follow the following assessment criteria and tools:

Assessment criteria: Verification of compliance with the set objectives - Assimilation of theoretical and practical content. -Assessment of the work carried out during the course, both collaborative and individual works.

Assessment tools: - I.1. Use of English. 1.5 points.- I.2. Didactics of the LE. 3 points.- I.3. Comprehension and written expression. 1.5 point.- I.4. Individual or group work. 2.5 points.- I.5. Oral presentation. 1 point.- I.6. Portfolio (optional). 0.5 points.

The assessment of items I.1, I.2 e I.3 will be carried out in the official data of the academic calendar and will be done individually. The aassessment of items I.4, I.5 will be carried out in the set date from the course calendar at the beginning of the semester and can be carried out individually or groups (no more than 5 students per group). The assessment of item I.6 is optional and is to be done individually. This portfolio has activities, tasks and exercises done in the classroom (both orally and in written format) in which soem critical reflection is to be added in regard to its practical use in Primary Education. Items 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are mandatory to pass the course. It is necessary to get at least 5 out of 10 in the mixed objective/subjective test to pass the course. A failing mark means the repetition of all items in the next opportunity.

The July opportunity will follow the same criteria as the June opportunity.

Assessment criteria for students who do not attend the lessons regularly

1. Alumnado con dispensa académica/part-time student: "Norma que regula o réxime de dedicación ao estudo dos estudantes de grao na Universidade da Coruña" (aprobada en Consello de Goberno de 29 de maio de 2012), se le reconozca la condición de estudiante a tiempo parcial y solicite al Decano/a la correspondiente dispensa académica quedando eximido de la obligatoriedad de asistencia.

2. Repeat student.

Assessment criteria: Verification of compliance with the set objectives - Assimilation of theoretical and practical content. -Assessment of the work carried out during the course, both collaborative and individual works.

Assessment tools: A. Individual Part - I.1. Use of English. 2 points.- I.2. Didactics of the LE. 3 points.- I.3. Comprehension and written expression. 1.5 point. B. Task and oral presentation- I.4. Individual work. 2.5 points.- I.5. Oral presentation. 1 point.

The assessment of items I.1, I.2 e I.3 will be carried out in the official data of the academic calendar and will be done individually. The assessment of items I.4, I.5 will be set after talking to the teacher and is to be done individually. Items 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are mandatory to pass the course. It is necessary to get at least 5 out of 10 in the mixed objective/subjective test to pass the course. A failing mark means the repetition of all items in the next opportunity.

The July opportunity will follow the same criteria as the June opportunity.

Important: Plagiarism or any other form of academic dishonesty will result in a mark of '0' in the course in the corresponding opportunity, invalidating any mark obtained during all assessment activities for the 'extraordinaria' opportunity.

Sources of information



Murphy, R. (1994). English Grammar in Use (with answers). CUP. (Cualquier edición).


Beaumont, D. & Granger, C. (1989). The Heinemann English Grammar. Heinemann

Bernard, S. (1988). Vocabulary Builder 1 & 2. Longman.

Bolton, David & Goodey, Noel (1996): English Grammar in Steps (with answers). London. Richmond Publishing.

Eastwood, J. (1994). Oxford Practice Grammar (with answers). Oxford. Oxford University Press.

Harmer, J. & Rossner, R. (1991). More than Words. Longman.

McCarthy, M. & O´Dell, F. (1994). English Vocabulary in Use. CUP.

Rudzka, B. (et al) 1981. The Words you Need.  Macmillan.

Swan, M. (1995): Practical English Usage. Oxford. Oxford University Press.

Swan, M. & Walter, C. (1997). How English Works. OUP.

Watcyn-Jones, P. (1980). Test your Vocabulary 1 , 2, 3, 4 & 5 . Penguin.

Wellman, G. (1989). The Heinemann English Wordbuilder. Heinemann.






PASSWORD, 1980. Ed.SM.



Asher, J. 1981. Learning Another Language Trhough Actions: The Complete Teacher's Guidebook, Sky Oaks Productions, Los Gatos (California).

Byrne, D. (1990): Teaching oral English. England. Longman.

Brumfit, Ch.(Ed.). (1992): Teaching English to Children, Collins ELT.

Doff, A. (1988): Teach English: a training course for teachers: teacher's workbook. Cambridge. Cambridge UniversityPress. (1994 impr).

Ellis, R. (1994): The Study of Second Language Acquisition. Oxford: OUP.

Genesee, F. (1994): Educating second language children: the whole child, the whole curriculum, the whole community.Cambridge [England] New York. Cambridge University Pres.

Harmer, J. (1991): The Practice of English Language Teaching, Longman.

Kennedy, Ch. & Jarvis, J.1991. Ideas and Issues in Primary ELT, Nelson.

Larsen-Freeman, D. 1986. Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching, OUP.

Lazar, G. (1993): Literature and language teaching: a guide for teachers and trainers. Cambridge. Cambridge UniversityPress.

Lee, W. R. (1979): Language teaching games and contests. W. R. Lee. (2d ed.) Oxford - New York. Oxford UniversityPress.

López de Parra, L., Córdoba Beltrán, M. A., Segura Castro, M. H. y Polanía Muñoz, J. T. (2017). Desarrollo investigativo en didáctica de la lengua y la literatura (2010-2015). Actualidades Pedagógicas, (69), 49-79. doi:

Nunan, D. (2000): Language teaching methodology : a textbook for teachers. Edinburgh (UK) Longman.

Parrott, M. (1993): Tasks for language teachers: a resource book for training and development. Cambridge. CambridgeUniversity Press.

Richards, Jack C. (1994): Reflective teaching in second language classrooms. Jack C. Richards, Charles Lockhart.Cambridge [England] New York, NY, USA. Cambridge University Press.

Richards, Jack C. (2001): Approaches and methods in language teaching: a description and analysis. Jack C. Richards, and Theodore S. Rodgers. (2nd ed.). Cambridge. Cambridge University Press.

Sevillano García Mª L. y Martín-Molero, F. (1993): Estrategias metodológicas en la formación del profesorado. 1ª ed.Madrid. UNED.

Solano-Flores, G. (2017): Assessing English Language Learners. Routledge.

Spratt, M. (1994): English for teachers: a language development course. Cambridge. England. New York. CambridgeUniversity Press.

Ur, P. (1996): A course in language teaching: practice and theory. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press.

Vez Jeremías, J. M. (2000): Fundamentos lingüísticos en la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras. Barcelona. Ariel.

Vince, M. (2001): Elementary language practice for spanish students. Oxford Macmillan.

Wallace, M. J. (1991): Training foreign language teachers: a reflective approach. Michael J. Wallace. Cambridge [England]New York. Cambridge University Press.

Zanón Gómez, J. (1993): Claves para la enseñanza de la lengua extranjera. Madrid. Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia D.L.


Bibliografía Específica


ELLIS, G. & BREWSTER, J. 1991. The Storytelling Handbook, Penguin.

JUNIOR PUFFINS series: cuentos para niños. Penguin.


DAKIN, J. 1968. Songs and Rhymes for the Teaching of English, Longman.

DALE T. GRIFFEE, 1992. Songs in Action, Prentice Hall.

GRAHAM, C. 1978. Jazz Chants for Children, OUP.

MACMILLAN PUBLISHERS, 1981. My English Songbook with Rhymes, Macmillan.

MURPHEY,T.1992. Music & Song, OUP.


ASHWORTH & CLARK, 1992. Playground Games, Level 2. Collins ELT.

GRAHAM, C. 1992. The Chocolate Cake, Prentice Hall.

HADFIELD, J., (1984), Communication Games, London: Harrap.

JACKSON, P., (1988), Tricks and Games with Paper, London: Angus & Robertson.

OXLEY, C. 1993, Indoor and Outdoor Games, Scholastic.

RETTER, C. & VALLS, N. (1984), Bonanza: 77 English Language Games for

Young Learners, Longman.

RIXON, Shelagh, (1981), How to use Games in Language Teaching, Mcmillan.

RIXON, S., (1983), Fun and Games, Macmillan.


Web pages:

-Verbal tenses/ grammar grammar aquarium)

-English Grammar for Spanish

- Games

- Skimming exercises

-Scanning exercises


- Listening

- BBC the British Council

-Council of Europe. Common European Framework of Reference

-Ministerio de Educación. ELP (Portfolio)

- Unión Europea

- European Profile for LT Education


-Cambridge University Press

- Dictionary

-younger students

-classic short stories

-primary school (profesores de universidades españolas)

- Songs

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus

Other comments
In order to contribute to the development of the Green-Campus program for the delivery of works, it is recommended to eliminate the use of plastics, choose double-sided printing, use recycled paper and avoid printing drafts.

A sustainable use of resources and the prevention of negative impacts on the natural environment must be made.

The importance of ethical principles related to the values ??of sustainability in personal and professional behavior must be taken into account.

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.