Identifying Data 2022/23
Subject (*) Energy Resources Code 610500012
Study programme
Mestrado Universitario en Ciencias, Tecnoloxías e Xestión Ambiental (plan 2012)
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Official Master's Degree 2nd four-month period
First Optional 3
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Ciencias da Navegación e Enxeñaría Mariña
Física e Ciencias da Terra
Cabeza Gras, Oscar
Cabeza Gras, Oscar
Romero Gómez, Manuel
Señaris Rodriguez, Maria Antonia
General description Nesta materia explicase a actualidade da enerxía en tres bloques: 1. Fontes de enerxía tradicionais. 2. Fontes de enerxía renovables e límpias. 3. Tecnoloxías, aforro enerxético e desenvolvementos futuros.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A17 Coñecer a problemática asociada coa enerxía e as súas fontes, as tecnoloxías máis empregadas actualmente e as de futuro.
A18 Coñecer as implicacións económicas dos problemas ambientais, os instrumentos de política económica e os principais indicadores ambientais.
B2 Que os estudantes saiban aplicar os coñecementos adquiridos e a súa capacidade de resolución de problemas en contornas novas ou pouco coñecidos dentro de contextos máis amplos (ou multidisciplinares) relacionados coa súa área de estudo.
B3 Que os estudantes sexan capaces de integrar coñecementos e enfrontarse á complexidade de formular xuízos a partir dunha información que, sendo incompleta ou limitada, inclúa reflexións sobre as responsabilidades sociais e éticas vinculadas á aplicación dos seus coñecementos e suizos.
B4 Que os estudantes saiban comunicar as súas conclusións e os coñecementos e razóns últimas que as sustentan a públicos especializados e non especializados dun modo claro e sen ambigüedades.
B6 Ser capaz de analizar datos e situacións, xestionar a información dispoñible e sintetizala, todo iso a un nivel especializado.
B8 Comprender, a un nivel especializado, as consecuencias do comportamento humano na contorna ambiental.
C4 Expresarse correctamente, tanto de forma oral coma escrita, nas linguas oficiais da comunidade autónoma.
C6 Utilizar as ferramentas básicas das tecnoloxías da información e as comunicacións (TIC) necesarias para o exercicio da súa profesión e para a aprendizaxe ao longo da súa vida.
C7 Desenvolverse para o exercicio dunha cidadanía aberta, culta, crítica, comprometida, democrática e solidaria, capaz de analizar a realidade, diagnosticar problemas, formular e implantar solucións baseadas no coñecemento e orientadas ao ben común.
C9 Valorar criticamente o coñecemento, a tecnoloxía e a información dispoñible para resolver os problemas cos que deben enfrontarse.
C10 Asumir como profesional e cidadán a importancia da aprendizaxe ao longo da vida.
C11 Valorar a importancia que ten a investigación, a innovación e o desenvolvemento tecnolóxico no avance socioeconómico e cultural da sociedade.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
The past and present use of traditional energy sources will be analyzed. There will be different energy scenarios and the need for and possibility of developing energy infrastructures. The different energy markets and the current possibilities of saving energy will be analyzed. The most relevant aspects of the different renewable energies will be described, with an impact on the possibilities of savings and improvements in the energy efficiency they can produce. Finally, alternative energy technologies and their possible future development will be addressed AC17
Know the sources of clean and renewable energy: wind, solar photovoltaic, solar thermal, undimutrix, tidal and nuclear fusion. It analyzes the current state of the subject and its evolution, as well as its future perspectives. The study documents are renewed annually. AC17
Energy saving and management. New systems under study for the storage and generation of energy. BC2

Topic Sub-topic
Part I:
Traditional Energy Sources:

Energy. Means. Transport, storage and distribution. Energy transformations. Power plants: Coal. Petroleum. Natural gas. Hydroelectric.
Part II:
Energy scenarios. Introduction to renovable energies
Coverage of primary and final energy demand. Wind power. High temperature solar and photovoltaic energy. Solar panels. Energy from the sea (tidal and wave). State of technology and types of devices. Nuclear power by fusion. Projects and perspectives.
Part III:
Energy saving and improvement in its efficiency.
Alternative energy technologies and future developments.
Hydrogen and fuel cells, batteries, innovations in fossil fuels, ultracapacitors, solar energy through satellites, etc.

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Introductory activities A17 C4 C6 C7 C9 C10 C11 1 1 2
Guest lecture / keynote speech A18 B3 B4 B6 B8 9 18 27
Multiple-choice questions B2 B6 1 4 5
Seminar A18 B2 B6 C6 4 8 12
Case study A17 A18 B3 B6 C4 C7 C9 4 8 12
Supervised projects A17 A18 B2 B3 B4 B6 C4 C6 C9 2 14 16
Personalized attention 1 0 1
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Introductory activities Presentation of the different modules of the subject. Including the description of the Methodology, Program and Evaluation.
Guest lecture / keynote speech Detailed explanation of the different aspects of the program. Computer Presentations and Whiteboard will be used for this.
Multiple-choice questions Test type test on the contents explained in the lectures.
Seminar Solving numerical problems, case studies or open discussion on a particular topic.
Case study Experiments, calculations or procedures of treatment and analysis of data will be considered and developed, interpreting the results obtained.
Supervised projects Individualized or paired work on the content of the subject

Personalized attention
Case study
Supervised projects
The tutored work will be proposed by the teachers, so that the students can carry out their account, always having at their disposal to the Professor who will guide them in the bibliographical search, revise the work and clarifies dubbed calenda that can be presented.
A personalized attention is designed to clarify the student aspects contained in the subject, both in the maxistral session and in the seminars.
It is voluntary, but very advisable, to attend tutorials.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Case study A17 A18 B3 B6 C4 C7 C9 Quality in the realization of the different case studies presented. 20
Seminar A18 B2 B6 C6 Realization of the different talks demanded by the teacher (problems, discussiones criticisms...) 20
Supervised projects A17 A18 B2 B3 B4 B6 C4 C6 C9 Quality of the supervised projects proposed by the teacher 20
Multiple-choice questions B2 B6 Test exam about the different contents of the subject. 20
Guest lecture / keynote speech A18 B3 B4 B6 B8 Assistance and participation in the lectures. 20
Assessment comments

A minimum of assistence to keynote speechs (75%) is mandatory to be evaluated. If he/she do not assist that percentage will be evaluated as "Not Presented".The final qualification will be the average of that obtained in each of the three parts of the subject.

First Oportunity

-   All activities, works and/or written test will be evaluated. Student must pass each of the three parts with 5/10 to be qualificated.

Second Oportunity

-   Students must do all not passed activities/works and/or written test.

-  If the student do not assist the minimum written above, they must do, individually, all activities proposed of the subject.

Students with partial dedication of assistance exencion.

-   They must inform the teacher the first week of the saubject.

-   First oportunity, They must do, individually, all activities proposed and the written tests.

-   Second oportunity, they must repeat the not passed activities.

The fraudulent realization of the different test or activities for evaluation will imply the qualification of 0 in the corresponding call.

Sources of information
Basic Inega (varios). Balance Enerxético de Galicia . Santiago de Compostela
R.M. Mujal Rosas (2005). Fuentes de energía eléctrica. Barcelona
IDAE (2000). impactos ambientales de la producción eléctrica. Madrid
García Alonso e Iranzo. (´1989). La energía en la economía mundial y en España. Madrid. Editorial AC
IDAE (2004). Plan de Fomento de las Energías Renovables y Estrategia de Ahorro y Eficiencia Energética en España 2004-2012. Madrid
M. Kaltschmitt et al. (2007). Renowable energy: technology foundations, economical and enviromental aspects. Holanda

Complementary M. Perlado, G. Valverde (1984). La fusión nuclear. Principios y Tecnología. Madrid
J.M. Escudero López (2004). Manual de energía eólica.... Madrid
M. Alonso Abella (2005). Sistemas Fotovoltaicos. Introducción al diseño y dimensionado de instalaciones solares fotovoltaicas. Madrid
J. W. Tester, E.M. Drake, M.J. Driscoll, M. W. Golay, W. A. Peters (2005). Sustainable Energy: Choosing among options. Boston
R. Clare (1994). Tidal power, Trends and Developments. Londres

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus

Other comments

This subject is within the Green Campus Deal of the Science Faculty and many contents are directly connected with its point 8 objective: "To incorporate a environmental dimension in the research and teaching activities". 

Works asked to students for this subject must:

a. Be in virtual format majority.

b. If it were necessary to print them:

- Plastics will not be used.

- Prints in double face type.

- Usage of recycled paper.

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.