Identifying Data 2022/23
Subject (*) Critical Discourses and Canonization Processes Code 613584123
Study programme
Mestrado Universitario en Literatura, Cultura e Diversidade (plan 2016)
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Official Master's Degree 2nd four-month period
First Optional 3
Teaching method Hybrid
Department Letras
Lourido Hermida, Isaac
Lourido Hermida, Isaac
Web http://
General description Estudo dos principais elementos e discursos presentes na construción de comunidades culturais, así como dos medios, estratexias e procesos de construción e naturalización de ideas sobre a cultura, a arte e a propia comunidade no ámbito galego-portugués.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A1 Integrar os estudos literarios nun contexto cultural mais extenso que trascenda os límites dunha soa lingua e/ou nación, atendendo á diversidade cultural
A2 Ampliar o concepto de literatura, a través da súa relación coas TICS, os medios de comunicación, o cine, as artes, no marco da diversidade cultural
A3 Ser capaz de realizar aportacións creativas e orixinais no estudo comparatista dos textos literarios, dos productos artísticos e das realidades culturais
A5 Adquirir as habilidades necesarias para analizar e investigar os mecanismos dos procesos de comunicación
A8 Comprender os procesos históricos dos estudos literarios e culturais e os seus cambios de paradigma
A9 Aplicar as técnicas de análise cultural respetando os fundamentos ideolóxicos presentes en contextos diversos
A12 Ser capaz de desenvolver un enfoque orixinal e creativo na investigación avanzada no ámbito dos estudos literarios e culturais
A13 Aplicar unha perspectiva comparatista de carácter transnacional e plurilingüístico aos estudos literarios, artísticos e culturais
A14 Adquirir a capacidade de xestionar ferramentas e recursos de investigación aplicados no ámbito dos estudos literarios e culturais
B4 Utilizar as ferramentas básicas das tecnoloxías da información e as comunicacións(TIC) necesarias para o exercicio da súa profesión e para a aprendizaxe ao longo da vida
B5 Desenvolverse para o exercicio dunha cidadanía aberta, culta, crítica, comprometida, democrática e solidaria, capaz de analizar a realidade, diagnosticar problemas, formular e implantar solucións baseadas no coñecemento e orientadas ao ben común
B6 Valorar críticamente o coñecemento, a tecnoloxía e a información dispoñibles para resolver problemas cos que deben enfrontarse
B7 Asumir como profesional e cidadán a importancia da aprendizaxe
B8 Valorar a importancia que ten a investigación, a innovación e o desenvolvemento tecnolóxico no avance socioeconómico e cultural da sociedade
C2 Traballar de maneira interdisciplinar en entornos diversos
C3 Demostrar un compromiso ético coas desigualdades
C4 Promover o entendemento intercultural desde a comprensión da diversidade
C5 Integrar coñecementos de campos de estudos diversos
C6 Aplicar coñecementos e habilidades na resolución de problemas en entornos novos o non familiares en contextos interdisciplinares
C7 Desenvolver habilidades cognitivas avanzadas (capacidade de síntesise, análise e pensamento crítico) relacionadas co desenvolvemento e a creación dun perfil investigador
C8 Adquirir a capacidade de concebir e deseñar proxectos de investigación con rigor académico

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
Integrar os estudos literarios nun contexto intercultural máis extenso e que ultrapase os limites dunha única comunidade, atendendo nomeadamente á diversidade cultural do ámbito galego-portugués. AC1
Comprender os procesos históricos dos estudos literarios e culturais e os seus cambios de paradigma. AC8
Ser capaz de desenvolver un enfoque orixinal e creativo na investigación avanzada no ámbito dos estudos literarios e culturais. AR1
Aplicar as técnicas de análise cultural respectando os fundamentos ideolóxicos presentes en contextos diversos. AC9
Alargar o conceito de literatura e entendela en relación con outros campos culturais, utilizando ferramentas e tecnoloxías apropiadas para o seu estudo. AC2
Analisar e interpretar tanto textos como mecanismos e procesos de comunicación aplicando diferentes modelos teóricos e ferramentas de análise. AC5
Adquirir a capacidade de utilizar ferramentas, tecnoloxías e recursos de investigación interdisciplinares para a súa aplicación á resolución de problemas en entornos diversos no ámbito dos estudos literarios e culturais. BJ1
Aplicar unha perspectiva comparatista de carácter transnacional e plurilingüístico aos estudos literarios, artísticos e culturais AR2
Asumir a importancia e os beneficios sociais da aprendizaxe e coñecer os medios para o exercicio dunha cidadanía aberta, culta, crítica, comprometida, democrática e solidaria, capaz de analizar a realidade, diagnosticar problemas, formular e implantar solucións baseadas no coñecemento e orientadas ao ben común BJ2
Adquirir a capacidade de concebir e deseñar proxectos de investigación con rigor académico e desenvolver habilidades cognitivas avanzadas (capacidade de síntese, análise e pensamento crítico) relacionadas co desenvolvemento e a creación dun perfil investigador. CR1
Recoñecer e analizar os factores que condicionan o exercicio da crítica e os procesos de canonización, especialmente os relativos ao poder político, ao xénero, ás linguas e ás identidades nacionais. AC8

Topic Sub-topic
1. A crítica e (é) a cultura 1.1. Función e posición da crítica nos sistemas culturais
1.2. Crítica, historiografía e teoría literaria/cultural
2. Campo da crítica e procesos de canonización
2.1. Estratexias de atribución de valor e creación de sentido
2.2. Discursos críticos, cánone, conflito e identidade
2.3. Alternativas críticas. Crítica nacionalista, crítica poscolonial e da subalternidade, crítica feminista, crítica LGTBIQ+.
3. Procesos de canonización no intersistema cultural galego-portugués 3.1. Criterios canonizadores
3.2. Estudos de caso (Galiza, Portugal, Brasil, PALOP)

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Guest lecture / keynote speech A1 A8 B5 B6 C4 4 0 4
Directed discussion A2 A3 B7 B8 C3 C5 5 9 14
Supervised projects A14 B4 C2 C6 C8 1 20 21
Workbook A13 A5 A9 1 20 21
ICT practicals A2 1 2 3
Seminar A12 C7 3 8 11
Personalized attention 1 0 1
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech Presentation, development and analysis of theoretical and fundamental procedural contents so that the students reach the competences and skills expected in the seminar.
Directed discussion Presentation by the professor or by the students of a series of theoretical-practical cases for their joint and collaborative analysis throughout the face-to-face sessions.
Supervised projects Approach of bibliographic materials on the subjects under study (in accordance with the planning carried out by the professor at the beginning of the seminar).
Workbook Realization and analytical study of a series of readings previously selected by the teacher directly related to the contents addressed in the seminar.
ICT practicals Presentation and proof of the application of ICT to the study of literary and cultural criticism.
Seminar Group work from the oral presentation to the whole of the class of the results of the supervised works and / or of some reading of those attributed by the teacher at the beginning of the sessions. During the seminars, the students will use the necessary technological resources and will demonstrate the assumption and practical application of the contents, skills and competences addressed during the seminar.

Personalized attention
Supervised projects
In addition to the accompaniment work done in the tutoring schedule marked by the teacher responsible for the subject, personalized attention will be directed especially (not only) to support the completion of the Tutored Works, Readings and Seminars. In general, it is recommended that each student attend at least one tutorial prior to the exhibition of the attributed readings.

In order to carry out the planned activities and in order to obtain adequate guidance, it is essential that the students communicate their progress and possible difficulties in a fluid and frequent manner. In addition, each student will be able to make all kinds of consultations in relation to the development of the subject, either in the tutoring schedule or through the e-mail.

This personalized attention is also contemplated for part-time students with recognized academic dispensation, as well as for students enrolled to be examined in the December session.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Supervised projects A14 B4 C2 C6 C8 The contents and results of the teaching-learning process will be evaluated in relation to the achievement of the objectives sought in the subject. It will also be considered in the evaluation the linguistic quality, the capacity for autonomous learning and / or teamwork, the analytical and critical capacity, and the adaptation to the objectives formulated by the teacher for this activity. 60
Workbook A13 A5 A9 In addition to the possible oral presentation of some of the proposed readings, the level of analysis and comprehension of the remaining readings demonstrated in the course of the other presentations, in the directed discussions and in the seminars will be evaluated. 25
Seminar A12 C7 The comprehension and mastery of the contents presented and commented will be fundamentally evaluated, as well as the usefulness of the discourse for the purposes of the subject. It will also take into account the linguistic quality, the organization and the expository sequence, the clarity and precision in the interventions, the interaction with the audience, the use of the time available and the possible elaboration and use of technological resources. 15
Assessment comments

The evaluation of the seminar will be done continuously. In
it will be taken into account not only the sections referred to in the
corresponding place but also, in a transversal way, the linguistic,
argumentative and collaborative learning skills demonstrated throughout
the teaching-learning process.

this sense, all activities or tests must meet minimum linguistic
correction requirements (spelling, punctuation, syntactic agreement,
absence of repetitions, lexical precision, formal registration ...); in
the case of linguistic-expressive deficiencies, these may be penalized
in the qualification according to the criteria that will be published in
the Moodle platform at the start of the course.
papers submitted by the students may be incorporated into Turnitin, a
tool for the detection of plagiarism as well as works previously
presented at this or other universities, including by the same student. In
the event of any of these circumstances, the measures contemplated in
the Rules of evaluation, review and claims of the qualifications of the
undergraduate and master's degree studies of the University of A Coruña
may be applied (article 14.4).

activities must be done and delivered in accordance with the deadlines
and procedures set in the schedule that the teacher will give the
students at the beginning of the sessions and will hang in Moodle. Activities delivered after the deadline will not be evaluated.

students or students with academic dispensation will make or deliver
the activities indicated on the date previously agreed with the teacher.
students must complete and deliver the same activities as the rest and,
if they can not attend the tutorials, they must contact the teacher via
email at the start of the course. Students who certify that they can not attend classes should also contact the seminar professor.

who attend the advanced call in December must first contact the teacher
responsible for the seminar and, in order to overcome it, they will
have to carry out the supervised works (5 points) and readings (5
points) that will be entrusted to them.

there are specific evaluation criteria for any of the proposed tasks,
these will be made public through the Moodle and / or will be presented
in class. The teachers will give the appropriate instructions for the correct development of each of the planned activities.

Those who do not pass the seminar with the continuous evaluation must participate in the July opportunity. In
order to pass the subject in this second opportunity, the students must
satisfactorily complete all those tasks not overcome in the previous
opportunity along with those other works that are requested.

Any student who does not present any of the activities foreseen in this guide will be considered not submitted.

Sources of information
Basic Dalcastagnè, Regina (2012). Literatura brasileira contemporânea : um território contestado. Vinhedo, SP : Horizonte.
Cunha, Carlos Manuel Ferreira (2002). A construção do discurso da história literária na literatura portuguesa do século XIX. Braga: Universidade do Minho
López López, Lorena (2022). Ainda invisíveis? Narradoras e margens na literatura galega contemporânea. Santiago de Compostela: Através Editora
González-Millán, Xoán (1995). Do nacionalismo literario á literatura nacional. Hipóteses de traballo para un estudio institucional da literatura galega. Anuario de Estudios Literarios Galegos 1994, 67-81.
Casas, Arturo (coord.) (2004). Elementos de crítica literaria. Vigo: Xerais
Bourdieu, Pierre (1992). Les règles de l’art. Genèse et structure du champ littéraire. Paris: Éditions du Seuil
Figueroa, Antón (2001). Nación, literatura, identidade: comunicación literaria e campos sociais en Galicia. Vigo: Edicións Xerais de Galicia
George, João Pedro (2002). O meio literário português (1960/1998) prémios literários, escritores e acontecimientos. Algés: Difel
Samartim, Roberto L.I. (2010). O processo de construçom do sistema literário galego entre o franquismo e a transiçom (1974-1978): margens, relaçons, estrutura e estratégias de planificaçom cultural. Santiago de Compostela: Servizo de Publicacións da USC
Nogueira, María Xesús (2020). Outros desejos, outras palavras. A representação de identidades sexuais não-normativas na literatura galega contemporânea. Daniel Amarelo (coord.). Nós, xs inadaptadxs. Representações, desejos e histórias LGBTIQ na Galiza.
Even-Zohar, Itamar (2010). Papers in Culture Research. Tel Aviv: Unit of Culture Research, Tel Aviv University (accesíbel en
Falconi, Jéssica (2021). Para além da Nação: outras ’decliNações’ nas literaturas africanas. Abriu: Estudos De Textualidade Do Brasil, Galicia e Portugal, (10), 9–38.
Mata, Inocência (2010). Polifonias insulares : cultura e literatura de São Tomé e Príncipe. Lisboa: Edições Colibri
Casas, Arturo (2021). Procesos da historiografía literaria galega. Para un debate crítico. Venezia: Edizioni Ca'Foscari (Accesíbel en:
Hooper, Kirsty (2011). Writing Galicia into the world : new cartographies, new poetics. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press
Sela-Sheffy, Rakefet (2002). “Canon Formation Revisited: Canon and Cultural Production”. Neohelicon XXIX(2), 141-159

* Outra bibliografía complementar poderá ser fornecida polo docente durante o cuadrimestre


Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus

Other comments

All the questions not explicitly contemplated in this guide or the possible doubts in relation to the development of the subject will be resolved by the teacher in his tutoring schedule, in the face-to-face sessions or in the e-mail that appears in the corresponding place of this document .

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.