Identifying Data 2022/23
Subject (*) Research and Innovation in the Didactics of Foreign Languagse and their Literatures (English/French) Code 652534013
Study programme
Mestrado Universitario en Investigación e Innovación en Didácticas Específicas para Educación Infantil e Primaria
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Official Master's Degree 2nd four-month period
First Optional 3
Teaching method Hybrid
Department Didácticas Específicas
Didácticas Específicas e Métodos de Investigación e Diagnóstico en Educación
Couto Cantero, Pilar
Couto Cantero, Pilar
General description
Coa materia de Investigación e Innovación en Didáctica da Lingua e Literatura Estranxeiras preténdese estudar en profundidade os aspectos metodolóxicos e científicos que permiten realizar investigacións na área obxecto de estudo.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A4 E4 - Desenvolver a competencia lingüística en lingua estranxeira orientada cara á docencia nas áreas específicas.
A10 E10 - Coñecer os fundamentos teóricos que sustentan a investigación e innovación no ámbito das Didácticas Específicas.
A12 E12 - Identificar as principais liñas de investigación e innovación e a súa evolución nas Didácticas Específicas.
A13 E13 - Analizar e valorar criticamente investigacións e proxectos de innovación en ámbitos disciplinares específicos.
A14 E14 - Coñecer diferentes tipos de metodoloxía que se empregan na investigación educativa considerando a súa pertinencia para a resolución de problemas concretos.
A15 E15 - Identificar criterios de calidade e control tanto na investigación como na práctica docente, fomentando o espírito crítico, reflexivo e innovador.
A16 E16 - Deseñar, xustificar, organizar e avaliar propostas para a investigación e a innovación no ámbito das Didácticas Específicas.
A17 E17 - Seleccionar, adaptar e aplicar materiais e recursos TIC e doutra índole, para mellorar o ensino e aprendizaxe dos diferentes ámbitos disciplinares.
B1 CB6 - Posuír e comprender coñecementos que acheguen unha base ou oportunidade de ser orixinais no desenvolvemento e/ou aplicación de ideas, a miúdo nun contexto de investigación.
B4 CB9 - Que os estudantes saiban comunicar as súas conclusións e os coñecementos e razóns últimas que as sustentan a públicos especializados e non especializados dun modo claro e sen ambigüidades.
B7 G2 - Dominar a expresión e a comprensión de forma oral e escrita dun idioma estranxeiro.
B8 G3 - Utilizar as ferramentas básicas das tecnoloxías da información e as comunicacións (TIC) necesarias para o exercicio da súa profesión e para a aprendizaxe ao longo da súa vida.
B11 G6 - Valorar criticamente o coñecemento, a tecnoloxía e a información dispoñible para resolver os problemas cos que deben enfrontarse.
B13 G8 - Valorar a importancia que ten a investigación, a innovación e o desenvolvemento tecnolóxico no avance socioeconómico e cultural da sociedade.
C1 T1 - Capacidade de análise e síntese.
C3 T3 - Traballar de forma autónoma e con iniciativa.
C6 T6 - Capacidade de innovar (creatividade) dentro de contextos educativos escolares e non escolares.
C9 T9 - Incorporar as TIC no proceso de investigación e a xestión da información, a análise de datos e a difusión e comunicación de resultados.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
Value the importance of the innovation and research as strategies to improve the educational quality in the area of Teaching and Learning Foreign Languages and Cultures. AC12
Develop the key aspects of the initial teacher training for teachers of Foreign Languages and Cultures. AC10
Analyse with constructive criticism the curriculum of Teaching and Learning Foreign Languages and Cultures, the teaching practices and the ordinary didactic materials. AC13
Prepare, plan and implement (if possible) proposals of research and educational innovation in school and out-school contexts in the area object of study. AC4

Topic Sub-topic

1. Concepts, characteristics and paradigms.
2. Main lines and fields of research.
4. Models and trends.
5. Analysis of effective practices.
6. Design of tools and resources for innovation.

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Guest lecture / keynote speech A4 B1 B13 21 0 21
Document analysis A10 A12 A13 A15 0 20 20
Student portfolio A4 A16 A17 0 10 10
Research (Research project) A14 B11 C6 0 20 20
Oral presentation B4 B7 B8 C1 C3 C9 1 2 3
Personalized attention 1 0 1
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech Oral presentation (using audiovisual material and student interaction) designed to transmit knowledge and encourage learning. Presentations of this type are variously referred to as ‘expository method’, ‘guest lectures’ or ‘keynote speeches’. (The term ‘keynote’ refers only to a type of speech delivered on special occasions, for which the lecture sets the tone or establishes the underlying theme; it is characterised by its distinctive content, structure and purpose, and relies almost exclusively on the spoken word to communicate its ideas).
Document analysis Research skills development involving use of audiovisual and/or bibliographical documents (documentary or film extracts, news items, advertising images, photographs, articles, legal texts, etc.) relating to specific topic of study, with targeted analysis activities. Used as introduction to topic, as focus for case study, to explain abstract processes and present complex situations, or as strategy for synthesising content (theoretical and practical).
Student portfolio Folder or binder divided into clearly marked or labelled sections containing record or products of learning activities performed over a given period, with student’s progress charted through marks achieved and comments of teacher. Portfolio includes: class notes, research, project outlines and development, article analysis, summaries, tests, self-assessment, tasks and task outcomes, teacher’s progress reports, etc.
Research (Research project) Teaching process aimed at promoting student learning through use of practical, situation-based activities in which learner is tasked with identifying problem, articulating specific nature of problem, analysing it, interpreting results, and reaching appropriate conclusion.
Oral presentation Core component of teaching-learning process involving coordinated oral interaction between student and teacher, including proposition, explanation and dynamic exposition of facts, topics, tasks, ideas and principles.

Personalized attention
Research (Research project)
Student portfolio
Some projects or tasks imply especific observation and guiding so personal attention is required.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Research (Research project) A14 B11 C6 . 45
Student portfolio A4 A16 A17 . 20
Oral presentation B4 B7 B8 C1 C3 C9 . 35
Assessment comments

Regular attendance assessment

- I.1. Student
portfolio. 20.

- I.2. Project or
Research. 45.

- I.3. Oral
presentation. 35.

Non regular attendance assessment items. (If

Non regular attendance
students (if applicable) will be assessed with an extra item of assessment
fixed on the official calendar.

- I.1. Student
portfolio. 10.

- I.2. Project or
Research. 45.

- I.3. Oral
presentation. 20.

- I.4. Mixed Test. 25.

All items are
compulsory. A failing grade means that all items must be repeated for the next

Sources of information

CASANOVA FUENTES,Andrea (2012): “Estrategias metodológicas para la enseñanza del inglés como lengua extranjera: La dramatización de textos en el aula”. TFM del Máster Oficial en Innovación, Orientación y Evaluación Educativa Facultad Ciencias de la Educación. UDC. Dirigido por: Pilar Couto Cantero y Mercedes González Sanmamed.

COUTO-CANTERO, Pilar & FERNÁNDEZ MACEIRAS, Tanya (2011): “Implementing and Supporting Drama in the EFL Early Childhood Classroom through Storybooks – A Classroom Action-Research in a Bilingual School in Spain” in Proceedings of the 3rd Paris International Conference on Education, Economy and Society, TCHIBOZO, G., Ed. Strasbourg (France), Analytrics155-162.En 30 de junio de 2011.

COUTO-CANTERO, Pilar (2011), “Teaching and Learning EFL through PBL”, Sociology Study, September 2011, Volume 1, Number 4, 272-281.

DODSON, Sarah. L. (2000): FAQs: Learning languages through drama. Texas Papers in Foreign Language Education, 5(1), 129-141.

DÍAZ CORRALEJO, Joaquín (2002): “Reflexiones sobre la Didáctica de la enseñanza/aprendizaje de la Lengua y la Literatura” en ARBOR CLXXIII, 681, septiembre, 129-152.

EL-NADY, M. (2000): Drama as a teaching technique in the Second Language classroom, Dialog on Language Instruction, 14(1, 2), 41-48.

FERRER, Carolina, ALGÁS, Pilar, y MARTOS, Juan M. (2007): “Valoramos el trabajo por proyectos”, Aula de Innovación Educativa, 166, 71-75.

FRIED-BOOTH, Diana (1997): Project work. (8th Ed.) Oxford, Oxford University Press.

FURMAN, Lou (2000): “In Support of Drama in Early Childhood Education, Again”, Early Childhood Education Journal, Vol. 27, Nº 3, 2000.

GÓMEZ MENDOZA, Miguel A. (2005): “La transposición didáctica: historia de un concepto” en Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Educativos, Volumen 1, Julio - Diciembre, 83-115.

HEARN, Izabella y GARCÉS Antonio (coords.) (2003): Didáctica del Inglés para Primaria, Madrid, Pearson Educación.

HERRERO FIGUEROA, Araceli (2000): "Los estudios de Literatura Infantil en la Diplomatura de Maestro. Un ejemplo de transposición didáctica”, Literatura Infantil y Juvenil. Tendencias actuales en investigación, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Vigo, 59-67.

KERMAN, Gertrude L. (1961): Plays and Creative Ways with Children, New York, Harvey House.

LIU, J. (2002): Process drama in second-and foreign-language classrooms. In Gerd Bräuer (Ed.), Body and language. Intercultural learning through drama (pp. 51-70), Westport, Connecticut & London: Ablex Publishing.

MALEY, A. & DUFF, A. (1978): Drama Techniques in Language Learning. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

MENDOZA FILLOLA, Antonio (Coord.) (1998): Conceptos Clave en Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura, Barcelona, SEDLL - ICE- Horsori.

NUSSBAUM, Lucy y BERNAUS, Mercedes (2001): Didáctica de las lenguas extranjeras en la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, Madrid, Síntesis.

MOSS, Donna (1998): Project-based learning and assessment: A resource manual for teachers, Arlington, VA, The Arlington Education and Employment Program (REEP).

PÉREZ VALVERDE, Cristina (2002): “Theatre in Education (TIE) in the Context of Educational Drama”, Lenguaje y Textos, 20, 7-20.

RICHARDS, Jack and RODGERS, Theodore (1986): Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

RODRÍGUEZ LÓPEZ-VÁZQUEZ, Alfredo (1997): “Elementos didácticos del teatro” en Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura para una sociedad plurilingüe del siglo XXI, CANTERO, F. J., MENDOZA, A. y ROMEA C. (Eds.): Barcelona, Publicaciones de la Universidad de Barcelona, 401-404.

RUIZ BIKANDI, Uri (ed.) (2000): Didáctica de la segunda lengua en educación infantil y primaria, Madrid, Síntesis.

TEJERINA, Isabel (1994): Dramatización y teatro infantil. Dimensiones psicopedagógicas y expresivas, Madrid: Siglo XXI.

- - - - - (2000): "La literatura dramática infantil. Luces y sombras", ADE Teatro. Revista de la Asociación de Directores de Escena de España, 80; pp. 102-107.

TRUJILLO SÁEZ, Fernando (2012): “Enseñanza basada en proyectos: una propuesta eficaz para el aprendizaje y el desarrollo de las competencias básicas”, Eufonía - Didáctica de la Educación Musical, 2012, num. 55, 7-15.

VEZ JEREMÍAS, José M. y MONTERO MESA, Luis (1993): Las Didácticas Específicas en la formación del profesorado, (2 vols.), Santiago, Tórculo.

WESTBROOK, Robert (1991): John Dewey and American democracy, Ithaca, Cornell Universiry Press.


Buck Institute of Education

PBL Explained

Project-Based Learning for Adult English Language Learners

Donna Moss, Arlington (VA) Education and Employment Program (REEP)

Project Work to promote English Language Learning

Submitted by Rama Meganathan on 17 March, 2011 - 02:57


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video informativo

AllEnglish LLC

13 personal Projects Ideas for English Language Students

Making Groupwork Work

Colin Neville

Learnhigher CETL at the University of Bradford


Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus

Other comments

 It is recommended to send the works electronically and if this is not possible, do not use plastics, choose double-sided printing, use recycled paper and avoid printing drafts.

Sustainable use of resources and the prevention of negative impacts on the natural environment must be made. 

The importance of ethical principles related to sustainability values in personal and professional behaviours must be taken into account.

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.