Study programme competencies |
Study programme competences / results
A51 |
A2.5 Ability to address and resolve construction details. |
A56 |
A3.1 Ability to apply building rules and standards, and draw up technical specifications in relation to building methods and procedures. |
A58 |
A3.3 Ability to carry out initial sizing, design, calculation and testing of structures, and oversee their implementation. |
B31 |
B1 Students will demonstrate knowledge and understanding of subjects that build upon the foundation of a general secondary education using advanced textbooks and ideas and analyses from the cutting edge of their field. |
B32 |
B2 Students will be able to use their knowledge professionally and will possess the skills required to formulate and defend arguments and solve problems within their area of study. |
B33 |
B3 Students will have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (especially within their field of study) in order to make decisions and reflect on social, scientific and ethical matters. |
B34 |
B4 Students will be able to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to specialist and non-specialist audiences alike. |
B35 |
B5 Students will develop the learning skills and autonomy they need to continue their studies at postgraduate level. |
C1 |
Adequate oral and written expression in the official languages. |
C3 |
Using ICT in working contexts and lifelong learning. |
C4 |
Acting as a respectful citizen according to democratic cultures and human rights and with a gender perspective. |
C5 |
Understanding the importance of entrepreneurial culture and the useful means for enterprising people. |
C6 |
Acquiring skills for healthy lifestyles, and healthy habits and routines. |
C7 |
Developing the ability to work in interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary teams in order to offer proposals that can contribute to a sustainable environmental, economic, political and social development. |
C8 |
Valuing the importance of research, innovation and technological development for the socioeconomic and cultural progress of society. |
C9 |
Ability to manage times and resources: developing plans, prioritizing activities, identifying critical points, establishing goals and accomplishing them. |
Learning aims |
Learning outcomes |
Study programme competences / results |
Upon successful completion of this subject, students will have knowledge applied to Technical Architecture of the principles of typologies, calculation bases, dimensioning and verification of reinforced concrete structures. They will obtain a general and unified vision of what the mechanical foundations of reinforced concrete structures and their execution and control in the field of construction. |
A51 A56 A58
B31 B32 B33 B34 B35
C1 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9
Contents |
Topic |
Sub-topic |
10.- REGIONS "D"
Planning |
Methodologies / tests |
Competencies / Results |
Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) |
Student’s personal work hours |
Total hours |
Guest lecture / keynote speech |
A8 A51 A56 A58 B31 B32 B33 B34 B35 C1 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 |
30 |
30 |
60 |
Problem solving |
A8 A51 A56 A58 B31 B32 B33 B34 B35 C1 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 |
30 |
55 |
85 |
Mixed objective/subjective test |
A8 A51 A56 A58 B31 B32 B33 B34 B35 C1 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 |
4 |
0 |
4 |
Personalized attention |
1 |
0 |
1 |
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students. |
Methodologies |
Methodologies |
Description |
Guest lecture / keynote speech |
2600 / 5000
Resultados de traducción
They constitute an important part of the student's face-to-face activity and are developed through a mainly expository method, trying, however, to involve the student, insofar as this is possible, in the development stage of the exposed topic, providing them with the opportunity to ask questions and express ideas, thus leading, by indirect influence, to the learning process. The exhibition is carried out with the support of audiovisual and computer media and is structured in the following stages: introduction, development, summary and bibliographic orientation. They are taught for the entire group.
Following the guidelines of the Center's Head of Studies, the lectures have a real duration of 1h50m, with an intermediate break of around half the class and 10 minutes of courtesy between class and class. Punctuality is requested. The teacher can establish time limits to this punctuality (in this guide there is some reference to this situation) depending on the development of the course in order to have access to the classroom. The attendance control can be carried out by the teacher at the time that he considers appropriate during the class. There may be several attendance checks during the class. It is recalled that such assistance is active and not only in person. Attendance must be complete and not partial (sign and leave).
It is intended to state that not all the syllabus of the subject has to be developed by direct presentation of it by the teaching staff. The exhibition will focus on those aspects that are considered more important or complex to acquire independently by the student. Thus, various sections of the syllabus must be prepared by the student himself. Controls are established that allow both student self-evaluation and teacher supervision of the knowledge acquired.
For this development, the student is provided with reference teaching material, as well as recommended and specific bibliography, normally based on the means that the EUAT offers in its library.
During the development of the course there may be various controls and questionnaires under ICT platforms, in order to include student self-assessment criteria, which allows them to know their degree of assimilation of content in order to take the appropriate teaching measures. In the case of activating these activities, they are communicated in a timely manner during the course. There are also rubric-type documents that allow students to monitor their acquisition of knowledge. |
Problem solving |
These classes are taught for the subgroups of the subject and their development is in accordance with the specific programming at each moment. In this way its contents can be:
-Practical resolution of problems related to the subject. This resolution can be carried out by the teacher, by the students or in a mixed way.
-Theoretical-practical work. On the basis of bibliographic references, the development of parts of the subject is deepened.
-Follow-up of subject practices.
These activities are designed for students who attend the course continuously from the beginning of the course, and are a fundamental basis for acquiring knowledge about it. In the first days, possible subgroups and practical topics to be developed are established, being part of the base of these common topics for the entire course, so it is essential to comply with the assistance in this specific period.
The duration of these classes is 1.50 hours without intermediate break. The teacher can prevent access to the classroom or not collect a certain practical activity for a student who intends to enter the classroom with an excessive delay, damaging the collaborative work in the classroom. In any case, arrival at an interactive class with a delay of more than half an hour is considered NOT TO BE CARRIED OUT. This is extendable to the delivery of said activity, unless authorized by the teacher.
Three types of practical activities are initially established.
-Class practices: Developed during classes for subgroups, being delivered, where appropriate, during the same class or the next, as deemed appropriate at all times. They can be of purely practical content or contain theoretical development. Although they are individual, their resolution is done collaboratively and assisted by the teacher. It is intended that they are linked to the course practice.
-Possibility of special class practices: Depending on the teaching needs of the course, specific practices can be established as a summary of parts of the subject, carried out individually by the student and delivered during said class. The adoption of this model would be specifically indicated during the first weeks of the course based on the previous diagnosis of knowledge that is had at a given moment.
-Course practice: It is developed throughout the course as autonomous work of the student, although follow-up controls will be carried out with partial deliveries throughout the semester. It tries to confront the student with a real structure, beyond a mere partial analysis, thus specifying the knowledge acquired to the problems of the usual building. The various deliveries are tailored to the actual progress of the course. The development of this course practice is individual or in a small group, as established at the beginning of the course. Part of the class practices will deal with specific problems of this course practice.
In the Moddle platform of the subject, the specific conditions for this type of practice and its characteristics will be made explicit. |
Mixed objective/subjective test |
Mandatory final exam for all students, in order to demonstrate the ability acquired in the various subjects. |
Personalized attention |
Mixed objective/subjective test |
Guest lecture / keynote speech |
Description |
Their purpose is to answer the questions of students about the various aspects of the subject, focused on theoretical aspects of it or solving specific problems.
They are usually individual, although, if the course development conditions advise it, they can be for very small groups. The tutoring is not intended as a substitute for the follow-up and control activities of the course practices, but rather to resolve doubts, normally linked to the development of the subject.
Each teacher's tutoring schedule is duly announced on the appropriate notice board and even on the School's website. Even so, it is highly recommended to request an appointment in person or by email, in order to optimize times and avoid waiting.
Assessment |
Competencies / Results |
Mixed objective/subjective test |
A8 A51 A56 A58 B31 B32 B33 B34 B35 C1 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 |
In 1st and 2nd opportunity according to the official calendar. |
30 |
Problem solving |
A8 A51 A56 A58 B31 B32 B33 B34 B35 C1 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 |
-Course practice: It is delivered at the end of the semester on the date that will be indicated at the beginning of the course, with partial deliveries that will be indicated according to the specific planning of the course. There is a single delivery for 1st opportunity, not allowing deliveries or improvements for 2nd opportunity. (fifty%)
-Weekly internships: Normally delivered during their completion date, although there may occasionally be postponed deliveries. Subsequent deliveries or improvements are not allowed at all times. (twenty%) |
70 |
Assessment comments |
Regardless of the previous qualification, each of the items indicated must be qualified with at least 30% of its maximum theoretical qualification. This percentage can be modified depending on the specific characteristics of the course. The criteria of participation and attendance of the student to the activities of the course indicated previously must also be met. All attendance controls, questionnaires, practices and, in general, the aforementioned course activities will only be computed for those students who are duly registered and who appear on the official lists at the time they are carried out. That is, the possibility is not contemplated, for example, that a student attends the course as a "listener" while not "making official" their enrollment: all the activities and grades obtained before they appear in the official lists will not be taken into account. (The teachers will not manually expand any type of student list, only official lists will be used). Advance call: For this specific case, the evaluation criteria mentioned above are varied: -Course of course and weekly practice only for the immediately preceding course: 40% -Extraordinary examination in advance call: 60% For said call, no type of extension of the practical activities indicated above is allowed. Only the practical grades of the immediately preceding course are recovered. In the event that the student had not developed these practical activities, the maximum mark for said exam would be 60% of the total. In this exam, a 5 out of a maximum grade of 10 is considered a Pass mark. If the particular situations of course development so advise, the above percentages and criteria may undergo adjustments. If this happens, it will be announced in a timely manner and published on the subject's Moodle platform. Students with recognition of part-time dedication and academic exemption from attendance: the 80% attendance criterion is eliminated but the rest of the weekly and global deliveries and the corresponding corrections are maintained to guarantee their authorship. Failure to take the official exams implies a qualification of not presented. The criteria of percentages indicated above are maintained.
Sources of information |
por qué las cosas no se caen. Celeste,
1.999 MALCOM MILLAIS Estructuras de
edificación Celeste
Ediciones, Madrid 1.997 REGALADO
TESORO, F. Breve
introducción a las estructuras y a sus mecanismos resistentes Cype
Ingenieros, Alicante, 1.999 SALVADORI, M.
/ HELLER, R. Estructuras
para arquitectos. Editorial
CP67, Buenos Aires, 1.987 TORROJA, E. Razón y ser de
los tipos estructurales. Consejo
Superior de Investigaciones Científicas I.E.T.c.c., Madrid 1.991
representación de forjados unidireccionales, reticulares y placas. Univ. La
Coruña, 2011 DOMINGUEZ,
representación de pórticos de hormigón. Univ. La
Coruña, 2011 CALAVERA RUIZ,
J. Proyecto y
cálculo de estructuras de hormigón: en masa, armado y pretensado. Intemac,
Madrid, 2008 CALAVERA RUIZ,
J. Cálculo,
construcción, patología y rehabilitación de forjados de edificación unidireccionales
y sin vigas. hormigón metálicos y mixtos. Intemac,
Madrid 2002 COMISIÓN
aplicación de la Instrucción de Hormigón Estructural. Edificación Ministerio de
Fomento, Madrid, 2002 FERRERAS, R. Manual de hormigón
armado conforme con la instrucción EHE (1999) CICCP, Madrid
2003 GARCÍA DUTARI Cálculo de
flechas en estructuras de hormigón armado : forjados, losas, vigas de canto,
vigas planas Intemac,
A Estructuras de
hormigón armado Escuela de la
Edificación. Madrid 1997 JIMENEZ
Armado. Ed 15 GG. Barcelona
Armado. Jiménez Montoya Esencial Ed 16 CINTER. Madrid
2018 LOPEZ R. MUÑIZ Construcción y
cálculo en Hormigón Armado COAAT, Madrid,
S. Estructuras
III Vol 1. Hormigón Armado EUAT 2014. La
Coruña REGALADO, F.,
et. Alt. Biblioteca de
detalles constructivos Cype Ingenieros.
Madrid REGALADO, F Los forjados
reticulares: diseño, análisis, construcción y patología. CYPE
Ingenieros. 2003. PÉREZ
VALCÁRCEL, JB Estructuras
arquitectónicas de hormigón armado Varios
volúmenes. ( pórticos, forjados, placas…) Unv. La
PEIRETTI, H. Prontuario
informático del hormigón estructural 3.0 Ieca, Madrid
2001 CYPECAD Cype Ingenieros SECHOR Dept.
Tecnología de la construcción Universidad de
La Coruña |
See the subject's website and Moodle platform |
Recommendations |
Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before |
Structures I [In extinction]/670G01019 | Mechanical Basics of Building Structures/670G01104 |
Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously |
Subjects that continue the syllabus |
Other comments |
See the subject's website and Moodle platform |