Identifying Data 2022/23
Subject (*) Wind Systems Code 770523009
Study programme
Mestrado Universitario en Eficiencia e Aproveitamento Enerxético
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Official Master's Degree 2nd four-month period
First Obligatory 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Enxeñaría Industrial
General description Con esta asignatura dotarase o alumno/a dos coñecementos necesarios para a redación do proxecto, montaxe e mantemento dun aproveitamento eólico: Parque eólico, instalacións illadas ou conectadas a rede eléctrica, atendendo a lexislación vixente.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences
A1 Análise e aplicación de metodoloxías e normativa para unha xestión eficiente da enerxía.
A4 Análisis de consumos energéticos y de su costes asociados.
A9 Tener conocimiento de los fundamentos, potencial, tecnología, aplicaciones y normativa de fuentes de energía renovables.
A10 Capacidad para analizar e incluir energías renovables en diferentes instalaciones.
A11 Capacidad para aplicar métodos de análisis de datos para la creación de sistemas energéticos eficientes.
A13 Capacidad para analizar, aplicar y optimizar los sistemas de aprovechamiento energético.
A14 Capacidad para el diseño y análisis de sistemas eólicos.
A15 Capacidad para desarrollar un proyecto en el ámbito del máster.
A16 Capacidad para buscar, analizar, identificar y aplicar nuevas fuentes de energía eléctrica o nuevas técnicas de gestión de la electricidad bajo criterios como eficiencia, sostenibilidad o cooperación, así como el empleo de éstas sobre nuevas aplicaciones.
B1 Que los estudiantes sepan aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos y su capacidad de resolución de problemas en entornos nuevos o poco conocidos dentro de contextos más amplios (o multidisciplinares) relacionados con su área de estudio.
B2 Que los estudiantes sean capaces de integrar conocimientos y enfrentarse a la complejidad de formular juicios a partir de una información que, siendo incompleta o limitada, incluya reflexiones sobre las responsabilidades sociales y éticas vinculadas a la aplicación de sus conocimientos y juicios.
B3 Poseer y comprender conocimientos que aporten una base u oportunidad de ser originales en el desarrollo y/o aplicación de ideas, a menudo en un contexto de investigación.
B4 Que los estudiantes posean las habilidades de aprendizaje que les permitan continuar estudiando de un modo que habrá de ser en gran medida autodirigido o autónomo.
B5 Que los estudiantes sepan comunicar sus conclusiones y los conocimientos y razones últimas que las sustentan a públicos especializados y no especializados de un modo claro y sin ambigüedades.
B6 Buscar y seleccionar alternativas considerando las mejores soluciones posibles.
B8 Incorporar el vocabulario propio para expresarse con precisión en una comunicación efectiva, tanto escrita como oral.
B9 Extraer, interpretar y procesar información, procedente de diferentes fuentes, para su empleo en el estudio y análisis.
B11 Adquirir nuevos conocimientos y capacidades relacionados con el ámbito profesional del máster.
B13 Aplicar los conocimientos teóricos a la práctica
B15 Conocer la legislación vigente y reglamentación aplicable al sector de las energías renovables y de la eficiencia energética.
B16 Valorar la aplicación de tecnologías emergentes en el ámbito de la energía y el medio ambiente.
B17 Desarrollar la capacidad para asesorar y orientar sobre la mejor forma o cauce para optimizar los recursos energéticos en relación con las energías renovables.
B18 Plantear y resolver problemas, interpretar un conjunto de datos y analizar los resultados obtenidos; en el ámbito de la eficiencia energética y la sostenibilidad.
C1 Adquirir la terminología y nomenclatura científico-técnica para exponer argumentos y fundamentar conclusiones.
C2 Fomentar la sensibilidad hacia temas medioambientales.
C3 Aplicar una metodología que fomente el aprendizaje y el trabajo autónomo.
C4 Desarrollar el pensamiento crítico
C5 Adquirir la capacidad para elaborar un trabajo multidisciplinar
C6 Dominar la expresión y la comprensión de un idioma extranjero.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences
Know the elements and devices of a wind power generation system and its features and operating principles AJ9
Knowing the different techniques and technological processes for converting wind energy into electrical energy AJ9
Knowing the fundamentals that govern the behavior of wind from a physical point of view , and to familiarize students with the process of conversion of wind energy AJ13
Allow access to the knowledge of the influence on the environment have different processes and systems used , as well as mechanisms to limit such influence AJ9
To train students in techniques for the study and development of wind energy projects that can be used in the professional field AJ1
To provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to perform specific tasks in the field of wind energy within the scope of the sector's AJ10
Learning to determine the response of a wind system, especially from the point of view of energy generation and to determine the factors that influence this response and its impact on conversion into electricity. AJ9

Topic Sub-topic
Development of wind technology Old windmills
Modern developments in wind turbines
State of current technology
Trends of future wind developments
physical and aerodynamic Fundamentals of Wind Energy Conversion Meteorological Concepts
Characterization of wind resources
Treatment of wind data
Estimation of electricity production
Assessment models wind potential
wind resources on land and at sea in Spain .
Bezt limit . Theory momentum
Structure, components and characteristics of wind turbines Blades: Theory profiles .
parametric study of performances
Loads on the turbine rotor .
Selection of materials on towers and blades
dynamic and fatigue analysis towers and blades
Uninterrupted speed and variable speed .
Methods for calculating the energy generated Monitoring of wind turbines
electrical systems and control
Connection to the electricity distribution network
economic aspects
environmental aspects
Types of machines and companies operating in the wind energy market .
Methodology for the design of wind farms, impact analysis Monitoring of wind turbines
electrical systems and control
Connection to the electricity distribution network
economic aspects
environmental aspects
Types of machines and companies operating in the wind energy market
Evaluation systems: technological, economic and legal aspects .
Sags and quality of energy generated :
Detection and investigation of wind sites .
Estimation of electricity produced at wind farm
Assessment models potential wind park
isolated grid systems .
socioeconomic aspects
environmental and legal aspects
Wind generation billing
Installation and maintenance of the wind farm

Operations and commissioning of power plants eólica.Metodología mounting and electrical and mechanical maintenance of wind turbines .
Installation and maintenance of power grids , generators, transformer and transformer substation.
Installation and maintenance of instrumentation equipment .
Control systems and regulation of wind farms.

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Events academic / information A9 A16 B4 B6 B9 B16 2 4 6
Case study A1 A4 A13 B2 B13 C3 2 4 6
Objective test A10 A11 A14 A15 B3 B1 B11 B15 C1 C5 10 10 20
Field trip A16 B2 B5 C5 10 10 20
Guest lecture / keynote speech A1 A9 A14 B8 C1 C4 C6 30 30 60
Supervised projects A10 A11 B17 B18 C2 10 20 30
Document analysis A4 A10 A13 A16 B16 C3 4 0 4
Personalized attention 4 0 4
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Events academic / information Study of the major advances in wind energy in the world, technological and scientific innovations .
Case study Study of the problems encountered in the installation and assembly of different wind farms.
problems of legislation and networking .
Objective test Examination explained and discussed in class
Field trip Visits to wind farms and manufacturing facilities of wind components
Guest lecture / keynote speech Description - explanation of wind systems , components maintenance and commissioning
Supervised projects Description - explanation of wind systems , components maintenance and commissioning
Document analysis Magazine articles and Internet sector

Personalized attention
Document analysis
Guest lecture / keynote speech
Supervised projects
Objective test
Field trip
Case study
Events academic / information
The teacher will be provided in their hours of class and tutorials to solve any problem submit students , both in person, by telephone or via e-mail or moodle .

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Document analysis A4 A10 A13 A16 B16 C3 The presentation will consider the comments and analyzes of documentary sources consulted
Guest lecture / keynote speech A1 A9 A14 B8 C1 C4 C6 Regular attendance of students to classes are taken into account. 5
Supervised projects A10 A11 B17 B18 C2 Presentation in a timely manner of work marked 10
Objective test A10 A11 A14 A15 B3 B1 B11 B15 C1 C5 Written test problem solving, theory and issues on the agenda of the contents
Field trip A16 B2 B5 C5 Assistance to field trips .
Case study A1 A4 A13 B2 B13 C3 the presentation of the study of the cases raised will be taken into account. 5
Events academic / information A9 A16 B4 B6 B9 B16 proper presentation of news and work marked in a timely manner will be taken into account. 5
Assessment comments

Sources of information


Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
Renewable Systems/770523005

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus

Other comments

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.