Identifying Data 2022/23
Subject (*) Cellular Techniques Code 610441001s
Study programme
Máster Universitario en Bioloxía Molecular, Celular e Xenética (semipresencial)
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Official Master's Degree 1st four-month period
First Obligatory 6
Teaching method Hybrid
Department Bioloxía
Departamento profesorado máster
Yañez Sanchez, Julian
Bernal Pita da Veiga, María de los Ángeles
Castro Castro, Antonio Manuel
Insua Pombo, Ana Maria
López Armada, María José
Rioboo Blanco, Carmen
Yañez Sanchez, Julian
General description Materia obrigatoria centrada nos cultivos celulares animais e vexetais, así como nos fundamentos e aplicacións de técnicas de microscopía, análise de imaxe, citometría de fluxo e análise de cromosomas.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A1 Skills of working in a sure way in the laboratories knowing operation handbooks and actions to avoid incidents of risk.
A2 Skills of using usual techniques and instruments in the cellular, biological and molecular research: that are able to use techniques and instruments as well as understanding potentials of their uses and applications.
A13 Skills to become a professional in health, pharmacy, veterinary, animal production, biotechnology or food sectors.
B3 Skills of management of the information: that are able to gather and to understand relevant information and results, obtaining conclusions and to prepare reasoned reports on scientific and biotechnological questions
B4 Organization and work planning skills: that are able to manage the use of the time as well as available resources and to organize the work in the laboratory.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
To understand the theoretical foundations on which microscopy (including image analysis), (plant and animal) cell culture, flow cytometry and cytogenetic techniques are based. AR1
To acquire basic skills in the management and use of instrumental and units required for the development of cellular techniques. AR1
To know the applications of the different cellular techniques. AR2
To design, plan and conduct experiments regarding the techniques learned. AR1
Adequate oral and written expression in the official languages. Using ICT in working contexts and lifelong learning. Ability to manage times and resources: developing plans, prioritizing activities, identifying critical points, establishing goals and accomplishing them.

Topic Sub-topic
Microscopy and image analysis Fundamentals, techniques and applications of light and electron microscopy. Fluorescence and confocal scanning microscopy: advanced techniques and applications. Introduction to image processing and image analysis
Cellular cultures Introduction to cell cultures. Types of cell cultures. Cell culture requirements. Quantification of cellular parameters. Contamination. Cytotoxicity.
In vitro cultures of plant tissues. Callus. Cultivation of plant cells in suspension.
Flow cytometry General principles and methods of cytometry. Sample preparation and standardization of analysis procedures. Functional analysis of cells.
Cytogenetic techniques Chromosome preparation and karyotype. Conventional in situ hybridization. Advanced techniques of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH).

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Document analysis A2 0 40 40
Laboratory practice A1 A2 A13 B3 B4 28 42 70
Supervised projects A2 B3 B4 C1 C3 C8 C9 0 19 19
Mixed objective/subjective test A2 B3 2 15 17
Personalized attention 4 0 4
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Document analysis This methodology involves watching videos of lectures, reading documents prepared by the lecturers and/or reading bibliographic documents on the theoretical-practical fundamentals and aspects related to the different techniques used in Cell Biology.
Laboratory practice Practical sessions represent an indispensable part of the course, in which practical aspects and applications of the different cellular techniques will be approached. Practical sessions will be developed in concrete laboratories and places: laboratories of the Faculty of Sciences, Laboratories of Biomedical Research Institute (INIBIC), Scientific Research Support Services (SAI) of UDC.
Students will develop laboratory protocols and attend demonstrations about the use of research units.
Supervised projects Students must carry out works, resolve problems and/or questions about specific aspects of the techniques used.
Mixed objective/subjective test It will consist of a written exam with questions-test and/or short answer questions about theoretical and practical contents and applications of the cellular techniques.

Personalized attention
Supervised projects
Document analysis
Students (individually or in small groups) may consult their doubts about the contents and activities of the subject via phone and/or electronic support.

A forum on the Virtual Campus/Teams may be used for the formulation of doubts/comments.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Supervised projects A2 B3 B4 C1 C3 C8 C9 The ability to design (and plan) experiments, interpretate data and solve problems will be assessed. 30
Mixed objective/subjective test A2 B3 The acquisition of knowledge about the theoretical foundations and applications, clarity of explanations, ability to integrate and link information handled and the ability to interpret data and solve problems will be taken into account. 50
Laboratory practice A1 A2 A13 B3 B4 Attendance, skill in scheduled tasks and knowledge of the potential risks in laboratory practices will be assessed. 20
Assessment comments

The exam will take place through the "Virtual Campus" on the dates specified in the official calendar.

Attendance at the practical
lessons is a necessary condition to be evaluated. In case of not passing the
evaluation in the first opportunity of the call, the grades obtained in the
supervised works and practices will be kept for the second opportunity. Honors
will be awarded preferably among students (face-to-face and non-face-to-face)
presented in the evaluation corresponding to the first opportunity of the call.

Fraudulent performance of the tests or
assessment activities, once verified, will directly imply the failing grade
"0" in the call.

Sources of information


Basra, A.S. (2000). Plant growth regulators in agriculture and horticulture. Their role and commercial uses. Ed. Food Products Press.

Benítez Burraco, A. (2005). Avances recientes en Biotecnología vegetal e ingeniería genética de plantas. Editorial Reverté.

Boulton, A.A. e col. (1992). Practical cell culture techniques. Humana Press.

Butler, M. (2008). Animal cell culture and technology. Taylor & Francis, 2nd edition.

Collin, H.A. e Edwars, S. (1998). Plant cell culture. Guilford Bios Scientific Publishers.

Davis, J.M. (2011). Animal cell culture. Essential methods. Wiley-Blackwell.

Doyle, A. e Griffiths, J.B. (2000). Cell and tissue culture for medical research. John Wiley and Sons.

Fedoroff, S. e Richardson, A. (1992). Protocols for neural cell culture. Humana Press.

Freshney, R.I. (2010). Culture of animal cells. A manual of basic technique and specialized applications. Wiley-Liss, Inc. 6ª Edition.

Hammond, J., McGarvey, P., Yusibov, V. (1999). Plant Biotechnology. New products and Applications. Springer verlag.

Loyola-Vargas, V.M. e Vázquez-Flota F. (2006). Plant cell culture protocols. Humana Press. 2nd Edition.

Pollard, J.W. e Walker, J.M. (1997). Basic cell culture protocols. Humana Press.

Shaw, A.J. (1996). Epithelial cell culture. A practical approach. Oxford University Press.

Taji, A., Kumar, P., Lakshmanan, P. (2002). In vitro plant breeeding. Food Products Press.

Trigiano, R.N. e Gray, D.J. (2004). Plant development and biotechnology. CRC Press.

Tzfira, T. e Citovsky, V. (2006). Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation of plants: biology and biotechnology. Curr. Opin. Biotechnol. 17:147–154.

Vunjak-Novakovic, G. & Freshney, R.I. (2006). Culture of cells for tissue engineering. Wiley-Liss, Inc.


Watt, Ian M. 1996. The principles and practice of electron microscopy. Cambridge University Press

Hoppert, M. 1998. Electron microscopy in microbiology. Bios Scientific Publishers

Bozzola, John J. 1999.Electron microscopy : principles and techniques for biologists. Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

Dykstra, Michael J. 2003. Biological electron microscopy theory, techniques, and troubleshooting. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers

Robin Harris. 1991. Electron microscopy in biology a practical approach. Oxford University Press.

Hunter, Elaine Evelyn. 1984. Practical electron microscopy a beginner's illustrated guide. Praeger, cop.

Slayter, Elizabeth M. 2000. Light and electron microscopy. Cambridge University Press

Herman, B. 1998. Fluorescence microscopy. Bios Scientific Publishers

Donat-P. Häder. 1992. Image analysis in biology. CRC Press, cop.

Pertusa, JF. Técnicas de Análisis de imagen. Aplicaciones en Biología. Publicaciones de la Universidad de Valencia. 2003


Ormerod, M.G. (2009). Flow Cytometry: A Basic Introduction. 2a Ed. IRL Practical Approach series. Oxford University Press.

Shapiro, H.M. (2004). Practical flow cytometry. Wiley-Liss. 4a ed. New York.


Czepulkowski, B. (2001) Analyzing chromosomes. BIOS Scientific Publishers, Oxford.

Gersen, S.L., Keagle, M.B. (2013). The principles of clinical cytogentics. Springer, New York.

Gosden, J.R. (1994). Chromosome analysis protocols. Humana Press, Totowa (New Jersey).

Liehr, T. (2006). Multicolor FISH in human cytogenetics. Karger, Basel.

Liehr, T. (2009). Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH)-application guide. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.

Leitch, A.R., Schwarzacher, T., Jackson, D. (1994). In situ hybridization: a practical guide. Bios Scientific Publishers, Oxford.

Verma, R.S. e Babu, A. (1989). Human chromosomes: manual of basic techniques. Pergamon Press, New York.


- For scientific articles see Moodle.

- Web


Cell culture



Flow cytometry

Microscopic techniques and image analysis

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus

Other comments

Program Green Campus Empower of Sciences

To help to achieve some sustainable immediate surroundings and fulfil with the point 6 of the Environmental Statement of the faculty of Sciences (2020), the documentary works that realise  in this matter:

to. They will request  mostly in virtual format and computer support

b. To realise  in paper:

-they will not employ  plastic

-they will realise  impressions to double expensive

-they will employ  paper recycled

-they will avoid  the realisation of drafts

To Environmental Statement is available in:

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.