Identifying Data 2022/23
Subject (*) Oral and Written Communication Code 612G01004
Study programme
Grao en Dereito
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
First and Second Cycle 2nd four-month period
First Basic training 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Letras
Socioloxía e Ciencias da Comunicación
González Neira, Ana María
Comesaña Comesaña, Patricia
Fonseca Blanco, Xavier
Formoso Barro, Maria Josefa
González Neira, Ana María
General description O propósito desta asignatura é mellorar a capacidade do alumnado para expresarse de xeito oral e por escrito en calquera contexto, especialmente no que ten que ver coas rutinas e prácticas profesionais do Dereito, ademais de coñecer as sinerxias e necesidades expresivas dos diferentes medios de comunicación -escritos, audiovisuais e multimedia-, con especial atención ao léxico, á capacidade de argumentación e á necesidade de simplificación e modernización da linguaxe xurídica.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A8 Basic knowledge of legal argumentation.
A11 Ability to understand and write legal documents.
A12 Management of legal oratory (ability to express themselves properly in public).
A13 Mastering new technologies applied to law.
B2 Ability to know how to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional way and possess the skills that are usually demonstrated through the elaboration and defense of arguments and the resolution of problems within their area of study.
B4 Ability to transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to a specialized and non-specialized public.
B10 Teamwork and collaboration.
B12 Effective workplace communication and oral and written skills in Spanish, Galician and foreign languages.
B13 Computing and ICT skills.
C1 Adequate oral and written expression in the official languages.
C6 Critically assess the knowledge, technology and information available to solve the problems they face.
C7 Assume as a professional and citizen the importance of lifelong learning.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
Ability to express both orally and in writing, with special attention to legal language A8
Ability to express oneself properly in public and to handle oratory and legal argumentation A8
Ability to use the internet and the basic ICT tools needed to practice their profession A13
Work collaboratively and communicate effectively in a work environment A11

Topic Sub-topic
UNIT 1. Communication

1.1. Definition.
1.2. Features
1.3. Types of communication
Unit 2. Legal language
2.1 Definition
2.2 Characteristics
UNIT 3. Writing to speak.
3.1. Organization of the written text.
3.2. Written communication techniques applied to law.
3.3. The drafting process.
3.4. Documentation and specialized bases.
UNIT 4. Modernization and simplification of the legal language.
4.1. The Modernization Language Legal Commission.
4.2. Report of the Modernization Language Legal Commission
4.3. The right to understand.
4.4. Recommendations to professionals.
4.5. Recommendations to institutions.
4.6. Recommendations to the media.
UNIT 5. Locution, intonation and presentation
5.1. Audience and fear of public speaking.
5.2. Basic principles of oral presentation.
5.3. Classes and genres of speech.
5.4. The exhibition.
UNIT 6. Oratory, eloquence and argumentation.
6.1. Rhetoric, Oratory and Dialectic.
6.2. Rhetorical resources. Persuasion
6.3. The argument: thesis, arguments and conclusion
6.4. Argumentative techniques
UNIT 7. Non-verbal communication.
7.1. Definition
7.2. Features.
7.3. Body language: staging.
7.4. Ethos, pathos and logos.
7.5. Kinesia, paralinguistics and proxemics.
7.6. Case studies of each media.
7.7. Basic concepts: marketing, target audience, positioning.
7.8. Image communication: qualities of the speaker.
UNIT 8. Speaking to the media
8.1. Judicial journalism.
8.2. Justice Communication Protocol.
8.3. Legal environment, organic regulations and regulations.
8.4. The communication offices of the Judiciary.
8.5. Judicial information: limits.
8.6. Judicial information and transparency.
8.7. Use of co-official languages.
UNIT 9. Use of multimedia supports 9.1 Web Communication.
9.2. Social media: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
9.3 Power Point Presentation

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Guest lecture / keynote speech A8 A11 A12 A13 C7 26 12 38
Workshop A11 A13 B10 B12 B13 B2 B4 C1 12 24 36
Oral presentation A8 A12 B10 B12 B13 B2 B4 C1 C6 11 22 33
Supervised projects A8 A11 A12 A13 B10 B12 B13 B2 B4 C1 C6 C7 0 21 21
Practical test: A8 A11 A13 B13 B2 B4 C1 C6 7 12 19
Mixed objective/subjective test A8 A13 B13 C1 C6 2 0 2
Personalized attention 1 0 1
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech Oral presentation (using audiovisual material and student interaction) designed to transmit knowledge and encourage learning. Presentations of this type are variously referred to as ‘expository method’, ‘guest lectures’ or ‘keynote speeches’. (The term ‘keynote’ refers only to a type of speech delivered on special occasions, for which the lecture sets the tone or establishes the underlying theme; it is characterised by its distinctive content, structure and purpose, and relies almost exclusively on the spoken word to communicate its ideas.)
Workshop Applied learning situation incorporating a range of supervised learning and testing techniques (presentation, simulation, debate, problem solving, guided practice, etc.) with a strongly practical focus.
Oral presentation Core component of teaching-learning process involving coordinated oral interaction between student and teacher, including proposition, explanation and dynamic exposition of facts, topics, tasks, ideas and principles.
Supervised projects Supervised learning process aimed at helping students to work independently in a range of contexts (academic and professional). Focused primarily on learning ‘how to do things’ and on encouraging students to become responsible for their own learning.
Practical test: A test in which the student is to carry out totally or partially some practical procedure previously tried out in the practical classes. The practical test may include a prior problem-solving phase which results in the practical application of a specific technique or procedure already studied.
Mixed objective/subjective test Mixed test consisting of essay-type and objective test questions. Essay section consists of open (extended answer) questions; objective test may contain multiple-choice, ordering and sequencing, short answer, binary, completion and/or multiple-matching questions.

Personalized attention
Oral presentation
Supervised projects
Personalized attention to the students will realize through the diverse practices that will have to realize during the term.

For the development of this personalized attention, face-to-face tutorials are contemplated, together with the continuous follow-up in the classroom and through Moodle.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Oral presentation A8 A12 B10 B12 B13 B2 B4 C1 C6 Oral communication tests. The oral communication part will be evaluated 100% with these tests. 25
Supervised projects A8 A11 A12 A13 B10 B12 B13 B2 B4 C1 C6 C7 Work to assess competence in written communication. 25
Practical test: A8 A11 A13 B13 B2 B4 C1 C6 Writing practices. 10
Mixed objective/subjective test A8 A13 B13 C1 C6 Final exam of the subject in which the theoretical and practical knowledge of written expression acquired will be evaluated. 40
Assessment comments

Sources of information
Basic Carretero (2019). Comunicación para juristas. Tirant Lo Blanch
RAE (Real Academia de la Lengua Española) (2014). Diccionario de la lengua española : [Edición del Tricentenario]. Madrid : Espasa Calpe
CASADO, Manuel (2012). El castellano actual. Usos y normas. Pamplona: EUNSA
Ministerio de Justicia (2011). Informe de la Comisión de modernización del lenguaje jurídico. Mnisterio de Justicia
RAE (Real Academia de la Lengua Española) (2012). Ortografía básica de la lengua española. Madrid: RAE
Consejo General del Poder Judicial (2018). Protocolo de Comunicación de la Justicia. Madrid: Consejo General del Poder Judicial

Complementary JIMÉNEZ YÁÑEZ DE BARBER, Ricardo; MANTECÓN SANCHO, Joaquín (2012). Escribir bien es de justicia : técnicas de expresión escrita para juristas. Cizur Menor : Aranzadi-Thomson Reuters
CASSANY, Daniel (2007. 14ª ed.). La cocina de la escritura. Barcelona : Anagrama
BOEGLIN NAUMOVIC, Martha (2007). Leer y redactar en la universidad : del caos de las ideas al texto estructurado. Sevilla : MAD
VILCHES VIVANCOS, Fernando (2010). Manual de lenguaje jurídico-administrativo. Madrid : Dykinson
MONTOLÍO, Estrella (coordinadora) (2000). Manual práctico de escritura académica. Barcelona : Ariel
FIGUERAS, Carolina (2001). Pragmática de la puntuación. Barcelona : Octaedro

  • Cascón Martín, E. (2004). Manual del buen uso del español. Madrid: Castalia.

  • Cazorla Prieto, L. (2014). El lenguaje jurídico actual. Thomson Aranzadi.

  • Davis, F. (2006). La comunicación no verbal. Madrid: Alianza. 

  • García Carbonell, R. (2001). Todos pueden hablar bien en público. Madrid: Edaf. 

  • Gómez Quijano, A. (2009). Comunicación para ejecutivos. Las tres distancias de la comunicación en las organizaciones. Madrid: Ediciones Internacionales Universitarias.  

  • Instituto Cervantes. El libro del español correcto. Claves para hablar y escribir bien en español. Barcelona: Espasa, 2012. 

  • Lázaro Carreter, F. (1997). El dardo en la palabra. Barcelona: Círculo de lectores. 

  • Merayo, A. (1998). Curso práctico de técnicas de comunicación oral. Madrid: Tecnos.

  • Montolío, E. (2018).Manual de escritura académica y profesional (col. I y II). Ariel
  • Muñoz Machado, S. Libro de estilo de la justicia. RAE-Espasa.
  • Puchol, L. (2008). Hablar en público. Madrid: Editorial Díaz de Santos. 

  • Ribeiro, L. (2011). La comunicación eficaz. Urano 

  • Seco, Manuel: Diccionario de dudas y dificultades de la lengua española. Espasa Calpe, Madrid, 1990. 

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus

Other comments

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.