Datos Identificativos 2022/23
Asignatura (*) Simulación e Optimización de Procesos de Fabricación do Buque Código 730542024
Master Universitario Erasmus Mundus en Sostibilidade e Industria 4.0 aplicada ao Sector Marítimo
Descriptores Ciclo Período Curso Tipo Créditos
Mestrado Oficial 1º cuadrimestre
Segundo Optativa 6
Modalidade docente Presencial
Departamento Empresa
Crespo Pereira, Diego
Correo electrónico
Crespo Pereira, Diego
Lamas Rodriguez, Adolfo
Pernas Álvarez, Javier
Correo electrónico
Descrición xeral The goal of this subject is to provide a basic theoretical and practical understanding of modelling and simulation technologies (M&S) applied to shipbuilding. M&S is considered one of the Industry 4.0 technologies that allows shipyards to optimize manufacturing processes and logistics. The simulation software Flexsim will be used to solve practical cases based on real problems solved in shipyards.

Competencias do título
Código Competencias / Resultados do título

Resultados de aprendizaxe
Resultados de aprendizaxe Competencias / Resultados do título
To have basic knowledge about the modelling and simulation methodology. BM6
To solve realistic problems about process optimization and planning in shipyards using simulation. BM6

Temas Subtemas
Modelling and Simulation The M&S methodology. M&S technologies. Simulation projects.
Model development in Flexsim Flexsim basics. Fixed resource library. Task executers. Networks and conveyors. Introduction to process flows.
Shipbuilding processes Cutting-welding. Block assembly. Outfitting. Painting. Blocks erection.
Shipyard simulation. Material receipts. Assembly workstations. Blocks erection. Cranes. Planning.
Optimization Input data analysis. Simulation experiments. Optimization concepts. Linear models. Heuristics. Evolutionary algorithms.

Metodoloxías / probas Competencias / Resultados Horas lectivas (presenciais e virtuais) Horas traballo autónomo Horas totais
Prácticas a través de TIC A2 A3 B7 B8 B11 B13 C2 C3 C4 C6 C7 15 15 30
Estudo de casos B7 B8 B11 B13 C2 C3 C4 C6 C7 4.5 22.5 27
Traballos tutelados A2 A3 B7 B8 B11 B13 C2 C3 C4 C6 C7 1.5 40.5 42
Proba mixta B7 B8 B11 B13 C2 C3 C4 C6 C7 2 2 4
Sesión maxistral A2 A3 B8 B11 B13 21 21 42
Atención personalizada 5 0 5
*Os datos que aparecen na táboa de planificación son de carácter orientativo, considerando a heteroxeneidade do alumnado

Metodoloxías Descrición
Prácticas a través de TIC Solving practical problems and case studies using Flexsim.
Estudo de casos Solving practical cases proposed by the teachers
Traballos tutelados Simulation project proposed by the teachers
Proba mixta Final exam about the contents of this subject.
Sesión maxistral Lectures on the subject contents

Atención personalizada
Prácticas a través de TIC
Proba mixta
Sesión maxistral
Estudo de casos
Traballos tutelados
During tutorial time, students can meet the teachers to clarify the doubts of the subject, as well as the ones concerning the supervised projects

Metodoloxías Competencias / Resultados Descrición Cualificación
Proba mixta B7 B8 B11 B13 C2 C3 C4 C6 C7 Assessment of the final exam 20
Estudo de casos B7 B8 B11 B13 C2 C3 C4 C6 C7 Assessment of the practical cases assigned to the students. 20
Traballos tutelados A2 A3 B7 B8 B11 B13 C2 C3 C4 C6 C7 Assessment of the supervised project assigned to the students. 60
Observacións avaliación

Assessment criteria

Second opportunity

The assessment criteria for the first and the second opportunity are the same. 

'No Presentado' grade

The grade of "No presentado" (no grade) will be given to those students who will not hand in the supervised project.

Additional information

Fraudulent behaviour in any of the parts subject to assessment will result in the grade of "Fail (0)" in the final assessment.

General EMJMD Sustainable Ship and Shipping  SEAS 4.0 evaluation rules:

- Students will have only two oportunities to pass a course. If failing to do so, they may be forced to leave the degree.

- No part time or lecture attendance exemption are allowed in this degree.

Fontes de información
Bibliografía básica Banks, Jerry Carson, Jhon S. Nelson, Barry L. Nicol, David M. (2010). Discrete-Event System Simulation. Prentice Hall
Flexsim (2022). Flexsim Tutorials.
Robinson, Stewart (2004). Simulation : The Practice of Model Development and Use. John Wiley & Sons

Bibliografía complementaria

Materias que se recomenda ter cursado previamente

Materias que se recomenda cursar simultaneamente

Materias que continúan o temario


To help in achieving a sustainable environment and to get the objective of number 5 action of the "Ferrol Green Campus Action Plan" (Healthy and environmentaly and socially sustainable research and teaching):

 The assignments to be done in this course:

 - Will be required in digital format.

 - Will be delivered using Moodle, with no need to print them.

 In case it is necessary to print them:

 - Plastics won´t be used.

 - Two side printing will be used.

 - Recycled paper will be used.

 - Printing drafts will be avoided.

 A sustainable use of the resources should be done, together with the prevention of negative impacts on the environment.

(*)A Guía docente é o documento onde se visualiza a proposta académica da UDC. Este documento é público e non se pode modificar, salvo casos excepcionais baixo a revisión do órgano competente dacordo coa normativa vixente que establece o proceso de elaboración de guías