Identifying Data 2023/24
Subject (*) Final Dissertation Code 610G01043
Study programme
Grao en Química
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate Yearly
Fourth Obligatory 15
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Química
Andrade Garda, Jose Manuel
Avecilla Porto, Fernando Francisco
Barriada Pereira, José Luis
Beceiro Gonzalez, Maria Elisa
Blas Varela, Andrés M. de
Brandariz Lendoiro, Maria Isabel
Canle López, Moisés
Esteban Gomez, David
Fernandez Lopez, Alberto A.
Fernandez Perez, Maria Isabel
Fernandez Sanchez, Jesus Jose
Fernández Trillo, Francisco
García Ben, Javier
García Romero, Marcos Daniel
Gonzalez Castro, Maria Jose
Herrero Rodriguez, Roberto
Iglesias Martinez, Emilia
Jimenez Gonzalez, Carlos
Kennes , Christian
Ligero Martínez - Risco, Pablo
Lopez Mahia, Purificacion
Martinez Cebeira, Montserrat
Moreda Piñeiro, Jorge
Mosquera Mosquera, Jesús
Muniategui Lorenzo, Soledad
Munteanu , Cristian Robert
Ojea Cao, Vicente
Pazos Chantrero, Elena
Peinador Veira, Carlos
Perez Sestelo, Jose
Platas Iglesias, Carlos
Riveiros Santiago, Ricardo
Rodriguez Barro, Pilar
Rodriguez Blas, Maria Teresa
Rodriguez Gonzalez, Jaime
Rodríguez Rodríguez, Aurora
Ruiz Bolaños, Isabel
Ruiz Pita-Romero, Maria
Sanchez Andujar, Manuel
Santaballa Lopez, Juan Arturo
Sarandeses Da Costa, Luis Alberto
Sastre De Vicente, Manuel Esteban
Señaris Rodriguez, Maria Antonia
Soto Castiñeira, Manuel
Turnes Carou, Maria Isabel
Vazquez Garcia, Digna
Vega Martin, Alberto de
Veiga Barbazan, Maria del Carmen
Vilariño Barreiro, Maria Teresa
Web http://
General description O Traballo de Fin de Grao (TFG) supón a realización, por parte de cada estudante e de forma individual, dun proxecto, unha memoria, un informe ou un estudo concreto, pero non exclusivamente de recompilación bibliográfica, baixo a supervisión de un ou dous directores (cando menos un deles debe pertencer a un departamento con docencia no Grao en Química).
A materia posibilita ao estudante a integración dos coñecementos e habilidades adquiridos durante os seus estudos de grao, con espírito crítico e autonomía. Ademais, permite avaliar a madurez do estudante respecto ao manexo de fontes bibliográficas e a súa capacidade de presentación de resultados, utilizando un deseño e linguaxe apropiados, tanto oral como escrito.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A1 Ability to use chemistry terminology, nomenclature, conventions and units
A14 Ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of concepts, principles and theories in chemistry
A16 Ability to source, assess and apply technical bibliographical information and data relating to chemistry
A24 Ability to explain chemical processes and phenomena clearly and simply
B1 Learning to learn
B2 Effective problem solving
B3 Application of logical, critical, creative thinking
B4 Working independently on own initiative
B5 Teamwork and collaboration
B6 Ethical, responsible, civic-minded professionalism
B7 Effective workplace communication
C1 Ability to express oneself accurately in the official languages of Galicia (oral and in written)
C2 Oral and written proficiency in a foreign language
C3 Ability to use basic information and communications technology (ICT) tools for professional purposes and learning throughout life
C4 Self-development as an open, educated, critical, engaged, democratic, socially responsible citizen, equipped to analyse reality, diagnose problems, and formulate and implement informed solutions for the common good
C5 Understanding importance of entrepreneurship, and knowledge of resources available for people with business ideas
C6 Ability to assess critically the knowledge, technology and information available for problem solving
C7 Acceptance as a professional and as a citizen of importance of lifelong learning
C8 Understanding role of research, innovation and technology in socio-economic and cultural development

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
Mostrar de modo sintético e a través da aprendizaxe demostrada na elaboración e defensa do TFG que o estudante adquiriu, en conxunto, as competencias xerais do Grao. A1

Topic Sub-topic
Traballo de Fin de Grao Contidos propios dos módulos de:
- Química Analítica
- Química Física
- Química Inorgánica
- Química Orgánica
- Outras áreas fronteirizas da Química, en asociación coas anteriores.

Os temas dos TFG proporanse de xeito que exista correspondencia coas competencias xerais recollidas no Grao.

Os estudantes poderán propoñer temas ou liñas para que sexan tidos en conta e, de ser o caso, incorporados na oferta pública.

Garantirase un número de temas e direccións suficiente para cubrir a totalidade dos estudantes matriculados no TFG cada curso académico.
Será competencia do equipo directivo do centro facer pública a oferta anual de posibles traballos a realizar.
A asignación de traballos farase seguindo o principio de igualdade, mérito e capacidade, tentando respectar as preferencias manifestadas polo estudantado implicado.

Se o/a estudante ten que desenvolver parte do TFG ou a súa totalidade nunha empresa ou noutro organismo distinto á UDC, no marco dun convenio de prácticas, unha das persoas que dirixa o traballo, con categoría de titulado superior, poderá pertencer a esa entidade, co fin de que colabore na definición e o desenvolvemento do TFG.

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Introductory activities B1 B7 1 0 1
Research (Research project) A1 A14 A16 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 C2 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 280 28 308
Events academic / information B1 C4 C5 C6 C8 2 0 2
Supervised projects A1 A14 A16 A24 B2 B3 C1 C2 C3 C6 C8 1 32 33
Oral presentation A24 B7 C1 C3 1 20 21
Personalized attention 10 0 10
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Introductory activities Actividade onde se lle explica ao estudante en que consistirá o seu Traballo de Fin de Grao, se lle proporciona orientación sobre as fontes bibliográficas que debe manexar, a metodoloxía máis axeitada a empregar e o modo de planificar o seu traballo.
Research (Research project) Traballo individual e autónomo do estudante, orientado polo(s) director(es) do traballo.
No desenvolvemento do traballo, o estudante deberá afrontar un problema de índole química de acordo co método científico, formulalo con precisión, desenvolver os procedementos pertinentes, interpretar os resultados e sacar as conclusións oportunas do traballo realizado.
Events academic / information Asistencia, por recomendación do director ou interese persoal, a eventos científicos e / ou divulgativos organizados na Facultade e relacionados coa temática do Grao en Química. A asistencia a estos eventos deber servir para mellorar as competencias en materia de presentación e defensa do propio traballo.
Supervised projects Traballo individual e autónomo do estudante, baixo a tutela do director.
O alumno deberá presentar unha memoria escrita resumindo toda a labor realizada durante o TFG. Dita memoria deberá incluir, como mínimo, unha introdución, unha sección ou capítulo que recolla os obxectivos, antecedentes existentes sobre o tema que se trate, unha parte relativa aos materiais e métodos ou procedementos experimentais, os resultados obtidos, a súa discusión e análise crítico e razoado, as conclusións que se tiren do traballo, e unha bibliografía. Asemade, cando menos un resumo inicial e as conclusións do TFG deberán estar redactadas en inglés.
Oral presentation Exposición e defensa oral do traballo ante un tribunal.
A presentación e defensa do TFG farase en acto público.
O estudante disporá de un tempo máximo de 15 minutos (se ben recoméndase unha duración de 10 minutos) para expoñer os obxectivos, a metodoloxía, o contido e as conclusións do seu traballo. Con posterioridade terá que atender ás preguntas, aclaracións, comentarios e suxestións que lle poidan formular os membros do tribunal de avaliación.

Personalized attention
Research (Research project)
Oral presentation
Introductory activities
Supervised projects
O director adicará, como mínimo, o tempo previsto nas normas de PDA da UDC para o seguimento do estudante.
O estudante recibirá indicacións das características do traballo e orientación na súa planificación e no seu desenvolvemento.
O director realizará un seguimento continuado do traballo, incluido a supervisión dos resultados obtidos, a discusión dos mesmos e a extracción de conclusións, e velará polo cumprimento dos obxectivos fixados. Tamén se supervisará a redacción da memoria de TFG e a elaboración da presentación oral da mesma. Valoraranse os avances do estudante e realizaranse propostas de mellora.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Research (Research project) A1 A14 A16 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 C2 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 Avaliación continua por parte do(s) director(es) de todo o proceso de realización do TFG, tendo en conta os diferentes elementos indicados na correspondente plantilla de avaliación elaborada para tal fin.
O 50% da cualificación final do TFG corresponde a avaliación do(s) director(es) do traballo.
Oral presentation A24 B7 C1 C3 O tribunal valorará a presentación oral e a defensa do traballo presentado, de acordo cos distintos elementos indicados na plantilla de avaliación elaborada para tal fin.
O 50% da cualificación final do TFG corresponde a avaliación do tribunal, na que a avaliación da presentación oral representa o 17.5% e a defensa e discusión dos resultados representa o 15%
Supervised projects A1 A14 A16 A24 B2 B3 C1 C2 C3 C6 C8 O tribunal valorará a calidade final da memoria presentada, de acordo cos distintos elementos indicados na plantilla de avaliación elaborada para tal fin.
O 50% da cualificación final do TFG corresponde a avaliación do tribunal, na que a avaliación da memoria escrita presentada representa o 17,5%.
Assessment comments



Submission of the

All information
related to the submission of the Final Dissertation report is included in
the Procedemento de oferta, adxudicación e defensa dos Traballos de Fin
de Grao, 
available at the Faculty of Sciences website (Traballos de
Fin de Grao section).


Formatting requirements for the final (written) report

The final report
of the Final Dissertation must be signed by the supervisor or supervisors. It
is important to consider, though, that this will never be a substitute for the
official authorisation of the defense signed in the "secretaría
virtual" by, at least, one of the the supervisor/s.

The final report
must include, at least, a summary (250-300 words) with key words, an introduction to the topic,
a section or chapter setting out the aims of the project, a section describing
the materials, methods and experimental procedures (if any), a description of
the obtained results, a discussion or critical analysis of the results, the
conclusions of the project (if any) and the bibliographic references used. In
addition to all this, at least the summary and the conclusions should be
written in english (as well as in galician and spanish).

-The format of the report will also be evaluated, and it must conform to the
following basic requirements:

1. Title page. A
compulsory title page model can be downloaded from the Faculty of Science
website (Traballos de Fin de Grao section)

2. Lenght: Minimum 35 pages and maximum 50 pages or minimum 10.000 words and maximum 15.000 words (esta cifra se corresponde con unas 40-45 páginas con cierta carga gráfica), not including the cover, the supervisor signature page, the summary and
the index, but annex will be included.

3. Margins not
below 2 cm (top, bottom, left and right)

4. Body text:
Arial (or equivalent), 12 points / Captions and headings in figures and tables:
not less than 10 points

5. Single to 1,5
lines spacing

-The supervisor or
supervisors will decide whether they want to use plagiarism detection
or not, although the use of turnitin is strongly recommended.
The reports not analysed using turnitin can be presented, although they will
not be included in the institutional repository of the University of A Coruña


Requirements for
the oral presentation

1. The student
will present the aims, methodology, contents and conclusions (if any) of their
project in a maximum time of 15 minutes (10 minutes is strongly recommended).
The evaluation committee will inform the student of the available time at the
beginning of the defence.

2. After the
project is presented by the student, they will discuss their results with the
evaluation committee. Members of the committee will make all the comments and
questions they consider relevant. A maximum time of 5 minutes per member of the
committee is strongly recommended. The discussion of the Final Dissertation
should not last for more than 20 minutes. Refusing to answer the committee's
questions will cause the Final Dissertation to be assessed with a qualification
of 4 points or less.   

3. The oral
presentation of the work can be conducted online when circumstances make
on-site presentation unadvisable. The student can also request for the
presentation of their work to be carried out online when there are compelling
reasons, but this will always have to be granted by the Dean. 


Assessment considerations

The assessment of
the Final Dissertation is the responsability of the evaluation committee. After
the Final Dissertation has been submitted and presented, the evaluation committee
will assess the student's work. The grade of the Final Dissertation will be the
arithmetic mean of the marks given by each member of the evaluation committee,
always taking into account the assessment made by the supervisor/s of the
student (30% of the final grade).

Students whose
grade in the Final Dissertation is 9 or above are elegible for a distinction
(Matrícula de Honra), always depending on the evaluation committee's criteria.

Students who fail
their Final Dissertation will receive a document produced by the evaluation
committee with its recommendations for the improvement of the report. A copy of
said document will also be submitted to the supervisor/s of the work.

Students can
appeal their Final Dissertation grades following the process described in the
UDC assessment regulations  (article 31, Normativa de Avaliación,
Revisión e Reclamación das Cualificacións dos Estudos de Grao e Mestrado

Enrollment allows
the student to submit and present their Final Dissertation report in the two
opportunities included in each term, always according to the UDC regulations.
Students who fail to pass their Final Dissertation (or absent themselves) in
the two opportunities included in each term will have to re-enroll. They will
not need to choose a different topic for their Final Dissertation, as long as
there is agreement between the student and the supervisor/s and the student
requests it.

supervisor or supervisors will assess the quality and contents of the written
report, as well as the different competencies included in the final
dissertation rubric.

In theis assessment, the members of the evaluation committee will
consider the quality of the written report and the oral presentation, as well
as different competencies included in the final dissertation rubric.

Sources of information

O director ou directores do traballo proporán a bibliografía específica e adecuada ao traballo a desenvolver polo alumno.

Complementary R. Holliman, J. Thomas, S. Smidt, E. Scanlon, E. Whitelegg (2009). Practising Science Communication in the Information Age, sections 1-3. Oxford: Oxford University Press
S. Harrad, L. Batty, M. Diamond, G. Arhonditsis (2008). Student Projects in Environmental Science. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus

Other comments

Tal e como establece a normativa da UDC: "Sen prexuízo do disposto en cada plan de estudos, o alumno que superase 180 créditos, incluídos todos os da primeira metade, poderar realizar a matrícula do traballo de fin de grao no período ordinario de matrícula, ou nos prazos outorgados para ampliación da matrícula nos estudos de grao... O alumno, que teña superados o resto dos crédidtos da súa titulación, poderá defender o devandito traballo na convocatoria correspondente ao período do primeiro cuadrimestre ou na convocatoria correspondente ao período do segundo cuadrimestre e, de ser o caso, na oportunidade de xullo, ou naquela oportunidade que se fixe atendendo ao réxime especial previsto nas instruccións mencionadas"

Así, será preciso ter superados 225 créditos do Grao (todas as materias excepto o TFG) para que o alumno poda facer entrega da memoria e proceder á defensa do Traballo de Fin de Grao.

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.