Identifying Data 2023/24
Subject (*) Biology: Basic Levels of Organisation of Life I (Cells) Code 610G02007
Study programme
Grao en Bioloxía
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 1st four-month period
First Basic training 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Bioloxía
Yañez Sanchez, Julian
Folgueira Otero, Mónica
Lamas Criado, Iban
Rey Rico, Ana
Yañez Sanchez, Julian
General description O curso atópase no primeiro ano do grao e o único precedente que a meirande parte dos alumnos ten, provén dos coñecementos da bioloxía na educación secundaria. O curso está incluído no núcleo de formación básica común, así que atópase no primeiro semestre do primeiro curso para facilitar aos alumnos as habilidades básicas necesarias para outras materias. Esta materia céntrase no estudo da célula como a unidade anatómica e funcional dos seres vivos tanto unicelulares como pluricelulares, facendo especial fincapé na células eucariotas. Tratarase de xeito integrado a estructura, función e bioxénese dos seus compoñentes así como o mecanismo e función das principales actividades celulares.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A1 Recoñecer distintos niveis de organización nos sistemas vivos.
A4 Obter, manexar, conservar e observar especímenes.
A5 Analizar e caracterizar mostras de orixe humana.
A11 Identificar e analizar material de orixe biolóxica e as súas anomalías.
A26 Deseñar experimentos, obter información e interpretar os resultados.
A30 Manexar adecuadamente instrumentación científica.
A31 Desenvolverse con seguridade nun laboratorio.
B1 Aprender a aprender.
B4 Traballar de forma autónoma con iniciativa.
B6 Organizar e planificar o traballo.
B8 Sintetizar a información.
B9 Formarse unha opinión propia.
B10 Exercer a crítica científica.
B11 Debater en público.
B13 Comportarse con ética e responsabilidade social como cidadán e como profesional.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
To know the characteristics and properties of the different cell types as anatomical and functional units of living organisms, their possible origin and interrelationship A1
To know the structure, origin and function of cellular components, with particular emphasis on eukaryotic cells A1
To understand the mechanisms underlying the dynamics of life and social processes of cells A1
To understand and become familiar with the methodologies, bibliographic sources and technical terms of Cell Biology, in some cases using the scientific method to study A1

Topic Sub-topic
Concept and historical background of Cell Biology.
Organization levels and clasification of life.
Cell Biology Methods.
CELL MEMBRANE AND CELL SURFACE Structure and organization of biological membranes.
Transport of molecules across the membrane.
The cell surface.
Cell adhesion and cellular junctions.
Complex microtubular structures.
The endoplasmic reticulum
The Golgi complex
THE CELL CYCLE The cell cycle
Mitosis and cytokinesis
The programmed cell death.
THE SOCIAL CONTEXT OF THE CELL Cell communication and cell signaling
Practical lessons - Fundamentals of light microscopy
- Observation of bacteria and fungi
- Observation of protozoans (Protista) and animal cells
- Observation of plant cells
- Cell Fractionation
- Study of plant subcellular structures
- Observation of chromosomes and mitosis
- Staining and observation of blood cells
- Fundamentals of electron microscopy

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Guest lecture / keynote speech A1 B1 25 62.5 87.5
Directed discussion A1 B1 B4 B6 B9 B10 B11 B13 4 8 12
Laboratory practice A1 A4 A5 A11 A26 A30 A31 B8 B13 15 15 30
Mixed objective/subjective test A1 2 2 4
Seminar A1 B4 B9 B11 4 4 8
Workbook A1 B9 0 3 3
Introductory activities A1 1 0 1
Online discussion A1 B4 B9 0 1 1
Personalized attention 1 0 1
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech 50 minutes sessions about some of the contents of the program. For better exploitation, it is highly recommended that students have previously read on their own the fundamental aspects of these topics in the recommended texts and completed the questionnaires concerning the topic. This section includes the acquisition of A1 skill.
Directed discussion This methodology will be developed in the sessions called "Review and Problems". In small groups of 10-15 students, (1) theoretical and practical questions contained in a questionnaire solved by the students prior to the session will be discussed; (2) cases or current issues in cell biology and their implications could also be solved. Finally, the level of understanding of the topics covered will be evaluated individually with a short test or gamified activity. This activity exercises the skills B1, B4, B6, B11 and C1.
Laboratory practice Some theoretical aspects related to the equipment and experimental methodologies and simple cytological techniques are acquired in the lab. Students should elaborate a memory including: the goal of each practical, protocols followed, results, drawings and interpretations of the observations in detail. Attendance at practicals is mandatory for evaluation. Circumstances that prevent attendance, must be notified/justified to the teachers in charge. In this section skills A4, A30, A31 are developed.
Mixed objective/subjective test This category includes both a partial liberatory exam and the final exam on the contents of the program worked in the theoretical and practical sessions of the subject
Seminar In small groups of 10-15 students, it will be worked on a scheduled topic. Previously students should prepare a summary (1-2 pages) or glossary of terms on the topic and a copy will be handed at the end of the session. The session consists of sharing the information and discussing on the topic. With this activity, skills B1,B4, B6, B8 and B11 will be exercised.
Workbook Two selected texts related to the introduction of the subject will be available to students at the begining of the course to perform a comprehensive reading.
Introductory activities One session will be dedicated to presentation of the course, explaining its structure, activities, assessment criteria, etc ... also content in the teaching guide. Student can resolve any queries related.
Online discussion A particular cell biology issue will be proposed in the on-line forum. Contribution and discussion will be expected from the students. In this section, skills B1, B4, B8, B11 will be exercised.

Personalized attention
Directed discussion
Laboratory practice
Students are free to discuss any concerns raised from lectures, but also extensively in seminars and guided discussions. They also have the chance to solve any questions in personalized tutoring sessions.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Mixed objective/subjective test A1 On the official date, a final exam will be held about the contents of the program worked on in the theory and practical sessions. At mid-term, there will also be a voluntary and liberating partial examination of the theoretical and practical contents worked until then. 60
Directed discussion A1 B1 B4 B6 B9 B10 B11 B13 Either in the face-to-face session called "Review and Problems", or as homework, the level of understanding of the topics covered in the session will be individually assessed with a short test, analytical question or resolution of a related theoretical case. 20
Laboratory practice A1 A4 A5 A11 A26 A30 A31 B8 B13 At the end of the laboratory period, it will be required to submit a report about the lab work carried out and the answer of some questions. For evaluation, some of the lab practicals and a few selected questions of the questionnaire associated will be chosen. 20
Assessment comments

Attendance at practical sessions is necessary for being allowed to evaluate the exam.

The final exam of the first call (at the end of the 1st semester) will represent 60% of the final grade. The remaining 40% will be the practicals report and the results of the evaluable activities of the discussion sessions (20% and 20%, respectively). To apply the indicated percentages the student must obtain in the examination a mark superior to 4 out of 10). Anyone who has participated in the Practicals and 3 or more evaluable activities can not opt for the "No presentado". Additionally, realizing that during the course students begin exercising certain skills (in some cases by themselves), active participation in seminars and guided discussions will be positively valued. In particular, the contributions to the seminar and the forum could be taken in consideration for the final grade.

Exceptionally, under justified reasons, students that could not take all the continuous assessment tests (part-time students, specific circumstances of learning or unexpected circumstances), appropiate alternative measures or activities will be taken not to affect the student evaluation

In the second call (July), as long as the practices have been carried out, only the result of the final exam will be taken into account for the final grade.

performance of the tests or evaulation activities, once verified, will directly
imply a failure grade "0" in the corresponding

Honors will be granted preferably among the students that take the exam in the first call.

General criteria of UDC will be applied in the commitment to respect enviromental values and gender perspective

Sources of information
Basic Karp, G. (2009). Biología Celular y Molecular. McGraw-Hill. Interamericana
Paniagua, R.; Nistal, M.; Sesma, P.; Álvarez-Uría, M.; Anadón, R.; Fraile, B.; Sáez, FJ. (2007). Citología e Histología Vegetal y Animal: Biología celular. Interamericana-McGraw-Hill
Alberts, B. y col. (2011). Introducción a la Biología celular. Panamericana
Cooper, GM. (2010). La célula. Marbán

Complementary Platner, H.; Hentschel, J. (2011). Biología Celular. Panamericana
Lodish, H.; Berk, A.; Zypursky, S.; Matsudaira, P.; Baltimore, D.; Darnell, J. (2005). Biología Celular y Molecular. Panamericana
Alberts, B.; Johnson A.; Lewis, J.; Raff, M.; Roberts, R. & Walter, P (2004). Biología Molecular de la célula. Omega
Pollard, T.D; Earnshaw WC. (2002, 2008). Cell Biology. Saunders

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus

Other comments

Adaptation to University, with a new system of studying, can be a big effort for all students. Learning outcomes of the subject includes fundamental concepts, familiarity with laboratory work, elaborating practical lab notebooks (presented as a report), finding and processing information from different reliable sources, present and communicate cell biology information clearly.

The term finishes very quickly, which means students need to adapt fast to the new system. If students do not adapt quickly enough to work and study independently, this could lead to failure to pass the subject. It is therefore very important that students work on the subject as the course progresses, not leaving it do the last minute before the exam. It is recommended as well to read or work on the topics before lectures and take appropriate notes during lessons, as well as to complete the questionnaires within the two days immediately after the class.

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.