Identifying Data 2023/24
Subject (*) English for Specific Purposes Code 613505102
Study programme
Mestrado Universitario en Estudos Ingleses Avanzados e as súas Aplicacións (2019)
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Official Master's Degree 1st four-month period
First Obligatory 3
Teaching method Hybrid
Department Letras
Lyons , Aoileann Judith
Lyons , Aoileann Judith
General description Inglés para fins específicos. Diferentes tipoloxías en ESP. Investigación e perspectivas aplicadas.
Perspectivas do ESP. Temas históricos, pedagóxicos, sociolóxicos e lingüísticos en ESP.
Facer investigación en ESP. Os métodos cuantitativos e cualitativos na investigación ESP. Toda a información relativa tanto ao programa desta materia, así como ao resto do Máster, pódese atopar na dirección Web arriba sinalada (nesta mesma páxina)

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A1 E01 – Familiarity with the main research models in linguistic research.
A5 E05 – Familiarity with studies related to English for specific purposes and their application to other subject fields.
A8 E08 – Awareness of the role of English in communication in the different kinds of media.
A14 E14 – Familiarity with and application of techniques and methods of quantitative linguistic analysis
A15 E15 – Awareness of professional and working environments in which English is used as a means of expression and in which this language has a major role.
B1 CB6 – Students should have the knowledge and understanding necessary to provide a basis or opportunity for originality in the development and/or application of ideas, often in a research context.
B5 CB10 – Students should have the necessary learning skills to allow them to continue studying in a largely autonomous manner.
B7 G02 – Students must be capable of applying the knowledge acquired in the multidisciplinary and multifaceted area of English Studies
B8 G03 – An efficient use of new information technology and communication in English Studies is a necessary skill.
B9 G04 – Students must be able to publicly present their ideas, reports or experiences, as well as give informed opinions based on criteria, external norms or personal reflection. All of this implies having sufficient command of both oral and written academic and scientific language
B10 G05 – Skills related to research and the handling of new knowledge and information in the context of English Studies are to be acquired by students
B12 G07 –Linguistic competence (C2 level) in oral and written English must be developed and consolidated.
B14 G09 – Students are expected to be able to carry out research projects of an academic nature in the different fields of English Studies
B15 G10 – The ability to present and defend a research project using adequate terminology and resources appropriate to the field of study is a skill which should be acquired.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
To acquire a general knowledge of ESP as a whole and a deep acquaintance with several of its sub-branches. AR1
To get acquainted with the main structural and linguistic features of the different text types used in ESP contexts. AR5
To develop a basic competence in the composition and translation of the main text types used in specific areas of ESP. AR1
To get familiar with the key issues and concepts and develop basic teaching competences in ESP. AR5
To get acquainted with and develop an ability to use the main research tools (data, analytical instruments, relevant software, etc.) in ESP for practical or research purposes. AR5

Topic Sub-topic
An overview of the discipline. Historical, pedagogic, sociological and linguistic issues in ESP.
Different branches of ESP. Textual analysis. Study of different ESP documents. ESP in Translation. Lexicon analysis.
Practical uses of ESP. Documents and vocabulary in context.
Research and applied perspectives.
ESP perspectives.
Doing research in ESP. Quantitative and qualitative methods in ESP research.

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Online forum B7 B8 B12 0 10 10
Seminar A8 A14 A15 B1 B5 B10 B14 12 20 32
Oral presentation B9 B15 2 10 12
Objective test A1 A5 A8 B12 0 20 20
Personalized attention 1 0 1
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Online forum Virtual debate (Moodle). Relevant to Exchange personal opinions and experiences about the subject. Continuous assessment.
Seminar A teaching-learning process based on cooperative work, group and pair work, together with the teacher's theoretical support. Continuous assessment.
Oral presentation Part of the assessment process of the subject. Students will have to use their acquired knowledge and subject skills to carry out research on ESP and present it orally, individually, to the whole class. It may be replaced by another activities or different tests, at the teacher's discretion. Continuous assessment.
Objective test Written exam.

Personalized attention
Online forum
Objective test
Students will be monitored and will be provided with teacher's support and guidance during the learning-teaching process, namely in those methodologies in which personalized attention in specifically recommended (projects, oral presentations, etc). Online supervision (Teams, e-mail, Moodle UDC) is also provided.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Online forum B7 B8 B12 Virtual debate via UDC Moodle around different issues related to the subject, in English. This is part of continuous assessment. 10
Objective test A1 A5 A8 B12 Written exam. A minimum mark of 4/10 is required in order to be added to the rest of the marks for the course. 50
Seminar A8 A14 A15 B1 B5 B10 B14 Work in the classroom, participation and attendance, activities, potential essays, exercises, etc. This is part of continuous assessment. 20
Oral presentation B9 B15 Research Project related to any of the EFL typologies. Individual. This is part of continuous assessment. it could be replaced by other written or oral activities at the teacher's discretion. 20
Assessment comments

Continuous assessment (100%). Alternatively, continuous assessment (50%) + final test
(50%). As for the continuous assessment, regular class attendance is required.
Furthermore, students will have to complete a series of practical tasks, which may
include a combination of any of the following: text analyses, class presentations, writing
essays and small research projects. The following factors will be considered in the
assessment of these tasks: ability to summarize and combine information from different
sources, clarity in the presentation of ideas, accuracy in the use of specialized concepts
and terminology, involvement in seminars and group activities, rigor and originality in
the formulation of research proposals, and, finally, the use of an appropriate academic style. The final
test will consist in a series of questions related to the course contents.

The same assessment procedures will be applied in the case of students with an extra
opportunity or those retaking the course. In the case of students with an extra
opportunity, for the continuous assessment component, the student may be required to
repeat a selection of the activities done throughout the course or to complete some extra
tasks. As for those students with an official exemption of class attendance, continuous
assessment will be based on their eventual completion of the assignments set through
the virtual component of the course. These students must also sit the final written test (if
applicable) (A minimum mark of 4/10 is required), or, alternatively, complete an equivalent task (or set of tasks) specified by
the lecturers. 

In the July test, students will turn in additional activities or exercises (translations, etc) requested by the teacher, always before sitting the written exam or objective test.

Students who do not attend the written test in June or July will receive the NO PRESENTADO grade.

Students are encouraged to use recycled paper and put sustainable methods into practice. 

About plagiarism

In this subject, the Turnitin tool could be used in the evaluation of essays and activities. Based on the recommendations of the Xunta de Facultade, the following text is added for the students' consideration: Turnitin is an application for teachers to review parts of a text from other texts and indicate their origin. This tool can identify papers presented previously in this or other universities, including those written by the same student. If this circumstance occurs, it will be understood that it is contrary to academic honesty and will be applied to the academic regulations for evaluations, grades, masters, etc.

Sources of information
Basic Flowerdew, John and Matthew Peacock (eds.) (2001). (2001) Research perspectives on English for academic purpes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Ventola, Eija & Anna Mauranen (eds.) (1996). Academic writing: intercultural and textual issues.. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Dudley Evans, Tony & Maggie Jo St John (1998). Developments in English for Specific Purposes, A multi-disciplinary Approach.. Cambridge: Cambridge U. P.
Hyland, Ken (2006). English for academic purposes: an advanced resource book. . London: Routledge
Belcher, D. (2009). English for specific purposes in theory and practice. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press
Hutchinson, Tom & Alan Waters. (2006). English for Specific Purposes.. Cambridge: Cambridge U.P.,
Swales, John M. & Christine B. Feak. (2000). English in today's research world: a writing guide.. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
Fortanet, I., Palmer, J. C., Posteguillo, S. (eds.) (2004). Linguistic studies in academic and professional English.. Castelló de la Plana: Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I.
Ammon, U. (Ed.). (2001). The dominance of English as a language of science. Effects on other languages and language communities. . Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Ventola, Eija; Celia Shalom & Susan Thompson (eds.) (2002). The Language of Conferencing.. Frankfurt am Main; New York: Peter Lang.


Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus

Other comments

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.