Identifying Data 2023/24
Subject (*) Literary and Cultural Relations in the Galician-and-Portuguese-Speaking World Code 613584120
Study programme
Mestrado Universitario en Literatura, Cultura e Diversidade (plan 2016)
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Official Master's Degree 2nd four-month period
First Optional 3
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Letras
Samartin López-Iglesias, Roberto
Samartin López-Iglesias, Roberto
Web http://
General description Estudo dos principais elementos e instrumentos culturais que explican tanto o funcionamento como as relacións entre os varios sistemas que conforman o intersistema cultural galego-portugués

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A1 Integrar os estudos literarios nun contexto cultural mais extenso que trascenda os límites dunha soa lingua e/ou nación, atendendo á diversidade cultural
A3 Ser capaz de realizar aportacións creativas e orixinais no estudo comparatista dos textos literarios, dos productos artísticos e das realidades culturais
A4 Aplicar as técnicas de análise cultural en contextos diversos
A6 Coñecer e valorar a diversidade cultural, con especial atención aos ámbitos hispánico e galego-portugués
A8 Comprender os procesos históricos dos estudos literarios e culturais e os seus cambios de paradigma
A12 Ser capaz de desenvolver un enfoque orixinal e creativo na investigación avanzada no ámbito dos estudos literarios e culturais
A13 Aplicar unha perspectiva comparatista de carácter transnacional e plurilingüístico aos estudos literarios, artísticos e culturais
A14 Adquirir a capacidade de xestionar ferramentas e recursos de investigación aplicados no ámbito dos estudos literarios e culturais
B3 Dominar a expresión e a comprensión de forma oral e escrita dun idioma estranxeiro
B4 Utilizar as ferramentas básicas das tecnoloxías da información e as comunicacións(TIC) necesarias para o exercicio da súa profesión e para a aprendizaxe ao longo da vida
B5 Desenvolverse para o exercicio dunha cidadanía aberta, culta, crítica, comprometida, democrática e solidaria, capaz de analizar a realidade, diagnosticar problemas, formular e implantar solucións baseadas no coñecemento e orientadas ao ben común
B6 Valorar críticamente o coñecemento, a tecnoloxía e a información dispoñibles para resolver problemas cos que deben enfrontarse
B7 Asumir como profesional e cidadán a importancia da aprendizaxe
B8 Valorar a importancia que ten a investigación, a innovación e o desenvolvemento tecnolóxico no avance socioeconómico e cultural da sociedade
C1 Adquirir capacidade de organizar o traballo, planificar e xestionar o tempo e resolver problemas de forma efectiva
C2 Traballar de maneira interdisciplinar en entornos diversos
C4 Promover o entendemento intercultural desde a comprensión da diversidade
C5 Integrar coñecementos de campos de estudos diversos
C6 Aplicar coñecementos e habilidades na resolución de problemas en entornos novos o non familiares en contextos interdisciplinares
C7 Desenvolver habilidades cognitivas avanzadas (capacidade de síntesise, análise e pensamento crítico) relacionadas co desenvolvemento e a creación dun perfil investigador
C8 Adquirir a capacidade de concebir e deseñar proxectos de investigación con rigor académico

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
Locate the study of literature in a broad cultural framework, going beyond national borders and paying attention mainly to the Galician-Portuguese space. AC1
Develop creative capacity in the analysis of literary texts, artistic products and cultural realities from a comparative perspective. AC3
Use a comparative, transnational and multilingual analysis in the study of literature. AC4
Use the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) necessary for the development of work and for the acquisition of knowledge and skills throughout life. BC3
Take into account, as a professional and as a citizen, the relevance of acquiring knowledge throughout life. BJ1
Collaborate in intercultural understanding from the assumption of diversity. BJ4
Work on the capacity for synthesis and the adoption of a critical perspective in order to be able to develop quality research projects. CC1
Know how to distinguish, both in theoretical and empirical analyses, the effects of sex and gender variables AC1

Topic Sub-topic
1. The Galician-Portuguese cultural intersystem. 1.1. Materials, standards and repertoires.
2. Literary and cultural relations in the Lusophone intersystem 2.1. Producers, institutions and events.
2.2. Intersections: Saudosismo, Neotrovadorismo, Iberismo, ...
3. Industries and cultural policies in the Lusophone intersystem 3.1. Regulatory framework, cultural policies and planning

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Guest lecture / keynote speech A1 A6 A8 B7 B8 C4 2 1 3
Directed discussion A13 A3 A12 C7 C5 C6 C8 3 15 18
Seminar A1 A3 A6 A8 B5 B6 B7 B8 C2 C4 5 10 15
Supervised projects A3 A4 A14 A12 B4 B3 C1 C7 2 12 14
Glossary A14 B6 C2 C5 2 2 4
Workbook A1 A4 A8 C1 C4 C7 C5 1 15 16
Personalized attention 5 0 5
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech Presentation, development and analysis of fundamental theoretical and procedural contents for students to achieve the competencies and skills provided for in the subject.
Directed discussion Presentation by the teacher or students of a series of theoretical-practical cases for their joint and collaborative analysis throughout the face-to-face sessions.
Seminar Group work based on the oral presentation of the set of readings assigned by the teacher at the beginning of the sessions or, eventually, the results of one of the tutored works. During the seminars, the students will use the necessary technological and methodological resources and will demonstrate the knowledge and practical application of the contents, skills and competencies addressed in the subject.
Supervised projects Realization of specific approaches related to the topics covered in the subject. These works can be carried out individually or collectively (according to the planning carried out by the teacher at the beginning of the sessions).
Glossary Presentation and collaborative discussion of fundamental concepts for the understanding of the different theoretical-methodological tools focused on the subject.
Workbook Completion of a series of brief readings (articles or book chapters) previously selected by the teacher and directly related to the content covered in the subject.

Personalized attention
Supervised projects
In addition to the accompaniment work carried out in the tutorial schedule set by the teacher responsible for the subject, personalized attention will be directed especially (but not only) to support the completion of the Supervised Work(s), the Readings and the Seminars. In general, it is recommended that each student attend at least one tutorial prior to the presentation of the assigned readings.

In order to carry out the planned activities and in order to obtain adequate guidance, it is essential that students communicate fluently and frequently both their progress and their possible difficulties. In addition, each student will be able to make all kinds of queries in relation to the development of the subject, either during tutorial hours or through email.

This personalized attention is also specially contemplated for part-time students and with recognized academic exemption, as well as for students enrolled to take the exam in the December call and for those coming from outside the European academic area.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Supervised projects A3 A4 A14 A12 B4 B3 C1 C7 The contents discussed and the results of the teaching-learning process will be evaluated in relation to the achievement of the objectives sought in the subject. Linguistic quality, the capacity for autonomous learning and/or teamwork, analytical and critical capacity, and the adaptation to the objectives formulated by the teacher for these activities will also be taken into account. 60
Seminar A1 A3 A6 A8 B5 B6 B7 B8 C2 C4 The comprehension and mastery of the contents presented and commented will be fundamentally evaluated, as well as the usefulness of the discussion for the purposes of the subject. The linguistic quality, the organization and sequence of the presentation, the clarity and precision in the interventions, the interaction with the public, the use of available time and the eventual development and use of technological resources will also be taken into account. 15
Workbook A1 A4 A8 C1 C4 C7 C5 In addition to the possible oral presentation of any of the proposed readings, the level of analysis and comprehension of the rest of the readings demonstrated during the other presentations, seminars and guided discussions will be evaluated. 25
Assessment comments
  1.  The evaluation of the subject will be done continuously at the first opportunity.
    In it, not only the elements referred to in the corresponding place in
    this guide will be taken into account, but also, in a transversal way,
    the linguistic, argumentative and collaborative learning skills
    demonstrated throughout the teaching-learning process.
  2.  All the activities must be carried out and delivered in accordance with the deadlines and procedures established
    in the calendar that the teaching staff will provide to the students at
    the beginning of the sessions and that will be published on the Virtual
    Campus. Activities delivered after the established deadline will not be
    subject to evaluation. To pass the subject, students must achieve a
    grade equal to or greater than 5 points out of 10.
  3.  If there are specific evaluation criteria
    for any of the proposed tasks, these will be made available at the time
    by the teaching staff responsible for the subject through the Virtual
    Campus and/or displayed in the classroom. The teaching staff will also
    give the appropriate instructions for the correct development of each of
    the planned activities.
  4.  All activities or tests must meet minimum format and linguistic correctness requirements
    (spelling, punctuation, syntactic agreement, absence of repetitions,
    lexical precision, formal registration...); in the case of
    linguistic-expressive deficiencies, these may be sanctioned in the
    qualification according to the criteria contained in the document
    "Minimum requirements for linguistic correction" (approved by the
    Galician-Portuguese Section on 6/7/2018 and published on the Virtual
    Campus ).
  5.  Any lack of academic honesty
    (plagiarism, use of texts or ideas from other authorships without
    indicating the origin, copying in tasks, papers or other variables of
    these characteristics) will be penalized in accordance with current
    regulations at the UDC. Papers submitted by students may be incorporated
    into Turnitin, a plagiarism detection tool, as well as papers
    previously submitted at this or other universities, even by the same
    student. In the event of a lack of academic honesty, the measures
    provided for in the Rules for the evaluation, review and claim of
    bachelor's and master's degree studies at the University of A Coruña
    (article 14.4) may be applied. In general, the fraudulent performance of
    tests or evaluation activities, once accredited, will directly imply a
    failure of "0" in the subject in the corresponding call, invalidating
    the qualification obtained in all the evaluation activities for the
    extraordinary call.
  6.  People who do not pass the subject according to the continuous evaluation in the first opportunity must participate in the July opportunity.
    To pass the subject on this second opportunity, students must take the
    exam (5 values) on the date set by the Faculty of Philology and those
    tutored readings or works (5 values) that have been assigned to them.
  7.  The part-time student or with academic exemption
    must take an exam (5 values) on the dates indicated for this purpose by
    the Faculty of Philology and deliver on a date previously agreed with
    the professor those tutored readings or works (5 values) that have been
    commissioned. In case of not being able to attend tutorials, these
    students must contact the teaching staff by email at the beginning of
    the course. Those students who prove the impossibility of attending
    classes must also contact the subject's teaching staff as soon as
    possible after this circumstance has occurred.
  8.  Students who take the early call in December
    must first contact the professor responsible for the subject and, to
    pass it, must take an exam (5 values) on the date set for this purpose
    by the Faculty of Philology, as well as those readings or supervised
    works (5 values) that have been entrusted to you.
  9.  Any student who does not hand in any of the activities provided for in
    this guide or who does not take the exam at the corresponding
    opportunity will be considered Not Present.
  10.  The course can be adapted for students who need the adoption of measures aimed at supporting diversity
    (physical, visual, auditory, cognitive, learning or related to mental
    health). If necessary, it is possible to contact the services available
    at the UDC/in the Center: with the Diversity Attention Unit
    ( within the official
    deadlines stipulated before each academic term; otherwise, with the ADI
    Tutor of the Faculty of Philology (e-mail:
  11.  In accordance with the provisions of the different regulations
    applicable to university teaching, this subject incorporates the gender perspective
    in its content and organization. Inclusive language will be used and
    attention will be paid to the inclusion of literature produced by people
    of different gender identities. Discrimination based on gender will be
    avoided in student participation in all teaching and learning processes.
    The values of respect and equality will be promoted, and the
    reproduction of prejudices or discriminatory attitudes will not be
    accepted. If situations of gender discrimination are identified,
    concrete actions and measures will be proposed to correct them.

Sources of information
Basic Salinas Portugal, Francisco (2007). "A língua e a literatura portuguesas na configuração do campo literário galego". Aula ibérica: Acta de los congresos de Évora y Salamanca. Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca.
Seabra, José Augusto (1999). "Apostila. A geração da Renascença Portuguesa e a revista Nós".. Nova Renascença.
Torres Feijó, Elias J. (). "Contributos sobre o objecto de estudo e metodologia sistémica. Sistemas literários e literaturas nacionais".. Bases metodolóxics para unha historia comparadas das literaturas da Península Ibérica. USC.
Fernández del Riego, Francisco (2001). "Galegos e portugueses na área da cultura común". Congreso de Literatura Galega e do Norte de Portugal: o libro e a lectura. Consellería de Cultura, C
Valiente Fernández, Alicia (2007). "La recepción de la cultura portuguesa en la revista Nós". Revista de Filología Romántica 24.
Torres Feijó,Elías J. (2007). "O 25 de Abril e as suas imediatas conseqüências para e no campo do protossistema cultural galeguista". . Actas do VII Congreso Internacional de Estudos Galegos 2.
Samartim, Roberto López-Iglesias / Cordeiro Rua, Gonçalo (2009). "O pensamento cultural galego em referência a Portugal: posiçom e funçom de ideias e grupos no Tardofranquismo e na Transiçom". Congresso Internacional "O pensamento luso-galaico-brasileiro entre 1850 e 2000. Imprensa Nacio
Pozo Garza, Luz (2001). "Poesía portuguesa en Nordés". Congreso de literatura galega e do norte de Portugal. Xunta de Galicia
Pociña López, Andrés José (2007). "Portugal en la obra de Eduardo Pondal". Aula ibérica: Acta de los congresos de Évora y Salamanca. Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca.
Vázquez Cuesta, Pilar (1992). "Relacións entre as literaturas galega e portuguesa". Actas do I Congreso Internacional da Cultura Galega.
Casas, Arturo (2003). "Sistema interliterario y planificación historiográfica a propósito del espacio geocultural ibérico". Interlitteraria 8
Freixeiro Marto, Xosé Ramón (1994). "Unha visión das relacións culturais galego-portuguesas nos anos vinte a través da correspondencia entre Teixeira de Pascoaes e Noriega Varela". Boletín Galego de Literatura 11
Petrov, Petar et alii (2012). Avanços em literatura e cultura portuguesas. Século XX. AIL-ATRAVÉS eDITORA
Abuín González / Tarrío Varela, Anxo (eds.) (2004). Bases metodolóxicas para unha historia comparadas das literaturas da Península Ibérica. . Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.
Dias, A. F. (1998). História e crítica da literatura portuguesa.. Verbo.
Samartim, Roberto López-Iglesias (2017). Mudança política e sistemas culturais em transiçom. Santiago de Compostela: Laiovento
Rodrigues Baptista, António (1993). Rosalía de Castro no horizonte dos 'saudosistas' portugueses. Da crítica de António Sérgio á veneración de Teixeira de Pascoaes". Aula ibérica: Acta de los congresos de Évora y Salamanca. Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca.
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  2. BALTRUSCH, Burghard (2009). A Galiza e a Lusofonia. Os Estudos Portuguesesna Universidade de Vigo. In Ana Gabriela Macedo & Maria Eduarda Keating (orgs.), IX Colóquio de Outono. Censura e inter-dito/Censorship and inter-diction (pp. 253-269). Braga: Centro de Estudos Humanísticos.
  3. BELLO VÁZQUEZ, Raquel (2012). Portugal como referente na Galiza do século XVIII. O caso de José Andrés Cornide. In Petar Petrov, Pedro Quintino de Sousa, Roberto L.I. Samartim e Elias J. Torres Feijó (eds.), Avanços em Literaturas e Culturas Africanas e em Literatura e Cultura Galega (pp.271-288). Santiago de Compostela/ Faro: AIL/Através Editora.BELLO VÁZQUEZ, Raquel (2015). A existência de uma comunidade luso-galega como elemento afetivo nas visitas a Santiago de Compostela procedentes de Portugal. Primeiros resultados através de inquéritos quantitativo-qualitativos. In Elias J. Torres Feijó, Raquel Bello Vázquez, Roberto Samartim e Manuel Brito-Semedo (eds.). Estudos da AIL em Teoria e Metodologia. Relacionamento nas Lusofonias II (pp. 87-96). Santiago de Compostela/ Coimbra: AIL.
  4. CORDEIRO RUA, Gonçalo & RODRÍGUEZ PRADO, Mª Felisa (2002). Sistema literário galego e mundo lusófono primeira metade de setenta (1969-1974). Portugal para quê?. In Regina Zilberman (org.). Atas do VII Congresso da Associação Internacional de Lusitanistas. Brown University-Providence, Rhode Island, Estados Unidos, 1-7 de julho de 2002 [CD-Rom] (pp. 172-198). [s.l.]: Associação Internacional de Lusitanistas. Consultado em
  5. DIAS, Eduardo Mayone (1996). Iberismo político e iberismo cultural (Relações entre Portugal e Espanha desde a segunda metade do século XIX). In Ramón Lorenzo & Rosario Álvarez (eds.), Homenaxe á profesora Pilar Vázquez Cuesta (pp. 773-782). Santiago de Compostela: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.
  6. FERNÁNDEZ CARBALLIDO, Xurxo (2013). A situação actual do ensino da língua portuguesa na Galiza. Diacrítica, 27-1, 277-286.FERNÁNDEZ CARBALLIDO, Xurxo (2019). O ensino da língua portuguesa na Galiza. Santiago de Compostela: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Faculdade de Filologia (Tese de Doutoramento, inédita).
  7. FERNÁNDEZ REI, Francisco (1995). A «questione della lingua» galega. In Henrique Monteagudo (ed.) (1995). Estudios de sociolingüística galega sobre a norma do galego culto (pp. 177-195). Vigo: Galaxia.
  8. FERNÁNDEZ SOUTO, Ana Belén & VÁZQUEZ GESTAL, Montse (2011). Public relations strategies applied to the implementation of a ‘contry-brand’ in the Galicia-north Portugal Euro-region. The Portuguese journal of social science, vol. 10 (2). Consultado em
  9. HARRINGTON, Thomas S. (2001). Risco y Portugal: contactos anteriores a la teoría de nacionalismo galego y la revista Nós. Revista de lenguas y literaturas catalana, gallega y vasca, 7, 247-262.
  10. LOIS, Rubén Camilo, ESCUDERO GÓMEZ, Luis & GUSMÃO, Inês (2019). El debate actual sobre la(s) frontera(s) aplicado al caso ibérico: elementos de des-fronterización y re-fronterización entre España y Portugal en el siglo xxi. Revista de historiografia, 30, 157-180.
  11. LÓPEZ FERNÁNDEZ, Teresa (1991). Névoas de Antano. Ecos dos Cancioneiros galego-portugueses no século XIX. Santiago de Compostela: Edicións Laiovento.
  12. LOURIDO, Isaac (2019). O espaço literário ibérico na última década. Hipóteses para o estudo das fronteiras e das relações entre sistemas. In Cristina Martínez Tejero & Santiago Pérez Isasi (eds.), Perspetivas críticas sobre os estudos ibéricos (pp. 203-221). Veneza: Edizioni Ca’ Foscari. DOI:
  13. MARCO, Aurora (1996). Exemplificaçom das relaçons culturais entre Galiza e Portugal. Agália, 46, 197-209
  14. MEDEIROS, António F. G (2003). Discurso Nacionalista e Imagens de Portugal na Galiza. Etnográfica: revista do Centro de Estudos de Antropologia Social, VII (2), 321-349.
  15. NÚÑEZ SEIXAS, Xosé M[anoel] (1993). Portugal e o Galeguismo até 1936. Algumas Considerações Históricas. Penélope. Revista de história e ciências sociais, 11, 67-82.
  16. PAZOS-JUSTO, Carlos (2011). A imagem da Galiza e dos galegos em Portugal entre fins do século XIX e primeiras décadas do XX: do imagotipo negativo ao imagotipo de afinidade. Veredas, 16, 39-69.
  17. PAZOS-JUSTO, Carlos (2016). A imagem da Galiza em Portugal. De João de Redondella a Os Galegos são nossos irmãos. Santiago de Compostela: Através Editora.
  18. RODRÍGUEZ FERNÁNDEZ, Elias (2018). Análise e balanço do quadro legislativo para o relacionamento intercomunitário: o caso da Lei Paz-Andrade. Corunha: Universidade da Corunha, Faculdade de Filologia (Trabalho Fim de Grau, inédito). Consultado emÍGUEZ PRADO, Mª Felisa (2004). Inovaçons repertoriais no campo cultural galeguista na década de 70 e as transferências do mundo luso-afro-brasileiro. In [Atas do] VIII Congresso Luso-Afro-Brasileiro de Ciências Sociais. A questão social no novo milénio. Consultado em
  19. RODRÍGUEZ PRADO, Mª Felisa (2014). Textos ficcionais e práticas culturais de portugueses com relação a Santiago de Compostela: contrastes e homologias. In Elias J. Torres Feijó, Raquel Bello Vázquez, Roberto Samartim e Manuel Brito-Semedo (eds.). Estudos da AIL em Teoria e Metodologia. Relacionamento nas Lusofonias I (pp. 143-157). Santiago de Compostela/ Coimbra: AIL.
  20. SAMARTIM, Roberto e PAZOS-JUSTO, Carlos (2019): Portugal e(m) nós. Contributos para a compreensão do relacionamento cultural galego-português. Vila Nova de Famalicão: Edições Humus.
  21. SOEIRO, Teresa (2016). Galiza no Porto: evocação da Semana Cultural Galega de 1935. Portvgalia, Nova Série, 37, 89-129.
  22. SOUSA, João Pedro de (2000). Imagens da Galiza na imprensa portuguesa. Consultado em, Elvira (1986). Galiza na Seara Nova. Agália, 7, 332-337.
  23. TORRES FEIJÓ, Elias J. (2019): Galeguismo precário e Portugal. Entre os Jogos Florais de Tui e a Academia Galega através das revistas culturais (1891-1906): os sistemas literários galeguista e portguguês e o seu relacionamento. Santiago de Compostela: Andavira.
  24. TORRES FEIJÓ, Elias J. (2019): Portugal para quê? Seis marcos no relacionamento galego-português. Santiago de Compostela: Andavira.
  25. TORRES FEIJÓ, Elias J. & SAMARTIM, Roberto (2018). Sobre conflito linguístico e planificação cultural na Galiza contemporânea. Dez contributos. Santiago de Compostela: Através Editora.
  26. VÁZQUEZ CUESTA, Pilar (1991). Portugal e nós. A Trabe de Ouro, 6, 191-203.
  27. VÁZQUEZ CUESTA, Pilar (1995). Portugal-Galicia, Galicia-Portugal. Un diálogo asimétrico. Colóquio/Letras, 137/138, 5-21.
  28. VENTURA, António (1988). A ‘Seara Nova’ e a Galiza. Contribuição para o estudo das relações culturais luso-galegas. CLIO. Revista do Centro de História da Universidade de Lisboa, 6, 141-150.
  29. VILLARES, Ramón (1983). As relacións da Galiza con Portugal na época contemporânea. Grial, 81, 301-314

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus

Other comments
In order to be able to follow the seminar successfully, it will be necessary to have a sufficient level (a minimum equivalent to level B2 of the European Framework is recommended) of comprehension and expression, both oral and written, in the languages of use in the subject.

All questions not explicitly covered in this guide or possible doubts in relation to the development of the seminar will be clarified by the professor in his tutorial schedule, in the face-to-face sessions or in the email that appears in the corresponding place in this document.

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.