Identifying Data 2023/24
Subject (*) Modern Language: French Code 613G01016
Study programme
Grao en Español: Estudos Lingüísticos e Literarios
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 1st four-month period
Second Obligatory 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Letras
Luís Gamallo, María Obdulia
Luís Gamallo, María Obdulia
General description A materia ofrece formación teórica e práctica na descrición e uso da lingua francesa, de maneira a garantir un dominio práctico da mesma.
Estudiaranse os principais aspectos fonéticos, gramaticais, léxicos e funcionais da lingua francesa, exercitados a traves da práctica harmónica das 4 principais destrezas comunicativas (comprensión lectora e oral, produción escrita e oral).
Unha vez cubertos os contidos da materia, o alumnado deberá conseguir consolidar as competencias do nivel A2 segundo o especificado no Marco común europeo de referencia para as linguas do Consello de Europa.
Estimularase a autonomía do alumnado e a súa capacidade de ser responsable no proceso de ensino-aprendizaxe.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A8 Ter dominio instrumental oral e escrito dunha segunda lingua estranxeira.
A10 Ter capacidade para avaliar criticamente o estilo dun texto e para formular propostas alternativas e correccións.
A15 Ser capaz de aplicar os coñecementos lingüísticos e literarios á práctica.
B1 Utilizar os recursos bibliográficos, as bases de datos e as ferramentas de busca de información.
B3 Adquirir capacidade de autoformación.
B4 Ser capaz de comunicarse de maneira efectiva en calquera contorno.
B5 Relacionar os coñecementos cos doutras áreas e disciplinas.
B6 Ter capacidade de organizar o traballo, planificar e xestionar o tempo e resolver problemas de forma efectiva.
B7 Ter capacidade de análise e síntese, de valorar criticamente o coñecemento e de exercer o pensamento crítico.
B8 Apreciar a diversidade.
C2 Dominar a expresión e a comprensión de forma oral e escrita dun idioma estranxeiro.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
Tell a story, or the plot of a movie, a book... and express personal reactions respectfully A8
Express in a simple way cohesive mothers experiences, desires, opinions, projects... and give reasons and explanations about them. A8
Participate spontaneously (that is, without prior preparation) in a conversation about daily, current or general issues, or about topics of personal or academic interest. A8
Dealing with most of the daily situations that a stay in a French-speaking country would imply. A8
Understand the description of events, the expression of feelings and desires in personal texts A8
Write a simple and coherent text (short essays, letters, emails...) on topics of academic or personal interest, describing experiences and opinions. A8
Search for specific information and understand simple texts written in a standard language. A8
Search for specific information and understand simple texts written in a standard language. A8

Topic Sub-topic
A. Grammar 1. General rules of spelling and pronunciation. The elision. H “muet” and “aspiré”.
2. The noun: gender and number.
3. The qualifying adjective: gender and number.
4. The article: definite, contracted definite, indefinite, partitive. Negative forms of the article.
5. Possessive adjectives and pronouns.
6. Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns.
7. Personal pronouns: subject, reflexive, tonic.
8. Negation with "ne ... pas".
9. Total and partial direct questioning: the “est-ce que” structure, simple and complex inversion.
10. The verb: “avoir”, “être”; the 3 conjugations; pronominal verbs; the negation of verbal forms; simple tenses ("présent", "imparfait", "futur simple", "conditionnel présent", "impératif"); compound tenses ("passé composé"); use of auxiliaries and general cases of agreement of the participle.
11. The relative pronouns “qui”, “que”.
12. The comparison.
13. Main adverbs and prepositions.

B. Communication objectives 1. General rules of pronunciation.
2. Introduce yourself, introduce yourself, greet.
3. Talk about the personal environment.
4. Express opinions, tastes, desires, feelings, sensations.
5. Express obligations and prohibitions.
6. Ask for and give information and explanations.
7. Use the telephone and the computer.
8. Identification.
9. Quantification.
10. The characterization.
11. The rating.
12. Temporary location.
13. Spatial location.

C. Lexicon 1. The alphabet. Main abbreviations, spelling and punctuation marks.
2. Countries and nationalities.
3. The professions.
4. The family.
5. The numbers.
6. Time: the calendar and the time.
7. Food (1), shops and purchases.
8. The body (1).
9. The physical and character description.
10. Personal and everyday objects.
11. Ecofeminism.

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Directed discussion A8 A10 A15 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 C2 20 10 30
Workbook A8 A15 B1 B3 B5 B7 B8 0 14 14
Objective test A8 A10 A15 B1 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 C2 5 10 15
Speaking test A8 B3 B6 B7 B8 C2 2 10 12
Guest lecture / keynote speech A8 A10 A15 B1 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 C2 20 10 30
Introductory activities A8 A10 A15 B1 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 C2 8 10 18
Problem solving A8 A10 A15 B1 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 C2 5 20 25
Personalized attention 6 0 6
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Directed discussion In this subject, classrooms and activities related to the practice of oral skills (oral expression, oral comprehension and oral interaction) are called directed discussion. These activities are carried out in small groups and are in charge of the teacher and the reader.
VERY IMPORTANT: carrying out and taking advantage of these activities is fundamental in this subject, because it is in them that the skills and knowledge acquired are effectively applied. In addition to the activities carried out during classes, normally for each face-to-face class session the students must carry out an activity.
These activities are assigned a very important percentage of the final mark of the subject (see Evaluation section).

Workbook In addition to reading texts (literary, magazines, newspapers...) in this subject we understand by reading all the material that students must read/consult outside the classroom for the acquisition and assimilation of the contents and for the realization of subject activities.
Objective test Written test used for the evaluation of learning. It will allow to evaluate knowledge, capacities, performance, aptitudes, attitudes, etc. in all skills. This objective test will combine different types of questions.
Speaking test Test in which the communication skills of the students are evaluated through a small conversation or individual interview. The students will also have to read a text aloud and improvise suggested situations by putting the teacher in charge of the test, who may use texts or audiovisual support.

Guest lecture / keynote speech Presentation by the teaching staff of the contents related to each of the themes and sub-themes, with the support of audiovisual media and additional documentation.
Introductory activities First contact with the subject, in which activities are carried out aimed at obtaining relevant information about the students and about their starting skills in the French language, in order to articulate successful teaching that favors effective and significant learning, which starts two prior knowledge and interests of students.
Problem solving This subject is called directed discussion in classrooms and activities related to the practice of oral skills (oral expression, oral comprehension and oral interaction). These activities are carried out in small groups and are in charge of the teacher-to-the reader.
VERY IMPORTANT: carrying out and taking advantage of these activities is fundamental in this matter, since it is in them where the acquired skills and knowledge are effectively applied. In addition to the activities that are carried out during the classes, normally for each face-to-face class session the students must carry out an activity.
These activities are assigned a very important percentage of the final grade for the subject (see Evaluation section).

Personalized attention
Guest lecture / keynote speech
Objective test
Speaking test
Problem solving
Directed discussion
Personalized attention will be a constant in this subject, in which the application of acquired knowledge prevails. The teaching staff will monitor each student individually, and will pay special attention to their dedication, their interest in learning and their commitment to the subject and to the group.
The teaching staff will be able to provide timely and individual attention to students when the assigned activity or their performance so advises.
Students can go to the teaching staff during tutoring hours and classrooms to deal with all the questions related to the subject that they consider relevant.
Tutoring times for subject teachers can be found on the timetable board or on the faculty's website.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Objective test A8 A10 A15 B1 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 C2 Probas escritas da parte práctica e da parte teórico-práctica que o-a estudante realizará nas datas oficiais marcadas polo centro ao rematar o cuadrimestre.
Ver: Observacións avaliación.
Speaking test A8 B3 B6 B7 B8 C2 Proba oral que o-a estudante realizará ao rematar o cuadrimestre.
Ver: Observacións avaliación.
Problem solving A8 A10 A15 B1 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 C2 Actividades da parte teórico-práctica (contidos gramaticais, expresión escrita e comprensión lectora).
Inclúe a valoración da asistencia ás aulas.
Ver: Observacións avaliación.
Directed discussion A8 A10 A15 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 C2 Actividades da parte práctica (léxico, expresión oral, comprensión oral, interacción oral).
Inclúe a valoración da asistencia ás aulas.
Ver: Observacións avaliación.
Assessment comments
The subject will be able to be adapted to the estudantado than need of the adoption of measures encamiñadas to the support to the diversity (physical, visual, auditiva, cognitive, of learning or related with the mental health). To be the case, will owe to contact with the services disponíbeis in the UDC/in the Centre: in the official terms stipulated of previous way it each cuatrimestre academic, with the Unit of Attention to the Diversity (; in the his defect, with the Titora ADI of the Faculty of Philology (in the following electronic address:

 The students has two opportunities to surpass the subject: the first to the end of the first cuadrimestre and the second in the month of July.

1. Evaluation of the first opportunity:

1.1. To surpass the subject in the first opportunity is mandatory to realize and approve (5) the final proof writing in the that will evaluate  the contents gramaticais, the léxico, the reading understanding, the expression writing and the understanding auditiva.

The date, time and ubicación of the proof written owe to be contrasted pole students in the page web of the faculty.

 1.2. It Will be ademáis mandatory realize and approve (5) an oral proof final in the that will evaluate  the expression, the understanding and the oral interaction.

The professor will communicate in Moodle with the sufficient advance to date, hour, place, turns and other relative indications to the realization of the oral proof.

 1.3. It IS mandatory to realize along the cuadrimestre a group of exercises or tasks of practice of all the destrezas and contents of the subject, organized in two blocks:

Block IT ["Solution of problems"]: activities of practice of the contained gramaticais, of the léxico, of the expression writing and of the reading understanding.

Block B ["Discussion directed"]: activities of practice of the production, understanding and oral interaction (in these activities value asimesmo the norm gramatical and the léxico).

Ademáis Of the activities presenciais that they realize  during the classrooms, usually by each session presencial the students will owe to realize a task no presencial.

Except cause duly justified and always with the previous authorization and expresses of the professor, no will admit  the activities delivered out of the term determined stop #each of them.

So that these activities can be taken into account in the final qualification is accurate to had realized and approved, before the examinations writing and oral of the first opportunity, 80% of the activities planned in each block and obtain a minimum half note of 5 on 10 in each block.

1.4. Taking into account the previously exposed, the final qualification of the students will answer to the following deliver porcentual:

it. A 45% will value the examination writing, with the following percentages:

Contents gramaticais, léxico, expression written, reading understanding: 35%

Understanding auditiva: 10%

b. A 15% will value the oral proof.

c. A 40% will value the activities of continuous evaluation organized in two blocks (that owe to fulfil the requirements of the apartado 1.3), with the following percentages:

Block IT: activities of grammar, léxico, expression writing and reading understanding: 25%

Block B: activities of production, understanding and oral interaction (in these activities value asimesmo the norm gramatical and the léxico): 15%

The subject considers approved if the sum of the apartados it, b, c is equal or upper to 5 on 10.

The contents and destrezas of the apartados it, b, c are recoverable, with the same percentages, in the second opportunity of evaluation. The apartados approved in the first opportunity consérvanse stop the second.

Stop the implications of the fraudulent or irregular realization of the proofs writings and oral and of the activities, see apartado 6.

 2. Evaluation of the second opportunity:

 2.1. To suspend the subject in the first opportunity by not achieving the minimum punctuation in the proof writing and/or in the oral proof, the students will owe to did(s) #afresh in the second opportunity.

The date, time and ubicación of the proof written owe to be contrasted pole students in the page web of the faculty.

The date, place, hour and other indications stop the realization of the oral examination of the second opportunity will communicate in Moodle with the sufficient advance.

 2.2. To suspend the subject in the first opportunity by not achieving the minimum punctuation in the activities of the blocks IT and/or B, the students will owe to realize for it second opportunity a series of tasks sustitutivas.

The professor will do public in Moodle with the sufficient advance the corresponding instructions (activities assigned, dates of application and delivery...).

 Stop the implications of the fraudulent or irregular realization of the proofs writings and oral and of the activities, see apartado 6.

 3. In the extraordinary announcement of December the students will be evaluated of the his knowledges and competitions in the distinct destrezas of the subject by means of a proof written (minimum note 5 on 10; 70% of the final note) and an oral proof (minimum note 5 on 10; 30% of the final note).

Stop the implications of the fraudulent or irregular realization of the proof writing or oral, see apartado 6.

 4. In each opportunity of evaluation the students will receive the qualification NP of  give simultaneously these two situations: not to have presented it none of the proofs of evaluation (writing and oral) and if the number of activities presented was equal or inferior to 25% of the planned.

 5. The students with recognition of dedicación in time partial with metes out academic,
previous communication and acreditación documentary of said situation to the professor, can, without assisting to the classrooms, realize and deliver the
activities of continuous evaluation planned for it first opportunity, second the willing in the apartado 1.3. The activities presenciais will be sustituídas by another no presenciais equivalent.
They Will be of application the demáis methodologies avaliables (test writing and oral) with the same requirements and characteristic than stop the rest of the students.

Stop the evaluation of the second opportunity, #apply him the willing in the apartado 2.

 6. The academic works (understanding by such everything the material than the present students to be object of evaluation) will owe to be of individual manufacture (except
indication expresses of the professor) and personal. The fraudulent or irregular realization of the proofs and/or of anyone of the activities of continuous evaluation will involve automatically the qualification of suspenso '0' in the subject in the corresponding announcement, invalidating  the qualifications obtained in the distinct methodologies avaliables.

7. In the no contemplated cases previously will apply  the willing in the "Norms of evaluation, review and claim of the qualifications of the studies of degree and mestrado @universitario" of the UDC.

According to the different regulations that govern university teaching, it is necessary to incorporate the gender perspective in this matter. This includes, among other measures, the use of non-sexist language, inclusive bibliographies from a gender perspective and encouraging the participation of all students in class, regardless of their gender.

We will pay special attention to identifying and addressing prejudices and sexist attitudes. We will actively work to change this environment and promote values ??of respect and equality.

Our efforts will focus on detecting cases of gender discrimination and implementing the appropriate actions to correct such cases.

Sources of information
A. BIBLIOGRAPHY, J.; GREAVES, I.; PETETIN, A. (1996). Grammaire. 350 exercices. Niveau débutant. Paris: Hachette F.L.E., J.; GREAVES, I.; PETETIN, A. (1997). Conjugaison. 350 exercices. 1 000 verbes à conjuguer. Paris: Hachette F.L.E.ÈS, M. (1997). Grammaire progressive du français avec 400 exercices. Niveau avancé. Paris: CLE International. La Conjugaison pour tous. Dictionnaire de 12 000 verbes. Paris: Hatier., Y. (1996). Grammaire. 350 exercices. Niveau moyen. Paris: Hachette F.L.E., Y. (2004). Nouvelle grammaire du français. Paris: Hachette.ÁNDEZ BALLÓN, M.; MONNERIE-GOARIN, A. (1987). Gramática esencial del francés. Paris-Madrid: Hachette-SGEL., B. (1995). Le français de A à Z. Paris: Hatier. Gran diccionario español-francés/français-espagnol. Paris: Larousse. Le Nouveau Petit Robert. Dictionnaire de la langue française. Paris: Dictionnaires Le Robert.


ABRY, D. et alii (1989): Présent, passé, futur. Grammaire des premiers temps. Grenoble, Presses Universitaires de Grenoble.

L’art de conjuguer: dictionnaire de 12.000 verbes (1990). Paris, Hatier.

BADY, J., GREAVES, I. et PETETIN, A. (1997): Conjugaison. 350 exercices. 1.000 verbes à conjuguer. Paris, Hachette F.L.E.

CALLAMAND, M. (1989): Grammaire vivante du français. Paris, Larousse.

DELATOUR, Y. et alii (1991): Grammaire du français. Paris, Hachette F.L.E.

FERNÁNDEZ BALLÓN, M. et MONNERIE-GOARIN, A. (1987): Gramática esencial del francés. Paris-Madrid, Hachette-SGEL.

GAILLARD, Bénédicte (1995): Le Français de A à Z. Paris, Hatier.

Gran Diccionario español-francés/français-espagnol (1999). Paris, Larousse.

GRÉGOIRE, M. et THIÉVENAZ, O. (1995): Grammaire progressive du français. Paris, CLE International.

Le Nouveau Petit Robert. Dictionnaire de la langue française (1995). Paris, Dictionnaires Le Robert.

SARAZÁ CRUZ, P. et MONTAIGU, Ch. (1997): Francés funcional para universitarios. Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Córdoba.



Both in theoretical and practical classes and in practicals, students will be offered various material (texts, exercises...) that completes and complements what is included in the method used in the subject.

In the Center's library, all types of printed and audiovisual material related to the French language can be found at the free disposal of users, in accordance

with the level and interests of the students. It is recommended that guidance and advice be sought from the teaching staff of the subject.

Throughout the course, bibliographic references and other specific resources will be offered for each topic.

Both in theoretical and practical classes and in practicals, students will be provided with various supplementary material.

In the center's library you can find all kinds of printed and audiovisual material related to the French language in accordance with the level and interests of the students. It is recommended that guidance and advice be sought from the teaching staff of the subject.


Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus
Modern Language 2: Francés/613G03029

Other comments
Students are advised to read this teaching guide carefully: in its different sections you will find answers to many questions that may arise about the conception, organization and objectives of the course. Do not hesitate to go to the teaching staff to clarify any question in this regard. You must pay special attention to the following aspects: • Carry out the assigned activities on time. • Try to observe yourself and self-evaluate, becoming aware of your shortcomings and your progress. • Your written and oral presentations or interventions must be appropriate to the level of studies you are at and to the activity you are developing.

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.