Identifying Data 2023/24
Subject (*) Literatura Inglesa 1 Code 613G02010
Study programme
Grao en Galego e Portugués: Estudos Lingüísticos e Literarios
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 2nd four-month period
First Basic training 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Letras
Cabarcos Traseira, Maria Jesus
Cabarcos Traseira, Maria Jesus
General description Esta materia ofrece unha visión panorámica e contextualizada da literatura inglesa dende as súas orixes ata finais do século XVII. Estúdanse obras literarias de diversos xéneros e estilos en lingua inglesa e analízanse diferentes aspectos das obras estudiadas aplicando fundamentos básicos da crítica literaria.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A1 Coñecer e aplicar os métodos e as técnicas de análise lingüística e literaria.
A2 Saber analizar e comentar textos e discursos literarios e non literarios utilizando apropiadamente as técnicas de análise textual.
A3 Coñecer as correntes teóricas da lingüística e da ciencia literaria.
A6 Ter un dominio instrumental avanzado oral e escrito da lingua inglesa.
A7 Coñecer as literaturas en lingua galega, española e inglesa.
A9 Elaborar textos orais e escritos de diferente tipo en lingua galega, española e inglesa.
A10 Ter capacidade para avaliar criticamente o estilo dun texto e para formular propostas alternativas e correccións.
A11 Ter capacidade para avaliar, analizar e sintetizar criticamente información especializada.
A15 Ser capaz de aplicar os coñecementos lingüísticos e literarios á práctica.
B1 Utilizar os recursos bibliográficos, as bases de datos e as ferramentas de busca de información.
B2 Manexar ferramentas, programas e aplicacións informáticas específicas.
B3 Adquirir capacidade de autoformación.
B4 Ser capaz de comunicarse de maneira efectiva en calquera contorno.
B5 Relacionar os coñecementos cos doutras áreas e disciplinas.
B6 Ter capacidade de organizar o traballo, planificar e xestionar o tempo e resolver problemas de forma efectiva.
B7 Ter capacidade de análise e síntese, de valorar criticamente o coñecemento e de exercer o pensamento crítico.
B8 Apreciar a diversidade.
B10 Comportarse con ética e responsabilidade social como cidadán/á e profesional.
C2 Dominar a expresión e a comprensión de forma oral e escrita dun idioma estranxeiro.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
To acquire a diachronic vision of English literature from its origins until the end of the 17th century. A2
To present, both in writing and orally, well-argued ideas, opinions and interpretations. A1
To elaborate, individually or in groups, different types of written activities in English. A1
To use the English language correctly in written and oral activities. A6
To analyse different aspects of the works studied applying basic concepts of literary criticism. A1
To read literary works of diverse genres and styles in English. A6

Topic Sub-topic
1. Introduction 1.1. What Is literature? What Is English Literature?

1.2. The “canon” of English literature

1.3. Periodization

2. The Anglo-Saxon or Old-English Period in English Literature (450 – 1066) 2.1. Introduction to English literature previous to the 11th Century

2.2. Epic and elegiac poetry
Readings: Excerpts from “The Battle of Maldon,” “The Wife’s Lament,” _Beowulf_ & “The Dream of the Rood”
3. Medieval English Literature or Middle English Period (1066-1500) 3.1. Introduction: historical, social and cultural context

3.2. English religious drama
a) The origins of English drama
b) Mystery, miracle and morality plays
Readings: Excerpts from _Everyman_

3.3. 14th- and 15th-century English lyrics
a) Medieval lyrics
b) The Pearl poet
c) Courtly love and medieval romance: Arthurian cycles and the Gawain poet
Readings: “In praise of women,” “Syng We, Syng We,” “Gentilesse,” from “Merciless Beauty”

3.4. Geoffrey Chaucer and his work
Readings: Excerpts from the “General Prologue” in _The Canterbury Tales_
4. English Renaissance Literature (1500-1660) 4.1. Introduction: historical, social and cultural context

4.2. 16th-century English poetry: the English sonnet
a) Wyatt and Surrey
b) Sidney, Spenser and Shakespeare
Readings: A selection of sonnets

4.3. Renaissance English theatre
a) Architecture, conventions and plays
b) Elizabethan and Jacobean drama: Marlowe and Shakespeare
Reading: _Hamlet_

4.4. Early 17th-century poetry
a) Metaphysical poets and “cavalier” poets: John Donne and Andrew Marvell
Readings: A selection of poems
5. From the Renaissance to the Restoration (1660-1700) 5.1. Religious prose

5.2. Autobiography and diaries

5.3. Travel books
Readings: Excerpts from Samuel Pepys’ _Diary_

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Directed discussion A2 A6 A7 A9 A11 A15 B4 B5 B7 B8 B10 C2 14 0 14
Workbook A1 A3 A8 A10 B2 B3 0 45 45
Guest lecture / keynote speech A1 A3 A11 A16 B1 B5 B8 21 10 31
Supervised projects A1 A2 A3 A4 A11 A15 B1 B5 B6 C2 0 30 30
Mixed objective/subjective test A3 A6 A10 A11 A16 B1 B3 B6 2 10 12
Seminar A7 A9 A10 A11 A15 A16 B4 B5 B7 B8 B10 C2 7 7 14
Personalized attention 4 0 4
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Directed discussion When dealing with literature, debating is essential for in-depth analysis and to assimilate contents, as well as to exchange ideas and interpretations. It may take place in the general sessions (D.E. hours, "docencia expositiva" or lecture hours) or in small groups (T.G.R., "titoría grupo reducido"), and it will be the main methodology in the hours assigned to D.I. ("docencia interactiva", Interactive teaching).
Workbook In a literature course, it is essential for each student to take on the responsibility to complete the assigned readings before entering the classroom. In English Literature I, the schedule of readings will be made available both in the classroom and the Moodle platform. It is also each student's responsibility to be up to date on possible changes in the schedule.
Guest lecture / keynote speech In the lecture sessions, the professor will present the theoretical contents related to English literature and its context from its origins until the end of the 17th century. Basic concepts for the analysis of literary texts will also be introduced in these classes. All these contents will frame and feed the work later developed in the mid-size and small groups sessions.
Supervised projects Students will complete various written assignments (eg., literary analyses) mostly during class time. Out of the classroom, students will undertake additional tasks, such as reading, reviewing and editing.
Mixed objective/subjective test Students will take a final exam in which they will need to demonstrate their mastery of the theoretical contents as well as the skills practised in every class. This exam will consist of short questions (definitions of critical terms and periods, identification of excerpts from the texts studied, analysis, etc).
Seminar In T.G.R. sessions, work will mostly focus on writing well-structured interpretations of the readings.

Personalized attention
Supervised projects
In the seminars, activities will be developed in reduced groups and/or individually. Professors will supervise the work of each student, especially during these activities.

Students are strongly recommended to make use of the office hours in order to ensure their understanding of any program-related question, as well as to attend at least one individual tutorial during the course to discuss their progress.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Mixed objective/subjective test A3 A6 A10 A11 A16 B1 B3 B6 Students will take a final exam in which they will need to demonstrate their mastery of the theoretical contents and the skills practiced in class. This exam will consist of short questions (e.g., definitions of critical terms and periods, identification of excerpts from the texts studied, analysis, etc).
Directed discussion A2 A6 A7 A9 A11 A15 B4 B5 B7 B8 B10 C2 Reading the materials assigned for each day, and solving potential vocabulary difficulties, before coming to class is a must.
Any student who has not fulfilled this pre-requisite will be encouraged to use class time to do so and will not be able to take part in any of the class activities until s/he does--missing therefore the possibility to obtain points for that day's in-class assignments.
Class activities may consist of oral and written, individual and group assignments such as summarizing, analyzing, debating, interpreting, identifying, etc.
Supervised projects A1 A2 A3 A4 A11 A15 B1 B5 B6 C2 These will consist of two brief argumentative pieces written in class in which students will demonstrate their ability to interpret literary texts independently and to write well-organized, coherent and cohesive analyses--as well as their command of the English language. 40
Assessment comments
• The second opportunity of assesment (in July) will consist of the following sections--all to be completed on the official date
of the final exam:  
1) a written exam with identical design and criteria to the final
exam in the first opportunity, which will also be worth 40% of the grade;  
2) an
argumentative piece of writing about the readings done during the semester,
which will substitute for the "Supervised projects" and the "Directed discussion" sections in the
first opportunity and which will be worth 60% of the grade.
• A grade of "Non Presentado" (Absent) will be obtained by not attending the exam and/or by completing less than 50% of the coursework.

• A 5 (or higher) out of
10 constitutes a passing grade. However, in the first opportunity, a
minimum grade of 4 out of 10
 must be obtained in the “Mixed test” in
order to pass the course. In the second opportunity, this same minimum grade
must be obtained in section 1 of the assessment. 

• Students will have the opportunity to
earn up to 1 extra point that would be added to their course's
final grade. More information will be provided in class and via Moodle at the
beginning of the semester.

• Students officially enrolled part-time who have been granted an official dispensation from attending classes will need to contact the teachers at the beginning of the semester and they will be assessed according to the criteria applied in the July opportunity.

• Students sitting the December exam (final exam brought forward) will be assessed according to the criteria specified for the July opportunity.

• Instructors may use the plagiarism-detection service "Turnitin" to check students' work. Plagiarism in any activity will translate into a grade of "0" in this activity. 

• Every assignment has to be turned in in time and in the specified format in order to avoid a penalty of 25% on the grade obtained.

Sources of information

Compulsory Readings:

At the beginning of the course a copy of the compulsory readings listed in the contents above will be at disposal of the students (in Reprography, in Moodle,or in class), with the exception of Hamlet by Shakespeare -- the only full-length text in the list.

A link to an online version of Hamlet will also be provided via Moodle, but students are encouraged to get a printed / electronic version for their own personal use. It must be an original and complete version, in any one of the academic editions (ex., Oxford University Press, Penguin, Longman,Cambridge UP, among others).

A bilingual edition of these readings may be used to facilitate reading comprehension, but any reference to the works in oral and written discussions must be made to the English version.


Resources in print:

Abrams, M. H., et. al., gen. ed., The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 2 vols. 7th ed. New York: Norton, 2000.

Alexander, Michael. A History of English Literature. London: Macmillan, 2000.

Blamires, Harry. A Short History of English Literature. London: Routledge, 1984.

Beadle, Richard, ed. The Cambridge Companion to Medieval English Theatre. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994.

Burrow, J. A. Middle English Literature. Oxford: Blackwell, 2004.

Carter, Ronald and John McRae, The Routledge History of Literature in English. Britain and Ireland. London & New York: Routledge, 1998.

Clanchy, M. T. From Memory to Written Record: England 1066-1307. Oxford: Blackwell, 1992.

Ford, Boris, ed. The Pelican Guide to English Literature. 8 vols. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1988.

Godden, Malcolm, and Michael Lapidge, eds. The Cambridge Companion to Old English Literature. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991.

MacLean, Gerald, ed. Culture and Society in the Stuart Restoration: Literature, Drama, History.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008.

Ousby, Ian. The Cambridge Guide to Literature in English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983.

Rogers, Pat, ed., The Oxford Illustrated History of English Literature. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994.

Sanders, Andrew. The Short Oxford History of English Literature. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994.

Resources online:

- English Literature:

- Luminarium. Anthology of English Literature:

- Medieval England:

- The Cambridge History of English and American Literature:

- The Norton Anthology of English Literature:

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
English Language 1/613G01003

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously
Introduction to Literary Studies /613G01005
English Language 2/613G01008

Subjects that continue the syllabus
English Literature 2/613G01017

Other comments

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.