Identifying Data 2023/24
Subject (*) Operating Systems Hardening Code 614530108
Study programme
Máster Universitario en Ciberseguridade
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Official Master's Degree 2nd four-month period
First Obligatory 5
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Ciencias da Computación e Tecnoloxías da Información
Yañez Izquierdo, Antonio Fermin
Yañez Izquierdo, Antonio Fermin
General description Un sistema operativo recentemente instalado é inherentemente inseguro. Presenta certas vulnerabilidades dependendo de factores tales como a idade do S.O., a existencia de portas traseiras sen parchear, os servizos qu eproporciona e o uso de políticas por defecto que non teñen como primeriro obxectivo a seguridade.

Por fortificación dun S.O. referímonos ó acto de configurar dito S.O. coa intención de facelo tan seguro como sexa posible, intentanto minimizar o risco de que quede comprometido e sexa explotada algunha das vulnerabilidades. Isto xeralmente iimplica a aplicación de parches de seguridade, o cambio de certas políticas por defecto do S.O. e a eliminación (ou deshabilitacion) de aplicacións e servizos non esenciais.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A28 HD-08 - Identificar las vulnerabilidades de un SO en un entorno de uso concreto, modificar la configuración mara minimizar su exposición y comprobar su niel de seguridad
B24 K-08 - Distinguir los distintos tipos de vulnerabilidades de los SO, su funcionamiento y configuración, así como la forma que limitan la exposición del SO
C11 C-06 - Identificar vulnerabilidades en un sistema real, así como variar sus parámetros y configurarlo para su protección frente a ellas; limitando así la exposición a amenazas conocidas
C15 C-10 - Diseñar y gestionar la seguridad de infraestructuras para realizar la auditoría de seguridad de la infraestructura y garantizar continuidad de negocio bajo normas y estándares de referencia

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
To identify the different vulnerabilities that affect an operating system AJ28
To understand how the vulnerabilities work and how the O.S. can be protected from them BJ24
To configure an O.S so that we minimize its exposure to threats, minimizing the risk of getting it compromised CJ11

Topic Sub-topic
Introduction to H.O.S. The concept of hardening an operating system. Vulnerabilities. Hardening during installation, post installation and maintenance.
Boot procedure hardening Physycal system security. Hardening the Firmware (BIOS, UEFI). Hardening the Boot Loader
Hardening user acounts Identifying and eliminating non used accounts. Limiting user privileges. Group Policies. Hardening authentification. Forcing Password policies
Hardening File Systems File system permissions and protections. Quotas. Locking system directories. Encryption. Limiting access to devices
Hardening applications Identifying and eliminating non used applications. Identifying connections and eliminating apps/packeges providing unwanted connections. Limiting applications provileges. Excuting in secure enviroments: container based execution, SELinux...
Hardening network Identify and eliminate unwanted connections/services. Packet filetring
Monitoring and maintenance System monitoring. Logs. Securing logs. Identifying possible threats. Security patches.

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Guest lecture / keynote speech A28 B24 C11 C15 16 32 48
Laboratory practice A28 B24 C11 C15 26 0 26
Practical test: A28 B24 C11 4 14 18
Objective test A28 B24 C11 3 30 33
Personalized attention 0 0 0
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech The student will attend to the lectures given by the teacher about how to minimize the chance of having usable vulnerabilities in the different parts of an O.S.: boot procedure, user accounts, network connections,,,
Laboratory practice Lab assignments diealing with securing the different parts of real world operating systems. Both UNIX (linux) and windows types will be considered
Practical test: Solving problems similar to those carried out in practice on a physical machine (real or virtualized) with the sole help of the documentation available on the machine itself.
Objective test Test about the fundamental contents of the subject

Personalized attention
Guest lecture / keynote speech
Practical test:
Objective test
Laboratory practice
Although the laboratory practices and the solution of problems will be carried out for the most part during class hours, the teacher will be available to help individually with any doubt or question that arises from the completion of these tasks.

The professor will also be available to help with the concepts presented during the master sessions.

The udc tutorial schedules can be found here

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Practical test: A28 B24 C11 There will also be a practical test where the student will perform some exercises on a physical computer (real or virtualized machine) without the help of additional material.

This test will be carried out in practice sessions, after each part (linux and windows). It represents 40% of the subject's score (20% for Linux and 20% for Windows).

Non-face-to-face students who want to have an continuos evaluation must take these tests. For them they represent 60% (30% for Linux and 30% for Windows)
Objective test A28 B24 C11 Questions related to the knowledge acquired.

Questions that involve reasoning over the knowledge acquired

Questions that involve practical problem-solving on real world O.S. Hardening

Both the objective test and the laboratory practice must be passed indepently in order to pass the subject
Laboratory practice A28 B24 C11 C15 Control of the practices carried out and evaluation of the results obtained:

The practices carried out during the practical sessions will yield 20% of the score for the subject (10% for Linux and 10% for Windows)
Assessment comments

Nas oportunidades ordinaria e extraordinaria farase so a proba obxectiva.

Os alumnos que renuncien á  evaluación continua e se decidan acollerse á global, terán que realizar este mismo dia una proba que terá un valor do 100% da cualificación da asignatura.

Dita proba consistirá  nunha proba obxectiva, unha proba práctica ou  unha combinación de ambas.

Para renunciar a avaliación continua e acollerse a avaliación global deberá enviarse un correo a

antes dunha semana da data da oportunidade ordinaria ou, no seu caso, extraordinaria.

Sources of information
Basic Núñez, Ángel (). Windows Server 2016: Administración, seguridad y operaciones. 0xWord
Gris, Myriam (2017). Windows 10. ENI
De los Santos, Sergio (). Máxima Seguridad en Windows: Secretos Técnico. 0xWord
Salvy, Pierre (2017). Windows 10 : despliegue y gestión a través de los servicios de empresa. ENI
Yuri Diogenes, Erdal Ozkaya (2018). Cybersecurity - Attack and Defense Strategies. Packt Publishing
García, Carlos. González, Pablo (). Hacking Windows: Ataques a sistemas y redes Microsoft. 0xWord
Carlos Álvarez Martín y Pablo González Pérez 0xWord (2016). Hardening de servidores GNU / Linux (3a Edicion). 0xWord
James Turnbull (2008). Hardening Linux . Apress
Donald A. Tevault (2018). Mastering Linux Security and Hardening. Packt Publishing
Tajinder Kalsi (2018). Practical Linux Security Cookbook: Secure your Linux environment from modern-day attacks with practical recipes, 2nd Edition. Packt Publishing
Deman, Thierry (2018). Windows Server 2016 : Administración avanzada. ENI
Aprea, Jean-François (2017). Windows Server 2016 : Arquitectura y Administración de los servicios de dominio Active Directory. ENI
Bonnet, Nicolas (2017). Windows Server 2016 : las bases imprescindibles para administrar y configurar su servido. ENI


Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus

Other comments

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.