Identifying Data 2023/24
Subject (*) Forensic Analysis of Devices Code 614530112
Study programme
Máster Universitario en Ciberseguridade
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Official Master's Degree 2nd four-month period
First Optional 3
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Ciencias da Computación e Tecnoloxías da Información
Vázquez Naya, José Manuel
Rivera Dourado, Martiño
Vázquez Naya, José Manuel
General description A análise forense de equipos consiste na aplicación de técnicas científicas e analíticas para identificar, preservar, analizar e presentar datos que sexan válidos dentro dun proceso legal.

Esta materia ten unha forte compoñente práctica. Comezarase con unha introdución á informática forense, explicando conceptos clave. A continuación, estudiaranse fundamentos e metodoloxías de análise forense dende un punto de vista xenérico e aplicable a novos casos, pero tamén se estudiarán exemplos concretos baseados en casos reais.

Nas prácticas de laboratorio, o/a alumno/a aprenderá a manexar diferentes ferramentas de análise forense e realizará prácticas simulando problemas reais.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A32 HD-12 - Identificar, preservar y analizar evidencias, realizar análisis forense de un sistema de información, y generar informes que sean claros, concisos e inteligibles tanto por expertos como por personas ajenas al ámbito de la seguridad informática
B28 K-12 - Conocer las técnicas y herramientas para la preservación y análisis de evidencias, así como las metodologías adecuadas para la realización de trabajos forenses con validez legal
C11 C-06 - Identificar vulnerabilidades en un sistema real, así como variar sus parámetros y configurarlo para su protección frente a ellas; limitando así la exposición a amenazas conocidas
C13 C-08 - Realizar test de intrusión en entornos prácticos complejos para la identificación de vulnerabilidades, así como para realizar ataques en entornos controlados con juicio crítico y ético
C14 C-09 - Aplicar métodos de investigación forense para el análisis de incidentes o riesgos de ciberseguridad mediante técnicas científicas y analíticas para identificar, preservar, analizar y presentar datos que sean válidos dentro de un proceso legal

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
Knowledge of the appropriate methodologies for carrying out forensic work with legal validity AJ32
Ability to perform forensic analysis of the different elements that constitute an information system, on multiple platforms and operating systems AJ32
Ability to generate reports as a result of forensic analysis that are clear, concise and intelligible to both experts and outsiders in the field of computer security AJ32

Topic Sub-topic
1. Forensic Analysis Fundamentals Introduction
2. Windows Forensic Analysis Artifacts
Advanced Forensic Analysis
3. Mac OS Forensic Analysis Artifacts
Advanced Forensic Analysis
4. Mobile Devices Forensic Analysis (Android) Artifacts
Advanced Forensic Analysis
5. Mobile Devices Forensic Analysis (iOS) Artifacts
Advanced Forensic Analysis

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Guest lecture / keynote speech A32 B28 C14 10 15 25
Laboratory practice A32 B28 C11 C13 C14 10 20 30
Practical test: A32 B28 C14 1 0 1
Supervised projects A32 B28 1 7 8
Objective test A32 B28 C14 1 0 1
Personalized attention 10 0 10
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech Expositive classes for the presentation of the theoretical knowledge of each one of the subjects. The participation of students will be encouraged.
Laboratory practice Practical sessions in computer, in which a series of practical exercises bulletins proposed by the professor must be solved. The exercises seek to consolidate the knowledge presented in the lectures and also encourage the student's autonomous learning.
Once the exercise bulletin is completed, the teacher will evaluate the work done by the student through a computer session.
The exercise bulletins will be published through the Master's training platform. A maximum defense date will be imposed for each newsletter, with the aim of encouraging continuous study.
Practical test: Ao remate da realización das prácticas de laboratorio, realizarase unha proba na que el alumnado deberá demostrar as competencias adquiridas, resolvendo unha serie de exercicios prácticos e respondendo a unha seria de preguntas.
Supervised projects Proposta de traballos para a súa resolución individual por parte do alumnado. Estes traballos serán opcionais e permitiranlles ao alumnado interesado afondar en aspectos do temario que lles interesen especialmente e que non se puideran tratar co detalle suficiente durante as sesións maxistrais.
Objective test Test through which the knowledge and skills acquired by the student will be assessed.

Personalized attention
Laboratory practice
Resolution of doubts

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Laboratory practice A32 B28 C11 C13 C14 Several practices will be proposed throughout the course, related to the forensic analysis of equipment, in which the student will work with different tools and must perform cloning processes, information retrieval, report writing, etc. In the statement of each practice will be specified the deadline for completion of it, as well as the methodology of evaluation, which may be through the delivery of a report, a computer test, or both. 40
Objective test A32 B28 C14 Final exam, multiple-choice or short-answer, through which the knowledge and abilities acquired by the student will be evaluated, both in the theory sessions and in the practical sessions. 40
Practical test: A32 B28 C14 Ao remate da realización das prácticas de laboratorio, realizarase unha proba na que o alumno deberá demostrar as competencias adquiridas, resolvendo unha serie de exercicios prácticos e respondendo a unha serie de preguntas. 10
Supervised projects A32 B28 Os traballos tutelados serán opcionais e sobre algún tema a convir entre o alumno e o coordinador da materia. 10
Assessment comments
<p>1. FIRST OPPORTUNITY CALL</p><p>Throughout the course, a series of laboratory practices will be carried out, with the characteristics and weight indicated in the table above.</p><p>At the end of the course, an objective test will be carried out, with the characteristics and weight indicated in the table above.</p><p>2. SECOND OPPORTUNITY CALL AND EXTRAORDINARY CALL</p><p>There will be an objective test, with the characteristics and weight indicated in the previous table. The grade of the objective test will NOT be retained in any call.</p><p>With respect to the laboratory practices, the student will be able to keep the grade obtained in the first opportunity (if it is the case). In case of not having presented the practices in the first opportunity, the student must contact the coordinator of the subject, at least 20 calendar days before the date of the exam.&nbsp;</p><p>3. PLAGIARISM</p><p>If plagiarism is detected in any of the evaluation tests, the final grade of the subject will be "failed (0)", a fact that will be communicated to the master’s coordination in order to take the appropriate measures.</p><p>4. CONDITION OF "NOT-TAKEN"</p><p>Students who do not take the objective test will be considered as "not-taken".</p>

Sources of information
Basic Eoghan Casey (2009). Handbook of Digital Forensics and Investigation. Academic Press
Pilar Vila Avendaño (2018). Técnicas de Análisis Forense informático para Peritos Judiciales profesionales. Madrid : 0xWORD

Complementary Juan Garrido Caballero, Juan Luis García Rambla, Chema Alonso (2012). Análisis forense digital en entornos windows. Móstoles: Informática64

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus

Other comments

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.