Identifying Data 2023/24
Subject (*) Damage and Restoration of Stonework Structures Code 630548021
Study programme
Máster Universitario en Rehabilitación Arquitectónica
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Official Master's Degree 1st four-month period
First Optional 3
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Construcións e Estruturas Arquitectónicas, Civís e Aeronáuticas
Enxeñaría Civil
Freire Tellado, Manuel Jose
Freire Tellado, Manuel Jose
General description Tras cursar a asignatura, o alumno estará capacitado para poder identificar, peritar e afrontar de forma eficaz os problemas usuais que poden presentar as estruturas de fábrica dentro do contexto da obra de rehabilitación. Para poder desenvolver estas capacidades facilitaranse os coñecementos necesarios referentes á inspección e recoñecemento de estruturas de fábrica, a identificación das lesións que se producen, a súa valoración e tratamento, o diagnóstico de patología ligada á estrutura de fábrica e as técnicas básicas de intervención sobre os elementos estructurales de fábrica, complementando este saber coa bibliografía e normativa existente. Estes contidos serán expostos nas clases de teoría. Para garantir que o alumno sexa capaz de aplicar adecuadamente estes coñecementos, propóñense unha serie de clases prácticas que versasen sobre a exposición e debate dunha serie de casos prácticos complementadas coa realización dun traballo específico sobre a materia. Este traballo que estará relacionado coa actividade profesional do arquitecto dentro do contido específico desta asignatura.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences
A1 E01. Aptitud o capacidad para acometer actividades de crítica arquitectónica, mediante el análisis del patrimonio edificado bajo diferentes ópticas, y la identificación de los precedentes formales, tipológicos y estilísticos
A4 E04. Aptitud o capacidad para intervenir en el patrimonio edificado con valor histórico, aspecto que engloba la coordinación de su estudio e investigación documental, la elaboración de planes directores de conservación, y la redacción y dirección de ejecución de proyectos de restauración y rehabilitación
A5 E05. Aptitud o capacidad para la conservación de la obra pesada, mediante la inspección, el análisis, el control de calidad, la definición de las condiciones de mantenimiento, y la estimación de la seguridad de las estructuras de edificación, incluyendo sus posibles cimentaciones, pudiendo igualmente afrontar la redacción de proyectos de reparación y refuerzo, y la dirección de ejecución asociada
A7 E07. Aptitud o capacidad para la conservación de la obra gruesa y acabada, cuestión que conlleva la inspección, el análisis, el control de calidad, la definición de las condiciones de mantenimiento, y la intervención en los sistemas constructivos de edificación, incluyendo los elementos de compartimentación interior, las carpinterías y las soluciones de envolvente
A8 E08. Aptitud o capacidad para redactar informes técnicos y proyectos de rehabilitación del patrimonio edificado, incluyendo actividades de asesoramiento y consultoría
A10 E10. Aptitud o capacidad para utilizar criterios de sostenibilidad medioambiental en la elección de materiales y en la definición de soluciones técnicas, abarcando el uso y la integración de sistemas activos y pasivos
B2 CB7. Que los estudiantes sepan aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos y su capacidad de resolución de problemas en entornos nuevos o poco conocidos dentro de contextos más amplios (o multidisciplinares) relacionados con su área de estudio
B3 CB08. Que los estudiantes sean capaces de integrar conocimientos y enfrentarse a la complejidad de formular juicios a partir de una información que, siendo incompleta o limitada, incluya reflexiones sobre las responsabilidades sociales y éticas vinculadas a la aplicación de sus conocimientos y juicios
B5 CB10. Que los estudiantes posean las habilidades de aprendizaje que les permitan continuar estudiando de un modo que habrá de ser en gran medida autodirigido o autónomo.
C1 T01. Capacidad de análisis y síntesis
C2 T02. Capacidad de organización y planificación
C6 T06. Resolución de problemas
C7 T07. Toma de decisiones
C8 T08. Aprendizaje autónomo
C9 T09. Creatividad
C11 T11. Visión espacial
C12 T12. Comprensión numérica
C13 T13. Intuición mecánica
C14 T14. Sensibilidad estética
C15 T15. Cultura histórica

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences
Dominar as propiedades mecánicas das fábrica eas diferentes solucións estructurales coherentes con elas. AJ5
Habilitar ao alumno para a identificación e rexistro dos distintos tipos de lesións que se poden dar nas estruturas de fábrica AJ8
Coñecer as distintas técnicas de reparación e adecuación de estruturas de fábrica, así como a súa idoneidad AJ5
Coñecer a evolución histórica das estruturas de fábrica e as dimensións alcanzadas. AJ1
Dominar diversas situacións particulares dos muros de fábrica na rehabilitación AJ5
Coñecer os criterios estructurales aplicados ao longo da Historia. AJ4
Habilitar ao alumno para a realización de estudos básicos de equilibrio de bóvedas de fábrica. AJ5
Capacitar ao alumno para peritar unha estrutura a base de arcos de dovelas de fábrica AJ5
Capacitar ao alumno para a planificación e desenvolvemento da inspección de estruturas de fábrica, así como para as actuacións deriva AJ5
Presentar os criterios de cálculo propostos por diferentes normativas e referencias bibliográficas de fábrica e capacitar ao alumno para a escoller o método de cálculo adecuado ao problema a resolver AJ5

Topic Sub-topic
1.2 Structural Principles
1.3 Materials and Techniques
2.2 Characteristics and mechanical properties.
2.3 General organization of the building. Particular equilibrium solutions.
2.4 Representation of masonry structures. Special features
3. SYMPTOMATOLOGY: MECHANICAL INJURIES IN THE MASONRIES 3.1 Introduction. Deformations, stresses, cracks and fissures
3.2 Injuries derived from foundation failures
3.3 Injuries of mechanical origin
3.4 Interpretation of injuries
3.5 Specific injuries to facades and partition walls
3.6 Representation of injuries
4. CHECKS OF THE MASONRY STRUCTURE. CALCULATION METHODS 4.1 Introduction. Limit states in masonry structures.
4.2 Assessment of bearing capacity.
4.3 Methods for calculating standards and other references on factories. App.
4.4 Structural evaluation of masonry heritage buildings
5. REPAIR TECHNIQUES 5.1 Action measures on an existing building
5.2 Classifications of repair techniques
5.3 Study of techniques
5.4 Representation criteria
6. STUDY OF THE ARCHES 6.1 Origin, Types and Construction of arches
6.2 Stability and collapse of isolated arches
6.3 Combined bows
6.4 Arch survey
6.5 Arch injuries
7. INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF MASONRY VAULTS 7.1 Types and construction of masonry vaults
7.2 Cracks in masonry vaults
7.3 Simplified study of equilibrium: Ungewitter tables and segment analysis
7.4 Injuries in Masonry Vaults
8. SPECIFIC ASPECTS OF MASONRY WALLS 8.1 Opening holes in masonry walls
8.2 Collapses in walls and towers
8.3 Specific problems of Foundations: load increases and modification of gradients
9.2 Development of scientific analysis
9.3 From treatises to regulations

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Introductory activities A4 C15 1 0 1
Diagramming B2 C2 C7 1 1 2
Case study A1 A5 A7 C1 C8 C14 6 6 12
Workbook A4 A10 B5 C1 C8 0 8 8
Guest lecture / keynote speech A4 A5 C6 C12 C13 C14 C15 12 12 24
Problem solving A8 B2 B3 C6 C9 C11 1 1 2
Supervised projects A5 B3 C9 C11 C12 C13 C14 0 20 20
Events academic / information B5 C1 C2 C8 0 3 3
Personalized attention 3 0 3
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Introductory activities A presentation of the subject is made, explaining its interest, operation and objectives. A personalized theoretical questionnaire is carried out that tries to reveal the student's starting knowledge
Diagramming At the beginning of each class, a diagramming of the content to be developed, its need and its fit into the degree is made. In this way, the logic of the topic is evidenced and the contents can be related within the knowledge map of the subject
Case study Students are confronted with a specific real case, with an important structural content, which describes a real situation in professional life.
The student must be able to analyse a series of facts, referring to the intervention on masonry structures to reach a reasoned decision through a process of discussion in class directed by the teacher, propose a performance and confront it with the one carried out in the reality.
Workbook Readings. Acquisition of a general conceptual framework by reading texts, questions regarding the intervention on structures, as well as deepening on the various topics of the program and others that may be specifically interesting, due to the particular conditions of the work to be carried out.
Guest lecture / keynote speech Master session
Set of classes and conferences in which the expository work of the rapporteur (teacher and / or lecturer) is essential, work that is carried out with the support of the T.I.C. They consist of the development of the various topics on the agenda. The student must get used to handling the recommended bibliography of the subject, which can be found in the ETSA library, counting as support with the class outline available in the virtual faculty.
The continuous monitoring of the theoretical classes is a requirement of the subject that is considered fulfilled with the attendance to 80% of the classes at least
Problem solving The teacher will solve exercises oriented towards future professional practice, encouraging student participation in their partial or total resolution.
The result will be presented in a way that is clearly visible, indicating the numerical value with the corresponding precision and units.
The most common mistakes that are usually made will be explained, evaluating them according to their severity, both conceptual and numerical.
Supervised projects Tutored work
Students - either in groups or individually depending on the specific topic - carry out work that involves the use of the techniques developed in the theoretical classes, identifying in the practical reality the contents of the theoretical exposition. Photographs, diagrams, plans and freehand texts will be used.
They are a fundamental component for the final grade.
Events academic / information Activities carried out by students that involve attendance and participation in scientific and informative events (congresses, conferences, symposia, courses, seminars, conferences, exhibitions, etc.) with the aim of deepening their knowledge of topics related to matter.
These activities provide the student with current knowledge and experiences that incorporate the latest developments in the field of study.

Personalized attention
Supervised projects
Case study
Introductory activities
Introductory activities / Initial activities
The initial questionnaire checks the previous knowledge of each student. As a consequence of its result, there may be cases in which readings are recommended to reinforce the initial knowledge.

Study of cases
The discussion of the practical cases will be moderated by the teacher, forcing the participation of all students - although it is not intended that all do so with the same intensity.

Supervised projects (Tutored work)
The student will demonstrate the effective monitoring of the subject by attending tutorials in which the development of the proposed work will be controlled, in which the contents presented in the classroom and in the basic and / or complementary bibliography will be applied
This work will be complemented with the completion of the proposed exercises.
Attendance and activity carried out will be controlled

With regard to students who, according to the regulations governing dedication to study, are considered part-time students, a flexible attendance regime will be established by common agreement with the teacher that implies at least attendance to classes. case study, replacing the rest with the preparation of one or more previously agreed works. Carrying out supervised work is mandatory in any case.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Supervised projects A5 B3 C9 C11 C12 C13 C14 Valoración del trabajo desarrollado 60
Problem solving A8 B2 B3 C6 C9 C11 Asistencia 9
Guest lecture / keynote speech A4 A5 C6 C12 C13 C14 C15 Asistencia 5
Case study A1 A5 A7 C1 C8 C14 Participación en las discusiones desarrolladas en el estudio de los casos 24
Introductory activities A4 C15 Asistencia 1
Diagramming B2 C2 C7 Asistencia 1
Assessment comments
The subject is structured in part theoretical and part practical, this one with a more personalized treatment. In the theoretical classes the expository work of the teacher is predominant. This work is completed with the presentation of practical cases related to the theoretical topics presented. For the effective use of the subject, it is essential to monitor it continuously, estimating that this is fulfilled with an attendance equal to or greater than 80%. The evaluation of the students will be carried out by evaluating a practical work developed by them once the minimum attendance has been covered. Their involvement in the practical cases discussed and the resolution of the practices carried out in class will also be taken into account. If this practical work is not presented, the assigned grade will be Not Presented.

These same criteria will be applied to the second opportunity and Advance Chance.

With regard to students who, according to the regulations governing the regimen for dedication to study, are considered part-time students or have an academic dispensation, the percentage of marks assigned to activities in which these students are not present will be applied to the assessment of substitute planned activities. Carrying out supervised work is mandatory in any case.

In accordance with article 11, section 4 b), of the Disciplinary Regulations for UDC students, the detection of plagiarism, as well as the fraudulent performance of tests or evaluation activities, once verified, will directly imply the grade of failing "0" in the subject in the corresponding call, thus invalidating any grade obtained in all evaluation activities.

Sources of information
Basic AA.VV. (2005). Actas II Congreso Internacional Antiguos espacios para nuevos tiempos. El material pétreo y sus fábricas en el patrimonio. Santiago
Huerta, S. (2004). Arcos, bóvedas y cúpulas. Geometría y equilibrio en el cálculo tradicional de estructuras de fábrica. Instituto Juan de Herrera-CEHOPU
AA.VV. (1991). Curso de Patología. Conservación y Restauración de edificios. Tomo 1. C.O.A. Madrid
Lozano Apolo, G. et alli (1995). Curso de Técnicas de Intervención en el Patrimonio Arq. Tomo II. Reestructuración de Edificios de Muros de Fábrica. C.O.A.yA.T. A Coruña
Heyman, J. (1999). El esqueleto de Piedra. CEHOPU-Instituto Juan de Herrera-CEDEX
Palaciones Gonzalo, J.C. (2009). La Cantería Medieval. La construcción de la bóveda gótica española. Munilla-Lería
Ortega Andrade, F. (1999). La obra de fábrica y su patología. C. O. A. Canarias
Monjo Carrió, J. & Maldonado Ramos, L. (2001). Patología y técnicas de intervención en estructuras arquitectónicas. . Munilla-Lería
I. E. T. C. C. (1971). PIET 70. Obras de Fábrica. Madrid
Lahuerta Vargas, J. (1984). Rehabilitación de Obras de Fábrica. Curso de Rehabilitación. Tomo 5. La Estructura. C.O.A.Madrid
López Collado, G. (1976). Ruinas en Construcciones antiguas. Causas, consolidaciones y traslados. Madrid
Heyman, J (1995). Teoría, historia y Restauración de Estructuras de Fábrica. CEHOPU-Instituto Juan de Herrera-CEDEX
Croci, G. (2000). The conservation and Structrual Restoration of Architectural Heritage. Computational Mechanics Publications
Monjo Carrió, J. (coord) (2001). Tratado de Rehabilitación. Tomo 3 Patología y técnicas de intervención. Elementos estructurales. Munilla-Lería

Complementary Fortea Luna, M. & López Bernal, V. (1998). Bóvedas Extremeñas. Proceso constructivo y análisis estructural de bóvedas de arista. C.O.A. Extremadura
Thunnissen, H.J.W. (1950 (2012)). Bóvedas: su construcción y empleo en la arquitectura. Instituto Juan de Herrera
Heyman, J. (2001). La ciencia de las estructuras. Instituto Juan de Herrera
Mas-Guindal Lafarga, A.J. (2011). Mecánica de las estructuras antiguas. Cuando las estructuras no se calculaban. Munilla-Lería
Heyman, J. (2015). Teoría, historia y Restauración de Estructuras de Fábrica. Volumen II. CEHOPU-Instituto Juan de Herrera-CEDEX
Heyman, J. (1982). The Masonry Arch. Elis Horwood Series in Engineering Scienca

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
Building Inspection/630567110
Construction Assemblies Inspection/630567109

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously
Inspección e Recalce de Cimentacións/630426116
Patoloxía dos Materiais/630467121

Subjects that continue the syllabus
Modelos Avanzados para a Análise Estrutural de Edificios Históricos/630467104
Patoloxía e Recuperación de Estruturas de Madeira/630467118

Other comments

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.