Identifying Data 2023/24
Subject (*) Shipping Management Code 631G01312
Study programme
Grao en Náutica e Transporte Marítimo
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 2nd four-month period
Third Optional 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Ciencias da Navegación e Enxeñaría Mariña
Sánchez Girón, Javier Ramón
Sánchez Girón, Javier Ramón
General description

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A54 RA1C-Write, explain and transmit the theoretical knowledge acquired both orally and in writing using scientific-technical language.
A55 RA2C-Identify and relate acquired knowledge to other disciplines
A57 RA4C-Collecting and interpreting relevant data
B30 RA7H-Applying critical, logical and creative thinking
B32 RA10H-Know, analyse, synthesise and apply the contents, fundamental concepts and applications of the subject.
B33 RA11H-Develop both individual and group work
C14 RA16X-Produce a report in a rigorous and systematic way.
C41 RA115X–Managing, directing and controlling companies and activities related to the maritime field.
C44 RA120X–Interpreting and writing business reports and documents in English.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
RA1C-Write, explain and transmit the theoretical knowledge acquired both orally and in writing using scientific-technical language. A54
RA2C-Identify and relate acquired knowledge to other disciplines A55
RA4C-Collecting and interpreting relevant data A57
RA7H-Applying critical, logical and creative thinking B30
RA10H-Know, analyse, synthesise and apply the contents, fundamental concepts and applications of the subject. B32
RA11H-Develop both individual and group work B33
RA16X-Produce a report in a rigorous and systematic way. C14
RA115X-Managing, directing and controlling companies and activities related to the maritime field. C41
RA120X-Interpreting and writing business reports and documents in English. C44

Topic Sub-topic
Constitution and organization of a maritime company. Legal forms of the company
Process of company formation
Organization of a maritime company
The production plan of a maritime company. Purpose of the production plan of a company
Cost analysis

Investment and financing of the maritime company.

Investment and initial expenses
Sources of financing for the maritime company

Accounting and financial analysis of a maritime company.

Purpose of accounting in a company
Balance sheet analysis

Management of the maritime company.

Future planning of the company
Efficient and environmentally responsible management
Operational research and its application in the maritime company.

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Supervised projects A55 A57 B30 B32 B33 C14 C41 C44 9 90 99
Oral presentation A54 B30 2 10 12
Objective test B32 4 30 34
Personalized attention 5 0 5
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Supervised projects Methodology designed to promote autonomous learning in students, under the guidance of the teacher, in various academic and professional scenarios. It primarily focuses on learning "how to do things" and involves students taking responsibility for their own learning.

This teaching system is based on two basic elements: independent learning by students and monitoring of their learning by the teacher-tutor.

The work carried out in this course will involve designing and developing a business plan for a maritime company.
Oral presentation Oral presentation of the results of the supervised project, supported by audiovisual resources.
Objective test The objective test can include different types of questions, such as multiple-choice, ordering, short-answer, discrimination, completion, and/or association questions. It can also be constructed with only one type of any of these questions.

Personalized attention
Supervised projects
Oral presentation
For its completion, it is important to consult with the teacher regarding the progress made progressively in order to provide the necessary guidance in each case to ensure the quality of the work according to the specified criteria. The monitoring will preferably be done individually. Students who are working on the supervised project will send a weekly report via email or the virtual classroom, indicating the progress made and any doubts that arise. The teacher will address these doubts through the same means or using the Teams application, depending on the complexity of the question raised. The monitoring will be done preferably on an individual basis.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Supervised projects A55 A57 B30 B32 B33 C14 C41 C44 It will be graded using a rubric and scored out of 10 points. It will be necessary to obtain 5 points out of 10 in order to average with the rest of the results. The students will submit a progress report to the professor throughout the duration of the semester, every two weeks, detailing the progress made and any doubts that may arise during the work. 55
Objective test B32 It will consist of a written test on the supervised work and the analysis of a written comment on an international convention and/or code. It will be necessary to obtain 5 points out of 10 in order to average with the rest of the results. 20
Oral presentation A54 B30 It will be graded using a rubric and scored out of 10 points. It will be necessary to obtain 5 points out of 10 in order to average with the rest of the results. 25
Assessment comments

Students who submit at least 80% of the progress reports for the supervised work will be continuously evaluated according to the methodologies described earlier. In the opposite case, students will be evaluated solely through a final objective test on the date of the regular exam session.

Students with recognition of part-time dedication and academic dispensation from attendance exemption, as established in the "REGULATION ON THE STUDY DEDICATION REGIME OF UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS AT UDC (Articles 2.3, 3.b, 4.3, and 7.5)" (04/05/2017), may take partial exams, if applicable, without the need to attend 80% of the in-person classes, as long as the professors are duly informed at the beginning of the course. However, the professors may assign different assignments/problems to these students throughout the course to be presented during tutoring hours, using the TEAMS system if deemed appropriate by the professor.

The fraudulent completion of exams or assessment activities, once confirmed, will result directly in a failing grade in the respective exam session: the student will be graded as "fail" (numerical grade of 0) in the corresponding academic year's exam session, whether the misconduct occurs in the first opportunity or the second. In this regard, their grade will be modified in the first opportunity's record, if necessary.

Sources of information
Basic Alan E. Branch (2014). Elements of shipping. Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group) London & New York
VVAA. (2020). Lecciones de derecho empresarial. (2020). Lecciones de derecho empresarial.. Tirant lo Blanch
Theotokas, I. (2018). Management of shipping companies. . Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group) London & New York
Martin Stopford (2004). Maritime Economics. Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group) London & New York
Panayides, P. M., & Visvikis, I. D. (2017). Shipping operations management.. Springer.
Panayides, P. M. (Ed.). (2019). The Routledge Handbook of Maritime Management..

Complementary John M. Downard (1984). Managing Ships. Faiplay Publications, London.
Alexandros M. Goulielmos (2019). Plan the Business of a Vessel of a Tramp Shipping Company. Modern Economy, 2019, 10, 1633-1653

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
Bussiness and Law/631G01109
Maritime Economics/631G01201

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus

Other comments

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.