Identifying Data 2023/24
Subject (*) Health Anthropology Code 651516004
Study programme
Mestrado Universitario en Discapacidade e Dependencia (plan 2015)
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Official Master's Degree 1st four-month period
First Obligatory 4.5
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Humanidades
Couceiro Dominguez, Enrique
Couceiro Dominguez, Enrique
General description Proporcionar ao alumno, mediante un curso introdutorio, coñecementos teórico-metodolóxicos en Antropoloxía da minusvalidez, da dependencia e da saude, para a comprensión e análise empírica cualitativa dos aspectos socioculturais da discapacidade, e da enfermidade e saúde, como experiencias de vida e como fenómenos e condicións cunha esencial dimensión moral e simbólica.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A1 CE1. Ser capaz de integrar o fenómeno da discapacidade e a dependencia dentro da construción social do proceso saúde-enfermidade
A4 CE4. Capacidade para a análise da influencia das achegas sociais e científicas das ciencias socio-sanitarios sobre a discapacidade e a dependencia no sistema xurídico
B1 CB6. Posuír e comprender coñecementos que acheguen unha base ou oportunidade de ser orixinais no desenvolvemento e/ou aplicación de ideas, a miúdo nun contexto de investigación
B2 CB7. Que os estudantes saiban aplicar os coñecementos adquiridos e a súa capacidade de resolución de problemas en ámbitos novos ou pouco coñecidos dentro de contextos máis amplos (ou multidisciplinares) relacionados coa súa área de estudo
B3 CB8. Que os estudantes sexan capaces de integrar coñecementos e enfrontarse á complexidade de formular xuízos a partir dunha información que, sendo incompleta ou limitada, inclúa reflexións sobre as responsabilidades sociais e éticas vinculadas á aplicación dos seus coñecementos e xuízos
B7 CG2 Identificar, avaliar e resolver os problemas derivados da presenza de discapacidade e dependencia
B9 CG4 Ser capaz de intervir na problemática derivada da discapacidade e da dependencia
C1 CT1. Ser capaz de relacionarse de forma eficiente con e dentro do equipo multidisciplinar, intradisciplinar e transdisciplinar.
C4 CT4. Desenvolverse para o exercicio dunha cidadanía aberta, culta, crítica, comprometida, democrática e solidaria, capaz de analizar a realidade, diagnosticar problemas, formular e implantar solucións baseadas no coñecemento e orientadas ao ben común
C6 CT6. Valorar críticamente o coñecemento, a tecnoloxía e a información dispoñible para resolver os problemas aos que deben enfrontarse

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
Understand the relevance of social and cultural anthropology within the health-disease and normality paradigms, faced by the human being. Recognize the anthropological roots on which any therapeutic system is built and representations of disability and dependence- AR1
Understand the methodology of study of this discipline and execute some technique of collecting anthropological information. AR1
Integrate the importance of symbols, representations, values and behaviors that occur in different cultures around health, disease, disability and dependence BR9

Topic Sub-topic
Unit 1. The social and cultural anthropology as a discipline.
What is Anthropology; What is its object and method.
Theme 2. Overview of anthropological approaches to disability and rehabilitation Evolution of the study of disability and rehabilitation in cultural anthropology. Anthropological texts about disability and rehabilitation
Theme 3. Relativism and cultural diversity. The cultural concept of normality Cultures as symbolic systems of representations, values and behaviors. Stigma and disability. anthropological perspective
Theme 4. Biomedicine as culture. Values and contradictions of biomedicine, and its implications in mediation Cultural premises of biomedicine;
The field of biomedicine and its compartimentalization into specialities; Values and practice in biomedicine;
Theme 5. Anthropology of health. Sickness and healing The anthropological perspective of illness and healing; The illness; The healing
Theme 6. The universe of disability and dependency. Relationship, and conceptual evolution. Deficiency, disability and handicap.
The dependence
Theme 7. Towards a critique of disability the relativity of sensory organization Perception as interpretation.
The view in the west. New capabilities
Theme 8. Disability and labor integration Disability and accessibility to employment. Problems, possibilities, experiences and emic story
Theme 9. Applied anthropology in disability The critique of the cultural assumptions of disability. From disability to functional diversity

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Supervised projects A4 B2 B7 C1 1 25 26
Objective test A1 C4 1 15 16
Guest lecture / keynote speech A1 C6 20 0 20
Workbook B3 C4 8 22 30
Critical bibliographical B1 B9 0 13 13
Personalized attention 7.5 0 7.5
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Supervised projects The student will select, to carry out his supervised work, one of the following thematic options:
1. Perception, classification and emic experience of disability, and its specific sociocultural conditioning factors. The specific conflict and negotiation process involves specialists and disabled people.
2. Models, response and alternatives in the sociocultural construction of the categories disease / cure / health, or disability / treatment / integration, and of the specialist / patient or specialist / disabled roles.
The methodology will consist of a small study of the chosen topic, from the student's own professional, healthcare or training experience, supported by the empirical description of some cases associated with one of the aforementioned topics, and developing an interpretation that takes into account social processes and cultural that operate around this phenomenon of disability. Due to the characteristics of the course, the object and objective of the study will be very specific, and the scope of the analysis limited.

The blended students will receive information and tutoring regarding the preparation of the work, either by online means (email, news in Moodle), or on the occasion of one of the two face-to-face meetings to which they will be called during the semester.

The work will be prepared and delivered in digital document, in Word or PDF format, sent as a 'task' in Moodle or via email. The delivery will take place at the end of the course (December).
Objective test It will consist of the conduct of a thematic examination through questions with short answers, the day and time marked for this purpose by the organization of the master, and with a maximum hour of duration of the test.
Under conditions of face-to-face normality, the conduct of this examination will be mandatory for semi-presence students and/or for students who do not attend at least 2/3 of the master sessions. Previously, such stundents will deliver the remaining works contemplated in the subject.

The objective test will be carried out in person on the day of the official call.
The materials for the preparation of the test will be provided by the teacher, as the topics of the program are taught, in the form of summaries of what was given in the master sessions, sent as documents in Word or in Power point through the Moodle platform. The objective test will be done in person on the day of the official call.
The materials for the preparation of the test will be provided by the teacher, as the topics of the program are taught, in the form of summaries of what was taught in the master sessions, sent as documents in Word or in Power point through the Moodle platform.
Guest lecture / keynote speech Presentation in class by the teacher, relying on power-point projected diagrams, of the subject matter of each of the ten program topics. Clarifications and dialogue on controversial or particularly interesting aspects of the subject presented.

Workbook In the case of face-to-face students, reading, summary, presentation in weekly sessions -each assigned to 1-2 students-, and open debate in class of a total of 15-20 readings referring to topics of anthropology of disability and dependency .

In the case of blended students, the text reading about health, disability or dependency, instead of being the subject of oral presentation in class, will be delivered in writing for evaluation in the form of a digital document with a summary and evaluation of the article that be assigned personally, of a maximum of 8 pages in length, and that also includes the conceptual maps that reflect the theoretical-argumental and ethnographic treatment of the content.
Critical bibliographical Brief critical comments on the following readings:
1st Langdon & Wiik (2010) "Anthropology, health and disease: an introduction to the concept of
culture applied to health sciences ". Enfermagem, 18
2ª Guerrero, Joaquín (2011) "Humanizing disability. From ethnography to commitment in sociocultural research on intellectual disability". Experimental Anthropology Magazine, 11
3º Velarde, Valentina (2012) "The models of disability: a historical journey" Enterprise and Humanism Magazine, 1
The three texts for the preparation of the reviews will be provided in digital format and sent to all the students (face-to-face and blended) through the Moodle forum, so that each student submits a review of each text at the beginning of each month, sending it in Word or PDF format through the same channel (Moodle forum).

Personalized attention
Critical bibliographical
Supervised projects
Objective test
The personalized attention will consist of the orientation and follow-up, through tutoring, of both the preparation of the supervised course work, as well as the preparation of the readings to be exhibited, the preparation of the bibliographic review and -for blended students- in the orientation on doubts and difficulties raised in the preparation of the matter for the objective test.
For personalized attention, email will be used (on Monday and Wednesday mornings), as well as the Moodle forum (every teaching week of the course), especially in the case of students with recognition of part-time dedication and academic exemption exemption from attendance, for which face-to-face meetings convened in two moments of the semester will be dedicated.

Students with recognition of part-time dedication and academic exemption from attendance exemption must develop the methodologies provided for the remaining students, submitting the indicated work (supervised work, readings and bibliographic review). But he will be exempt from attending the lectures, as well as it will be compulsory for him to undergo the objective test at the end of the course.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Critical bibliographical B1 B9 The critical capacity of the student will be evaluated when evaluating the text proposed for recension, as well as his ability to make schematic summaries of it, and the detection of its key concepts 10
Supervised projects A4 B2 B7 C1
To assess the supervised work to be developed during the course, the development of the basic study on the proposed topics will be taken into account, taking into account the experiential approach - professional or practical - expressed, as well as the interpretation of the same by the student from the models theorists of the Anthropology of health or disability

Objective test A1 C4
The final written test will try to assess the theoretical knowledge obtained from attending to the substitute theoretical materials of the face-to-face classes. It will consist of answering ten questions of short answer, based on the readings on the contents of the program. It is compulsory for blended students and for those who do not attend at least 2/3 of the sessions.

It is not a methodology to be developed or compulsory evaluation in the case of face-to-face students. In these cases, the qualification percentage of the 'objective test' is distributed adjusting it among the other methodologies under evaluation, in the proportions expressed in the "evaluation observations".

Workbook B3 C4 The capacity of analysis, identification of problems and critical argumentation of answers to them will be valued in the personal presentation and comment, followed by debate, at the end of the sessions, on selected readings of Anthropology and ethnography of health and disability. 30
Assessment comments

- The blended students, or those who do not attend at least 2/3 of the sessions of the course, must compulsorily carry out the objective test, as well as the other methodologies contemplated, although only the first will be done in person. 

 - Regular assistant students may voluntarily choose to take the objective test. If they choose not to do it, supervised work will mean 50% of the grade, readings 35% and bibliographic reviews 15% 
 - The students who present themselves to the second opportunity call must do so in those methodologies not passed -or not presented and should be done- in the first call. In this case, only the objective test of the 2nd call will be face-to-face, while the other methodologies will be covered by sending the corresponding works in digital format, and via Moodle or email.

-Implications of plagiarism: Suspense rating in the call in which the offense is committed and regarding the matter in which it was committed: whoever incurs it will be graded with "suspense" (numerical grade 0) in the corresponding call of the academic year, whether the commission of the foul occurs in the first opportunity as in the second. To do this, we will proceed to modify his qualification in the first opportunity record, if necessary.

Sources of information

Augé, Marc – Jean-Paul Colleyn (2005) Qué es la Antropología. Barcelona, Paidós. 

Brown, Peter J. (1998) Understanding and Applying Medical Anthropology. Mountain View, Mayfield Publishing Company 
Comelles, Josep Mª - Angel Martinez (1993) Enfermedad, cultura y sociedad. 
Douglas,Mary (1998) Estilos de pensar. Barcelona, Gedisa. 
Giner Abati, Francisco (1992) Los Himba. Cap. 8º (“Medicina y magia entre los Himba”). Salamanca, Amarú 
Goffman, Erving. (2013) Estigma. La identidad deteriorada. Madrid, Amorrortu
Kuschik, Ingrid (1995) Medicina popular en España Madrid, Siglo XXI.
Hahn, Robert A. (ed.)Anthropology in Public Health, New York, Oxford University Press 
Lévi-Strauss, Claude (1980) “La eficacia simbólica”, en Id. Antropología estructural. Buenos Aires, Eudeba. 
Martinez, Angel(2008) Antropología médica. Teorías sobre la cultura, el poder y la enfermedad. Barcelona, Anthropos. 
Martínez, Angel (1996)“Antropología de la salud. Una aproximación genealógica”, en Prat, Joan y Angel Martínez (eds.) Ensayos de antropología cultural. Barcelona, Ariel. Otegui, Rosario (2005) “ ’Una cosa fea’: VIH-SIDA y sistema de género entre los gitanos españoles”, en Revista de Antropología Social. Vol. 14. Publicaciones Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 
Turner, Vïctor (1988) “Niveles de clasificación en un ritual de vida y muerte”, en Id., El proceso ritual. Madrid, Taurus

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously
Research Methodology/651516001

Subjects that continue the syllabus

Other comments
To help achieve an immediate sustainable environment and meet strategic objective 11 of the Green Campus Plan of the Faculty of Physiotherapy, the documentary work carried out in this matter will be requested in electronic format and will be sent by online procedures (Moodle and / or mail electronic

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.