Identifying Data 2023/24
Subject (*) Attention to Diversity: Pedagogic and Management Aspects Code 652G02038
Study programme
Grao en Educación Primaria
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 2nd four-month period
Fourth Optional 4.5
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Pedagoxía e Didáctica
Castro Rodríguez, Mª Montserrat
Castro Rodríguez, Mª Montserrat
General description Esta materia ten como obxectivo que o futuro profesorado adquira competencias que lle permitan identificar e planificar a súa práctica educativa dende a perspectiva de atención á diversidade de necesidades, potencialidades, intereses individuais e colectivos de TODO O ALUMNADO, dende unha perspectiva do Deseño Universal de Aprendizaxe. Enténdese a diversidade como unha oportunidade de aprendizaxe. Por este motivo, é necesario identificar os elementos didácticos e organizativos que poden confluir no desenvolvemento de unha proposta pedagóxica. A partir de aí, trátase de buscar, analizar, utilizar metodoloxías, estratexias didácticas máis axeitadas a cada persoa, colectivo e contexto educativo, así como organizar ditos elementos didácticos para que todo o alumnado poida aprender conxuntamente de acordo coas súa características e condicións.
Esta materia ten como lingua vincular o galego. Os materiais e lecturas proporcionaranse en galego e tamén os haberá en cautelan. Ademais participamos no programa English Friendly e se algunha persoa desexa ter a blbliografía en inglés, tamén se lle proporcionará.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A3 Dominar os coñecementos necesarios para comprender o desenvolvemento da personalidade destes estudantes e identificar disfuncións.
A4 Identificar dificultades de aprendizaxe, informalas e colaborar no seu tratamento.
A6 Identificar e planificar a resolución de situacións educativas que afectan a estudantes con diferentes capacidades e distintos ritmos de aprendizaxe.
A11 Coñecer os procesos de interacción e comunicación na aula.
A20 Mostrar habilidades sociais para entender ás familias e facerse entender por elas.
B16 Capacidade crítica e creativa na análise, planificación e realización de tarefas, como froito dun pensamento flexible e diverxente.
B17 Capacidade de análise e de autoavaliación tanto do propio traballo como do traballo en grupo.
B21 CB1 - Que os estudantes demostrasen posuír e comprender coñecementos nunha área de estudo que parte da base da educación secundaria xeneral, e se adoita encontrar a un nivel que, se ben se apoia en libros de texto avanzados, inclúe tamén algúns aspectos que implican coñecementos procedentes da vangarda do seu campo de estudo
B22 CB2 - Que os estudantes saiban aplicar os seus coñecementos ao seu traballo ou vocación dunha forma profesional e posúan as competencias que adoitan demostrarse por medio da elaboración e defensa de argumentos e a resolución de problemas dentro da súa área de estudo
B23 CB3 - Que os estudantes teñan a capacidade de reunir e interpretar datos relevantes (normalmente dentro da súa área de estudo) para emitir xuízos que inclúan unha reflexión sobre temas relevantes de índole social, científica ou ética
B24 CB4 - Que os estudantes poidan transmitir información, ideas, problemas e solucións a un público tanto especializado como non especializado
B25 CB5 - Que os estudantes desenvolvesen aquelas habilidades de aprendizaxe necesarias para emprender estudos posteriores cun alto grao de autonomía
C4 Desenvolverse para o exercicio dunha cidadanía aberta, culta, crítica, comprometida, democrática e solidaria, capaz de analizar a realidade, diagnosticar problemas, formular e implantar solucións baseadas no coñecemento e orientadas ao ben común.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
A3 Dominar os coñecementos necesarios para comprender o desenvolvemento da personalidade destes estudantes e identificar disfuncións. A3
A4 Identificar dificultades de aprendizaxe, informalas e colaborar no seu tratamento. A4
A6 Identificar e planificar a resolución de situacións educativas que afectan a estudantes con diferentes capacidades e distintos ritmos de aprendizaxe. A6
A11 Coñecer os procesos de interacción e comunicación na aula. A11
A20 Mostrar habilidades sociais para entender ás familias e facerse entender por elas. A20
B16 Capacidade crítica e creativa na análise, planificación e realización de tarefas, como froito dun pensamento flexible e diverxente. B16
B17 Capacidade de análise e de autoavaliación tanto do propio traballo como do traballo en grupo. B17
B21. Que os estudantes demostrasen posuír e comprender coñecementos nunha área de estudo que parte da base da educación secundaria xeneral, e se adoita encontrar a un nivel que, se ben se apoia en libros de texto avanzados, inclúe tamén algúns aspectos que implican coñecementos procedentes da vangarda do seu campo de estudo B21
B22. Que os estudantes saiban aplicar os seus coñecementos ao seu traballo ou vocación dunha forma profesional e posúan as competencias que adoitan demostrarse por medio da elaboración e defensa de argumentos e a resolución de problemas dentro da súa área de estudo B22
B23 - Que os estudantes teñan a capacidade de reunir e interpretar datos relevantes (normalmente dentro da súa área de estudo) para emitir xuízos que inclúan unha reflexión sobre temas relevantes de índole social, científica ou ética B23
B24 Que os estudantes poidan transmitir información, ideas, problemas e solucións a un público tanto especializado como non especializado B24
b 25 Que os estudantes desenvolvesen aquelas habilidades de aprendizaxe necesarias para emprender estudos posteriores cun alto grao de autonomía B25
C4 Desenvolverse para o exercicio dunha cidadanía aberta, culta, crítica, comprometida, democrática e solidaria, capaz de analizar a realidade, diagnosticar problemas, formular e implantar solucións baseadas no coñecemento e orientadas ao ben común. B24

Topic Sub-topic
1. ttention to diversity in primary education Concept
2.Specific educational needs associated with diversity -Responses of the Universal Design for Learning (UDL),
-Needs and potentialities associated with intellectual diversity, sensory, motor, hyperactivity or autism disorders, cultural, origin, gender identity and sexuality, learning styles, beliefs: methodologies, times, spaces, tasks and activities.
3Curricular measures of response to diversity Curricular adaptations and reinforcements from the SAD.
-Models to promote equity as a strategy for an equitable school.

4.Organisational measures in response to diversity. The professional partner
-The transversal role of the OD for the design of a project and a universal educational practice.
-Identification of barriers that introduce biases that lead to segregation.

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Introductory activities B21 1 1 2
Directed discussion A3 A6 B16 B17 B23 C4 5 0 5
Case study A3 A4 A20 B16 B17 B22 5 17 22
Workbook A3 B23 C4 3 10 13
Events academic / information B16 B22 B24 B25 3 6 9
Guest lecture / keynote speech B16 B17 B21 4 5 9
Supervised projects A3 A4 A6 A11 A20 B16 3 12.5 15.5
Practical test: A6 A4 B22 B16 C4 3 10 13
Collaborative learning A4 A11 B16 B17 B23 C4 5 15 20
Personalized attention 4 0 4
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Introductory activities Initially, among all the students, experiences lived in the primary classrooms will be collected and grouped together in a document shared by the whole class. These experiences, which will be related to the topics of the subject, will be used to work with them in the classrooms in order to prepare the portfolio.
Directed discussion The aim is to exchange ideas and develop one's own thinking on the topics worked on.
Case study Each student or group of students will select two real teaching-learning situations to describe, analyse and interpret, and finally provide guidelines and orientations to promote inclusive education for all. The aim of this activity is for each student to be able to identify variables, make assumptions, etc. that will help them to understand what is happening in the classroom. Students are provided with a case analysis guide, which consists of three sections: identification of the significant aspects of the situation, elaboration of hypotheses that help to explain what may be happening in that context, and suggestions for classroom work to overcome the situation. WE ARE IN THE PROCESS OF NEGOTIATING TO TRY TO DEVELOP THIS SUBJECT THROUGH APS, if possible, these activities will be included in the APS.
Workbook Readings Indicate in the classroom those that are compulsory and those that are optional.
Events academic / information The aim is to take advantage of the different resources of the university and other institutions or groups of a cultural and educational nature, in relation to the contents and competences of the subject.
Guest lecture / keynote speech This will take place at the beginning of each thematic unit, or when, through the monitoring of classroom and individual work, the need to clarify or introduce essential or new concepts is perceived.
Supervised projects The work will be carried out mainly in the classroom and will form part of the continuous assessment. The students at the end of the fourth quarter will have to complete five tasks that will serve for the continuous evaluation. It will be a work in team, which does not exceed los five members. Each team will have to carry out a contextualized intervention proposal in a concrete ordinary class that will be defined and explained in detail. Each team must carry out an intervention proposal for each ordinary class. The didactic proposal is based on a perspective of attention to inclusive diversity, based on the Universal Learning Design. Each team will present its proposal. WE ARE IN PROCESO DE NEGOCIACIÓN, TO TRY THAT THIS MATERIAL IS DEVELOPED THROUGH DUN APS, THEREFORE THAT THESE ACTIVITIES CAN BE CARRIED OUT INSIDE IT.
Practical test: This activity is carried out in a team. The students are proposed a practical case of those proposed by the students themselves and they will tend to analyze the possible hypotheses of what happens in that situation, what obstacles are detected and that make it difficult for all students to share a successful learning experience for all the people who form part of the class. We will analyze the capacity of the team to detect what is going on, the strategies and proposals that are carried out to overcome the problems that characterize this situation
Collaborative learning Collaborative learning will be the constant of the assignment. The tutored work and the practical test will be carried out in a team and, whoever considers it, can also carry out the case study. The equipment will give an internal assessment of its level of operation and the implication in the follow-up of the subject.

Personalized attention
Case study
Supervised projects
Both the case study and the simulation of a real classroom situation require a very personalised work, for this reason, the students will receive individual or collective attention from the teacher of the subject. Personalised attention is given through tutorials but also in the ordinary classroom, as the work methodology is based on individual and group needs and demands. In this supervision, any doubts that may arise will be solved and indications will be given on the different phases of the elaboration of the proposed work.
The team works will have to carry out different tutorials with the teacher in order to design the proposals.
Students who have academic or part-time dispensation, from the first week, a calendar of meetings will be established to carry out the follow-up of the subject.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Case study A3 A4 A20 B16 B17 B22 Each individual student or group of students will select a real situation that they will have to describe, analyze and interpret, and finally will obtain guidelines and guidelines to promote an inclusive education for all. The work will have a maximum length of 5000 words. The valuation criteria are:
-Description and identification of the information needed to carry out a complete and appropriate student report for each situation.
-Hypotheses that can help explain and better understand what may be happening in the classroom to generate this situation.
-Guidelines to implement this peaceful context of ordinary classes to promote an inclusive school for everyone and all
-Empty of inclusive bibliography
-A cross-sectional integration will positively value the inclusion of analysis and intervention from an ecosystemic perspective that integrates a gender, sustainability and linguistic perspective, which will be explained in detail in the class.
-Use of inclusive language.
Supervised projects A3 A4 A6 A11 A20 B16 The tutored work will be carried out for the most part within the academic timetable of the assignment. It will form part of the ongoing evaluation. Each team will plant 4 tasks during the quarter. The work will consist of:
design of an accessible ordinary classroom for mobility and access to knowledge, creating the profile of EP students who could be in the classroom (some of the classes could be the same as the ones in the research project). Finally, the team will design a proposal or intervention guidelines oriented to the selection of objectives, contents, methodology, intervention strategies, resources and materials, evaluation, etc. that respond to the different needs of all students in the class.
Evaluation criteria:
1. Formulation of objective chords with class characteristics in which it is intended to respond to diversity from an inclusive perspective. (10%)
2. Selection and justification of the methodology, resources and materials, evaluation and all the necessary measures to address the diversity of this specific class. (10%)
3. Proposals and guidelines to be adopted in the classroom to overcome situations of discrimination, exclusion and to facilitate cohesion and coexistence in the classroom. (10%)
4. Use of inclusive bibliography (10%)
5. Oral presentation (10%)
Collaborative learning A4 A11 B16 B17 B23 C4 Collaborative learning will be the constant of the assignment. The supervised work and the practical test will be carried out by teams and, whoever considers it, can also carry out the case study. The teams will give an internal assessment of their level of functioning and involvement in the follow-up of the topic. 10
Practical test: A6 A4 B22 B16 C4 This activity is carried out en equipo. The students are offered a practical case of the proposals made by them and themselves, which will tend to analyze the possible hypotheses of what happens in that situation, what obstacles are detected and what obstacles make it difficult for each student to share a demanding learning experience for all the people who make up the classroom. The team's capacity to detect what is going on will be analyzed, as well as the strategies and proposals they carry out to overcome the problems that characterize this situation. 30
Assessment comments

The evaluation method will be the same for all students and for the two calls (May and Xuño). P

Students with official recognition of part-time admission and academic exemption from attendance must ask a supervisor to schedule the interactive and expositive sessions in which they cannot participate in order to plan their work. The non-assistant student (who does not attend 80% of the classes for justified reasons) will carry out the same work as the assistant, but adapting to supervised work and practical tests. This student will be able to work in a team (in this case, she will also have the possibility of being evaluated in the collaborative learning option). The practical test can be done as a team or individually. In the case of not working as a team, 10% of the evaluation will be applied to the practical test, which will become 40% of the qualification.

The works will be presented in digital format on the virtual campus in the task designed for this purpose.

"The fraudulent performance of tests or evaluation activities, once verified, will directly imply the qualification of suspension in the call in which it is committed: the student will be classified as "suspended" (numerical grade 0) in the corresponding call of the academic year. , whether the commission of the offense occurs on the first opportunity or on the second, for which it will proceed to modify its qualification in the minutes of the first opportunity, if necessary."

In the case of being able to implement APs, both activities can be carried out within this framework.

Sources of information
Basic PÉREZ DÍEZ, L. y C. JIMÉNEZ FERNÁNDEZ (2018). Influencia de la organización escolar en la educación de los alumnos de altas capacidades. Enseñanza & Teaching
Alba Pastor, C, Sánchez, J., & Zubillaga, A (2014). Diseño Universal para el Aprendizaje (DUA) Pautas para su introducción en el curríc. Pastor, C. A., Sánchez, J., & Zubillaga, A
Crisol Moya, Martínez Moya, El Homrani (2015). El aula inclusiva. Condiciones didáctica y organizativas.. Revista nacional e internacional de educación inclusiva ISSN (impreso): 1889-4208.
Núñez Mayen, M.T. (2019). El estancamiento de la inclusión educativa del alumnado con discapacidad. Revisión de su escolarización entre 1985 y 2015.. Revista Nacional e Internacional de Educación Inclusiva
Moya Maya, A (2012). El profesorado de apoyo en los centros ordinarios. Nuevas funciones, nuevas contradicciones. Educatio siglo XXI: Revista de a Facultad de Educación
Trujillo Sáez, F. & Ariza Pérez (2006). Experiencias Educativas en Aprendizaje Cooperativo. Grupo Editorial Universitario
Goberno Vasco (2015). Guía de atención integral a las personas en situacións de transexualidad.
Bonilla-del-Río, M., & Sánchez-Calero, M. L (2022). Inclusión educativa en tiempos de COVID-19: Uso de redes sociales en personas con discapacidad intelectual. RIED-Revista Iberoamericana De Educación a Distancia
González-Gil, F. (2011). Inclusión y atención al alumnado con necesidades educativas especiales en España. CEE Participación Educativa, 18, noviembre 2011, pp. 60-78
Grau Rubio, C. e Fernández Hawrylak, M. (2008). La atención a la diversidad y las adaptaciones curriculares en la normativa española. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación, Revista Iberoamericana de Educación Boletín RIE digit@l 46/3
Castaño Calle, R. (2011). Las adaptaciones curriculares y otras medidas de carácter general en el contexto de la LOE respecto a la diversidad de los alumnos. Hekademos
Peirats Chacón, J. & Marín Suelves, D. (2018). Las medidas organizativas y curriculares en las necesidades específicas de apoyo educativo. Marín & Fajardo (2018). Intervención psicoeducativa en alumnado con necesidades específicas de
Caamaño Liñares, T. et ali (2022). Lo que la diversidad esconde. tab Edizioni
Saiz Fernández,H., Morote Blanco, D., Vidal Esteve, I., Gallardo Fernánd, I. (2016). Los espacios inclusivos de encuentro y el Modelo de Apoyos. Libro de Actas del XVI Congreso Nacional y VII Congreso Iberoamericano de Pedagogía: Democracia y Ed
González-Peiteado, M. e Martínez Geijo, P. (2016). (2016). Los estilos de enseñanza: construyendo puentes para transitar las diferencias individuales del alumnado. Revista Complutense de Educación
Pérez Galán, R. (2009). Los nuevos retos del aprendizaje social en niños con necesidades educativas especiales. El aprendizaje en comunidad o la comunidad de aprendizaje en el aula. Revista de Educación
Cidoncha, V. (2008). Materiales generales y específicos para los alumnos con necesidades educativas especiales. Educación y Futuro digital
CRTOADI TOMELLOSO (2009). Medidas organizativas y curriculares de atención a la diversidad desde una perspectiva inclusiva. CRTOADI TOMELLOSO.
Almazán, L.; Colmenero, M.J.; Ortíz, A (2002). Organización y atención a la diversidad en los centros educativos. Aula de Encuentro
Leiva Olivencia, J.J. (2010). Práctica de la interculturalidad desde la perspectiva docente: análisis y propuestas pedagógicas. C&E. Cultura y Educación
Pardo Baldoví et ali (2022). Prácticas docentes en la escuela digital: la inclusión como reto. RELATEC - Revista Latinoamericana de Tecnología Educativa
Sanahuja, A., Borri-Sanahuja, A., Borri-Anadon, C. y De Angelis, C (2022). Prácticas inclusivas en el contexto escolar: una mirada sobre tres experiencias internacionales. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación
Torres, J.A. e Fernández Batanero, J.Mª (2015). Promoviendo escuelas inclusivas: análisis de las percepciones del profesorado desde unha perspectiva organizativa, curricular y de desarrollo profesional.. Revista Electrónica Interuniversitaria de Formación del Profesorado,
European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education (2017). RAISING THE ACHIEVEMENT OF ALL LEARNERS A Resource to Support Self-Review.
Ainscow (2011). Respondiendo al desafío de la equidad en los sistemas educativos. Revista de Pedagogía de la Universidad de Salamanca
Barreiro González, M.P. (2009). Resposta dos centros educativos á diversidade. Revista Galega de Educación
González Fontao, M.P. e Martínez Suárez, E.M. (2010). Una medida innovadora para la atención a la diversidad. La adaptación curricular por competencias. Innovación Educativa
European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education (2012). Welcome to the European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education website!.
San Martín Ulloa, C. (2017). ¿Dónde y cuándo proporcionar apoyos pedagógicos para facilitar los procesos de inclusión?.

Proporciónase unha relación importante de referencias bibliográficas porque o alumnado seleccionará as lecturas en función das temáticas que precisa para os traballos. A docente tamén solicitará a lectura de entre 5 e 7 documentos. 

Complementary Araque, N. e Barrio de la Puente, J.L. (2010). Atención a la diversidad y desarrollo de procesos educativos inclusivos. Revista de Ciencias Sociales
AA.VV. (2010). La respuesta educativa a la diversidad, aquí y ahora. Ediciones da Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus

Other comments

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.