Identifying Data 2023/24
Subject (*) Information Gathering and Analysing Techniques Code 652G03026
Study programme
Grao en Educación Social
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 1st four-month period
Third Obligatory 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Didácticas Específicas e Métodos de Investigación e Diagnóstico en Educación
Arias Rodriguez, Maria Alicia
Arias Rodriguez, Maria Alicia
Losada Puente, Luisa
Web http://
General description A realidade socio-educativa do/da educador/a social é complexa, diversa e difícil de analizar, describir e interpretar. Por iso, é necesario que ao longo da súa formación académica, adquira unha serie de competencias que lle permitan desenvolver a súa posterior actividade profesional.

Por tal circunstancia, a aprendizaxe e aplicación de diversas metodoloxías de investigación, que se desenvolven nesta materia, permitirá nun futuro ao/a educador/a social seleccionar a máis adecuada para solucionar os problemas que se atopará no seu próximo ámbito laboral, sen esquecer que este/a axente, dentro do seu ámbito laboral terá que investigar para poder achegar posibles solucións que melloren o contexto no que se desenvolva a súa actividade laboral.

A diversidade de concepcións epistemolóxicas aplicables ás distintas situacións sociais será fonte de información para o/a investigador/a social, permitíndolle determinar cal é a máis adecuada para solucionar o problema ao que se enfronta. Non se pretende establecer unha prelación ou unha orde de importancia entre os variados modos de investigación, senón que é o problema de investigación o que determinará a elección dunha metodoloxía ou outra, facendo dela a máis válida para este tipo de problema. Todo isto non ten sentido se non nos preguntamos e respondemos á pregunta: que queremos conseguir?.

Son moitos os instrumentos que podemos utilizar para obter datos e, por iso, é necesario ter coñecemento do amplo abano de posibilidades. Un/ha bo/boa profesional será aquel/a que saiba optar, en cada circunstancia, polas técnicas e instrumentos que mellor se adapten á situación. É necesario afondar no coñecemento e no dominio das distintas ferramentas que temos á nosa disposición. Así, nesta materia iranse analizando as principais técnicas e instrumentos que poden ser aplicadas ao ámbito socioeducativo, indicando as súas características fundamentais, as vantaxes e inconvenientes que presentan e as circunstancias ou momentos máis adecuados para poñelas en práctica.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A5 Identificar e analizar os factores contextuais que afectan os procesos de intervención socioeducativa.
A6 Seleccionar diferentes métodos e técnicas para a planificación e avaliación de programas e servizos.
A7 Aplicar metodoloxías educativas e dinamizadoras da acción socioeducativa.
A8 Detectar factores de vulnerabilidade, de exclusión e de discriminación social que dificulten a inclusión social, escolar e laboral de persoas e colectivos.
A11 Observar, analizar, interpretar procesos de mediación social, cultural e educativa.
A13 Deseñar e levar a cabo proxectos de investigación elementais aplicables aos diferentes campos de intervención.
A14 Identificar e emitir xuízos razoados sobre problemas socioeducativos para mellorar a práctica profesional.
A19 Asesorar e supervisar programas, planos, proxectos e centros socioeducativos.
A21 Deseñar e implementar procesos de avaliación de programas e estratexias de intervención socioeducativa en diversos contextos.
B1 Elaborar, analizar, sintetizar, valorar e transmitir criticamente a información.
B2 Redactar e presentar informes técnicos, memorias, regulamentos ou calquera outro documento básico que contribúa a regular a acción socioeducativa.
B4 Deseñar e impulsar espazos socioeducativos en contextos de diversidade atendendo á igualdade de xénero, á equidade e respecto aos dereitos humanos, favorecendo o empoderamento das persoas e colectivos ubicados en situacións de desvantaxe social.
B5 Capacidade de mostrar actitudes coherentes coas concepcións éticas e deontolóxicas propias da profesión.
B6 Adquirir e dominar habilidades comunicativas que permitan transmitir información, ideas e propostas a diversas audiencias.
C1 Expresarse correctamente, tanto de forma oral coma escrita, nas linguas oficiais da comunidade autónoma.
C3 Utilizar as ferramentas básicas das tecnoloxías da información e as comunicacións (TIC) necesarias para o exercicio da súa profesión e para a aprendizaxe ao longo da súa vida.
C4 Desenvolverse para o exercicio dunha cidadanía aberta, culta, crítica, comprometida, democrática e solidaria, capaz de analizar a realidade, diagnosticar problemas, formular e implantar solucións baseadas no coñecemento e orientadas ao ben común.
C6 Valorar criticamente o coñecemento, a tecnoloxía e a información dispoñible para resolver os problemas cos que deben enfrontarse.
C8 Valorar a importancia que ten a investigación, a innovación e o desenvolvemento tecnolóxico no avance socioeconómico e cultural da sociedade.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
To know the main technical of data collection in the processes of social and educational intervention. A5
To design instruments of data collection of processes of social and educational intervention, applying different techniques. A5
To schedule data collection and analysis in processes of social and educational intervention. A5
To perform collecting relevant information from a process of socio-educational intervention. B1
To know the main technical of data analysis in the processes of social and educational intervention. A6
To analyze the information collected in the process of socio-educational intervention using appropriate analytical techniques A5

Topic Sub-topic

1. Conceptual Determination
2. Sample selection
2.1 Sample selection in the quantitative approach
2.2. Sample selection in the qualitative approach

Topic II. DATA COLLECTION TECHNIQUES 1. Quantitative data collection instruments
1.1. Scales
1.2. Questionnaire
2. Qualitative data collection instruments
2.1. Observation
2.2. Interviews (e.g.: Life stories)
2.3. Focus Groups
Topic III. DATA ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES 1. Qualitative analysis (conceptual maps, reliability and validity)
2. Quantitative analysis
2.1 Reliability and Validity
2.2. Categorical or nominal data analysis.
2.3 Ordinal data analysis
2.4. Metric data analysis

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Guest lecture / keynote speech A5 A7 A14 B1 C4 C6 C8 10 10 20
ICT practicals A6 C3 9.5 9.5 19
Case study A6 A13 A21 C1 8.5 29.75 38.25
Problem solving A19 B2 C1 2.5 8.75 11.25
Document analysis B1 0 9 9
Collaborative learning A6 A8 A11 A13 A19 A21 B1 B2 B4 C1 C3 9.5 19 28.5
Mixed objective/subjective test A5 A6 A13 A19 A21 B1 B2 B5 B6 C1 C3 C4 C6 C8 2 12 14
Personalized attention 10 0 10
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech Lecture classes given by the teachers on the contents already mentioned in the "contents" section of this teaching guide. The information is transmitted to the whole group by means of a methodology based on the word and sight. In some cases, it may be complemented with practical examples and/or audiovisual resources.

In this subject, students will have the bibliographical references to consult or, also, to complete or follow the lectures.
ICT practicals The methodology used will be the analysis of computerised information. That is, the use of quantitative and qualitative computer programmes for both the design of the instrument and the data collection and analysis. The development of this analysis activity will be complementary to the problem-solving methodology.
Case study This methodology will be used to carry out the practicals corresponding to topics 1 and 2 of the contents of the subject.
Students will be presented with one practical case study per group and will have to apply the theoretical knowledge acquired in the lectures to the resolution of the different parts of a case. Students will have the interactive classes to carry out the assigned activities and will have to incorporate them all together in a single document called "Information Gathering Techniques", which will be handed in on the date stipulated by the teachers.
Problem solving This methodology is only used for topic 3 of the contents of the subject. Students will have the interactive classes and independent work to carry out the assigned activities and will have to incorporate them all together in a single document, which will be called "Information Analysis" and will be delivered on the date stipulated by the teachers.
Document analysis Methodology that involves the use of audiovisual and/or bibliographic resources (articles, educational texts, databases, etc.) relevant to the subject matter with activities specifically designed to analyse them. This methodology can be used: as an introduction to a subject, as an application tool, to explain processes that cannot be observed directly, for the presentation of complex situations or as a synthesis of theoretical or practical content.
Collaborative learning This methodology is combined with other methodologies such as document analysis, case studies, problem solving, ICT practices, etc. All these procedures will be guided in person and/or supported by information and communication technologies. Small groups (between 5-6 people. NO OTHER POSSIBILITIES ARE ALLOWED) will be set up to carry them out, and they are read during all the interactive classes of the subject.

Mixed objective/subjective test Test used for the evaluation of learning in both expository and interactive classes. It has two parts:

a) Technical part: it refers to the theoretical contents (expository sessions) dealt with by the teachers throughout themes 1 and 2 of the contents of the teaching guide.

b) Analysis part: it will only be what the teacher explains and works with the students in topic 3 of the content section of this subject.

The questions in these parts can be direct or incomplete statements, even questions with several answer options or alternatives that provide possible solutions. But only one and only the most correct one. IN THIS TEST INCORRECT ANSWERS WILL SUBTRACT THE CORRECT ANSWERS.
Given that there are two parts (Techniques and Analysis), it will be IMPERATIVE to pass the mixed test to achieve at least half of the mark in each of the parts (e.g., if each part has a value of 5 points, you must achieve a minimum in each of the parts).
The subject is passed when all the parts are passed and NEVER any of the parts will be saved for other opportunities (i.e. if the student does not pass the test in the 1st opprtunity, he/she must sit the final exam with a weight of 100% and, therefore, the qualification of the continuous assessment dossier will not be taken into account).

Personalized attention
Problem solving
ICT practicals
Mixed objective/subjective test
Case study
Guest lecture / keynote speech
Collaborative learning
In the personalised attention, the teachers will resolve any doubts students may have about the topics in the subject. But also any doubts that may arise for problem solving, collaborative learning, document analysis, case studies and ICT practices. During these sessions, students' work will be monitored, supervising and guiding more directly the process to be followed in each of the activities carried out.

This personalised attention will be given in the teaching staff's office (P1A15 and P1A19) during the tutorial timetable. This timetable is posted on the board in the lecturers' office, on the department's website and in the Faculty of Education Sciences.

Personalised attention will be provided face-to-face between students and teachers. Students must first communicate with the teachers via the Virtual Campus, through the platform provided for this purpose and where they must specify their full name. If students do not request tutoring through this means, the teachers will not attend to them under any circumstances.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Problem solving A19 B2 C1 This task is intended for one single content of the subject (Topic 3). It is intended to allow students to combine other methodologies, such as problem solving, guided practice (guided worksheets), etc. However, bearing in mind that with the subject, students develop purely practical tasks on this topic with the support and supervision of the teaching staff. All this will only be carried out when topic 3 is explained.

The teachers will present the notes of this topic (through the Virtual Campus); in the expository classes they will explain with solutions of problems from the notes; in the interactive classes they will present guided practices for the student to carry out. FOR ALL THIS, THE STUDENT MUST BRING THE REVISED NOTES.

Students must carry out all the proposed practices and include them in a single document, in the form of a dossier, which will be handed in to the teachers by the established deadline, under the name "Information analysis techniques". If this document is failed, it must be presented as a non-attending student or as a student not attending the classroom (see assessment).
This document will only serve for the continuous evaluation (it means that: whoever passes the mixed test (in each of the parts gets a 5) the evaluation of this document will be counted; whoever has a part of the mixed test passed with a 5 but in another part gets a minimum, the evaluation of this document can help to pass).

The assessment of this paper will not count if you do not pass with a 5 on all parts of the combined test or if you do not reach a minimum on any of those parts.

Important note: students who are not in attendance do not have to present this document, but it is advisable to do it and take advantage of the tutorials to ask questions about it (in the evaluation of the subject there were questions about it).
Mixed objective/subjective test A5 A6 A13 A19 A21 B1 B2 B5 B6 C1 C3 C4 C6 C8 The exam of the 1st and 2nd opprtunities (June and July) is what refers to the evaluation of this methodology and consists of two parts:

1-TECHNIQUES PART: it will consist of a number of open response items, or short answer or true and false but justifying (the type of questions will be determined by the teaching staff). This part is passed when a score of 5 out of 10 points is reached, which is the maximum score that can be reached here (no marks will be kept for any part, in any exam session, if you fail).

2-ANALYSIS PART: it consists of several statistical problems or short answer questions or true/false questions (the teacher will decide the type of questions). This part is passed when a score of 5 out of 10 points is reached, which is the maximum score that can be reached here.

In both parts (Techniques part and Analysis part) incorrectly answered questions will be deducted. Before the end of the teaching period, teachers may take a mock test during the class timetable of the subject. Attendance at this mock test is not compulsory.


The exam must be passed in order to be taken into account for continuous assessment. In order to pass the exam, it is essential that both of the following requirements are met:

(a) 5 points or more are achieved in the mixed test;

(b) at least half of the value of each of the parts (technical part and analysis part) must be reached.

If any of the parts is failed (the minimum passing score is not reached) or if the continuous assessment is not passed (doseres), the student must take the next exam with everything. NO PARTS OF ANY EXAM FROM ONE EXAM SESSION WILL BE KEPT FOR ANOTHER OR OTHER EXAM SESSIONS.
The dates of the exams are set by the Faculty Board, therefore, they do not move.

Translated with (free version)
Case study A6 A13 A21 C1 This task is aimed at the contents of the subject (Topic 1 and 2). It is intended to allow students to combine other methodologies such as problem solving, guided practice (guided worksheets), etc. But bearing in mind that with it the students develop purely practical tasks on this subject with the support and supervision of the teachers. All this will only take place when topic 1 and 2 are explained.

The teachers will present the notes on this subject to the students (through the Virtual Campus); in the expository classes they will explain the notes with cases; in the interactive classes the teachers will present guided practices (guided worksheets) for the students to carry out.

The students must carry out all the proposed practices and include them in a single document, in the form of a dossier, which they will hand in to the teacher within the established deadline, under the name of "Techniques for collecting information". If this document is failed, it must be submitted as a non-attending student or as a student not attending the classroom (see assessment).
This document will only serve for the continuous evaluation (it means that: whoever passes the mixed test (in each of the parts gets a 5) the evaluation of this document will be counted; whoever has a part of the mixed test passed with a 5 but in another part gets a minimum, the evaluation of this document can help to pass). Y

The assessment of this paper will not count if you do not pass with a 5 on all parts of the combined test or if you do not reach a minimum on any of those parts.

Important note: students who are not in attendance do not have to present this document, but it is advisable to do it and take advantage of the tutorials to ask questions about it (in the evaluation of the subject there were questions about it).
Assessment comments

En primer lugar, la evaluación de la asignatura (expuesta en el apartado de la guía docente, denominado “Paso 7: Evaluación”) se regulará por lo siguiente:

a) LOS ALUMNOS QUE ASISTEN A CLASE (o alumnos con dispensa académica) (alumnos presenciales) se considera que asisten al 80%, esto equivale a no tener más de 3 ausencias injustificadas. Se justifican las ausencias médicas (con justificación debidamente cubierta de un médico colegiado) y las ausencias debidas al trabajo (con justificación correctamente cubierta en el trabajo donde se justifique que el estudiante está trabajando en horario de clase) o cualquier otra ausencia, siempre con la documentación aprobada.

La evaluación de estos alumnos tiene en cuenta lo siguiente: 1-La prueba mixta; 2-El estudio de casos y 3-Resolución de problemas.

Todos los alumnos ASISTENTES O PRESENTES deberán superar la evaluación continua (dossiers) para poder realizar la prueba mixta en las condiciones explicadas para este grupo de alumnos. La evaluación continua equivale al 50% de la nota final de la asignatura (es necesario alcanzar el mínimo del 25% para considerar superada esta parte). Asimismo, es imprescindible alcanzar un mínimo del 25% sobre un 50% en la prueba mixta para considerar superada esta evaluación (teniendo en cuenta la necesidad de alcanzar un mínimo en cada parte, técnicas y análisis, tal y como se especifica en el apartado correspondiente en la guía didáctica).

b) ESTUDIANTES QUE NO SIEMPRE ASISTEN A CLASES (alumnos no asistentes) se consideran ausentes cuando faltan más del 80%, es decir, tienen más de tres ausencias injustificadas, o tienen más de dos ausencias en una de las partes del el tema (técnicas de recolección y/o análisis de información). Se justifican las ausencias médicas (con justificación debidamente cubierta de un médico matriculado) y las ausencias debidas al trabajo (con justificación correctamente cubierta en el trabajo donde se justifica que el estudiante está trabajando en horas de clase).

Estos alumnos realizarán los exámenes 1º y 2º. Se recomienda que los alumnos realicen los dos trabajos de la asignatura ("Técnicas de recogida de datos" y "Análisis de datos") de forma independiente, ya que estos se evaluarán en el examen final de la asignatura (50%).


Todo alumno matriculado en esta asignatura, antes de la presentación de la asignatura o el mismo día de la presentación de la asignatura (la presentación SIEMPRE SE PRESENTA), deberá realizar varias tareas. Una de estas tareas es seleccionar la modalidad de aprendizaje (si eres alumno asistiendo a clase o no asistiendo a clase). Si el alumno no completa esta tarea al igual que otras (en el campus virtual) EN EL PLAZO MARCADO POR LOS PROFESORES se considerará alumno NO ASISTENTE A CLASES (los profesores que hayan enviado correos electrónicos a través del campus virtual los alumnos deberán estar atentos) .

Sources of information
Basic Etxeberria, J., & Tejedor, F.J. (2005). Análisis descriptivo de datos en educación. La Muralla.
Tejedor, F.J., & Etxeberría, J. (2006). Análisis inferencial de datos en educación. La Muralla.
Azofra, M.J. (1999). Cuestionarios. CIS (Cuadernos Metodológicos, 26).
Rubio, M.J., & Varas, J. (2011). El análisis de la realidad en la intervención social. CCS.
García, M. (2015). El análisis de la realidad social: métodos y técnicas de investigación.. Alianza.
Valles, M.S. (2002). Entrevistas cualitativas. CIS (Cuadernos Metodológicos, 32).
Grima, P. (2010). La certeza absoluta y otras ficciones. Los secretos de la estadística. RBA Libros.
Alvira, F. (2011). La encuesta: una perspectiva general metodológica. CIS (Cuadernos Metodológicos, 35).
Visauta, B. (1989). Técnicas de investigación Social. PPU.
Martínez Mediano, C., & Galán González, A. (2014). Técnicas e instrumentos de recogida y análisis de datos (2ª ed). UNED.

Complementary Desler, G. (2001). Administración del personal. Pearson
Escudero Perez, J. (2004). Análisis de la realidad local. Narcea.
Ander-EGG, E. y Aguilar, M.J. (2017). Como elaborar un proyecto: guía para diseñar proyectos sociales y culturales (18ª ed.).. Lumen Humanitas
Club de excelencia (2003). Guía práctica para desarrollar, implantar y revisar la Autoevaluación de mi organización. EFQM
Junta de Andalucía (2010). Manual de proyectos.. Consejería de Gobernación
Losada, S. (2016). Metodología de la intervención social. Síntesis.
De Ketele, J.M., & Roegiers, X. (1995). Metodología para la recogida de información. La Muralla.
Corbetta, P. (2003). Metodología y Técnicas de Investigación Social. McGraw-Hill.
Briones, G. (2003). Métodos y técnicas de investigación para las Ciencias Sociales (4ª ed.). Trillas.
Pérez, O. (Coord.). (2007). Plan Estratégico del Tercer Sector de Acción Social. Guía de evaluación de programas y proyectos sociales. Plataforma de ONG de Acción social


Ad-ECOS (2015). Como elaborar los indicadores de un proyecto social paso a paso. 

Ministerio de Administración Pública (2006). Guía de autoevaluación para la administración pública. MAP. 

Ministerio de Administración Pública (2006). Guía de evaluación. Modelo EVAM. MAP.  

Ministerio de Administración Pública (2009). Guía para el desarrollo de cartas de servicio. MAP. 

Enlaces web:

Diseño de estrategias 

Elaboración de proyectos sociales. 

Gestión de proyectos sociales 

Métodos y técnicas más útiles en la gestión de proyectos 

Plataforma de ONG de acción social:

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
Research Methods /652G03019

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus
Evaluation Methods for Socio-Educational Programmes and Services/652G03023
Evaluation and Diagnosis in Socio-Educational Needs/652G03039

Other comments
It does recommend sending work telematically and, where possible, using plastic, choosing double-sided printing, using recycled paper and avoiding printing drafts.

The sustainable use of resources and the prevention of negative impacts on the natural environment should be taken into account. The importance of ethical principles related to sustainability values should be taken into account in personal and professional behaviour.


(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.