Identifying Data 2023/24
Subject (*) Augmentative and Alternative Communication Code 652G04022
Study programme
Grao en Logopedia
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 1st four-month period
Third Obligatory 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Department Psicoloxía
Gomez Taibo, Maria Luisa
Gomez Taibo, Maria Luisa
General description Descriptores de la materia: Sistemas de Comunicación Aumentativa y Alternativa: objetos, pictogramas, símbolos Bliss. Acceso y tecnología de apoyo a la comunicación.
La asignatura es una materia obligatoria que se ocupa de dotar a los y las futuras logopedas de las herramientas necesarias para realizar la valoración y la intervención en el área de las dificultades de la comunicación. El uso de sistemas de comunicación aumentativa y alternativa basadas en objetos, en símbolos gráficos -SPC, Bliss, PIC, OT, etc., en signos manuales, y el uso de opciones de alta y baja tecnología de apoyo a la comunicación serán las herramientas para la intervención de las dificultades comunicativas de las personas sin habla o con habla poco funcional. Además, se proporcionarán estrategias para la enseñanza de habilidades comunicativas básicas y más avanzadas, para las poblaciones con discapacidad congénita y discapacidad adquirida.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences / results
A2 Coñecer e integrar os fundamentos psicolóxicos da Logopedia: o desenvolvemento da linguaxe, o desenvolvemento psicolóxico, a Neuropsicoloxía da linguaxe, os procesos básicos e a Psicolingüística.
A3 Coñecer e integrar os fundamentos lingüísticos da Logopedia: Fonética e fonoloxía, morfosintaxe, semántica, pragmática, sociolingüística.
A7 Coñecer, recoñecer e discriminar entre a variedade das alteracións: os trastornos específicos do desenvolvemento da linguaxe, trastorno específico da linguaxe, retrasos da linguaxe, trastornos fonéticos e fonolóxicos; os trastornos da comunicación e a linguaxe asociados a déficit auditivos e visuais, o déficit de atención, a deficiencia mental, o trastorno xeneralizado do desenvolvemento, os trastornos do espectro autista, a parálise cerebral infantil e as plurideficiencias; os trastornos específicos da linguaxe escrita; as discalculias; as alteracións no desenvolvemento da linguaxe por deprivación social e as asociadas a contextos multiculturais e plurilingüismo; os trastornos da fluidez da fala; as afasias e os trastornos asociados; as disartrias; as disfonías; as disglosias; as alteracións da linguaxe no avellentamento e os trastornos dexenerativos; as alteracións da linguaxe e a comunicación en enfermidades mentais; o mutismo e as inhibicións da linguaxe; as alteracións das funcións orais non verbais: deglución atípica, disfagia e alteracións tubáricas.
A8 Coñecer os fundamentos do proceso de avaliación e diagnóstico.
A9 Coñecer e aplicar os modelos, técnicas e instrumentos de avaliación.
A10 Realizar a avaliación das alteracións da linguaxe nos trastornos específicos do desenvolvemento da linguaxe: trastorno específico da linguaxe, retrasos da linguaxe, trastornos fonéticos e fonolóxicos; os trastornos da comunicación e a linguaxe asociados a déficit auditivos e visuais, o déficit de atención, a deficiencia mental, o trastorno xeneralizado do desenvolvemento, os trastornos do espectro autista, a parálise cerebral infantil e as plurideficiencias; os trastornos específicos da linguaxe escrita; as discalculias; as alteracións no desenvolvemento da linguaxe por deprivación social e as asociadas a contextos multiculturais e plurilingüismo; os trastornos da fluidez da fala; as afasias e os trastornos asociados; as disartrias; as disfonías; as disglosias; as alteracións da linguaxe no avellentamento e os trastornos dexenerativos; as alteracións da linguaxe e a comunicación en enfermidades mentais; o mutismo e as inhibicións da linguaxe; as alteracións das funcións orais non verbais: deglución atípica, disfagia e alteracións tubáricas.
A12 Realizar unha avaliación tras a intervención.
A13 Coñecer os principios xenerais de la intervención logopédica.
A15 Coñecer e aplicar os modelos e as técnicas de intervención.
A17 Coñecer e realizar a intervención logopédica nos trastornos específicos do desenvolvemento da linguaxe: trastorno específico da linguaxe, retrasos da linguaxe, trastornos fonéticos e fonolóxicos; os trastornos da comunicación e a linguaxe asociados a déficit auditivos e visuais, o déficit de atención, a deficiencia mental, o trastorno xeneralizado do desenvolvemento, os trastornos do espectro autista, a parálise cerebral infantil e as plurideficiencias; os trastornos específicos da linguaxe escrita; as discalculias; as alteracións no desenvolvemento da linguaxe por deprivación social e as asociadas a contextos multiculturais e plurilingüismo; os trastornos da fluidez da fala; as afasias e os trastornos asociados; as disartrias; as disfonías; as disglosias; as alteracións da linguaxe no avellentamento e os trastornos dexenerativos; as alteracións da linguaxe e a comunicación en enfermidades mentais; o mutismo e as inhibicións da linguaxe; as alteracións das funcións orais non verbais: deglución atípica, disfagia e alteracións tubáricas.
A18 Coñecer e realizar a intervención logopédica en Atención Temperá.
A19 Coñecer e implementar os Sistemas de Comunicación Aumentativa.
A20 Coñecer e implementar as axudas técnicas á comunicación.
B3 Apreciar as distintas manifestacións da diversidade.
B4 Aprender a aprender.
B7 Capacidade de análise e síntese.
B8 Capacidade de observar e de escoitar de forma activa.
B10 Capacidade para motivarse e procurar a calidade na actuación profesional.
B11 Comportarse con ética e responsabilidade social como cidadán e como profesional.
B13 Coñecer e manexar as novas tecnoloxías da comunicación e da información.
B14 Destreza e empatía nas relacións interpersoais.
B18 Ser creativo no exercicio da profesión.
B19 Ter compromiso ético.
C3 Utilizar as ferramentas básicas das tecnoloxías da información e as comunicacións (TIC) necesarias para o exercicio da súa profesión e para a aprendizaxe ao longo da súa vida.
C4 Desenvolverse para o exercicio dunha cidadanía aberta, culta, crítica, comprometida, democrática e solidaria, capaz de analizar a realidade, diagnosticar problemas, formular e implantar solucións baseadas no coñecemento e orientadas ao ben común.
C7 Asumir como profesional e cidadán a importancia da aprendizaxe ao longo da vida.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences / results
To know the augmentative and alternative communication systems that people with congenital and/or acquired disabilities and communication and/or writing disorders may use. A19
To understand what communicative competence means for augmentative and alternative communication systems users. A2
To analyze the instrinsic difficulties that the communicative & linguistic assessment process may pose for people who need augmentative and alternative communication. A2
To acquire knowledge of the approaches, strategies and techniques for augmentative and alternative communication intervention in people with communicative and/or writing disorders owed to congenital and acquired disabilities. A9
To acquire the needed strategies to carry out the augmentative and alternative assessment and intervention process. A8

Topic Sub-topic
Introduction to Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC). Conceptualization of Augmentative and Alternative Communication.
People who rely on AAC.
A proposed model for AAC.
Communicative competence.
AAC systems classification.
Unaided augmentative and alternative communication. Unaided AAC systems classification.
Gestural strategies.
Educational manual sign systems.
Manual supplements to spoken language.
Sign language.
Aided augmentative and alternative communication: Symbols sets and systems. Aided AAC systems classification.
Lineal drawings.
Ortography and ortographic symbols
Comunicación Aumentativa y Alternativa: Selection techniques and Assistive technology Message selection: direct selection, scanning methods, and encoding systems.
Alternative access
Assistive technology
AAC computer and dedicated devices programs
Assessment for the selection and use of Augmentative and Alternative Communication systems
The assessment process.
AAC assessment strategies for AAC system use by people with congenital and acquired communication disorders.
Assessment materials and adaptations.
Augmentative and Alternative interventions Intervention approaches.
Specific intervention techniques and strategies
Intervention programs

Methodologies / tests Competencies / Results Teaching hours (in-person & virtual) Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Guest lecture / keynote speech A2 A3 A7 A10 A12 A13 A17 A18 A19 A20 B3 B4 B7 B11 B13 B18 B19 C3 C7 14 0 14
Simulation A19 A20 1 0 1
Workshop A8 A9 A15 A19 A20 B13 B14 C4 C7 4.5 2.5 7
Collaborative learning A8 A9 A19 A20 B3 B4 B11 B13 B18 B19 10 0 10
Objective test A3 A12 A13 A15 A19 A20 2 0 2
Supervised projects A8 A9 A19 A20 B4 B13 B18 B19 C3 C7 8 104 112
Events academic / information A19 A20 B8 B10 2 0 2
Practical test: A19 0.5 0 0.5
Personalized attention 1.5 0 1.5
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech Face to face presentation of augmentative and alternative communication program contents.
Simulation Students will be presented with a hypothetical set of circumstances, similar to those of real augmentative and alternative communication intervention context. The aim of this strategy is twofold: to engage students in learning experiences, and for assessment purposes.

Workshop Practical learning about the specific topic of unaided AAC systems (manual alphabet, manual sign system, cued speech) will be carried out by students with the lecturer's assistance and supervision.
Collaborative learning Students will be organized into small groups; they will work together to solve tasks assigned by the teacher. They will be guided either personally or using information and communication technologies.

Objective test Students must pass an objective test for assessment. The objective test consist of a combination of true-false, multiple choice and short answer questions.

Supervised projects Small working groups will hand out the teacher, in due time, all duly identified, those materials that are the product of procedural learning activities carried out during the interactive lessons.

Events academic / information Students will virtually attend an event in order to learn how to operate specific augmentative and alternative software.
Practical test: The students must pass a practical test about practical contents regarding unaided AAC systems; namely, a practical test focused on the manual alphabet, the manual sign system and cued speech.

Personalized attention
Guest lecture / keynote speech
Supervised projects
Personalized or virtual attention will be given through out the four-month period to students in scheduled time for trouble-shooting regarding any theorical or practical doubts of the subject.
Students will deliver virtually their supervised projects to be revised in tutoring time.

Methodologies Competencies / Results Description Qualification
Objective test A3 A12 A13 A15 A19 A20 Students will take an objective test of this subject's contents. The purpose of the objective test is to assess the mastery of theorical contents and its application to AAC intervention. The objective test consist of a combination of true-false, multiple choice and short answers.
These compute the 35% of the final qualification.
Supervised projects A8 A9 A19 A20 B4 B13 B18 B19 C3 C7 Supervised projects will be hand out by small working groups to the teacher, properly identified and in duly time, in order to assess procedural learning regarding interactive lessons contents.
These supervised projects compute the 35% of the final qualification.
Practical test: A19 The practical test is aimed to assess skills and abilities using the unaided systems.
This practical test computes 30% of the final qualification and it consists of:
1) fingerspelling of some proposed words.
2) cued speech for reciting a poetry
3) singing a song using a manual sign system.
Assessment comments

In order to pass this subject students must pass each of the parts with a minimun mark of 5 in the objective test and a minimum mark of 5 in the practical test plus the delivery of all supervised projects delivered at the due date.

The same requirements will be applied to students in the non-presential modality. They must delivered their supervised projects before the exam's official date.

Sources of information
Basic (). .
GÓMEZ TAIBO, Mª Luisa (2020). Comunicación simbólica: Comunicación aumentativa y alternativa. Madrid: Pirámide
DA FONTE, M. Alexandra, y BOESCH, Miriam C. (2019). Effective augmentative and alternative communication practices. New York: Routledge
ASOREY, Estivaliz, FOZ, Sonia y VARGAS, Estrella (2016). Implementación de SAAC en las aulas para alumnos con discapacidad física.. Gobiernode Aragón: Departamento de Educación, Cultura y Deporte
GANZ, Jennifer B., y SIMPSON, Richard L. (2019). Interventions for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Complex Communication Needs. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes
BASIL, Carmen, SORO-CAMATS, Emily y ROSELL, Carme (1998). Sistemas de signos y ayudas técnicas para la comunicación aumentativa y la escritura. Principios teóricos y aplicaciones.. Barcelona: Masson

BAUMGART, D., JOHNSON, J. y HELMSTETTER, E. (1990). Augmentative and Alternative Communication Systems for Persons with Moderate and Severe Disabilities. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.

BECK, P. H. (2011). Discovering cued speech: an integrated curriculum. Publisher: Cued Speech for Integrated; 3rd edition.

BEUKELMAN, D. R., & MIRENDA, P. (2005). Augmentative and Alternative Communication. Supporting children and adults with complex communication needs. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.

BEUKELMAN, D. R., & REICHLE, J. (2000). Augmentative and Alternative Communication for Adults with Acquired Neurological Disorders. Baltimore: Paul H. BrookesPublishing Co.

BEUKELMAN, D. R., GARRET, K. L., & YORKSTON, K. M. (2007). Augmentative Communication Strategies for Adults with Acute or Chronic Medical Conditions. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.

BONDY, A. (2011). The Pyramid Approach to Education: A Guide to Functional ABA. Pyramid Educational Consultants.

COCKERYLL, H., & CARROLL-FEW, L. (2001). Communicationg without speech: Practical Augmentative and Alternative Communication. London: Mac Keith Press.

CORNET, R. O., & DAISEY, M. E. (1992). The Cued Speech Resource Book for Parents of Deaf Children Hardcover. National Cued Speech Association.

DOWNING, J. E. (1999). Teaching Communication Skills to Students with Severe Disabilities. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes.

ELDER, P., & GOOSSENS’, C. (1994). Engineering training environments for interactive augmentative communication: Strategies for adolescents and adults who are moderately/severely developmental delayed. Birmingham, AL: Southeast Augmentative Communication Conference Publications.

GLENNEN, S. & DeCOSTE, D. (1997). The Handbook of Augmentative and Alternative Communication. San Diego: Singular Publishing Group Inc.

GOOSSENS’, C., CRAIN, S., & ELDER, P. (1992). Engineering the preschool environment for interactive, symbolic communication. Birmingham, AL: Southeast Augmentative Communication Conference Publications.

LIGHT, J. & BINGER, C. (1998). Building communicative competence with individuals who use augmentative and alternative communication. Baltimore: Paul Brookes Publishing Co.

LLOYD, L. L., QUIST, R., & WINDSOR, J. (1990). A proposed augmentative and alternative communication model. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 6, 172-183.

LLOYD, L., FULLER, D., & ARVIDSON, H. (1997). Augmentative and Alternative Communication. A handbook of principles and practices. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

LONCKE, P., CLIBBENS, J. ARVIDSON, H., y LLOYD, L. (1999). Augmentative and Alternative Communication. New directions in research and practice. London: Whurr Publishers.

MAYER JOHNSON, R. (1981). The Picture Communications Symbols. Stillwater: Mayer-Johnson Co. (Trad. cast. S.P.C., Símbolos Pictográficos para la Comunicación no vocal. Madrid: MEC, 1985).

MONFORT, M., JUÁREZ, A., y ROJO, A. (1990). Programa Elemental de Comunicación Bimodal. Ed. Cepe.

REICHLE, J., BEUKELMAN, D. R., & LIGHT, J. C. (2002). Exemplary Practices for Beginning Communicators. Implications for AAC. Baltimore, Maryland: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.

REICHLE, J., YORK, J., & SIGAFOOS, J (1991). Implementing augmentative and alternative communication. Strategies for learners with severe disabilities. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.

SCHAEFFER, B. (1980). Total communication: A signed speech program for nonverbal children. Editorial: Research Press

SCHAEFFER, B., MUSIL, A. & KOLLINZAS, G. (1980). Total Communication: A signed speech program for non-verbal children.  Champaing, Illinois:  Research Press.

Van TATENHOVE, G. (1993). What is Minspeak? Wooster, OH: Prentke Romich Company.

Von TETZCHNER. S., & MARTINSEN, H. (1992). Introduction to sign teaching and the use of communication aids. London: Whurr.

Complementary (). .

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1981). Position statement on nonspeech communication. ASHA, 23, 577-581.

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1991). Report: Augmentative and alternative communication. ASHA, 33(5), 9-12.

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1992). Guidelines for meeting the communication needs of persons with severe disabilities. ASHA, 34 (7), 1-8.

Augmentative and Alternative Communication Series

WARRICK, A. Communication without speech (ISAAC Series: Volume 1). Augmentative and Alternative Communication Around the World.

WILLIAMS, M. B. & KREZMAN, C. Beneath the surface (ISAAC Series: Volume 2). Creative expressions of Augmented Communicators.

ERICKSON, K., KOPPENHAVER, K., & YODER, D. Waves of Words. (ISAAC Series: Volume 3). Augmented Communicators Read and Write.

Journal of Reference:



Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus
Developmental Disorders/652G04012
Congenital Disorders/652G04013
Neurological and Anatomical Alterations/652G04021

Other comments

It is highly recommended to have passed the subject "Alteraciones de base evolutiva, congénita y anatómica"

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.