Identifying Data 2023/24
Subject (*) Sociology of Consumption Code 660G01044
Study programme
Grao en Relacións Laborais e Recursos Humanos (Coruña)
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 2nd four-month period
Third Optional 6
Teaching method Face-to-face
Romaní de Gabriel, María
Romaní De Gabriel, María
Romaní de Gabriel, María
Web http://
General description Proporcionar as bases teóricas do coñecemento actual sobre as tendencias do consumo, a súa influencia sobre o individuo polos medios de comunicación e sobre a defensa dos dereitos do consumidor.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences
A18 Interpretar datos e indicadores socioeconómicos.
A35 Análise crítico das decisións emanadas dos axentes que participan nas relacións laborais.
B2 Capacidade de análise e síntese.
B8 Razoamento crítico.
B14 Aprendizaxe autónomo.
B15 Creatividade.
B17 Sensibilidade cara a temas medioambientais.
C1 Expresarse correctamente, tanto de forma oral coma escrita, nas linguas oficiais da comunidade autónoma.
C4 Desenvolverse para o exercicio dunha cidadanía aberta, culta, crítica, comprometida, democrática e solidaria, capaz de analizar a realidade, diagnosticar problemas, formular e implantar solucións baseadas no coñecemento e orientadas ao ben común.
C6 Valorar criticamente o coñecemento, a tecnoloxía e a información dispoñible para resolver os problemas cos que deben enfrontarse.

Learning aims
Learning outcomes Study programme competences

Topic Sub-topic
UNIT 1.BEGINNINGS AND DEVELOPMENT OF CONSUMER SOCIETY -From capitalism to capitalism Consumer Production
-The Rise of Consumer Society in Spain: the prefordista Fordist model to model
- Consumer Sovereignty
- Cultural Consumer Motivations - Needs and Desires
- The influence on the Work of New Models of Consumption
- Growing Media Concentration - Commodification Media - Features Information
- The consumer movement in Spain
- Critical Consumption
- Collaborative Consumption - Fair Trade
UNIT 6. CURRENT CONSUMER BEHAVIOR - Consumer Behavior real
- Sustainability and Social Responsibility Organizations

Methodologies / tests Competencies Ordinary class hours Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Workshop A18 A35 B2 B8 B14 B15 B17 C1 C4 15 39 54
Guest lecture / keynote speech B2 B14 B17 C1 C6 15 15 30
Supervised projects B2 B8 B14 C1 C4 15 47 62
Personalized attention 4 0 4
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Workshop Critical readings, comments, discussions, exhibitions and practical exercises that students must do in the time programmed by the teacher and upload in the space provided in moodle, following their instructions.

Guest lecture / keynote speech Oral presentation by the teacher, complemented by use of audiovisual media and the introduction of some questions to the students, in order to impart knowledge and objective learning.
Supervised projects Supervised learning process aimed at helping students to work independently in a range of contexts (academic and professional). Focused primarily on learning ‘how to do things’ and on encouraging students to become responsible for their own learning.

Personalized attention
Guest lecture / keynote speech

Farase para as lecturas, orientando a cada alumno sobre o traballo que ten que facer, como facelo e fontes de información a utilizar.
Estableceranse horarios de tutorías para dúbidas ou consultas sobre a materia.

Methodologies Competencies Description Qualification
Supervised projects B2 B8 B14 C1 C4 The students will carry out a work with the knowledge acquired in the theoretical-practical sessions following the model / template of the TFG used in ERLAC. Said work will be done individually and sent to the Moodle platform within the term established by the teacher. In order to add the score obtained in the work to the rest of the scores, at least 50% of the corresponding score must be obtained (2 points). If the student does not reach 50% of the mark corresponding to this methodology (2 points), he will have to carry out a similar work for the second opportunity 40
Workshop A18 A35 B2 B8 B14 B15 B17 C1 C4 Assessment of critical readings, comments, guided discussions, expositions, work and active and positive participation that students must do in the established time (individually or in groups) and upload to moodle in the space provided, following the teacher's instructions. . Each of the exercises will have an assessment according to the criteria established by the teacher, which will be communicated to the students. If the student does not reach 50% of the grade corresponding to this methodology (2.5 points), he will have to carry out for the second opportunity in July, those practices that the teacher indicates. 50
Guest lecture / keynote speech B2 B14 B17 C1 C6 Objective assessment of the active and positive participation of students in the expository sessions through different tools proposed by the teacher. Attendance at the subject's classes is an essential requirement, with absences from more than three classes without justification acting as a switch for evaluation. If proper justification is provided, it will be counted as a half absence. 10
Assessment comments

In order to have access to the continuous evaluation, attendance at the subject's classes is an essential requirement, with absence from more than three classes without justification acting as a switch for the evaluation. To control attendance, the means available to teachers and students will be used.

It will be essential to obtain 50% of the grade corresponding to each of the sections to be evaluated so that the different methodologies are added in order to obtain the final grade. If the minimum required in any of the methodologies is not achieved, the student will not pass the subject.




If the student passes any of the methodologies on the first opportunity, the grade for that methodology/s will be maintained and he/she will only have to complete the one(s) that he/she has not passed, on the second opportunity.


The student who appears as "not presented" at the first opportunity must take an objective test on the theoretical and practical content of the subject, which will have a weight of 100%.






Students who cannot follow the subject normally, due to having a teaching waiver recognized, must contact the teacher within the first 20 calendar days from the official start of classes to adapt the delivery periods of the different tests for each particular situation, sending an email to Those students who do not get in touch within the established period will follow up on the subject like the rest of the students.


Curricular adaptations for students with disabilities or with specific educational needs will be established by the center's Teaching Commission, following a report from the PAT.


Sources of information
Basic (). .
Klein, Naomi (2011). Comprar, vender y consumir. Nuevas aportaciones a la historia del consumo en España. Valencia: Universidad de Valencia
Solé Moro, María Luisa (2003). Los consumidores del siglo XXI. Madrid: Esic
Cortina, Adela (2002). Por una ética del consumo ( la ciudadanía del consumidor en un mundoglobal). Madrid: Taurus

Complementary (). .

Alonso, Luis Enrique y Conde, Fernando (1994). Historia del consumo en España: una aproximación a sus orígenes y primer desarrollo. Debate. Madrid.

Alonso, Luis Enrique (2006). La era del consumo. Siglo XXI. Madrid.

Alonso Rivas, J y otros. (2000).Comportamiento del consumidor. Decisiones y estrategia de marketing. Esic. Madrid.

Arroyo Menéndez, Millán (2001). El consumo en España. Acento. Madrid.

Bauman, Zygmunt (2000). Trabajo, consumismo y nuevos pobres. Gedisa. Barcelona.

Castillo Castillo, J. (1987). Sociedad de consumo a la española. Eudema. Madrid.

Catos Eduard (1998) El porqué del comercio justo. Hacia unas relaciones Norte-Sur más equitativas. Icaria. Barcelona.

Clark, Eric (1989). La publicidad y su poder. Las técnicas de provocación del consumo. Planeta. Barcelona

Faure, Ignasi, ed. (2002). Consumidores activos. Experiencias cooperativas para el siglo XXI. Icaria. Barcelona.

Fundación entorno (2010).Marketing de productos y servicios sostenibles. Donde la innovación crea valor. Madrid.

Gaggi, M. y Narguzzi, E. (2006). El fin de la clase media y el nacimiento de la sociedad de bajo coste. Lengua de trapo. Madrid.

Galbraith. J. K. (1987). La sociedad opulenta. Ariel. Barcelona.

Galbraith. J. K. ( 2004). La economía del fraudeinocente. Crítica. Barcelona.

García del Castillo (2009). Medios de comunicación. Publicidad y adiciones. Edaf. Madrid.

García Ruíz,Pablo (2009). Repensar el consumo. Eiunsa. Madrid.

Gilin, Todd ( 2005). Enfermos de la información. Paidós. Barcelona.

Gimeno Ullastres, J.A., Coord. (2000). El consumo en España: un panorama general. Fundación Argentaria-Visor Dis. Madrid.

Heath, J y Potter, A. (2005) Rebelarsevende : el negocio de la contracultura. Taurus . Madrid.

Muñoz Navarro, Daniel(2011). Comprar, vender y consumir. Nuevas aportaciones a la historia del consumo en España. Universidad de Valencia. Valencia.

Oliver, Xavier (2009). Atrapados por el consumo. Acción Empresarial.

Osuna Acedo, Sara (2008). Publicidad y consumo en la adolescencia. Icaria. Barcelona.

Patel, Raj.(2008). Obesos y famélicos. El impacto de la globalización en el sistema alimentario mundial. Los libros de ince. Barcelona.

Ramonet, Ignacio (1998). La tiranía de la comunicación. Debate. Madrid.

Ritzer, George. (2000). El encanto de un mundo desencantado. Revolución en los medios de consumo. Ariel. Barcelona.

Reig, Ramón (1998). Medios de comunicación y poder en España. Prensa, radio, televisión y mundo editorial. Paidós. Barcelona.

Rifkin, Jeremy (2010) El fin del trabajo. Paidós. Barcelona

Rifkin, Jeremy (2000) La era del acceso. La revolución de la nueva economía. Paidós. Barcelona.

Salomon, Michael R (2008). Comportamianto del consumidor. Prentice Hall. Madrid.

SETEM (2009). El comercio justo en España 2008. Canales de importación y distribución. Icaria. Barcelona.

Veblen, Thosrtein (2004). Teoría de la clase ociosa. FCE. México.

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus

Other comments

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.